The Future Is Here.

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The future is here*

*Subject to availability

“We are voluntary prisoners of the cloud; we are being watched over by governments we did not elect.� Captives of the Cloud




tary users of the cloud; we are watching over governments we elected, of which they did not volunteer to become� Masters of the Cloud





Call c h r o n o

me p h o b i c

Chronophobia: The irrational fear of time and time passing.

This question confuses me. Mobile in what way? Socially, economically, geographically, physically? Which ever it is, no I’m not at piece. I probably never will be. I’m frustrated with where I stand in the world mainly because I don’t have time. I want more hours in the day. I want more time to take all of the opportunities, not just one or the other. Call me Chronophobic.

Question: What does money give you that no-money doesn’t?

Opportunities I guess. Materials, a sense of emptiness. Money is in a sense useless, I mean its not money that feeds me, the food I buy with money is what stops me from being hungry (hungry meant in a literal form). But money does essentially feed me, I guess. Although I would never admit that out loud.

You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/

Question: Are you at peace with the statistical inevitability that you are most likely downwardly mobile?

Question: Do you feel sorry for people whose jobs have been sent to China?

Not really. If they were that good at there job they would still have it. If someone is willing to work for less that is just as capable, what is the problem with that.

Question: Do you wish you made unique things with your hands? I would like to believe that I already do. Not often enough, but non the less I do. I challenge you to make an exact replica of that textile piece I did about 4 months ago. I highly doubt you can. You might be able to do it better, but not the same.

Question: Does having technology first give you entitlement over people who got it second? Not entitlement but maybe knowledge and more capability. But that doesn’t entitle me to anything more than you.

Right now, no. But I hope the future version of myself is worthy enough to be famous, or at least feel like they are worthy enough. That makes me egotistical and narcissistic I know, but alas I am a human living in the age of the internet.

Question: How could you possibly be freer than you are now?

I could answer this question in many different ways. I mean my soul (if there is such a thing) could be freed from my body, that would be pretty free. I mean I wouldn’t even have physical restraints, I would be immortal, I could do anything I imagined. Alternatively I could be free from the economy, yet again giving me more time to crete what I want and because I want… I think essentially what I want is time. Time to be free from everything I currently know, and get to know everything I don’t.

You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/ You are the last generation that will die :-/

Question: Do you feel you should be famous?

Question: Do you wish you could be interviewed? I Interview myself every day. I mentally check in with myself, just to see how things are going. I try to acknowledge exactly what is going on beneath the surface of my feelings. I do this with myself usually because no one else will. Thats not me pitying myself its just how we work as humans. We look after ourselves before we think of anyone else, and I’m perfectly happy with this coping mechanisim. I am my best judge of situation.

Question: Do you believe in royalty?

I certainly don’t think they should exist. No one should be rich just because tridition and heritige says so. Work for what you want. No one should have a title that they did not earn. Your parents and ancestors wars/battles are not your own. Make your own problems, then resolve them in your own way. Don’t take ownership of what is not yours.

We are all

subject to terms and conditions


























//<We survive and thrive on rare earth> <So does the cloud> <“The landing from the digital on to the material is hard/ it comes with a cruelty and intensity that we haven’t even began to understand”> <The concrete and the cloud> <Dislike of the website> <Dislike of Wikileaks> <Boycott> <Super Jurisdictions> <> <I’d do anything for the high> <I just want to feel something uninfluenced and raw> <It needs to be new> <Delete everything> <Its not original> <I want it fresh> <I want it organic> <We survive and thrive on rare earth> <We

survive and thrive on rare earth><We survive and thrive on rare earth/So does the cloud> <“The landing from the digital on to the material is hard/it comes with a cruelty and intensity that we haven’t even began to understand”> <The concrete and the cloud> <Dislike of the website> <Dislike of Wikileaks> <Boycott> <Super Jurisdictions> <> <I’d do anything for the high> <I just want to feel something uninfluenced and raw> <It needs to be new> <Its not original> <I want it fresh> <I want it organic. What kind of GMO is this>?<Do you taste

that>?<It should be fair and easy> <Is it accessible>?<I never never knew> <I never cared> <Now I care more than anyone> < But you won’t do it> <What did you say>?<Is it on twitter>?<I cant remember> <Maybe its on my hard drive> <You should meet my friends> <This is his Instagram> <Brothers of the internet> <Its not loading> <The file cannot be found> <Who wrote this code>?<I really need a new theme> <Discourse and distain> <I need time> <These violins are so stressful> <I can’t handle this much information> <my head hurts>

