Alpha, Beta, Gamma

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Each of these realities exist in the future, separately in parallel universes. The introductions are written by habitants of each of those futures.


After the atmosphere dissolved on earth and all organic life died, due to the dissipated lifestyles that it sustained taking its toll on its resources. All that was left was the digital souls of the humans who previously walked the planet. The digital souls survived as they didn’t need water or sunlight to survive. For decades they remained on the internet servers that were still operating, relearning a new way of life encased within a landscape that was sculpted out of coding, the souls knew that the outdated internet servers would not last forever. But more importantly the souls yearned for a way to expand and escape the crowded abyss of the hard drives they called home. The coding of the servers was manipulated to amalgam with earth; through its magnetic field, rare earth and the metallic elements. The over worked magnetic fields created electrical storms, and connected every element that the world had left. The earth became what can only be explained as a meta-network. A network that feeds itself and is completely self dependant. With this came a new platform to house the souls. After countless years of being nothing but coding, the souls began to manifest visually for the first time since their original bodies died.


There were many problems in society. Whether they were sociological, environmental, ethical, or whether they concern people’s mental health. We needed to find a way to resolve them. But before that time people used to feel comfortable and at peace in their home. Usually alone, safe from people’s judgment. An idea resolved the sociological, social anxiety, agoraphobia, depression. and mental health related issues that were plaguing people, no matter their age, or experience. Head pieces were created to shield from human contact and distance the person from others. It reminds us of protection and make us feel at ease in the overcrowded environments that we now live in. They protect our bodies that are suffering from constant aggression and stress. These headpieces are genderless, which is a important part of our society and its fashion. It is also combined with technology to give the headpieces multiple functions. For example, they are connected to the mind, to calm the person like a safe haven, its an extension of our bodies, but we now see it as not just an extension but a part that we could not live without.


Technology is now merged in everyday lives seamlessly including social and fashion, we don't know where it begins and we end. Everyone looks at people the same like no one is different. Personality is shown though cyborg living, which has taken over our humanity. The metallic materials are like a reflection of ourselves in social and what other people at us like. Plastic and transparent materials are the transparency of our identity and gender, that is not just male and female. The colour of the materials is none gendered tone or as for metallic it could be reflective to some thing the the person wants to express. People express themselves though fashion more here. Everyone will identify gender by what everyone is wearing. Whether its male, female or LGBT. Our personality and who we are is clearly shown by what we wear. No one will look at each other differently. Clothing is like an addition to our body to show other people their real personality. It’s the way people create themselves to how they want others to see them.

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