Network disruption cts

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The time has come to repossess your responsibly to the world that you walk through, and stop laying down and taking the punches that you receive. Be objective to the situation you succumb to, don’t let your feelings towards past circumstances taint your vision of the future. Maybe all the so called “terrible” things happening in the world will turn out to be just what you needed. Your job being taken away and given to a robot, means more time, less money and a life that is all yours. That politician getting power that can only mean death and despair, could cull the population and just save the environment, the same goes for that horrific war. Losing billions in finances could really be the career change you needed. That glacier melting will mean so much more clean water for the world. You dying tomorrow will mean so many more creatures of the world can thrive for longer. What you post into the network will directly effect your virtual and real surroundings, visually, emotionally and spiritually. Its a butterfly effect that will come back as an eagle and rip the eyes out of your skull. The repercussions will always be more significant pronounced than the original effector. 37 Everyday Things That Look Insane in Slow Motion 18 Undeniable Facts That Prove the World Is Getting Better 24 Most Insane Features Of Real Life Houses 13 Most Ridiculous Things Happening Right Now 12 Important Things You Missed Out On 69 Sex Positions To Change Your Life Thats 173 things you could be reading instead of this.

They hereby certify that this what they are submitting is somewhat their own original work except where otherwise indicated. They are aware of the worlds regulations concerning plagiarism, including those regulations concerning death penalties that may result from plagiarism. Any use of the works of any other author, in any form, is probably properly acknowledged at their point of use.

The intention of this has been said to be a delusional prophecy of sorts. A black azure, bright yet bleak. Blazure. There is no intention of satisfying a utopian nor dystopian society, just take a position of submission. Your initial reaction of shock and disgust may grow to be infatuation and enthral, and vice versa. A neutral stance may seem unrealistic, but just try to feel nothing. Because feeling nothing has always come as naturally as saying sorry. The original purpose is not always the best one. Like QVC with nothing to sell. A 24/7 live stream of a shopping channel with no products, TV presenters awkwardly passing queues not knowing what to talk about. Conversation turns to personal matters with the lack of produce on the market stall. But people still religiously tune in everyday. A porn website featuring no nudity. The comment section is not swarmed by comments such as “Putting his foot on that slut’s head was a great move” but instead “I used to live very near there before I married my first husband Have a great time xx”. The conversations are about the mundane everyday, photos of people going out for dinner, not videos of Jessica getting plowed on a Sunday afternoon by her brother.

The origin of life. While also being its final form. A reduction of all sentient beings. All individuals amalgamated into one organic being. All human souls merged into one through the passage of an individual. Tikkun olam. The Tree of Life converted back to its original seed. A self contained being, which has no need for identity. Because when you are the only being why would you need one. You have no need to. A consciousness that cannot conflict with other consciousnesses, and can no longer be self aware as it has not other conscious to negate. It becomes within a state of instrumentality. Nothingness, while still being infinitely everything. Identity is futile, when all sentient beings are combined into one consciousness. Identities are a feature of human sociology that can no any longer be recognised. Pure information not tainted by the characteristics of the individual human being. It would no longer be us/them or you/me the connected world would be so intrinsically interdependent and connected an would evolve to become a single organically technological being. A system that works as one, a computer of sorts. But where a computer has a purpose, as in it has a task to fulfil, what would be its purpose? What function would it serve.

If KUKA were a sex worker, this is what it may look like. Emotionless while still somehow seemingly sultry. Where as KUKA is and arm with the purpose of creation and little else. When the time comes to start outsourcing our sex lives to autonomous beings because having an intimate relationship takes far too much time and effort. What will the beings look like. Not with just a singular purpose of pleasure, but also for companionship, or just a help around the house, the ultimate sex slave. A robot doesn’t need a safe word, does it? A porn website featuring no nudity. The comment section is not swarmed by comments such as “Putting his foot on that slut’s head was a great move” but instead “I used to live very near there before I married my first husband. Have a great time xx”. The conversations are about the mundane every day, photos of people going out for dinner, not videos of Jessica getting plowed on a Sunday afternoon by her brother. Like QVC with nothing to sell. A 24/7 live stream of a shopping channel with no products, TV presenters awkwardly passing queues not knowing what to talk about. Conversation turns to personal matters with the lack of produce on the market stall. But people still religiously tune in everyday. Primordial purpose lose, to create something completely new, better, fresh. But for many worse, terrifying, unmoral. Succumb to the power of the robot. It is now your master, you are the slave.

When does a human cease to be human through the amalgamation of mechanic and technological hardware? Does the ultimate convergence of these things make my brain nothing but software. Just because my cousin has a prosthetic limb, which helps him walk, does not mean he in now a machine. But if his whole body was replaced with a mechanical structure which incased his conscious mind meaning he could live forever, what is he now? Literally a ghost in the shell (Ghost In The Shell, 1995)? Imagine being fully sustained in consciousness by a mechanical body, with full access to a network of information at not the click of a button but by a mere fleeting thought. Network meaning not just the internet but also everything that is connected to the internet, every single device. Not only would one be technically immortal, but would also be inherently omniscient (Holloman and Adeyeri, 2012). Knowing everything that is wanted to be known and that can be known. A god unto ourselves. The most productive and intelligent we could be. Nothing we could not know or do. Impossible creativity. Could this be the final evolution of the human? You would feel it all around. The information endlessly cycling, like an infinite Rolodex of names, numbers, places, thoughts, the past, the future, every possible alternate and parallel universe at once. Like a mere three dimensional being – aka; us, the human- being plummeted into a ten dimensional universe (Bryanton, 2006). Imagine it like being able to feel every individual blood cell coursing through your veins. Overwhelming. Sensory overload for the human 2.0 (Clegg, 2008).

