Telematics Wire Magazine 2017

Page 20

When Cars go beyond driving globally in 2020 will be built with internet connec vity. As the market grows, the biggest opportunity comes from the ongoing services that can be offered and the ongoing revenue that subscrip ons to these services can create. While there is evidence that the adop on rate for connected, services is growing (willingness to pay for connected services went from 21 percent in 2014 to 32 percent in 2015), many consumers s ll have concerns over the security of these vehicles. However, security is not solely a connected transport issue – it is an inherent concern with IoT, given the copious amount of data collected and shared between devices. When it comes to IoT, people fear not knowing what devices are doing and what they are actually capable of doing. The reality is that today’s networks were not built for the number of devices coming online. As networks evolve to be er meet the needs of IoT and connected transport, automakers must take extra measures to ensure appropriate levels of connec vity at each step of the vehicle’s lifecycle.

Lakshmi Narayan Rao (Lux Rao) Director and Leader Digital Transforma on Office, Cisco India and SAARC


midst concerns of safety and security, there is no ques on that technology can bring many benefits to transporta on. Automated processes and intelligent controls can reduce delays and human error, preserve resources, improve connec vity, and enhance customer experience. As popula ons con nue to grow and put pressure on the transporta on sector to ensure opera onal efficiency, safety and security increases, technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) can build the next genera on of transporta on. The convergence of IoT and in-vehicle technologies, like remote diagnos cs, on-

PG.20 | Smart Automo ve | Jul - Aug 2017

board GPS, collision avoidance systems and 4G LTE Wi-Fi hotspots, can pave the way for new and exci ng opportuni es in the transport industry. Intelligent connec ons between datacenters and wheels are making sure that “Connected Transporta on (read: Connected Cars)” as a concept, is no longer science fic on – it is real today and can provide people with a secure, safe, reliable and enriched driving experience. Sta s cs indicate that the Connected Car market worldwide will likely reach $155 billion by 2022, while 75 percent of the es mated 92 million cars shipped

Security must be a top priority – from the design of the vehicle, to the me the driver takes the wheel, and beyond – to improve adop on rates and drive profits. The key to securing the Connected Car’s vast, poten al “a ack surface” is enabling the right levels of connec vity at the right mes. In addi on to knowing when connec vity should be on or off, it’s also cri cal to know what a vehicle should be allowed to do with that connec vity at different stages throughout its lifecycle. Automa ng this knowledge and ensuring proper connec vity to match each vehicle state is crucial to end-to-end security. It also eliminates the need to manually track and monitor connec vity. Automakers should partner with security experts and invest in IoT connec vity management pla orms that are capable of automa ng how and when a vehicle connects, and what the vehicle is allowed to do with that connec on. Automated www.telema I

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