Direktori tel u 11 okt 2016

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Directorate OF Research and Community Services



Publisher : Telkom University Bangkit Building 2nd floor Bandung Technoplex Email : ppm@telkomuniversity.ac.id Web: ppm.telkomuniversity.ac.id Phone : 022-7564500 Size : 205 mm x 240 mm Pages : 186

Authors : Directorate of Research and Community Services Book Consulting : Dinamika Komunika www.dinamikakomunika.com


Human Resources Steady Quality Rises

Established in 14 August 2013, as merging of 4 colleges owned by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk, Telkom University has vision to become a World Class University which actively involves in the development of science and art with information technology based. Telkom University commits to “Create the Future” of excellence human resources and leaders for the nation, as well as to contribute the society development through research and commercialization. Supported by 110 laboratories and 32 research groups, Telkom University presents a leading research in engineering, management, communication, and creative industry. in August 2016, Telkom University has position as Top 2 the most productive university in international publication indexed by Scopus, over 4000 private colleges and universities in Indonesia. We are also included in ”Kluster Utama” of university research activities and funding, categorized by the Minister of Research and Higher Education. Currently, Telkom University has two research centers as follows: • Research Center for ICT Business&Public Policy • Research Center for Advanced Wireless Technology (AdWiTech) The first above research center provides study of public policy demanding, policy planning,and policy drafting before endorsed to the national wide by ministries or other institutions. Meanwhile, the other research center managing research, development&innovation in advanced wireless technology. The most important component to support all the research activities is the researchers, especially the doctoral degree holder lecturers. These Doctors play an important role to revive the expertise group’s activities, producing many international publications and to actively involve in various international scientific cooperation. Among 700 lecturers at Telkom University, 100 of them have got the doctoral degrees, meanwhile it was 8.7% in early 2014. The number of lecturers to study doctoral program has been accelerated almost 80% per-year since 2014. This year, there are 156 lecturers actively studying in overseas and domestic universities. Thus,at least 30% of lecturers will have PhD degree by 2018. This Researcher Directory is published to promote our researchers and field of interests. It contains the researchers expertise, experiences, and achievements. The recent research activities and publication are also included. I expect that this Research Directory may lead to establish collaboration and to extend further contribution to the nation. u Rector,

Prof. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng., Ph.D. RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016




CONTENTS Greeting from Rector ................................................................................................................................. Profile of Telkom University ...................................................................................................................

5 10

ENGINEERING Abrar ................................................................................................................................................................. Achmad Ali Muayyadi ............................................................................................................................... Angga Rusdinar ........................................................................................................................................... Arfianto Fahmi .............................................................................................................................................. Asep Suhendi ................................................................................................................................................. Bambang Hidayat ........................................................................................................................................ Bambang Setia Nugroho ........................................................................................................................... Basuki Rahmat .............................................................................................................................................. Dida Diah Damajanti .................................................................................................................................. Doan Perdana ................................................................................................................................................ Dudi Darmawan ............................................................................................................................................ Endang Chumaidiyah ................................................................................................................................. Erna Sri Sugesti ............................................................................................................................................ Erwin Susanto ............................................................................................................................................... Ery Djunaedy ................................................................................................................................................. Fiky Yosep Suratman .................................................................................................................................. Heroe Wijanto ............................................................................................................................................... Ida Wahidah Hamzah ................................................................................................................................. Indra Wahyudhin Fathona ....................................................................................................................... Ismudiati Puri Handayani ........................................................................................................................ Khoirul Anwar .............................................................................................................................................. Levy Olivia Nur ............................................................................................................................................. Luciana Andrawina ..................................................................................................................................... Memoria Rosi ................................................................................................................................................ Nachwan Mufti Adriansyah ..................................................................................................................... Nanang Suryana ........................................................................................................................................... Radial Anwar ................................................................................................................................................ Rendy Munadi ...............................................................................................................................................

14 16 18 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 41 42 44 45 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62



Rina Pudji Astuti .......................................................................................................................................... Riza A.N. Rukmana ...................................................................................................................................... Sigit Puspito Wigati Jarot .......................................................................................................................... Sigit Yuwono .................................................................................................................................................. Sony Sumaryo ............................................................................................................................................... Sri Martini ....................................................................................................................................................... Tatang Mulyana ............................................................................................................................................ Tito Waluyo Purboyo ..................................................................................................................................

64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78

Adiwijaya ......................................................................................................................................................... Ari Moesriami Barmawi ............................................................................................................................ Dade Nurjanah .............................................................................................................................................. Dana Sulistiyo Kusumo .............................................................................................................................. Deni Saepudin ............................................................................................................................................... Didit Adytia .................................................................................................................................................... Irfan Darmawan ........................................................................................................................................... Kemas Muslim Lhaksmana ...................................................................................................................... Kiki Maulana Adhinugraha ...................................................................................................................... Maman Abdurrohman ............................................................................................................................... Mochammad Arif Bijaksana .................................................................................................................... Putu Harry Gunawan .................................................................................................................................. Rimba Whidiana Ciptasari ....................................................................................................................... Satria Mandala .............................................................................................................................................. Suyanto ............................................................................................................................................................. Tien Fabrianti Kusumasari ...................................................................................................................... Yanti Rusmawati ..........................................................................................................................................

82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 97 98 100 101 102 104 106 108 110

Achmad Manshur Ali Suyanto ................................................................................................................ Ade Irma Susanty ......................................................................................................................................... Agus Achmad Suhendra ............................................................................................................................ Arif Partono Prasetio .................................................................................................................................. Astri Ghina ...................................................................................................................................................... Ayub Ilfandy ................................................................................................................................................... Brady Rikumahu .......................................................................................................................................... Dadan Rahadian ...........................................................................................................................................

114 116 118 120 122 124 126 127





Dewi Kurniasih Soedarsono .................................................................................................................... Dodie Tricahyono ........................................................................................................................................ Farida Titik Kristanti .................................................................................................................................. Gadang Ramantoko ..................................................................................................................................... Harrie Lutfie .................................................................................................................................................. Hiro Tugiman Somomenggolo ............................................................................................................... Husni Amani .................................................................................................................................................. Ida Nurnida .................................................................................................................................................... Imanuddin Hasbi ......................................................................................................................................... Indrawati ......................................................................................................................................................... Jafar Sembiring ............................................................................................................................................. Lucy Pujasari Supratman ......................................................................................................................... Majidah ............................................................................................................................................................. Maya Ariyanti ................................................................................................................................................ Nina KH ............................................................................................................................................................ Norita ................................................................................................................................................................ Palti Maruli Tua Sitorus ............................................................................................................................. Posma Sariguna Johnson Kh .................................................................................................................... Putu Nina Madiawati .................................................................................................................................. Ratna Lindawaty Lubis .............................................................................................................................. Ratri Wahyuningtyas .................................................................................................................................. Riko Hendrawan .......................................................................................................................................... Rina D Pasaribu ............................................................................................................................................ Syarifuddin ..................................................................................................................................................... Teguh Widodo ............................................................................................................................................... Yati Rohayati ..................................................................................................................................................

128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 157 158 160 161 162 164 166 167 168 169 170

ART DESIGN & SOCIO HUMANIORA Didit Widiatmoko ........................................................................................................................................ Fetty Poerwita Sary ..................................................................................................................................... Helni Mutiarsih Jumhur ............................................................................................................................ Ira Wirasari .................................................................................................................................................... Mohammad Isa Pramana Koesoemadinata ...................................................................................... Muhammad Yahya Arwiyah ..................................................................................................................... Soni Sadono ....................................................................................................................................................

174 176 178 180 181 182 184



TELKOM UNIVERSITY Vision Telkom University’s vision is to become a World Class University which actively involves in development of science and art with information technology-based. Mission • Organize and develop international standard education; • Advancing and disseminating science, technology, management, and art which is internationally recognized; • Utilizing science, technology, management, and art, for the welfare and betterment civilization. GOAL • Achieving the trust of all stakeholders. • Creating an integrity and competence graduates with national and international competitiveness. • Constructing a research culture, crosscultural academic atmosphere, and spirit of entrepreneurship among the academic society. • Producing beneficial research and innovation product to improve the quality of life and support the development of national economy.



Research Strategic Plan in 2013, Telkom University stands originating from the merger of four educational institutions (IT Telkom, IM Telkom, Telkom Polytechnic and STISI Telkom) Telkom University Research Plan : 2014 – 2018 Being Quality Research Excellence. Year I : Consolidated for four new institutions merger. Year II : Revamping the organizational structure. Year III : Management excellence). Year IV : Improvement of human resources (HRD) and academic excellence. Year V : Research excellence. - Settling prerequisite lecturers for research. - Increased participation of faculty in research. - Improved facilities and research output. - Settling organizations. 2019 – 2023 Being Research University. 2024 – 2028 Being Entrepreneurial University. 2029 – 2033 Being World Class Entrepreneurial University. 2034 – 2038 Being Global Entrepreneurial University.








Dr. Abrar, S.Si, M.Sc.

Abrar born in Rao-rai, West Sumatra, January 7, 1982, he took undergraduate program from Department of Physics (study in material science), Padjadjaran University (2005). His master program was taken at School of Applied Physics (study in material science), University Kebangsaan Malaysia (2008). and his doctoral program at Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (2012). He has many experiences related to teaching activities as well as Researches. Once Abrar worked as assistant for Core Physics I Subject, Padjadjaran University (2005), assistant of Interfere Physics Laboratory, Padjadjaran University (2003-2005), assistant of Advanced Physics Laboratory, Padjadjaran University (2003-2005), and Graduate Researcher Assistant (GRA) of IMEN. u Research Field

Material Science, Microengineering & Nanoelectronics



Research Activity Nanoparticles Synthesis and Characterization Thermal AL2O3 Nanoparticles (2015-2016).

Synthesis and Characterization of Nanoparticles AL2O3 for Cooling Applications on Radiator (2015).

Study, Design and Analysis System Thermoelectric (2014-2015).

Enhanced Adaptive Contention Window Algorithm - 4th IEEE COMNETSAT 2015. Implementing Thermoelectric Generator on CPU Processor - Proceeding of International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Communications (2015). Design of Brush DC Motor’s Speed Controller Using PI Method with Adjusted Hydrogen Fuel Feed on The PEMFC - Scientific Journal of PPI-UKM (2015).

Electrochemically Deposited and Etched Membranes with Precisely Sized Micropores for Biological Fluids Microfiltration - J. Micromech. Microeng (2013). Co-Synthesis and Characterization of In2O3 and ZnO Nanowires (Sintesis Bersama dan Pencirian Bagi Nanowayar In2O3 dan ZnO) - Sains Malaysiana (2012). Growth and Characterization of Indium Doped ZnO Nanowires Using Vapor Transport Deposition Method - Advanced Materials Research (2012).

