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and communicati on protocols for the devices used on the road and inside the vehicles are to be fi nalized and implemented. Inter operability of devices, networks and applicati ons are to the ensured. Independent certi fying agencies are interested to supervise and certi fy compliance should be encouraged. More and more automati ons make it necessary to provide more sophisti cated safety and security measure. Think of a driverless car which lacks the presence of a person with sense, sympathy experti se and wisdom behind the steering where to take refl ux acti ons on emergencies. Hence, it is very important to provide the best tech-tools to the future vehicles, for which all of us are eagerly waiti ng for.

Reverse Pedestrian Detection



Harman Internati onal is developing a safety system to help eliminate the blind spots. Reverse Pedestrian Detecti on combines data from a range of existi ng Harman technologies fitt ed to the car, including a rear camera and sensor, to detect pedestrians behind the vehicle. In one of its most criti cal uses, it can successfully detect smaller children, aged between 12 and 23 months, who are most vulnerable to being hit. The Reverse Pedestrian Detecti on technology uses advanced computer vision methods and a fi sh eye camera to detect pedestrians behind the vehicle and fuses it with data from the ultrasonic sensors for close pedestrian verifi cati on. To improve the accuracy, the applicati on also uses the steering wheel angle and speed for calculati ng probable collision trajectories.

Driver View Conventi onal Reverse Camera View

Reverse Pedestrian Detecti on Camera View

DGX-1 for driverless vehicles

NVIDIA recently unveiled an integrated system with the computi ng throughput of 250 servers. The NVIDIA DGX-1 will help in AI applicati ons. It’s designed to create HD maps and keep them updated, using the compute power of NVIDIA DRIVE PX 2 in the car and NVIDIA Tesla GPUs in the data centre.

EYERIS 3.0 camera-based ADAS

EYERIS Generati on 3.0 system has improved fi eld of view as well as the camera resoluti on. As part of a fusion system with radar in the front of the vehicle, the system performs functi ons related to the vehicles’ lane keeping, automati c high beam, automati c emergency braking and adapti ve cruise control features.

EnSilica has launched a Kalman Filter accelerati on IP core for use in situati onal awareness radar sensors for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), such as electronic stability control systems, pre-crash impact miti gati on, blind spot detecti on, lane departure detecti on, and self-parking. The Kalman Filter accelerati on IP core, which is part of EnSilica’s emerging automoti ve IP portf olio that also includes pipelined FFT and Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) cores, provides an esti mated speed improvement over soft ware-only soluti ons of up to 10x.

IoT cloud for connected automobiles

The Bosch IoT Cloud for connected automobiles will run various applicati ons for its connected mobility, connected industries and connected buildings businesses. It comprises technical infrastructure as well as platf orm and soft ware off erings. To begin with, the supplier of technology and services will use it for in-house soluti ons. From 2017, it will also be made available as a service to other companies.

Informati on about vacant parking spaces... ...is sent to in-car navigati on systems via the cloud.

Tools transmit their positi on ... Less ti me wasted

...making tradespeople’s lives easier.

No more loking for tools

Duckietown: Teaching automotive autonomy at MIT

MIT has a new class on the science of vehicle autonomy at the graduate level. This is a hands-on, project-focused course focusing on self-driving vehicles and high-level autonomy. The objecti ve being- Design the Autonomous RoboTaxis System for the City of Duckietown. Duckietown is a reproducible, opensource class, where all materials (hardware design, soft ware, and teaching materials) will be released as “open source”

Sensors measure the temperature underground ... ... allowing asparagus growers to monitor conditi ons on their smartphones.

Bett er yield

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