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Transforming fleets with Video Telematics technology

Transforming Fleets with Video Telematics Technology



Uffizio India Pvt. Ltd.


The telematics industry is developing and adopting new technologies with each passing day. As a matter of fact, it has undergone a resounding revolution with the advent of advanced video telematics technology. This enables fleet managers to know and keep up with their fleets. It also makes fleets and their drivers safer than ever and gives fleet managers 360° transparency.

Video telematics deploys a growing number of safety functions which are specifically designed to enhance driver passenger, driver, and pedestrian safety. Hence, encouraging fleet managers globally to optimize their fleets with such revolutionary technologies.

Any fleet manager that prioritizes safety in their organization opts for a video telematics solution. The cost of accidents of commercial vehicles are higher than in any other category of road vehicle. Data plotted on the graph below proves it:

Such cost of accidents affect businesses in more ways than one, which is why there is a dire need for video telematics solutions. Road accidents mean repair expenses, driver injuries, lower productivity, and higher insurance premiums. Hence, the impact of these accidents is more devastating than one may think. Why do we need video telematics? Adding cameras to a fleet management system has changed the way one monitors their fleet. Experience beyond simple tracking with the future of telematics: advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and driver monitoring systems (DMS). With such tools, fleet managers can access realtime telemetry data through a single screen in video formats. Not only can they reduce business inefficiency but also zoom into critical issues with video telematics.

AI-enabled dashcams, road-facing, or rear-view cameras can help your drivers make the tough decisions on the road. It may be merging into a highway, changing lanes, or backing up from a tight parking spot—video telematics tools can help your driver make smarter, safer road decisions. ADAS & DMS can slash down accident risks and protect your drivers by enforcing safety norms. How does it work? Video telematics is a technology that monitors and compiles a wide range of data

from a fleet, including location, speeding, harsh braking, engine diagnostics, fuel efficiency, harsh acceleration, idling time, and more in video format. Combining video equipment like dashcams , LIDAR, or SONAR sensors with vehicle analytics provides a more holistic view to fleet managers. With the help of this, the system can easily record and review everything happening in and around the vehicle, including traffic, the environment, and driver behavior. Title: Transforming fleets with Video Telematics technology Video recording can be valuable in case of Tushar Bhagat accidents and other events happening during Uffizio India Pvt. Ltd. the overall journey. ADAS and DMS warn drivers of potential dangers and can help Introduction them correct their actions before it’s too late. A combination of sensors and cameras The telematics industry is developing and adopting new technologies with each passing day. As can enhance fleet safety. It can also help a matter of fact, it has undergone a resounding revolution with the advent of advanced video drivers navigate safely through rush-hour telematics technology. This enables fleet managers to know and keep up with their fleets. It also makes fleets and their drivers safer than ever and gives fleet managers 360° transparency. roads as well as long highway hours. ADAS predicts a possible collision and warns Video telematics deploys a growing number of safety functions which are specifically designed drivers about it. Here’s a list of warnings that to enhance driver passenger, driver, and pedestrian safety. Hence, encouraging fleet managers can be generated by ADAS. Keep reading to globally to optimize their fleets with such revolutionary technologies. learn what they mean:

Forward Collision Warning (FCW)

Any fleet manager that prioritizes safety in their organization opts for a video telematics With the help of road-facing cameras and solution. The cost of accidents of commercial vehicles are higher than in a road vehicle. Data plotted on the graph below proves it: ny other category of sensors, ADAS scans the road and traffic conditions. If your vehicle is too close to the car ahead of you and yet you continue traveling at a speed at which a collision is guaranteed, then the warning will be triggered. It notifies you only when you tailgate or don’t hit the brakes even after you see the car in front of you slowing down. The notifications come several seconds before the collision happens–so drivers can react and avert it.

Lane Departure Warning (LDW)

Reckless lane changes and departures can lead to brutal accidents. Sometimes, reckless lane departure is done consciously—by reckless driving habits. Other times, it Such cost of accidents affect businesses in more ways than one, which is why there is a dire need for video telematics solutions. Road accidents mean repair expenses, driver injuries, lower productivity, and higher insurance premiums. Hence, the impact of these accidents is more devastating than one may think.

5. Headway monitoring Warning (HWM)

Leaving enough braking distance is the key to avoiding rear-ended collisions. ADAS’ forward collision warning does exactly this. It helps you maintain a safe headway distance. Many drivers underestimate the amount of time they need to stop their vehicles.