Publication Synthesis and Thermal Characterization of AL2O3 Nanoparticles - ICOPIA 2016. Design of Capacitive Sensor for Water Level Measurement International Conference on Physics and it’s Applications (2016). An Improvement of Broadband PLC Channel Based on PS-OFDM ICCEREC 2015. Jaringan IPTV Berbasis Jaringan Broadband PLC Homeplug AV (IPTV Network-Based Broadband Network Homeplug AV PLC) National Seminar on Innovation and Information Technology in 2015. Performance and Fairness Analysis (using Jains Index) of AODV and DSDV Based on ACO in MANETs - 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media 2015. Quality of Service Improvement with 802.11e EDCA Scheme Using

Fuzzy Logic Control Design for Leader Follower Method Using Zigbee Communication Module Scientific Journal of PPI-UKM (2015). Proportional Control Design on Mobile Robot for Leader Follower Formation Using ZigBee Wireless Communication Module - Scientific Journal of PPI-UKM (2015).

Synthesis and Characterisation of Zn– Sn–in-O Quaternary Nanostructure System - Materials Research Innovations (2011). Synthesis and Characterisation of Zn– Sn–in-O Quaternary Nanostructure System - Materials Research Innovations (2011).



Research Activity Design Modeling Space Time Block Code (STBC) and Differential -STBC (DSTBC) in the Case of WCDMA Wireless Communications Cooperative with Single Antenna in Fading Channel Environment (2014). Competency Mapping and Interests Lecturer in YPT Environmental (2013). Collaborative Integrative Active Learning Method (2012-2013). Design Modeling WCDMA Multiuser with Distributed Space Time Block Code (D-STBC) in the Case of Cooperative Wireless Communications in Rayleigh Fading Channel Environment (2013).

Publication Delay Bound Analysis for Hybrid Network IEEE 802.11n HT-Mixed Mode Format WLAN Over Fiber – ICOCOE 2016. Bound Delay Analysis in Hybrid Networks IEEE 802.11n WLAN Greenfield format HT-Over Fiber - Seminar Nasional Inovasi dan Teknologi Aplikasi di Industri (SENIATI) 2016. Perbandingan Power Spectral Density Sistem OWDM dan OFDM Pada Kanal Rayleigh (Comparison of Power Spectral Density System OWDM and OFDM on Rayleigh Channel - Jurnal Elektro dan Telekomunikasi Terapan. Planning of BTS Hotel Using LTE Frequency 1800 MHz in Bandung - The 2016 International Annual Engineering Seminar (InAES 2016). Performance Analysis of Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing in Various PulseShaping Filter for Next Generation Communication Systems - IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob 2016). Improving LTE Throughput with Iterative Water-Filling Algorithm IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on



Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob 2016). Comparison Performance Analysis of OWDM and OFDM System on Multipath Fading Rayleigh Channel - The 9th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications (TSSA 2015). The Performance Analysis of MultiUser WCDMA Systems Using D-STBC in Rayleigh Fading Channel - ICACT, KOREA (2014). The Impact of Event Sponsorship and TV ADS Event of Brand Image to Cross Mobile. - GTAR, Bandung (2014). The Impact of External and Internal Factors in the Selection of Banking to the Customer Saving Decisions 2012 Years in Bandung - ACEI, Phuket (2014). Single Relay Cooperative System Based on Two Schemes of Alamouti Block Code in Rayleigh Fading Channel - Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan TELEKOMUNIKASI, Juni 2013. Performance Analysis of CCK- OFDM Over Fading Channel - APCC, IEEE, Bali (2013). Optimasi Kapasitas Jaringan 2G, 3G,

dan LTE dengan Teknik Joint Base Station (Optimization of Network Capacity 2G, 3G, and LTE With joint engineering Base Station) - Jurnal EMITOR Volume 12 No. 1, Maret 2012. Performance Analysis of Adaptive Power Control Based on Signal To Interference Ratio (Sir) Using Fuzzy Genetic for WCDMA - DICTAP. 2012. Analisis Kinerja Wavelet Domain Communication System (WDCS) untuk Cognitive Radio (Performance Analysis of Wavelet Domain Communication System (WDCS) for Cognitive Radio) - Jurnal penelitian dan pengembangan TELEKOMUNIKASI, Juni 2011. Studi Penerapan DWDM-RoF untuk Transmisi Multi Teknologi Akses Nirkabel (Implementation Study DWDM Transmission Multi-ROF for Wireless Access Technology) Jurnal penelitian dan pengembangan TELEKOMUNIKASI, Juni 2011. Analisis Penerapan Coding Rotated Modulation (CRM) Pada Sistem OFDM (Rotated Coding Modulation Analysis Application (CRM) in OFDM Systems) - Jurnal penelitian dan pengembangan TELEKOMUNIKASI, Juni 2011.

Ir. Achmad Ali Muayyadi MSc., Ph.D

Achmad, born in Kudus, April 1, 1966, has research interests covers Mobile Communications (CDMA, LTE-A, 5G, BWA, OFDM, MC-CDMA), Digital Communications (Modulation, Multiple Access, MIMO, Channel Coding), Information Theory, Communication Systems, Radio Engineering, Mobile Networks & Traffic, Satellite Communications, Adaptive Filter, Digital Broadcasting (DAB, DVB), and Telecom Regulation. He graduated from undergraduate program of Electrical Engineering (Bandung Institute of Technology, ITB, 1990), Mobile Communications of ENST (Telecom) Paris (graduate, 1997), and Digital Communications of University of Plymouth, UK (postgraduate, 2004). Since 1994, he has been lecturing at IT Telkom (Tel-U). and in Telkom Foundation, Ahmad held several posts. Among others, once, he served as the Coordinator of Final Project (TA) of STT Telkom (19941995), the Chairman of the Editorial Board of Telekomunikasi Journal (IT Telkom, 2009-2010), the Head of Electrical Department (Tel-U, 2013-2014), The Chairman of the Senate of Electrical Engineering Faculty (Tel-U, since 2014), and the Head of Interested Group of Transmission (Tel-U, since 2014). u Research Field

Mobile Communications (CDMA, LTE-A, 5G, BWA, OFDM, MC-CDMA), Digital Communications (Modulasi, Multiple Access, MIMO, Channel Coding), Information Theory, Communication Systems, Radio Engineering, Mobile Networks & Traffic, Satellite Communications, Adaptive Filter, Digital Broadcasting



Research Activity Design of System Identification Currencies Against the Dollar and Her Conversion Rupiah Based Image Processing (2016) Wireless Charging System for Automatic Vehicle (Automated Vehicle Guidance) (2016)

Interfacing Robotic Hand With Arduino and Webbase (2015) Position settings and Automatic Charging System for Automated Guided Vehicle (2014) Realization of Optimization Full Proportional, Integral Derivative

(PID) with Genetic Algorithms on Reversed Pendulum (2009) Data Retrieval System KWH-Meter with RF Wireless Communication Based Microcontroller (2009)

Temperature and Humidity Indoor Gardens Using Microcontroller – ICoICT (2015) A Research on Automated Railway Crossing Alert System using Arduino and Android - ABC International Conference on Engineering Service Learning 2014 Modeling of vision Based Robot Formation Control Using Fuzzy Logic Controller and Extended Kalman Filter - International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems (IJFIS) 2012

Localization and Navigation - The 3rd SPENALO International Symposium (SIS 2011) 2011 Identifiable Landmark Recognition Based on Fuzzy Inference System for Automatic Vehicle Localization - International Fuzzy System Association world congress (IFSA 2011)

Publication Operasi Valas: Identifikasi Nominal dengan Metode Canny Edge Detection dan Template Matching (Currency Operations: Identification Nominal Canny Edge Detection Method and Template Matching) SNIKO 2015. (2016) Design and Implementation System Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) Using RFID for Position Information - Journal of Measurements, Electronics, Communications, and Systems (JMECS). (2016) Position Estimation and Fire Detection Based on Digital Video Color Space for Autonomous Quadcopter Using Odroid XU4 IEEE International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Communication. (2016) Design and Implementation of Regulatory Systems of Light,



Implementation of Real-Time Positioning System Using Extended Kalman Filter and Artificial Landmark on Ceiling - Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (JMST 2012). Natural and Artificial Landmark on Ceiling for Autonomous Vehicle

Error Pose Correction of Mobile Robot for SLAM Problem using Laser Range Finder Based on Particle Filter - International Conference on Control, Automation and System 2010 (ICCAS-2010) Combination Circular Landmarks on Ceiling for Indoor Autonomous Vehicle and Localization System - International Conference on Ubiquitous Robot and Ambient Intelligence (URAI-2010)

Angga Rusdinar, ST., MT, Ph.D

Expertise Experience Data Logger System for Digital KWH Meter, PLN. (Finished) (2007) Industrial Process Monitoring System, PT Armada Johnson Control. (Finished) (2014) Outdoor AGV, PT. Armada Johnson Control. (on Going) (2014-Now)

Born in June 1, 1974, Angga Rusdinar is a lecturer of Telkom University since 2007. His research interest covering Robotics, Automated Guidance Vehicle (AGV), Control System, Industrial Autonomous System. He graduated from Electrical Engineering Department, Polytechnic of Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (1996), Electrical engineering department, Tenth November Institute of Technology (ITS) (2000), School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) (master, 2006), and School of Electrical Engineering, Pusan National

University (PNU), Republic of Korea (doctoral degree, 2014). Between 1996 and 1997, Angga worked for NEC Nusantara Comm at Installation design department, then he worked in research and development department of Quasar Cipta Mandiri (2000-2003), as a lecturer of Electrical Engineering department at Computer University of Indonesia (UNIKOM) around 2005-2007. u Research Field

Robotics, Control System, Robot Vision.



Dr. Arfianto Fahmi, ST., MT

Arfianto Fahmi has research interests include Communication Engineering and Theory (CDMA, OFDM/OFDMA/ SC-DMA), Wireless Network Resource Allocation and Management, Resource Scheduling Algorithm Design and Optimization, Advanced Wireless Technology, and Wireless Network Planning. Born in Pati, June 3, 1975, Arfianto graduated from Telecommunications Engineering Studies of STT Telkom (undergraduate, 1998), Electrical Engineering of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB, graduate, 2004), and Electrical Engineering of Indonesia University (postgraduate, 2013). In Telkom University, he teaches several subjects related to telecommunications and electrical engineering. Besides, Arfianto has served as the Coordinator of Transmission Link Laboratory (STT Telkom, 2002-2004), the Head of Interested Group of Telecommunications Transmission (STT Telkom, 2004-2007), and the Head of Telecommunications Engineering Program (undergraduate, Tel-U, since 2014). u Research Field

Resource Allocation and Optimization, OFDMA, SC-FDMA, Wireless Communications and Technologies, Device To Device Communications.

ACHIEVEMENT Best Journals in the Doctoral Program Department of Electrical Engineering UI - Department of Electrical Engineering UI (2013).



Research Activity Design and Analysis Device Discovery Efficient Energy on Communication Device to Device (D2D) - (2016). Full Implementation of Such Adaptive Modulation and Coding and Adaptive

Technology Resource Block in Wireless Broadband - (2014-2016) Estimated Needs IMT Frequency Band in Indonesia until 2020 (2015). Performance Simulation of OFDM

System using Signal Mapping M-ary PSK and M-ary QAM on Fading Channels - (2004). W-CDMA Application on GSM Network for Transmission Case Multimedia - (1998).