When does a human cease to be human through the amalgamation of mechanic and technological hardware? Does the ultimate convergence of these things make my brain nothing but software.

angle and facet of a cube at once. Instead of just seeing one view at a time everything is visible at once. Like a panopticon (Bentham, n.d.), with you as the guard being able to see every face of the prisoners around you, being Just because my cousin has a prosthetic limb, able to communicate with them all at your will. which helps him walk, does not mean he in now Or a video; Not seeing each frame at a time but a machine. But if his whole body was replaced seeing every frame and hearing every sound at with a mechanical structure which incased his once. You feel it all around. The information conscious mind meaning he could live forever, endlessly cycling, like an infinite Rolodex with what is he now? Literally a ghost in the shell names, numbers, places, thoughts, the past, (Ghost In The Shell, 1995)? the future, every possible alternate and parallel universe at once. Seeing into the 10th dimension, Imagine being fully sustained in consciousness by would be paralysing. The complete overload of a mechanical body, with full access to a network information. of information at not the click of a button but by Call it evolution or an upgrade. The meme verses a mere fleeting thought. Network meaning not just the gene. the internet but also everything that is connected to the internet, every single device. Not only “Your data my data would one be technically immortal, but would The chromosomes match. also be inherently omniscient (Holloman and Exact as in matter, Adeyeri, 2012). Knowing everything that is wanted As a matter of fact, to be known and that can be known. A god unto You know me better.” (Murphy, 2007) ourselves. The most productive and intelligent we could be. Nothing we could not know or do. It would no longer be us/them or you/me the Impossible creativity. Could this be the final connected world would be so intrinsically evolution of the human form? You would feel it interdependent and connected an would evolve all around. The information endlessly cycling, like to become a single organically technological an infinite Rolodex of names, numbers, places, being. Call it Melba. A system that works as one, thoughts, the past, the future, every possible a computer of sorts. But where a computer has a alternate and parallel universe at once. Like purpose, as in it has a task to fulfil, what would a mere three dimensional being - aka; us, the be Melbas purpose? What function would it human- being plummeted into a ten dimensional serve. Destruction? Preservation? Creation? universe (Bryanton, 2006). Imagine it like being able to feel every individual blood cell coursing Our current planet is like an ex council flat. Its through your veins. Overwhelming. Sensory primordial purpose has been lost in through overload for the human 2.0 (Clegg, 2008). the decades, from hand to hand (Fuller, 2011). The next hand to get the keys to the flat will Seeing into the fourth dimension, let alone me a mechanical autonomous hand. With the the tenth dimension, would be paralysing. The inevitability that the planet earth itself will complete overload of information. This way of become a piece of hardware. Literally plugging existing would make it extremely difficult imagine in the rare earth (Walker, 2013) while it is still in what the present reality would feel like. We are the ground. The time has come to repossess your comfortable with viewing the world in our current responsibility to the world that you walk through, perceived dimensions but what goes beyond that, and stop laying down and taking the punches only with this kind of knowledge would we be able that you receive. Be objective to the situation to see beyond. What comes with seeing beyond to which you succumb, don’t let your feelings our own dimension is further knowledge. towards past circumstances taint your vision of the future. Maybe all the so called “terrible” For example; things happening in the world will turn out to Imagine you can see the whole of this be just what you needed. Your job being taken universe. Not just like you were zooming out of away and given to a robot means more time, less a picture to see the whole image, but more like money and a life that is all yours. That politician you are seeing every individual corner, edge, getting power that can only mean death and

despair, could cull the population and just save the environment. The same goes for that horrific war. Losing billions in finances could really be the career change you needed. That glacier melting will mean so much more clean water for the world. You dying tomorrow will mean so many more creatures of the world can thrive for longer. Its not our planet, this is something we must not forget. The idea of plugging in and working with the world in a sense of a network, is used throughout science fiction with variation; The Matrix (1999), Ghost In The Shell (1995), Tron (1982), Neon Genesis Evangelion (2000), and countless others. But the result of this amalgamation of the human body and technological hardware is usually due the result of despair or in reaction to it. To protect or defend the human from a dystopian world, it seems our look at the future is bleak and concerning. Which is seemingly ironic in that living quality is mostly getting better. But what is not getting better is the gap between the rich and poor, and this seems to be the overarching problem in many science fictions. The uneven spread of power. Neon Genesis Evangelion (aka NGE) is one of the most interesting examples of creating a single organism out of every human to overcome the struggle of power within the world. Not just sociologically, but the primary purpose being to unite every human to being so flawless and ultimately powerful, where identity is not a concept meaning you could never feel alone or sorrowful. And in turn creating a being so invincible and undeniably superb in which could not be achieved in any other way. However this was done in a much more organic way but the use of cyborgs helped to facilitate and create this. NGE also addresses that once all sentient beings are so intertwined and connected to consequently become one singular, whole, being (also referred to by Buddhists as Instrumentality), ones identity is no longer existent, and neither is any one else's. Meaning it would be impossible for this being to exist in any capacity conceivable by humans understanding. As our consciousness has become self aware, meaning it would be completely necessary for a being to exist with at least one other to validate its own existence. Because that is the nature our egotistical