<Its nothing new> <This might seem erratic but that’s just my thought process> <This is me researching my head> < I wish I knew what was happening> <Sorry> <Got to Go>\\<[BACK AGAIN>>// So does the cloud> <“The landing from the digital on to the material is hard> <it comes with a cruelty and intensity that we haven’t even began to understand”> <The concrete and the cloud> <Dislike of the website> <Dislike of Wikileaks> <Boycott> <Super Jurisdictions> <> <I’d do anything for the high> <I just want to feel something

uninfluenced and raw> <It needs to be new> <Its not original> <I want it fresh> <I want it organic. What kind of GMO is this>?<Do you taste that>?<It should be fair and easy> <Is it accessible>?<I never never knew> <I never cared> <Now I care more than anyone> < But you won’t do it> <What did you say>?<Is it on twitter>?<I cant remember> <Maybe its on my hard drive> <You should meet my friends> <This is his Instagram> <Brothers of the internet> <Its not loading> <The file cannot be found> <Who wrote this code>?<I really need a

new theme> <Discourse and distain> <I need time> <These violins are so stressful> <I can’t handle this much information> <my head hurts> <Its nothing new> <This might seem erratic but that’s just my thought process> <This is me researching my head> < I wish I knew what was happening> <Sorry> <Got to Go>\\<[BACK A G A I N AGAIN]>//<So does the cloud> <“The landing from the digital on to the material is hard/ it comes with a cruelty and intensity that we haven’t even began to understand”> <The concrete and the cloud> <Dislike of

the website> <Dislike of Wikileaks> <Boycott> <Super Jurisdictions> <> <I’d do anything for the high> <I just want to feel something uninfluenced and raw> <It needs to be new> <Its not original> <I want it fresh> <I want it organic. What kind of GMO is this>?<Do you taste that>?<It should be fair and easy> <Is it accessible>?<I never never knew> <I never cared> <Now I care more than anyone> < But you won’t do it> <What did you say>?<Is it on twitter>?<I cant remember> <Maybe its on my hard drive> <You should meet

my friends> <This is his Instagram> <Brothers of the internet> <Its not loading> <The file cannot be found> <Who wrote this code>?<I really need a new theme> <Discourse and distain> <I need time> <These violins are so stressful> <I can’t handle this much information> <my head hurts> <Its nothing new> <This might seem erratic but thats just my thought process> <This is me researching my head> < I wish I knew what was happening> <Sorry> <Got to Go> <[BACK AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN]>\\ What kind of GMO is this>?<Do you taste

that>?<It should be fair and easy> <Is it accessible>?<I never never knew> <I never cared> <Now I care more than anyone> < But you won’t do it> <What did you say>?<Is it on twitter>?<I cant remember> <Maybe its on my hard drive> <You should meet my friends> <This is his Instagram> <Brothers of the internet> <You don’t own your data> <Its not loading> <The file cannot be found> <Who wrote this code>?<I really need a new theme> <Discourse and distain> <I need time> <These violins are so stressful> <I can’t handle this much infor-

mation> <my head hurts> <Its nothing new> <This might seem erratic but thats just my thought process> <This is me researching my head> < I wish I knew what was happening> <Sorry> <Got to Go> <[GONE FOR GOOD]> {BUT REALLY} <I MISS THE OLD INTERNET> < we’re not in Kansas any more><I MISS THE OLD INTERNET> <i miss us> <I MISS THE OLD INTERNET> <where are we> <I MISS THE OLD INTERNET> <said nobody> <ever> <connection has been lost> <please start again> <again> <aain><again> < a g a i n >














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c e n t r a l i s a t i o n






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The User

The Cloud

The Cloud

The User

l a y o u t i s everything*

*exagerated for the purpose of entertainment

D a t a Money Dangerous

is (according to Captives of the Cloud)

is (according to me)

There are two types of people: People who walk and know where they are going. People Who walk and do not know where they are going. I’m not suggesting that individuals do not oscillate between these types because we do, daily. Although most of the time we don’t do it consciously we generally know which type we are. I’m currently sitting in Central Saint Martins Library, people are ambling, people are sitting, theres a guy sleeping on the bench to the right of me, to the left is a guy who looks weirdly like myself. He is sitting with the same laptop as me, in the same position, but he looks more content than myself. People are walking past me at a moderately slow pace, the ground vibrates as they walk past. People who know where they are going I’m going to refer to as “knowers”, and those who don’t shall be “lookers”, Because if you don’t know where your going, generally (very generally) you are looking for something. Wether its a book in a library, inspiration, a person, or a coincidence. You can tell these people apart in the way they walk. Through their posture; knowers seem to stand up with a straight neck, where as lookers seem to have craned necks, looking round corners. Through their pace, obviously. Through their direction, I mean if you don’t know where you’re going you’re likely to stop and turn back on yourself now and again (and it seems that in this library, people like to turn back

on themselves in the spot directly infront me). I’m not really sure of the point that I’m trying to make but I think its about how people search for things, Or maybe about libraries and the way we interact with them in a similar way to the internet. I think that might be it. Obviously a library is a physical experience, and the internet is not. Libraries are an active environment, the internet is not. Libraries are tactile the internet is not. Libraries are submersive -(adjective of submerse)- atmospheres, the internet is not. I’m not discrediting the internet in the slightest; The internet is fast, libraries are not. The internet is almost limitless, libraries have a physical limitation. the internet is always open, libraries are not. Not until recently have I started to understand how to work with in a library; Its a space so move, interact with it, books wont jump out at you, but also don’t jump out at books.

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