Algorithm in OFDMA System with Carrier Aggregation - Advanced Research in Engineering and Information Technology International Conference. (2016) A Combined User-order and Chunkorder Algorithm to Minimize the Average BER for Chunk Allocation in SC-FDMA Systems – TELKOMNIKA. (2016)

Distributed FFR as the Novelty Solution of the Integration Femtocell and Macrocell in Cellular Network Cluster Head Rotation: A Proposed Method for Energy Efficiency in D2D Communication - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT)

Publication Performance Evaluation of InterCell Interference of LTE-A System Using Carrier Aggregation and CoMP Techniques - TSSA 2015. (2016) K-Mean Clustering for Chunk Formation Based on Channel Response on OFDMA Radio Resource Allocation Systems Advanced Science Letters, ISSN: 1936-6612 (Print); EISSN: 19367317 (Online). (2016) Implementation of ICI Self Cancellation in User Velocity From 0 to 700 Km/h to Mitigate Inter-Carrier Interference - 2016 3rd International Conference on Communication and Computer Engineering (ICOCOE) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Springer) Series. (2016) Modified Mean Greedy Allocation

User Order Chunk Allocation using Priority in OFDMA Systems – AREITIC. (2016) Impact of Number of Device and Data Rate Variation in Clustering Method on Device-To-Device Communication - IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile - IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APiWimob 2015)

Use of Clustering Concept for Chunk Forming based on Constellation Signals on OFDMA Resource Allocation Systems The 9th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications (TSSA 2015) Coexistence LTE with GSM and UMTS - Performance Analysis using SEAMCAT Simulation – COMNETSAT. (2015)



Dr. Eng. Asep Suhendi, S.Si., M.Si

Asep Suhendi, has research interests covering Physics, Instrumentation, Physical Engineering, Aerosols, Nanomaterials, and Chemical Engineering. He got Bachelor Degree in Physics (S.Si.) of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB, 2005), Master Degree in Physics (M.Si.) at ITB (2008), and Doctoral Degree in Chemical Engineering (Dr. Eng.) at Hiroshima University, Japan (2013) with dissertation entitled “Self-organized Nanostructured Particles Fabricated from Spray-drying of colloidal Nanoparticles“, under supervision of Professor Kikuo Okuyama of Hiroshima University. Frequently Asep involves himself in publishing his papers both in peer-reviewed journals and Proceedings of International Meetings. Among others, his papers was published in Advanced Powder Technology (2015), Langmuir (2013), Material Letters (2013), and International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering (2012). While in international meetings his papers was published, among others, in The 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Education and Educational Technology (EDU) 2007, Asian Physics Symposium (APS) 2007, and 5th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Education and Educational Technology (EDU’06). u Research Field


Materials, Instrumentation, Aerosol, Physical Engineering, Chemical Engineering.



Research Activity Equations Transformation Characteristic Curve Hall Effect Sensor for Calibration and Widening Work Areas Magnetic Field Measurement. (2016) Effect Analysis Dimensions and Number of Holes and Variations Air Flow Reactor Udara Terhadap Gasification Process on Rice Husk Biomass Gasification Stove. (2016) Development Control System Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Adaptive Power 100 Watt for Direct Current. (2016) Design of Turbine Generator Test Equipment Power Systems Laboratory Scale Pikohidro. (2016) Synthesis of Nanoparticle-Based Magnetic Film Fe16N2 (2015)

Publication Effect of Magnetic Field Strength on the Alignment Q1 of Fe16N2 Nanoparticle Films – Nanoscale (2016) Low-Energy Bead-Mill Dispersion of Agglomerated Core Shell -Fe/AL2O3 and -Fe16N2/AL2O3 Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles in Toluene – Langmuir, (2015) Preparation and Characterization of Magnetic Films of Well-Dispersed Single Domain of Core Shell - Fe16N2/AL2O3 nanoparticles Advanced Powder Technology. (2015) Preparation and Evaluation of Magnetic Nanocomposite Fibers Containing - Fe16N2 and -Fe Nanoparticles in Polyvinylpyrrolidone via Magnetoelectrospinning – Nanotechnology. (2015) Size- and Charge Controllable Polystyrene Spheres for Templates in the Preparation of Porous Silica Particles with Tunable Internal Hole Configurations- Chemical Engineering Journal (2014) Self-Assembly of Colloidal Nanoparticles Inside Charged Droplets During Spray-Drying in the Fabrication of Nanostructured Particles- Langmuir (2013)

Preparation of Agglomeration-Free Spherical Hollow Silica Particles using an Electro spray Method with Colloidal Templating - Materials Letters (2013) Influences of Surface Charge, Size, and Concentration of Colloidal Nanoparticles on Fabrication of Selforganized Porous Silica in Film and Particle Forms- Langmuir (2013) Control of Cone-Jet Geometry During Electro Spray by an Electric Current- Advanced Powder Technology (2013) Agglomeration-Free Core-Shell Polystyrene/Silica Particles Preparation Using an Electro Spray Method and Additive-Free Cationic Polystyrene Core- Materials Letters (2012) Synthesis of Additive-Free Cationic Polystyrene Particles with Controllable Size for Hollow Template Applications- Colloid Surface A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (2012) Ion-Induced Nucleation Rate Measurement in SO2/H2O/ N2 Gas Mixture by Soft X-Ray Ionization at Various Pressures and Temperatures- Advanced Powder Technology (2012)



Dr. Ir. Bambang Hidayat, IPM

Publication Analisis dan Simulasi Sistem Penilaian Kualitas Gaya Berjalan untuk Sekolah Model Berbasis Video Processing dengan Metode Variable Module Grap (Analysis and Simulation System Quality Assessment Model Style Walk to School-Based Video Processing Method with Variable Module Grap)SENIATI 2016 Analisis dan Simulasi Sistem Pengenalan Wajah dengan Metode Fisherface Berbasis Outdoor Video (Analysis and Simulation Systems, Face Recognition Method Based Fisherface Outdoor Video) National Seminar PGRI University Yogyakarta 2015 Steganografi Citra Digital Menggunakan Enkripsi Berdasarkan Prinsip Kubus Rubik dan Kode Bch (Digital Image Encryption Using Steganography Based on the Rubik’s Cube Principles and Bch Code) – National Seminar PGRI University Yogyakarta. (2016) Penghitungan Derajat Kelengkungan Tulang Punggung pada Manusia Menggunakan Metode Transformasi Contourlet dan K-Nearest Neighbor (The degree of curvature counting Spine Human Transformation Method Using Contourlet and K-Nearest Neighbor) - National Seminar PGRI University Yogyakarta. (2016) Digital Image Steganography with Encryption Based on Rubik’s Cube Principle - International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Communications (ICCEREC) 2016 Beef Cattle Weight Determine by Using Digital Image Processing ICCEREC 2016



Novel Cryptography Using Horse Step Algorithm for More Flexible Key - IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APiWimob 2015) Deteksi Tulisan Tangan Menggunakan Metode Segmentasi Adaptif dan Hidden Markov Model (Handwriting Detection Using Adaptive Segmentation and Hidden Markov Model) - CITEE 2015

Research Activity G-Care & P-Care (Application Detection Granuloma Disease and Pulpitis in Teeth) (2016)

Born in Boyolali, October 17, 1951, Bambang Hidayat is one of founding father of Telkom University. He graduated from electrical engineering of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) for the undergraduate program (1975). He got both master and doctoral degree at Universite de Rennes I Prancis (1984 and 1988), with signal processing and telecommunication signal processing as his specialization. Between 1975 and 1978, Bambang involved in Telephone Switching Project of Telkom Jakarta. Then among others, he served as the rector of STT Telkom (1990-1994), the director of engineering and tools planning of PT Pos Indonesia (2001-2005). u Research Field

Signal Processing, Telecommunication Signal processing

Dr. Bambang Setia Nugroho, ST., MT

Born in Bandung, August 29, 1976, Bambang teaches are Electromagnetic I, Electromagnetic II, and Antenna & Propagation. Both his bachelor and master degree was taken from Electrical Engineering of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1999 and 2004 respectively. in the last five years, Bambang involved himself in many scientific activities, such as research, community development, publishing and delivering scientific papers. u Research Activity

Design and Realization of Parameter Measurement System Automatic Antenna Integrated Software-Hardware Using Stepper Motor DC in Real time (2015) Flexible Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna for Application Software Defined Radio (2011)

Phase Shifter DG Metode Butler Matriks 4x4 (2010) Microstrip Array Antenna for Components of Smart Antenna for Wimax Applications (2010) Architectural Design convolution coding and Viterbi encoding VHDL-Based Programming Languages ​​(2009)

Research Field

Antennas, Microwave, and Electromagnetic Wave Propagation.

Publication Modifikasi Pembagi Daya Wilkinson Dual Band pada Frekuensi L Band dan S – Band (Modifications Wilkinson Power Dividers Dual Band Frequency L band and S - Band) – Infotel Journal (Information Technology, Telecommunications and Electronics) (2016)

- International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2015 Correction of Radiation Pattern Measurement in Non-Anechoic Chamber At Frequency Range of 2 To 3 Ghz Using FFT-Based Method The 14th International Conference on

Wideband Parasitic Antennas Design and Realization to Improve Laptop Antenna Reception - ICCEREC 2016 Design of a 5 Bit Digital Phase Shifter for 1.27 GHz Phased Array L-Band SAR - Asia Pacific Wireless and Mobile Conference 2016 Modified Wilkinson Power Divider 1 to 4 at S-Band - International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Communications 2016 (ICCEREC 2016) Enhancing Performance of Block Diagonalization Precoding in Multi User MIMO (MU-MIMO) Downlink

Quality in Research 2015 A Pattern Reconfigurable of Circular Short-Circuited Patch Antenna Based on Genetic Algorithm – ICoICT 2014 Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) Array with Circular Polarization for Nano Satellite ApplicationProceedings of ISAP 2014 Transmission-Line Analysis of Frequency Reconfigurable Rectangular-Ring Microstrip Antenna - International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology, Volume 2014, Dual-feed orthogonal circular polarized microstrip antenna with front-

end parasitic for Inter Satellite Link Proceedings of ISAP 2014 Multiband Reconfigurable Microstrip Antenna - Proceedings of Asia Pacific Conference on Antenna and Propagation (APCAP 2013) Faculty assessment system with collective collegial leadership approach for increasing academic and research culture progressively - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE) Kajian Teknis Penerapan Sharing Infrastruktur GSM dan UMTS Antar Operator Jaringan Komunikasi Bergerak (Studi Kasus: Jawa Barat) (Study Technical Application Infrastructure Sharing between GSM and UMTS Mobile Communications Network Operator (Case Study: West Java) - Proceeding National Seminar on Engineering Sciences 2012 RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Dr. Basuki Rahmat, MT Basuki, has research interests including Teletraffic Engineering, Network Mathematics, Smart Grid System, Broadband Power Line Communication Network, Queuing Theory & Markov Chain in Teletraffic, Sensor Network, Engineering Control System, Adaptive control System, Digital Control System, and Network Control System. Born in Sleman, April 5, 1963, he graduated from Gadjah Mada University (undergraduate of Physics, 1989), Bandung Institute of Technology ITB (graduate of Electrical Engineering Studies, 1995), and Indonesia University (postgraduate of Electrical Engineering Studies, 2013). in addition to his lecturing activities, Basuki served as the secretary of program studies (STT SFB, 19961997), the Head of Laboratory Affairs (STT Telkom, 2002-2004), the Chairman of the Senate of Engineering Faculty of Tel-U (2013-2014), and the Vice Dean 2 of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Tel-U (since April 2014). u Research Field