Heavy commercial vehicles take longer to stop when compared to a sedan. So, the HMW is issued when the headway is distance is below the defined threshold.

happens when the driver is incapacitated because of a lack of sleep. In such scenarios, Lane Departure warnings can be of great help. It alerts the driver when they drift off their lane. The warnings continue until the driver takes corrective actions.

Pedestrian Collision Warning (PCW)

With the help of artificial intelligence technology, ADAS recognizes pedestrians and bicyclists on the road. It issues the Pedestrian collision warning when the possibility of a frontal crash with a pedestrian is detected. Some advanced systems may automatically apply the brakes and reduce the fleet’s speed to mitigate the risk of a collision.

Forward Vehicle Start Alert (FVSA)

Being stuck in slow-moving traffic can be exhausting. Sometimes, drivers may get distracted and not even notice when the traffic begins to move. Here, the Forward vehicle start alert can prove to be helpful. Every time a vehicle at the front starts moving after breaking or a halt, it notifies you.

Headway monitoring Warning (HWM)

Leaving enough braking distance is the key to avoiding rear-ended collisions. ADAS’ forward collision warning does exactly this. It helps you maintain a safe headway distance. Many drivers underestimate the amount of time they need to stop their vehicles. Heavy commercial vehicles take longer to stop when compared to a sedan. So, the HMW is issued when the headway is distance is below the defined threshold.

Traffic Sign Recognition Warning (TSR)

Dashcams equipped with image processing and identification technology can interpret traffic signs and signals. For instance, when your driver doesn’t stop at a red light, the system will identify a traffic rule violation and record it. If you’re a fleet manager, you’ll get notified via email or SMS. Benefits of Video Telematics One of the biggest benefits of having any video telematics solution in your system is the ability to witness the things inside and outside the vehicle which were not possible earlier. With the telematics solution, we’re able to provide answers to the when and where of a vehicle accident. But with video telematics, the fleet managers can get answers to the why and how of that accident too. Video telematics provides fleet managers with a real-time view into the driver’s seat, ensuring better safety of vehicles and drivers.

Holistic insights

Earlier when accidents happened, the fleet management systems could only provide information like time, speed and location of the vehicles. But questions like “was the driver paying attention during the journey?” or “who was at the fault during the accident?” remained unanswered. With the help of video telematics fleet managers can now answer those questions. They get a bigger and clearer picture of an accident and can find out the root cause. Thus, saving millions of dollars in accidental damage and avoiding significant reputational damage due to delays.

Driver improvement

The ability to see things virtually around incidents results in a higher understanding of root causes. It enhances the ability of drivers and fleet managers alike to take necessary actions. By doing so to save you from any such similar recurrence. Making use of video telematics from real an-real incidents as a part of driver training can help drivers to become more aware of the blind spots and allow them to enhance their awareness and skills on the roads.

In-fleet monitoring

Video telematics can detect and report unnecessary or unsafe driver behaviors in real-time. Know what your drivers are doing, how well they’re driving, and the level of their alertness. Instantly review the real-time footage once alerted. For instance: if your driver uses a cellphone, smokes in the car, or dozes off while driving—you get notified. Such insights can prevent unfortunate accidents and help you coach drivers.

Fewer Expenses

Having video telematics can help you access multiple data and information regarding your fleets. This will help you identify issues and reduce the number of accidents. Fewer accidents mean lower insurance premiums and timely delivery of manufactured goods. Besides, monitoring driver behaviors with DMS will help you lengthen your vehicle’s life. For example, set alerts for inappropriate gear shifts or tailgating and get notifications via video telematics tools. Not only will your drivers practice road safety but also ecodriving. Conclusion Video telematics systems are already the fastest-growing segment in the field of fleet telematics and it will witness a major growth in the near future. The value proposition and return on such a technological investment is honestly incalculable. Not to mention its effect on the safety of drivers and fleets. Video telematics can help businesses clip off inefficiencies. It can keep your drivers safe and maximize productivity. So, what are you waiting for? Integrate video telematics into your fleet management platform today! Links: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/ https://www.uffizio.com/resources/blog/ post/meaning-of-your-adas-warnings/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ File:Braking-distance80kmh.png

AUTHOR TUSHAR BHAGAT Director Uffizio India Pvt. Ltd. Tushar Bhagat is the CEO of Uffizio. He has simmered 15 years worth of informatics knowledge & experience into a one-of-a-kind telematics platform. This fleet management system has been acclaimed and widely used by businesses in over 60 countries. He firmly believes in finding creative solutions to everyday challenges— so businesses can bloom into their full potential.

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