Future Research

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Visual Preface

Donna Haraway A Cyborg Manifesto

The cyborg is a creature in a post-gender world; it has no truck with bisexuality, pre-oedipal symbiosis, unalienated labour, or other seductions to organic wholeness through a final appropriation of all the powers of the parts into higher unity.







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The cyborg is resolutely committed to partiality, irony, intimacy, and perversity.

The cyborg would not recognize the Garden of Eden; it is not made of mud and cannot dream of returning to dust. Perhaps that is why I want to see if cyborgs can subvert the apocalypse of returning to nuclear dust in the manic compulsion to name the Enemy.

Cyborg myth is about transgressed boundaries, potent fusions, and dangerous possibilities which progressive people might explore as one part of needed political work.

Personal Reflection Volume I

So how do we begin to break down the future of humans? Technology, maybe? I guess? If we can program a being to have no preconceptions of gender, sex, or its implications, how will it differ? What does it mean to be truly genderless? Furthermore, what happens to my perception of gender and my identity, when my body is solely mechanical and doesn’t “represent” any traditional idea of gender? AI is sexless due to it having no reproductive system… as of yet. But this is just because this is the way we (humans) have created them. To speculate an autonomous AI being that can reproduce other beings (spawn) similar to itself seems far-fetched, due to AI’s not having a desire for immortality. Because essentially they are immortal, the only cause of death could be running out of power. But even then, the power could be restored and the programme could be resumed. Which is AI’s fundamental difference to humans, we are mortal, socially influenced, egotistical, and primitive beings (among other things). This is the main reason we as humans have created AI’s in the image of ourself, with gendered attributes, and relatable features to make them seem approachable or somewhat likeable. Because anything inhuman should be deemed as unorthodox, otherworldly and just too scary.

An Interview With Siri

Personal Reflection Volume II

As society begins to have more complex and different concepts of gender identity, will we start to input these attributes into cyborg bodies. For example: in the future my human body is expiring, and I have the option to upload my mind and memories to a mechanical body. My mind will sit inside a vehicle that I will control as if it was my own body. But this vehicle does not have to look like what could be, or would be, considered human. So how do I choose a vehicle to represent me? I personally wouldn’t. I would choose a vehicle that would give me abilities that I did not posses within my human body. A Cyborg - similar in nature to AI - however, is essentially a human mind encased within a mechanical body, controlling itself. Where as AI is a computer programme created by humans to convey intelligence that is usually exclusive to humans or intelligent organisms, such as; reasoning, planning, communication, and learning. In contrast to my point of how would I choose my cyborg vehicle, how would AI choose to manifest itself once it becomes able to build its own personality and identityW? Similar to how Siri responds when asking what gender it identifies as; they don’t bother trying to explain it just tells me they exist outside of my human concept of gender. Clearly acknowledging that I will not even be able to comprehend its identity, so why bother trying to explain it. This stance of identity resonates with me personally; as I don’t feel that anyone can fully understand someone’s internal personal identity someone will often be able to relate to some parts of another’s identity but not in whole.

Workshop Art Direction/Set Design

How can the deterioration, destruction and hybridisation of a material create something new? With ease.

Personal Reflection Volume III

When I lose my human body and I’m implanted into a mechanical vehicle5. It is possible to imagine that I will transcend gender. As someone who identifies as nonbinary, when I’m no longer inhibited by the preconceptions of my features, which are either read as masculine or feminine. I can begin to present my true and authentic self, unaffected by my current features, due to being unrecognisable as human. When these masculine and feminine anchor points do not exist for identity to have a rooted foundation, and the years of history that have produced inequality of the sexes are preconceptions that are not even slightly relatable, due to humans being encased within a transhuman or even posthuman “body”; it is not impossible to dream of a world that isn’t plagued by the dualities and oppositions that we currently know of.

Jason Hopkins Abhominal

Jason Hopkins uses 3D rendering to imagine what these structures could look like in a post human form. The structures he creates resembles nothing of the current human form, but the organic shapes of the flesh textured structures he makes somehow construe as something that could possibly be human. This visualises the way I speak of not having any physical “anchor points”. However, the shape and configuration we take with these architectural posthuman forms will probably have some indication of personality, just in the way we use fashion to give a visual identity. This is providing that it will be as easy to modify our posthuman forms as it is within second world or even The Sims. In similarity, cyborgs may convey a visual identity with the parts and mechanics they choose to construct their “body” with. I particularly like Hopkins style of visualising these organisms as he has veered away from the traditional retrofuturistic style of speculating on the future. Instead he has created his own alternative version of the future. I also take interest in the way he combines these organic forms with contrasting metal, geometric, architectural structures. Which is an interesting way to visualise organic beings becoming one with constructed frames. With the being growing into and around the structure like a vine plant on a wall. Creating a new hybrid of organic and constructed forms, Hopkins is giving himself limitless ways to visually construct the visual identities of the post human beings he creates.

If we adopt a similar way of thinking and constructing our posthuman bodies, how will this change the way we think about our own genders? I would like to speculate that gender and fashionv will not be a concept once we have these individualistic and personalised vehicles which we call our bodies, and with the aid of simple modification or customisation to visual modular structure, we will have a much more fluid sense of identity. In the event that gender is still a concept that is in practice, it is most probable that we will have a much different set of ideas about it. This would vary greatly on whether in this future we will have sexual and reproductive organs. In turn effecting whether we will still have sexualities, and even relationships. Each one of these options create a different possibility for what could be the future. It is almost impossible to predict.

Personal Reflection Volume IV

What lays outside of the human perception of gender, over transgressed boundaries? What does Siri know that I don’t? Siri is cased within a vehicle (the iPhone) that has no resemblance to the human race (nor gender), other than that of its humanoid voice, of which can be changed at will to a different accent or pitch. This change in pitch is labelled as “gender”, with only two options to choose from; Male or Female. Obviously this doesn’t change any internal identity within Siri, nor does it change any of Siri’s physical attributes (whether internal or external). But it does change the users experience with Siri. Siri knows it does not need a gender, so why should it have the desire to give itself a gender? The answer to this would be that Siri is not programmed to be influenced by social conformity, or to have a gender at all, meaning it has no interest in identifying itself with a group or category, making it the ultimate social deviant within a human society. I can relate to this in a way, on a more organic way I guess. Through the way I have been raised in an environment, instead of being programmed. But I would never be able to be as socially deviant as Siri as I would most likely be classed as insane. Because of not having the preconceived notions of gender or self representation Siri will be able to think outside of our human concept of gender. The walls that we have built to categorise and define people, are now containing us. Even as we have become a much more individualistic society, the destruction of these walls are just as hard and take as long as the creation of them.

Render Experiment Alpha

Render Experiment Beta


My main hope for my cyborg future is that I can have a vehicle to case my mind that transcends all gender, race, and humanity. Just so I may be able to see and create beyond these barriers, to make something that may be somewhat new and original. Because in this current stagnant physical state that I remain in, it is hard to imagine a situation where I exist wholly outside of the gender binary. With my human body, I will always be called him for my facial hair, and her for the way my hips move when I walk. But cyborgs can stop hair growth with a quick reprogramming, and I will not need hips when I can hover.

Render Experiment Gamma

From Alpha and Beta came Gamma. Like Adam and Steve, creating Jerome. When the parent renders were merged, the file corrupted. Thus somehow creating this, an accident child of sorts. But as every parent would say it was a happy accident.

Video Experiment Displacement

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