Teletraffic Engineering, Network Mathematics, Smart Grid System, Broadband Power Line Communication Network, Queuing Theory & Markov Chain in Teletraffic, Sensor Network, Engineering Control System, Adaptive control System, Digital Control System, and Network Control System



Research Activity IPTV-Based Broadband Network PLC Network Home Plug AV (2016) IPTV-Based Broadband Network PLC Network Home Plug AV (2015) PLC pathway for data communication KWH Meter (2010)

Expertise Experience Regional Electricity General Plan Study, Anambas Island (2013-2014)

Publication Data Analysis of Li-Ion and Lead Acid Batteries Discharge Parameters with Simulink-MATLAB - IcoICT (2016) The Performance of Saturated Packet Queue System on Broadband PLC Network - IOSR Journal of Electronic and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE) Analysis Model Overflow Traffic Data Jaringan Sensor-Synchrophasor Pada Jaringan Broadband PLC - Homeplug AV (Analysis Model Overflow Traffic Sensor Network Data-Synchrophasor on Broadband Networks PLC - Homeplug AV) - Journal of Research and Development of Telecommunications Simulasi dan Analisis Algoritma Penjadwalan mSIR pada Kelas Layanan QoS WiMAX 802.16 (Simulation and Analysis of Algorithms Scheduling mSIR on 802.16 WiMAX QoS Service Class) - Journal of Research and Development of Telecommunications. An Improvement of Broadband PLC Channel Based on PS-OFDM -

ICCEREC 2015 Jaringan IPTV Berbasis Jaringan Broadband PLC Homeplug AV (IPTV Network-Based Broadband Network Homeplug AV PLC) National Seminar on Innovation and Information Technology in 2015 Performance and Fairness Analysis (using Jains Index) of AODV and DSDV based on ACO in MANETs - 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media 2015 Quality of Service Improvement with 802.11e EDCA Scheme Using Enhanced Adaptive Contention Window Algorithm - 4th IEEE COMNETSAT 2015 Packet Loss Analysis in Finite Buffer with ATDMA Single Channel Output Scheme for Broadband PLC Network - ICEEI ITB, Bandung (2011) Batch Markov Arrival Process on Multiple Access Channel in Broadband PLC Network – IcTel, Bandung (2010) Network Modeling for Broadband PLC – QiR, Depok (2009)



Research Activity Determination of Selection and Design Racking Storage Allocation in Warehouse PT Bina Sinar Amity, as well as the determination of Routing Method Using Dynamic Programming and Genetic Algorithm Approach and PengaplikasianTeknologi Pick to Light To Improve Order fulfilment (2016) Developing Trust and Privacy in e-Government Services Base on the UTAUT Model (2015) E-Kanban System Design at PT Dirgantara Indonesia (2014) Design-Based Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008 for Batik Culture and Industry in Indonesia (2013) Automated Order System Design Release in Part Machining MPM in PT Dirgantara Indonesia (2013) Design-Based Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008 for Batik Culture and Industry in Indonesia (2013-2014) Model Rack Space Optimization & Scheduling and Automated Controlling untuk proses Surface Treatment berbasis Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) di PT. Dirgantara Indonesia, Bandung (2012)



Publication Integrated System Design for Order Release At Machining Department PT. ABC - International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management (2014) Design of Quality Management System Based ISO 9001:2008 Clause 7.5.1 for Traditional Batik Cap Industry - International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management (2014) Design of Integrated Scheduling and Automated Controlling for Surface Treatment Process using Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) - The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (2013) Model Penempatan Part pada Hanger dengan Metoda Algoritma Genetik dan Penjadwalan Hanger dengan Satu Crane di Bagian Surface (Model Part Placement on Hanger with Genetic Algorithm and Scheduling Method Hanger with The Crane in Section Surface) Production Systems Seminar 2012 Perancangan Sistem Perakitan Distributor Valve di PT. X berdasarkan Struktur Family Produk

dengan Pendekatan Tabu Search (Distributor Valve Assembly System Design at PT. X is based on structure Family Products with Tabu Search Approach) - Technology, Industry, and Entrepreneurship Conference 2012 Improvement of Assembly Line Design in PT SMI by Lean Manufacturing Approach International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management (2012) Reconfigurable Mixed Model Assembly Line Design in a Dynamic Production Environment - The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (2012) Perancangan Aplikasi MRP untuk Produk Makanan dengan Batas Kadaluarsa (MRP Application Design for Food Products with Expiration Limits) – Proceeding National Conference on Information Technology and Applications (2011)

Intellectual Property Patent - Dough Crackers Cutter (S00201601818) - 2016.

Dr. Ir. Dida Diah Damajanti, M.EngSc

Research Field

Reconfigurable Assembly System, Spine Line Assembly Line, Platform based Product Family, Assembly Sequence Planning, Production and Inventory Planning, Shop Floor Control & Computer Integrated Manufacturing.

Born in Bandung, 6 Maret 1970, Dida Diah Damayanti is a lecturer at Telkom University since July 1994. Her research interest covering Reconfigurable Assembly System, Spine Line Assembly Line, Platform based Product Family, Assembly Sequence Planning, Production and Inventory Planning, Shop Floor Control, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. She graduated from industrial engineering program (undergraduate, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), 1994 and her master degree was taken at The University of New South Wales Australia (1998) in the field of Manufacturing Engineering. Meanwhile her doctoral level was finished at ITB (industrial engineering, 2008). At Telkom Foundation, Dida once served as the head of industrial engineering studies (IT Telkom, 2009-2010), the interested group head of Industrial Engineering Faculty (IT Telkom/Tel-U, 2010-2014), and since 2014 she is the dean of Industrial Engineering Faculty (Tel-U). As an academician, frequently Dida involved herself on writing and delivering papers related to her research interest both at home and abroad. u



Dr. Doan Perdana, ST., MT

Born in Surakarta, June 21, 1982, Doan Perdana studied telecommunication engineering in IT Telkom between 2000-2004. Then Doan continued his graduate studies to the same university with research interests focuses on electrical and telecommunications (2012). Since 2012, he continued his studies to doctoral degree in Indonesia University especially studying electrical engineering. Doan frequently writes any scientific papers related to his research interests both for journals or delivered orally as well as in the form of posters. Among others, his scientific papers was published in Journal of Network (JNW), International of Journal Computer Science and Network Security, and International Journal of Simulation, Systems, Science, and Technology. u

Research Activity System Design and Simulation Service Delivery Platform (SDP) as the Model Hub Broadband Content and Applications Indonesia (2016) Development of New Algorithm Variable CCH / Sch Interval Multichannel Mac (Vcimmac) Effect Against Node Mobility in the IEEE Standard 1609.4 (Vanets) (2015) Network Capacity Optimization of 2G, 3G, and LTE with techniques Joint Base Station (2015) Development of an Optimize New Technique Algorithm of Variable CCH Interval (VCI) with QoS Implementation using EDCA and Markov chain approach in IEEE 1609.4/802.11p standard (2015) Internet of Things / Intelligent Transportation for Sustainability (2014)

Intellectual Property

Research Field

Telecommunication Engineering, Network Engineering, Vanet, Ad Hoc Networks.



Book “Data Network Protokol” (2016) Patent - Method and System Access Control Channel on the Network VANET– (2015)

ACHIEVEMENT Best Lecturer in West Java & Banten (2016).

Publication Adaptive Control Channel Interval in VANET Based on Mobility Model and Queuing Network Analysis - Journal of Networks (2016) Analisa Performansi Protokol Routing DTN Maxprop dan Spray and Wait Pada Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET): Bandung High Way - National Seminar on Innovation and Technology in Industrial Applications (SENIATI) 2016 Performance Evaluation of AODV, DSDV, and ZRP Using Vehicular Traffic Load Balancing Scheme on VANETs - International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science and Technology. (2016) Modified Mean Greedy Allocation Algorithm in OFDMA System with Carrier Aggregation - Advanced Research in Engineering and Information Technology International Conference Performance Evaluation of AODV, AODV-UU, and AODV with Malicious Attack Mode on Vehicular Ad-hoc Network - 2016 Advanced Research in Engineering and Information Technology International Conference

Markov Mobility Model in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network with Spearman Correlation Coefficient - International Seminar on Intelligent technology and Its Application. (2016) Non-linear Effects of High Rate Soliton Transmission on DWDM Optical Fiber Communication System - ICITISEE 2016 Analysis of Performance and Energy Consumption Routing Protocol AODV and DSDV in RAW Mechanism for IEEE 802.11ah Standard - International Journal of Simulation- Systems, Science and Technology- IJSSST V17 (2016) Simulation and Analysis of Energy Consumption and Performance of Routing Protocol DSDV and OLSR on IEEE 802.11ah Standard - International Journal of SimulationSystems, Science and TechnologyIJSSST V17 (2016) Performance Evaluation of Vehicle Load Balancing Scheme on IEEE 802.11p standard - International Journal of Simulation- Systems, Science and Technology- IJSSST V17 - IJSSST: Vol. 17, No. 5+, UKSim2016-Cant+Orsoni. (2016)

2100 MHz with Replacement Analysis) - Bulletin of Posts and Telecommunications (2015) Enhancing Channel Coordination Scheme Caused by Corrupted Nakagami Signal and Mobility Models on the IEEE 1609.4 Standard - Journal of Networks (2014) Mobility Models Performance Analysis using Random Djikstra Algorithm and Doppler Effect for IEEE 1609.4 Standard - International Journal of Simulation, Systems, Science, and Technology (2013) Performance Evaluation of Multichannel Operation IEEE 1609.4 Based on Multi-hop Dissemination - International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (2013) Enhancing Channel Coordination Scheme Caused by Corrupted Nakagami Signal and Mobility Models on the IEEE 1609.4 Standard - Journal of Networks (2014) Mobility Models Performance Analysis using Random Djikstra Algorithm and Doppler Effect for IEEE 1609.4 Standard - International Journal of Simulation, Systems, Science, and Technology (2013)

User Order Chunk Allocation using Priority in OFDMA Systems AREITIC (2016) Routing VDTN for Delay Enhancement in V2V Clustering Network - CICSyN 2016 Adaptive Control Channel Interval in VANET Based on Mobility Model and Queuing Network Analysis - Journal of Networks. (2016) Performance Evaluation Gauss-

