Telematics Wire Magazine 2017

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Insights from the vantage points in Telematics India 2017 he way the things are changing it is for sure that in some parts of Indian state, economy, technology and society have witnessed quantum change, almost qualifying as exponen al. Digital India has emerged as the fast growing economy. Rate at which the digi za on is taking place and the transforma on being engendered is great. The percep on towards technology is also changing and is not seen as a threat. The drive seems to be coming from IoT, a manifesta on of networked intelligence and convergence of communica on, compu ng and loca on technologies.

Sri R Chandrashekhar, President, NASSCOM

Shri Ajay Prakash Sawhney, IAS, Secretary Ministry of Electronics and Informa on Technology addressing the audience at Telema cs India said “It is generally expected from the different sectors to grow around the rate of growth of GDP. In physical world 10-12% rate of growth is considered a healthy growth rate. But, the virtual world or the digital world grows according to Moore’s law which enables it to grow at an exponen al rate. The IoT is a bridge that is helping the virtual world to leap out and come into the physical world, which would also mean that physical world would also grow at the exponen al rate”.

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India lives in villages yet it has been a source of technical manpower to global IT hubs in most IT literate parts of the world. The slow adopters of technology such as the agricultural sector are waking up to the opportunity. Imagine in villages where computer literacy is no be er than 8-10 percent, 46 lakhs farmers are selling their produce through eNAM. If IoT can ensure safe disposal of products, then combined by the digital India push, it will have a huge impact on the agricultural sector. “It has been 26 years from 1991 when the first world wide web page was launched

Sawhney opined that IoT has the poten al to drama cally reduce the marginal costs for the society. It can reduce costs in communica on, energy, transporta on in a very impressive manner. He said the reduc on in the prices of the key components of the economy also effects compe veness in the world economy which also makes a compelling case for adop ng IoT. We need to bring elements into our economy which help us to serve the unserved or underserved sec ons of the society. Speaking at Telema cs India 2017 in

Sri Ajay Prakash Sawhney, IAS, Secretary, MeitY

and we can see the impact it has had on our life in the form of Internet. But in IoT the change will be much faster. Quantum of change which has happened in 25 years we will see similar change in the next 5 years. It is being predicted that the asset tracking market is going to grow from 7 Billion USD to 22 Billion USD i.e. three mes its present value. Similarly IoT will add 2.9 Trillion worth value in retail chain value system. The change is going to be humongous”, said Dr Ajay Kumar, IAS, Addi onal Secretary, MeiTy while speaking at Telema cs India 2017. Quo ng Jeremy Ri in, an American economist and social theorist, Shri

August at Pune Dr Ajay Kumar men oned that “the government is working on 100 smart ci es, which has opened plethora of opportuni es for IoT startups. India has 3rd largest startup ecosystem and also since 2010, one billionaire is emerging in India every month, most from the startups. It is not unreasonable to expect the next billionaire coming out from some IoT based startup.” He informed about a government ini a ve of Na onal common mobility card which aims to encourage digital payments. He also shared with the audience a decision by ministry of road transport to make it mandatory for public transport vehicles to have loca on tracking service. Sep - Oct 2017 | Smart Automo ve | PG.5

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