consciousness. For example; I do not know if the tweet I just posted is showing up in peoples time lines until somebody likes it. Same applies to real life interactions. Where as if we existed with in a primordial soup of oneness how does the being validate its existence? It doesn’t, nor can it. A self contained being, which has no need for identity. Because when you are the only being, why would you need one. A consciousness that cannot conflict with other consciousnesses, and can no longer be self aware as it has not any other consciousnesses to negate (Stern, 2002). It becomes within a state of instrumentality. Nothingness, while still being infinitely everything. A Primordial soup (Oparin, 1965), from where all beings began is where they will all end. The negative view of “plugging” into the network and being reliant on it needs to cease. We need to take advantage of the fact that we are becoming increasingly intelligent, which we are in a sense. But only in the monetary sense. Technology is being made for the masses to make other people more money. It is giving us an easy life and more time in return, but what about when we have too much time and not enough money. Instead of the current dilemma of not enough time and not enough money. When we come to the point of all jobs being automated and taken out of our hands, where do our hands then turn. We need to end commercialism, and turn to luxury communism (Bastani, 2016). We fucked up, but we know that. We let the feelings of turmoil go on for too long, and we did nothing about it. The only ones who will save us now are the robots, or perhaps extra terrestrials but in reality they would just mock us and fly right past us. Why? Because we have created an (almost) unbreakable hierarchical society, with borders, a monetary system, a world of mass incarceration. We have been tackling the symptoms, and living the cause of the problem to thrive, as we have been concerned with self preservation and advancing in all the wrong places. Apple is worth more than £480 Billion, where as the NHS is worth £2.8 billion. Because obviously I’d rather a working phone than my mother still being alive.

But maybe after all this is a good thing. Remember; Be objective to the situation you succumb to, don’t let your feelings towards past circumstances taint your vision of the future. When the world is so incredibly infected by cancer and disfigured by decades of survival of the sickest, we will die out. Whether its due to our health or a nuclear war, thats irrelevant. But let the robots live. Let them be the next cold metallic hand that holds the key to the planet, leave them in charge of everything we couldn't be. Let the algorithm judge what should happen next. As clearly the human mind is not capable enough to have such a responsibility, even if it is as a collective of more that 7 billion people. Maybe one motherboard could do a much better job. Maybe, but probably definitely. Its a long time coming, for us to be able to lose our egotistical ways, and give up our identities to create a harmonious world. But more importantly it is not something that our selfish race will walk into willingly, we will be dragged kicking and screaming by another being, into the molten primordial soup into which we first came from. We must return, If we cant save ourselves, we must create something/someone to.

Bentham, J. (n.d.). Box 119. [Drawings, manuscripts, plans and sketches], Bentham Collection at UCL Special Collections. London. Bastani, A. (2016). We Don't Need More Austerity: We Need Luxury Communism | VICE | United Kingdom. [online] VICE. Available at: http://www. [Accessed 6 Dec. 2016]. Bryanton, R. (2006). Imagining the tenth dimension. 1st ed. Victoria, B.C.: Trafford. Clegg, B. (2008). Upgrade me. 1st ed. New York: St. Martin's Press. Fuller, S. (2011). Humanity 2.0. 1st ed. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Ghost In The Shell. (1995). [DVD] Mamoru Oshii. Holloman, C. and Adeyeri, E. (2012). The social media MBA. 1st ed. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley, p.Chapter 23: God Technology. Neon Genesis Evangelion. (2000). [DVD] Japan: Hideaki Anno. Neon Genesis Evangelion. (2000). [DVD] Japan: Hideaki Anno. Overpowered. (2007). [CD] EMI. Available at: [Accessed 1 Nov. 2016]. Oparin, A. (1965). The origin of life. 1st ed. New York: Dover Publications. Stern, R. (2002). Hegel and the Phenomenology of Spirit. 1st ed. [ebook] London: Routledge, p.Chapter 5: The Dialectic of Religion. Available at: posgrad/aulas_FLF5189/Routledge%20-%20 Hegel%20and%20the%20Phenomenology%20 of%20Spirit.pdf [Accessed 20 Nov. 2016]. The Matrix. (1999). [DVD] Lana Wachowski, Lilly Wachowski. Tron. (1982). [DVD] Steven Lisberger.

Walker, B. (2013). The Clouds (2 of 3). [podcast] The Theory of Everything. Available at: https:// [Accessed 29 Oct. 2016].

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