Analisa Kelayakan Implementasi LTE 1.8 GHz Bagi Operator Seluler di Indonesia (Feasibility Analysis Implementation of LTE 1.8 GHz for Mobile Carriers in Indonesia) - Bulletin of Posts and Telecommunications (2015) Analisa Tekno Ekonomi Refarming Frekuensi 2100 MHz dengan Analisis Penggantian (Techno Economic Analysis Refarming Frequency

Performance Evaluation of Multichannel Operation IEEE 1609.4 Based on Multi-hop Dissemination - International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (2013) Optimasi Kapasitas Jaringan 2G, 3G, dan LTE dengan Teknik Joint Base Station (Network Capacity Optimization of 2G, 3G, and LTE with Mechanical Joint Base Station)Emitor Journal (2012)



Dr. Dudi Darmawan, M.Si

A lecturer of Telkom University since 1998, Dudi Darmawan has research interests covering Microcontroller, Smart Sensor, Pattern Recognition, Artificial Neural Networks, and Fuzzy Logic. in Telkom, he teaches Basic Physics, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematics Logic, Numerical Analysis, Microcontroller, and Basic Computer Programming. Dudi got his Bachelor of Science in Physics (1998), Master of Science in Instrumentation and Control (2004), and Dr. in Physics Engineering (2015). The tree degree he got was from Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. Besides writing for scientific publications and proceedings, among others, such as International Journal of Tomography and Simulation, Journal of Radiology, Proceedings of The 7th ICOPIA, and International Annual Conference of The German OR Society TD-18, Dudi published a book entitled Bertanya FISIKA, seri Listrik Magnet (Asking Physics, Electric and Magnetic Series, 2010). u Research Field

Microcontroller, Smart Sensor, Pattern Recognition, Artificial Neural Networks, and Fuzzy Logic. in Telkom, he teaches Basic Physics, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematics Logic, Numerical Analysis, Microcontroller, and Basic Computer Programming.



Research Activity Equations transformation characteristic curve Hall Effect Sensor for Calibration and Widening Work areas Measuring Magnetic Field (2016) Microcontroller Applications Avr Atmega8535 on Obstacles Measurement Method DG Wheastone Bridge (2010) Simulation of Hanle Effect on Spintronic Material, (2009) Electronic Fuel Injection using Microcontroller PIC 16c84 (2000)

Publication Applied Current Injection and Magnetic Field Induction Simultaneously on Electrical Impedance Tomography International Journal of Tomography and Simulation. (2015) Study of Induced Current Electrical Impedance Tomography Configuration on 2 Dimensional Rectangular Objects - International Conference on Physics and Its Applications. (2015) Electrical Impedance Tomography in Rectangular Object Using Data Collection System Based on Absolute Boundary Potential Measurement, Journal of Radiology, OMICS (2014) Artificial Neural Inverse Problem untuk Studi Penentuan Profil Difusi Arus Injeksi pada Identifikasi Anomali Permukaan Konduktor (Artificial Neural Inverse Problem for Determination Study Profile Diffusion Flow Injection on Identification of Conductor Surface Anomalies), Proceedings National

Conference on Information Systems (KNSI) (2013) Boundary Potential Distribution in Rectangular Object Based on Data Collection System, American Institute of Physics (AIP) Proceedings of The3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics (2013) Artificial Neural Inverse Problem for Identification of Nonconductive Section of MagLev Train Track, International Annual Conference of the German OR Society TD-18 (2012) Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Detect Retortion of Currently Straight Wire Using Pattern Recognition of Magnetic Field Produced, Proceedings of National Conference of Information System, 2010 Hanle Effect Modelling on Silicon Based Spintronic Semiconductor Devices, Proceedings of International Conference on Telecommunication, 2009.



Dr. Ir. Endang Chumaidiyah, M.T. Research Activity

Born in Nganjuk, 23 Februari 1965, Endang is a lecturer with research interest including technological management, analysis of techno-economics, feasibility analysis, financial management, and cost accounting. She graduated both her undergraduate and graduate program from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in the field of industrial engineering (1988, 1999). Her doctoral degree was taken at Padjadjaran University in Economics (2012). in Telkom Foundation, once Endang had served as the Head of Industrial Management Laboratory (STT Telkom, 1995), the Head of ICT Business and Regulation Research Center (IT Telkom, since 2012), as well as the member of senate of Tel-U since 2014. u

Competition Analysis and Key Business Success Factor Game Industry, Digital Content and Applications with Industry Development Simulation Model Start-Up (2016) Value Chain Analysis and Strategic Business Development Association of Agricultural Products Processing, Bandung District (2014)

Expertise Experience Assessment Tax State Revenue (non-tax) Broadcasting, Ministry of Communication and Informatics – PT. Tritech (2013) Reviewer Case Study, Telkom Corporate University – PT Telkom (2013) Identification and Distribution Mapping System Logistics Corridor Economic Corridor 5 (Bali Nusa Tenggara), Department of Commerce– PT Oddies (2013) Study of the National Electric Car Development Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) – PT Geojaya Teknik (2013)

Research Field

Technological Management, Analysis Of Techno-Economics, Feasibility Analysis, Financial Management, and Cost Accounting.



Publication Analysis of Earnings Per Share Before and After Ipo and The Strategy (Case Study: Companies Perform Ipo in Indonesia Stock Exchange Year 2013) - ISIEM 2016 Feedback from Users on a Design of Web-Based Inventory and Product Ordering System for a Uniform Maker. - International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management. (2016) Developing Institutional Model for Association of Agricultural SMEs - 2015 International Conference on Engineering Management and Industrial Technology / Advanced Science Letters The Marketing Mix Strategy in Influence to the Competitive Advantage. - Proceedings The 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) (2014) Marketing Mix Strategy in Increasing Marketing Performance in Indonesia Telecommunication Services Companies - Proceedings IEEE International Conference of Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) (2013) The Technology, Technical Skill, and R&D Capability in Increasing Profitability on Indonesia Telecommunication Service Companies. - Proceedings International Conference on Small and Medium Enterprises Development (ICSMED). (2012) The Technology, Technical Skill, and R&D Capability in Increasing to the Competitive Advantage in Indonesia Telecommunication Service Companies. - Proceedings

The 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) (2012) The Technology, Technical Skill, and R&D Capability in Increasing to the Marketing Performance in Indonesia Telecommunication Service Companies. - Proceedings the 10th Triple Helix Conference (THC), (2012) Teknologi, Kemampuan Teknis, dan Kapabilitas R&D dalam Meningkatkan Bauran Pemasaran Pada Perusahaan Jasa Telekomunikasi (Technology, Technical Capability, and R & D Capabilities to Improve Marketing Mix in Telecommunications Services Company) - Proceedings INDECT 2012, Theoretical Framework: The Influence of Core Technical Competence and Core Marketing Competence to Competitive Advantage. - The 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM (2011) Kajian Pemikiran tentang Pengaruh Teknologi, Kemampuan Teknis dan Kapabilitas R&D terhadap Keunggulan Bersaing pada Industri Berbasis Teknologi Tinggi (High Tech) (Thought Study on the Influence of Technology, Technical Capability and Capability R & D to Competitive Advantage in Technology-Based Industries (High Tech))- National Seminar Ritektra Engineering Department UNIKAAtmajaya (2010) Theoretical Framework: The Influence of Technology, Technical

Skill and Research & Development Capability to Competitive Advantage. - The International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Business Management (ICIEBM), UIN – Sunan Kalijaga (2010) The Conceptual Design of Competitive Advantage for Telecommunication Services Business in Indonesia Through Core Competence Approach. - International Conference on Telecommunication (ICTel), (2010) Kompetensi Inti dan Strategi Bauran Pemasaran Dalam Meningkatkan Keunggulan Bersaing Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran dan Profitabilitas Pada Perusahaan Jasa Telekomunikasi (Core Competence and Marketing Mix Strategy to Improve Competitive Advantage Marketing and Its Impact on Performance and Profitability in Telecommunications Services Company) - Indonesian Journal of Economics and Business, IJEB, UNPAD PRESS Academic Publisher (2012) The Technology, Technical Skill, and R&D Capability in Increasing Profitability on Indonesia Telecommunication Service Companies. - Journal Procedia Economics and Finance, Elsevier Ltd. (2012) Kompetensi Inti dan Strategi Bauran Pemasaran dalam Meningkatkan Keunggulan Bersaing Pada Perusahaan Jasa Telekomunikasi (Core Competence and Marketing Mix Strategy to Improve Competitive Advantage in Telecommunications Services Company) - Jurnal Telekomunikasi (2010)



Dr. Ir. Erna Sri Sugesti, MSc

Born in Blitar, July 25, 1966, Erna Sri Sugesti is a lecturer of Telkom University since 1992. Her research interests covering Digital and Analog Optical Fiber Communication System and Networks, Radio over Fiber Systems and WLAN over Fiber, 16-QAM Modulation and Demodulation, Intermodulation Distortion Effects, Subcarrier, Multiplexing Systems, WLAN Protocol Engineering, QoS Oriented for Real-time Services for WLAN, WLAN Traffic Modelling, and WDM/DWDM Networks. Graduated from electrical engineering of Brawijaya University in 1991, she continued her graduate studies at The Manchester Metropolitan Univer-



Research Field

WLAN-Over-Fiber, RadioOver-Fiber, Optical Fiber Networks, Wireless Protocol Engineering.

sity, UK, in the field of Optoelectronic Systems (1998). For her doctoral degree, Erna studied Optoelectronic and Laser Applications at Indonesia University (2013). in addition to lecturing, in Telkom University, once Erna was appointed, among others as the Teaching Coordinator for D3 program in Campus IV (STT Telkom, till June 1995), the Head and Coordinator for Optical Fiber Communication System Laboratory (STT Telkom, 1999-2000), the Head of Undergraduate Program of Telecommunication Engineering (Tel-U, 2013-2014), and since 2014 she served as the Vice Dean I of Academic and Student Affairs (Tel-U). u

Research Activity Design and Prototype Human Body Optical Sensor-Based Contactless Thermometer.(2016)

Publication Delay Bound Analysis for Hybrid Network IEEE 802.11n HT-Mixed Mode Format WLAN over Fiber ICOCOE. (2016) Analisis Delay Bound pada Jaringan Hybrid IEEE 802.11n Format HT-Greenfield WLAN over Fiber (Bound Delay Analysis in Hybrid Networks IEEE 802.11n WLAN Greenfield format HT-over Fiber) National Seminar on Innovation and Technology in Industrial Applications (SENIATI) 2016 Analisis Daya Hilang Pada Serat Optik Melengkung Menggunakan Metode Geometris dan FDTD (Power Analysis Missing Buckled on Optical Fiber and FDTD Method Using Geometric)- Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Telekomunikasi, Kendali, Komputer, Elektrik, dan Elektronika (TEKTRIKA) (2016)

LinkSPath: A Novel Hybrid Restoration Scheme in High Speed Optical Networks- IEEE International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy and Communications (ICCEREC 2015) Performance Evaluation of WLAN Channel Utilization of TXOPHCCA for Real-Time Applications - International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) (2-13) Delay Bound Analysis for Hybrid Network: IEEE 802.11g ERPOFDMWLAN Over Fiber International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunication-Fiber Optic in Access Network\2010 (ICUMT-FOAN 2010), Analysis of Delay Bound in IEEE 802.11g WLAN Over Fiber Networks. - International Conference on Telecommunication (ICTEL 2009)



Erwin Susanto, ST., MT., Ph.D

Born in Pasuruan, East Java, September 20, 1974, Erwin Susanto teaches signal and linear system, advance control, introduction to electronics engineering, control planning method, and analysis of sturdy control. He studied power system for his undergraduate program at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya between 1993-1998. From the same university, he gained his master degree in 2006. Meanwhile, his doctoral degree was taken at Kumamoto University, Japan in 2012. His recent activities, beside teaching, are doing research, giving scientific speeches, and writing for several scientific journals. u Research Field

Control System.



