Telematics Wire Magazine 2017

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Conference Report & Proceedings Telematics India 2017

In its seventh edi on, Telema cs India 2017 covered a wide range of topics in automo ve telema cs with over 48 speakers and 650+ delegates who joined this conference from over 22 states and 11 countries across the world. Industry CEOs round table lunch mee ng with Shri Ajay Kumar Sawhney, IAS, Secretary MeitY and Shri R Chandrashekhar, President NASSCOM, achieved a substan al progress in aligning government vision and industry perspec ves on transforma ve technologies in mobility and transporta on space. Welcoming the par cipants to Telema cs India 2017 on behalf of CoE-IoT and Telema cs Wire Sanjiv Malhotra, CEO, CoEIoT men oned that the unlikely sectors benefited greatly from the advancements in technology. He said CoE IoT is to promote innova on and startups and emphasized that collabora ve way was the way forward. Shri Ajay Prakash Sawhney, IAS, Secretary, MeitY, Chief Guest, opened his address by men oning how the en re area of telema cs and IoT is dear to his heart. He compared IoT to a bridge that is helping the virtual world to leap out and come into the physical world, which makes physical world to also grow at the exponen al rates characteris c to digital world. Shri Prakash concluded his address with a message that it is important that the larger efforts be made and we should not stop at small incremental experiments. He urged the par cipants to make it big and help the country go big in this direc on.

MeitY in his inaugural address complimented the audience and expressed sa sfac on that the percep on towards technology is changing and is not seen as a threat. He briefed on opportuni es being created by the government and exhorted industry to come forward and at the same me cau oned that the power of the IoT could be misused by people with nefarious designs. Solu ons to make systems more cyber secure, test infrastructure and private sector capabili es will be significant for future. Shri R Chandrasekhar, President NASSCOM talked about the future of the IT industry. Informa on technology along with communica on technology has permeated almost every sector; and automo ve

sector is the best example. What we see in form of driverless cars only symbolizes the change that is beginning. Lines amongst the technologies and domains are ge ng blurred. We no longer see automo ve company and Technology companies as two different en es, he brought out there and many other trends in his address. Nick Gill, Chairman-Global Automo ve Sector, Capgemini talked about two themes; can money be generated from telema cs; and how to make money. He said unlike earlier, when industry was pushing telema cs, we now see the customers are pulling it. Ci ng connected services he observed that Indian customers are very interested in sharing their data for ge ng

Dr. Neena Pahuja, Dr. Ajay Kumar, IAS, Shri R Chandrashekhar & Nick Gill launching Smart Automo ve magazine

Dr. Ajay Kumar, IAS, Addi onal Secretary, PG.20 | Smart Automo ve | Sep - Oct 2017

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