Research Activity Design and Implementation of Guaranteed Cost Control in DC Motor Reaction Wheel To Support Development of Nano Satellites in Telkom University (2016) Multiband Spectrum Sensing Cognitive Radio Based on Multiple Testing Procedures with Random Sample Number (2016) Design and Implementation System Remote Sensing Satellite Payload Nano Satellites to Achieve Independence College (2015) Guaranteed Cost Model in Uncertain Neutral Systems With Time Delay Changing the Time: Full System and Filtering (Filtering) (2014) Classification of Wood Fiber Straight and Leaning Based Digital Image Processing (2014) Design and Implementation of E-Procurement System in It Telkom to Support Procurement of Goods and Services Activity Electronic (2009) Realization of Optimization Full Proportional, Integral Derivative (PID) with Genetic Algorithms on Reversed Pendulum (2009)

Publication One Layer Object Separation Algorithm in Binary Image – TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering. (2016) Model Driven PID Controller in Water Heater System – IJECE (2016) Design and Implementation of Water Level Control Using Gain Scheduling PID Back Calculation Integrator Anti Windup - ICCEREC. (2016) Maximum Allowable Time Delay on Networked Control System Using Guaranteed Cost Method - ICCEREC 2016 Implementation of Maximum Power Point Tracking on Photovoltaic Using Fuzzy Logic Algorithm TELKOMNIKA. (2015) Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Neutral Systems with a Minimal Order Observer - TELKOMNIKA. (2015) A DC Motor-Reaction Wheel Control Design via Guaranteed Cost Output Feedback Controller of Uncertain Neutral Systems - ICIC Express Letters. (2015) The Detection of straight and Slant Wood Fiber Through Slop Angle Fiber

Feature - TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering Vol 14 No 2. (2015) DC Motor- Reaction Wheel Control Design Using Linear Quadratic Controller - International Conference on Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (ICET4SD) 2015 Quality of Service Improvement with 802.11e EDCA Scheme Using Enhanced Adaptive Contention Window Algorithm - 4th IEEE COMNETSAT 2015 Design and Implementation of PID Based Baby Incubator - Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (2014) A Minimal Order Observer-Based Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Time-Varying Delay Systems - IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information (2012)



Ery Djunaedy, Ph.D

Research Field

Building Performance Simulation, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Daylighting.

Ery is a lecturer with research interest covering design of high performance buildings, performance measurement and verification, energy efficiency audits, building energy code development and maintenance, and financial advisory. He graduated from Engineering Physics of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) (Being, 1995), Building Science of National University of Singapore (MSc, 2000), and Building Physics of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (PhD, 2005). Around 1996-1997 he worked as building maintenance engineer of Matahari Department Stores. Then he worked as a research assistant of National University of Singapore (1998-2001), a research assistant of United Arab Emirates University (2005-2006), Research Scientist 2 of Integrated Design Laboratory, University of Idaho (2006-2008), Sustainable Design Consultant of Arup, Singapore (2008-2009), and Research Scientist 3 of Integrated Design Laboratory, University of Idaho (since 2009). u

Expertise Experience Energy and daylighting simulation – Kompas Media Tower (2014) Energy and daylighting simulation – St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center (2007)



Research Activity Investment Grade Audit for a Textile Factory (2014) Pay-for Performance Hotel Retrofit (2012) Building Energy Code for Fiji (2014) The Cost of Building Code NonCompliance for Cities (2014) Built centre Building Performance Verification (2013-2014) Integrated Measure Package for Existing Building Renewal (20112012) Quantifying Saving from Building Energy Code Upgrade (2011) Convenience Store Retrofit Technology (2011-2012) Cooling Effect of the Water Pool in a Naturally-Ventialated Hotel (2010)

Publication Targeted Calibration of Energy Models for Existing Building – ASHRAE Annual Conference (2014) Evaluating Direct Energy Savings and Market Transformation Effects: A Decade of Technical Design Assistance in the North-western USA – Energy Policy (2013) Measuring a Decade of Market Transformation: The Pacific Northwest Integrated Design Lab Network – ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (2012) Using Performance Modelling for Re-Integration – Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference (2011) Rigtsizing: Using Simulation Tools to Solve the Problems of Oversizing – 12th IBPSA Conferences (2011)

Fiky is a lecturer with the subjects he delivers are Digital Signal Processing, Signal and System, Proposal for Final Project, Concept for Developing Science and Technology, Thesis I & II, and Advance Topic in Communication System. Born in Jakarta, May 2, 1976, he graduated from the Department of Physics Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (bachelor, 1998), Telecommunication Engineering, STEI, ITB (master, 2006), and Electrical Engineering and Informatics-Signal Processing for Telecommunications of TU-Darmstadt, Germany (doctor, 2014). u Research Field

Digital Signal Processing, Signal and System

Dr.-Ing. Fiky Y. Suratman

Research Activity Multiband Spectrum Sensing Cognitive Radio Based on Multiple Testing Procedure With Random Sample Number (2016) Overcoming weakness ID Authentication Schemes Based on Smart Card (2016) Multi-band Spectrum Sensing Multiple

Testing Procedure Based on Cognitive Radio (2015) Bootstrap Based Sequential Probability Ratio Test for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio (2011-2014) Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Based on Sub-Nyquist Sampling (20112013)

Publication DDoS Detection Using Modified K-Means Clustering with Chain Initialization Over Landmark Window - 2015 International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy and Communications (ICCEREC) . (2015) Multiple Testing Procedure Based on Energy Detector for Multiband Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio - Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (ApiWimob 2015) Distributed FFR as the Novelty Solution of the Integration Femtocell and Macrocell in Cellular Network - IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APiWimob 2015) Novel Cryptography Using Horse Step Algorithm For More Flexible Key - IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APiWimob 2015) LinkSPath: A Novel Hybrid Restoration Scheme in High Speed Optical Networks - IEEE International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy and Communications (ICCEREC 2015) P-Value Based Cooperative Multiband Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio - International Conference on Wireless

and Telematics (ICWT), (2015) An Efficient Implementation of Sequential Detector in Spectrum Sensing Under Correlated Observations – ICoICT 2015 Multiple Testing for Sequential Probability Ratio Tests with Application to Multiband Spectrum Sensing The IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (2014) Bootstrap Based Sequential Probability Ratio Tests - The IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (2013) Collaborative Spectrum Sensing Using Sequential Detection: Soft Decision vs. Hard Decision – ICoICT 2013 Effects of Model Errors on Multiple Antenna Based Spectrum Sensing Using Sequential Detection - The 1st International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing and Their Applications (ICCSPA) (2013) Collaborative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Using Hard Decision Combining with Quality Information - The IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), (2011) RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Research Activity Design and Implementation of Guaranteed Cost Control in DC Motor Reaction Wheel To Support Development of Nano Satellites in Telkom University (2016) Design and Implementation of Remote Sensing Systems to Achieve Independence Nanosatelit Payload Satellite College (2015) Nano research IiNUSAT Satellite-1 (2011) Exploration of Mathematical Functions Simple in Data Manipulation Feature Extraction and Utilization Analysis Method Log-HOS (logarithmic - High Order Statistic) (2009) Extraction Characteristics of High Order Statistics for the Classification of Digital Modulation Signals in Fading Environment (2009)

Expertise Experience Study Team BHP Frequency Analysis Model Based ISR against FWA Telkom Flexi – PT Telkom (2010) Team Impact Study Setup BTS location on the Quality of Service of Cellular Mobile Network) – Ministry of Communications & Informatics (2009) Expert Team on Drafting Technical Monitoring System Integrated Frequency - Frequency Monitoring Agency Ditjen Postel (2009) Instructor Training Transmission Technology, Introduction to CDMA, Wireless Technology Overview, 3GUMTS / WCDMA Overview, 3GUMTS and Transmission Network Design, Introduction to WiMAX Technology, Introduction to Technology 3G, GPRS & EDGE Overview, Transmission Network Design) – PT Indosat (2004-2010)



Publication Pembangkit Sinyal Master Pada Sistem Navigasi LORAN-C Menggunakan FPGA (Master Signal Generators on LORAN-C Navigation System Using FPGA) - Jurnal Infotel (Informatika, Telekomunikasi dan Elektronika) (2016) Perancangan dan Realisasi Sistem Gerak Aktif Satelit - Nano Berbasis Saluran Mikrostrip (Design and Realization of Satellite Active Motion Systems - Nano-Based Channel Microstrip) – Seniati. (2016) Analisis Perencanaan Jaringan LTE-Advanced dengan Tambahan Jaringan WIFI 802.11n Sebagai Mobile Data Offload Pada Gedung Tokong Nanas Universitas Telkom (Analysis of Network Planning LTEAdvanced Additional Network With 802.11n WIFI for Mobile Data Offload on Tokong Nanas Building Telkom University )- National Seminar on Industrial Technology and Applications (SENIATI 2016) Design of a 5 Bit Digital Phase Shifter for 1.27 GHz Phased Array L-Band SAR - Asia Pacific Wireless and Mobile Conference 2016 Design of Attitude Determination and Control System using Microstrip Magnetorquer for NanosatelliteIEEE International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Communication 2016 Correction of Radiation Pattern Measurement in Non-Anechoic Chamber At Frequency Range of 2 To 3 Ghz Using FFT-Based Method The 14th International Conference on Quality in Research 2015 Design and Fabrication Chirp Generator for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) - The 14th International

Conference on QiR (Quality in Research). (2015) A Preliminary Design and Testing of The on Board Data Handling (OBDH) for Nano-Satellite Using an Atmospheric Balloon - The 1st International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT-2015) Analysis of Camera Array on Board Data Handling using FPGA for Nano-Satellite Application The International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications (TSSA) A Study of Square Loop Resonator Filter at 2350 MHz for Nanosatellite Application - The 1st International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT-2015) A Pattern Reconfigurable ShortCircuited Circular Patch Antenna Design Based on Genetic AlgorithmICoICT 2014) Characterization of Series Iteration Log-periodic Fractal Koch Printed Antenna Equipped with Balun Unit ITB Journal on ICT - J. ICT (2013) Perancangan dan Realisasi Generator Sinyal pada Aplikasi Long Range Navigation (LORAN) dengan Metode Phase Locked Loop (PLL) (Design and Realization of Signal Generator on Application Long Range Navigation (LORAN) Method Phase Locked Loop (PLL) IT Telkom Journal on ICT (2012) Implementasi Algoritma Filter Kalman untuk Meminimalisasi Time Difference Error pada Sistem LORAN-C (Implementation of Kalman Filter Algorithm for Minimizing Time Difference Error on the LORAN-C system) – IT Telkom Journal on ICT (2012)

Dr. Ir. Heroe Wijanto, MT

Heroe Wijanto, born in Malang, January 31, 1968, is a lecturer of Telkom University since 1992. His research interests are Electromagnetics, Antenna and Propagation; Communication Theory, Wireless Technology; Feature Extraction, Pattern Recognition; Software Defined Radio, Spectrum Sensing, Cognitive Radio; and Geoscience and Remote Sensing. His whole higher education was from Bandung Institute of Technology. For both his undergraduate and graduate degree, Heroe studied Electrical Engineering which graduate in 1992 and 2001. and for his doctoral degree, he took Electrical and Informatics Engineering (2011). The lecturer with frequent publications, Heroe among others was appointed as the Head of Interested Group of Telecommunications Transmission (STT Telkom, 1997-2001), the Head of Electrical Engineering Program (STT Telkom, 2004-2006), IT Telkom Quality Management Representative ISO 9001:2008 (since 2010), and Vice Rector I (academics and information system, Tel-U) since 2013. u Research Field

Electromagnetics, Antenna and Propagation; Communication Theory, Wireless Technology; Feature Extraction, Pattern Recognition; Software Defined Radio, Spectrum Sensing, Cognitive Radio; and Geoscience and Remote Sensing



Dr. Ida Wahidah, MT

Research Field

Network Mathematics, Telecommunication and Internet Convergence, Data Network and Protocols, Traffic Engineering, Computer Networks, and Telecommunication Networks.

Ida Wahidah is a lecturer of Telkom University since November 1998. She teaches Network Mathematics, Telecommunication and Internet Convergence, Data Network and Protocols, Traffic Engineering, Computer Networks, and Telecommunication Networks. Her whole higher education was taken at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). First, Ida got Bachelor of Engineering (1998), then Master of Engineering (2005), and Doctor of Engineering (2014). Around March – August 1998, she worked as a researcher at the Laboratory of Radio Telecommunication and Microwave of ITB. and in Institut Teknologi Telkom, Ida once led the Laboratories of Network and Multimedia (2006-2009). u Research Activity

Network Congestion Control Based SDN Open flow for Tactical Military Communications Systems (2016) Development of Video Watermarking Technology for UHD (Ultra High Definition) Environment (2015)

Requirements Analysis Bandwidth / Traffic and Design of Virtual Private Network (VPN) National (2009) Making SMS Notification System and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) in a Mobile Network (2008)

19th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) (2013) Efficient Digital Medical Video Signal Compression using Compressive Sampling - International Conference on Women’s Health in Science and Engineering (Wise Health) (2012)

and Informatics (ICEEI) (2011) Reconstruction Algorithm for Compressive Video Sensing Using Basis Pursuit - International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Systems (ICTS) (2010)

Publication Analisis Keadilan Model Penjadwalan yang Diintegrasikan dengan HARQ pada Sistem LTE (Analysis of the Integrated Justice Scheduling Model with HARQ in LTE Systems) - Journal of Research and Development, Telecommunications, Control, Computer, Electrical, and Electronics (Tektrika) (2016) Parameter Estimation for Coefficient Thresholding in Block-based Compressive Video Coding - CESER International Journal of Imaging and Robotics (2015) Sparsity Properties of Compressive Video Sampling Generated by Coefficient Thresholding - Telkomnika Journal of Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics, and Control (2014) Correcting Temporal Artifacts in Compressive Video Sampling with Motion Estimation - The



Compressive Sampling for Digital Video Signal Compression Involving Dynamic Sparsity - The 7th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Applications (TSSA) (2012) Video Signal Acquisition Using Compressive Sampling with Motion Compensation - The 26th International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ) (2011) A Comparative Study on Video Coding Techniques with Compressive Sensing - The 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering

The Influence of SI and SP Slices in H.264 Standard for Video Streaming Application over WLAN - International Conference on Telecommunications (ICTel) (2010) Comparison Analysis of H.264 and MPEG-4 Digital Video Transport over Wireless IPv4 Networks - 6th International Conferences on Wireless and Optical Communication Networks IEEE (2009) Performance Improvement of High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) Based on Traffic Scheduling Techniques - International Graduate Conference on Engineering and Science (2008)

Research Activity Electrochemical Super Capacitor (2015-2017) Fabrication of Polymer-Based Short Fiber using Electro-Spinning. (20112014) Instrumentation for the Characterization of the Electric Field and the Polarization of the Ferroelectric Material. (2009-2011) Upgrading the Tool Flow Meter in EFA AIR Bandung (2009-2011) Klinostat Design Tool to Create a Micro-Gravity Environment (20092011)

Publication PH-Controlled Self-Healing Polymer Coatings with Cellulose Nanofibers Providing an Effective Release of Corrosion Inhibitor - Corrosion Science. (2016) Mapping the Influence of Electrospinning Parameters on the Morphology Transition of Short and Continuous Nanofibers - Fibers and Polymers. (2016) One-Step Fabrication of Short Nanofibers by Electrospinning: Effect of Needle Size on Nanofiber Length - Advanced Materials Research (2014) Short Electrospun Composite Nanofibers: Effects of Nanoparticle Concentration and Surface Charge on Fiber Length - Current Applied Physics (2014) Self-Healing Polymer Coatings with Cellulose Nanofibers Served as Pathways for the Release of a Corrosion Inhibitor - Corrosion Science (2014) Transparent Conductive Coatings of hot-Pressed ITO Nanoparticles

Dr. Eng. Indra Wahyudhin Fathona, M.Sc

Born in Sumedang, August 23, 1984, Indra Wahyudhin Fathona is a lecturer of Department of Physics Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University. His research interests covering Electrospinning, Electrochemical, Analytical instrumentation, High voltage apparatus, and Self-healing coating. Both of his B.Sc and M.Sc in Physics was taken at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2009 and 2011. Meanwhile his Doctor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering was gained from Hiroshima University, Japan (2014). During his studies at ITB, he got an award from Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Bandung Institute of Technology for Outstanding academic performance (2006-2008). u

on a Plastic Substrate - Chemical Engineering Journal (2014) Synthesis of Copper Conductive Film by Low-Temperature Thermal Decomposition of Copper– Aminediol Complexes Under an air Atmosphere - Materials Chemistry and Physics (2014) A simple One-Step Fabrication of Short Polymer Nanofibers via Electrospinning - Journal of Materials Science (2014) One-Step Fabrication of Short Electrospun Fibers Using an Electric Spark - Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2013)

Research Field

Electrospinning, Scientific Instrumentation, Electrochemical.

ACHIEVEMENT Outstanding Academic Performance, Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Bandung Institute of Technology (2006-2008) Certificate of Competency in Avionic - National Council for Vocational Education (2003)



Publication Simulation of Temperature Distribution and Proportional Control Effects in Horizontal Fin Heat Sink CPU - Journal of Measurements, Electronics, Communications, and Systems. (2016) Implementing Thermoelectric Generator on CPU – ICCEREC (IEEE International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energi, and Communications. (2015) Raman Spectra of Multiferroic TbMnO3 - Journal of Advanced Material Research, Advanced Material Research and Production. (2015) Correlation Between Lattice Vibrations with Charge, Orbital, and Spin Ordering in the Layered Manganite Pr0.5Ca1.5 MnO4 Physical Review B (2015) Para-Excitons in Cu2O—a New Approach - Journal of Luminescence



(2015) Raman Spectra of Multiferroics TbMnO3 - MRS-Id Meeting (2014) Probing Magnetic Order in CuFeO2 through Nuclear Forward Scattering in High Magnetic Fields - Physical Review B (2013) Temperature-Dependent and Anisotropic Optical Response of Layered Pr0.5Ca1.5MnO4 Probed by Spectroscopic Elipsometri - Phys. Rev. B (2013) Effects of Charge-Orbital OrderDisorder Phenomena on the Unoccupied Electronic States in the Single-Layered Half-Doped Pr0.5Ca1.5MnO4 - Physical Review B (2013) Dynamics of Photo-Excited Electrons in Magnetically Ordered TbMnO3 - Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter (2013) Magneto Elastic and Magneto-

Electric Coupling in Iron Jarosite International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Application (2013) Photo-Induced Modulation of Ferroelectric Polarization in Multiferroic TbMnO3 - International Conference of Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) (2013) Spin–Lattice Coupling in Iron Jarosite - Journal of Solid State Chemistry (2012) Phase Transition in Multiferroic TbMnO3 - Strongly Correlated Electron System (2011) Dynamical Properties of Pr0.5Ca1.5MnO4 - International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Application (2011) Phonon and Crystal Field Excitations in Geometrically Frustrated Rare Earth Titanates - Physical Review B (2008)

Ismudiati Puri Handayani, M.Sc, Ph.D

Born in Magelang, March 12, 1976, Ismudiati Puri Handayani is a lecturer of Telkom University since 1999. Her teaching subjects are Modern Physics, Introduction to semiconductor, material for engineering. Ismudiati is a graduate of Physics Department, Gadjah Mada Univeristy (Bachelor, 1999), Physics and Astronomy, Univerisity of Groningen, The Netherlands (Master, 2004), and Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, The Nethelands (Doctoral, 2014). Between 1999-2002 and 2004-2007 she was a Lecturer in Institute Technology Telkom and since 2012 this member of Indonesian Optical Society became a lecturer in Physic Engineering at Telkom University. u Research Field

Condensed Matter Physics. Research Activity Probing the Electron-Photon Coupling, Exciton Formation, and Quantum Confinement in GaSenanosheets for Optoelectronic Applications (2016) Fabrication and Characterization of Tio2 Thin Films (2016) Analysis of Thermo Electric for the Conversion of Heat Into Electricity (2013-2014) Analysis of Heat Transfer on the CPU (2013-2014) Dynamics Properties of Manganite Oxide (2008-2012) Raman in CuFeO3 and Rare Earth Titanite (2007) Exploring the MoS2 Based Photo Detector



Publication Finite-Length Analysis for Wireless Super-Dense Networks Exploiting Coded Random Access Over Rayleigh Fading Channels - IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile 2016 (APWiMob) Massive Multiway Relay Networks Applying Coded Random AccessIEEE Transaction on Communications (Conditionally Accepted) (2016) Graph-based Decoding for SuperDense Multiway Multirelay Networks and Its Finite-Length Analysis - IEICE Special Issue on Information Theory and Its Applications (2016) Joint Decoding for Multiway Multirelay Networks with Coded Random Access- IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2016) High-Dense Multiway Relay Networks Exploiting Direct Links as Side Information- IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2016 Graph-based Decoding for HighDense Vehicular Multiway Multirelay Networks- IEEE VTC-Spring 2016 Exploiting the Dynamics of Rayleigh Fading Channels for Wireless High-Dense Networks with Multiple Relays- IECE General Conference 2016 Estimating Source Correlation Online in Massive Multiway Multirelay Networks- IECE General Conference 2016 Coded Super-Dense Networks Exploiting Side Information for the Internet- of-Things- IEICE Technical Report HPB2016 2016. Networked Everything Based on Massive Wireless Multi- way Multirelay Networks- IEICE Technical Report HPB 2016, 2016. Vehicular Massive Multiway Relay



Networks Applying Graph-Based Random Access - IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC) 2015. Decoding Techniques for GraphBased Random Access High Dense Multiway Multirelay Networks - IEICE Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (SITA 2015 Exploiting CEO Problems in Massive Multiway Multirelay Networks- IEICE Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (SITA 2015. Doubly Irregular Coded Slotted ALOHA for Massive Uncoordinated Multiway Relay Networks - IEICE Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (SITA 2015 Network Coding-Based Turbo HARQ for Unicast Transmission IEEE international Conference on Electronics Technology and Industrial Development (ICE-ID 2015. Lossy Forwarding Techniques for Parallel Multihop-Multirelay Systems, - IEEE VTC2015-Fall 2015. Massive Uncoordinated Multi-way Relay Networks with Simultaneous Detections, - IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshop on Advanced PHY and MAC Techniques for Super Dense Wireless Networks 2015.

Multiway Relaying Systems, International ITG Conference on System, Communications and Coding (SCC) 2015. Experimental Evaluation for Relaying System Allowing Intralink Error - International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding (SCC) 2015. BICM-ID-Based IDMA: Convergence and Rate Region Analyses - IEICE Trans on Communications (2014) Joint Adaptive Network-Channel Coding for Energy-Efficient Multiple Access Relaying - IEEE Trans on Vehicular Technology (2014) Correlated Sources Transmission in Orthogonal Multiple Access Relay Channel: Theoretical Analysis and Performance Evaluation – IEEE Trans on Wireless Communications (2014) Capacity Bound Analysis of Uncoordinated Transmission in Multi-way Relaying Networks - EU IC COST 1004 2014. Joint Turbo Equalization and BICMID-based IDMA over Frequency Selective Fading Channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Application (ISITA), 2014.

Partial ARQ for Wireless Relaying Systems, - IEICE General Conference 2015. Massive Uncoordinated Communications for Multi-way Re- lay Networks using Iterative Demapping Algorithm, - IEICE General Conference 2015. Monitoring Spot Configuration of RSS-based Factor Graph Geolocation Technique in Outdoor WSN Environments, - IEICE General Conference 2015. Uncoordinated Transmission in

RESCUE: Links-on-the-fly Technology for Robust, Efficient and Smart Communication in Unpredictable Environments European Conference on Networks and Communications 2014 Outage Analysis of Decode-andForward Relaying System Allowing Intra-link Errors - European Wireless 2014 Iterative Spatial Demapping with Side Information for Three-way Relaying Systems - IEICE General Conf. 2014.

Research Activity Polar-Raptor-Codes-Structured SuperDense Wireless Networks for the Internet-of-Things (Pola Raptor-IoT) (2016) STAR-CODE: STAR Structured Relaying for Global Wireless Data Exchange (2013-2017) Links-on-the-fly Technology for Robust Efficient and Smart Communications in Unpredictable Environments (RESCUE) (2013-2016) Connect All with Turbo Codes: COATNET2 (2011-2014) Cooperative Decision Making Based on Slepian-Wolf/Multiple Access Wireless Networks (CODE-SWAN) (2010-2013) Turbo Equalization for Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (TURBO-FREMA) (2011-2012) Chained Turbo Equalization for Block Transmissions (CHATUE) (2009-2012)

Intellectual Property Patent - Geolocation Technique Based on Factor Graph, (2015) Patent - Chained Turbo Equalization (CHATUE) for Block Transmission without Guard Interval, 2010 Patent - CHATUE for SC-FDMA, (2010) Patent - Transmitter and Receiver, US7804764 B2 (2006)

Achievement Achmad Bakrie Award XII - Bakrie Group (2014) Award of Innovation - Indonesian Diaspora (2012) Best Academic Contribution in Japan - Consulate General Osaka (2007) Best Paper at Indonesian Scientific Conference (2007) Best Student Paper - IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (2006)

Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar, ST., M.Eng

Research Field

Coding Theory, Information Theory, Wireless Communications, Signal Processing, Coded Random Access. Dr. Anwar graduated (cum laude) from the department of Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia in 2000. He received Master and Doctor Degrees from Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) in 2005 and 2008, respectively. Since then, he was appointed as an assistant professor in NAIST. He received best student paper award from the IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium 2006 (RWS’06), California-USA, Best Paper of Conference held by Indonesian Student Association (ISA 2007), Kyoto, Ja-

pan in 2007, Best Paper Presenter for the track of Advanced Technology in International conference on Sustainability for Human Security (SUSTAIN), Kyoto, October 2011, and Indonesian Diaspora “Award for Innovation”, Congress of Indonesian Diaspora, Los Angeles, USA, July 2012, Achmad Bakrie Award 2014, Jakarta, December 2014. Dr. Anwar’s technique is adopted by the international telecommunication union (ITU), ITU-R standard No. ITU-R S.1878 “Multi-carrier Based Transmission Techniques for Satellite Systems” also in ITU-R S.2173 (07/2010) “Multi-carrier based transmission techniques”. u RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Dr. Levy Olivia Nur, ST., MT

Levy, born in Bandung, June 12, 1978, she studied at Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) for her undergraduate degree (1996-2001). From the same department and university, she took her master degree in 2004. and in 2009, she also continued her doctoral studies to the same department of the same university. Prior joining to Telkom University, Levy once worked at RisTi, PT Telkom Corp Indonesia as a programmer staff of wireless application protocol (2001), as temporary lecturer of electrical engineering of UNIKOM Bandung (2006-2007), and a lecturer of electrical engineering of UNIKOM (2007-2010). Since 2010, Levy became a professional lecturer of IT Telkom. u Research Field

Microvawe Absorbent Material, Metamaterial, Electromagnetic Wave, Propagation



Research Activity Design of Material Anti-Based Radar detection Surface Texture Technology for Platform Combat Vehicle with Frequency Settings (2013) Design of Material Anti-Based Radar detection Surface Texture Technology for Platform Combat Vehicle (2012)

PUBLICATION Perancangan dan Pabrikasi Penyerap Gelombang Elektromagnetik Patch Segi Enam Berbasis Surface Textured - Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Telekomunikasi, Kendali, Komputer, Elektrik, dan Elektronika (Design and Fabrication of Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Patch Hexagon Textured Surface Based - Journal of Research and Development, Telecommunications, Control, Computer, Electrical, and Electronics) - TEKTRIKA 2016 Theoretical Analysis of Resonant Frequency for AMC-based Absorber Composed of Square Patch Array - International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI) (2015) Thin EM Wave Absorber Composed of Octagonal Patch Array and Its Characteristic Measurement ICoICT 2015 Bandwidth Improvement of Square Patch Array-based AMC Using Multiple Slots Technique - ICoICT

2015 Theoretical Analysis of Resonant Frequency for AMC-based Absorber Composed of Square Patch Array - International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2015 Rectangular to Parallel Plate Waveguide Transition and Its Tapering Effect for Microwave Devices Characterization International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI) (2014) Rancang Bangun Material Anti deteksi Radar Berbasis Teknologi Texture Surface untuk Platform Kendaraan Tempur (Design of Material Anti-Based Radar detection Surface Texture Technology for Platform Combat Vehicle) - INSinas, Kemenristek (2012) Characterization of Radar Absorber based on Square Textured Surface - IEEE International Symposium on Radio Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT) 2012 Karakterisasi Bentuk Absorber berdasarkan Teknik Tekstur Surface (Characterization Form Absorber based Surface Texture Techniques) - FORTEI 2012 Varactor Tunable Diode of Microwave Thin Radar Absorber Composed of Hexagonal Patch Array - AUTOLE 2010 Characterization of Microwave Thin Radar Absorber Composed of Hexagonal Patch Array - PIERS 2010 RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Dr. Ir. Luciana Andrawina, MT

Research Field

Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning.



Interested in Knowledge Management, Human Capital, Organizational Learning, Luciana Andrawina has been teaching, among others, introduction to industrial engineering and knowledge management. Her whole higher education degree was related to engineering and industrial management. First, she graduated from Pasundan University (undergraduate, 1993), then gained

her graduate and postgraduate from Bandung Institute of Technology-ITB (1998, 2009). in Telkom Foundation, Luciana was appointed as the Head of Facilities Planning Laboratory (IT Telkom, 2010-2011), the Head of Interested Section of E Business and Technology (IT Telkom, 2011-2014), the Library Manager of IT Telkom (2011-2014), and Vice Dean 1 for Academic and Student Affairs (Tel-U, since 2014). u

Research Activity Racking determination Selection and Design on Warehouse Storage Allocation PT. Bina Sinar Amity, as well as the determination of Routing Method Using Dynamic Programming and Genetic Algorithm Approach and Application of Technology Pick to Light to Improve Order Fulfillment. (2016) Study Manufacturing and Utilization Fertilizer Made From Organic Waste Region with composting method in Telkom University. (2015) Design-Based Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008 for Batik Culture and Industry in Indonesia. (2014) Planning Implementation of Knowledge Management System at the Center for Documentation and Scientific Information Indonesian Institute of Sciences (WWII-LIPI). (2014) Mapping Knowledge in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering IT Telkom (2010)

ACHIEVEMENT Charter Project Counselor in the Indonesian Science Project Olympiad (ISPO) – President of ISPO (2012) Best Lecturer (Runner Up) in West Java & Banten (2004)

Publication Relationship of Knowledge Management Cycle and the Performance from Human, Customer and Organizational Perspective The 8th Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICe) 2016 Knowledge Management Enablers for the Assessment of KMS Readiness Implementation - ISIEM 2015 Knowledge Management System with Geographic Information System Use 5C4C Method in Telkom University Marketing Division - International Conference on Knowledge Management 2015 Knowledge Management Performance Measurement from Customer Capital Perspective in XYZ Inc - (KMICe 2014) Design of Quality Process Standars Based ISO 9001:2008 Clause 7.5.1 for Tradisional Batik Cap Industry (ISIEM) (2014

evaluasi kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa dengan menggunakan Knowledge Conversion 5C di Institut Teknologi Telkom (Designing Business Processes to Evaluate the English Proficiency of Students Using Conversion Knowledge 5C Telkom Institute of Technology) – ICoICT 2013 Perancangan dan Implementasi Knowledge Management System menggunakan Metode Waterfall di Internal Pengurus HMTI IT Telkom pada Program Kerja Shakti (Design and Implementation of Knowledge Management System using Waterfall Method in Internal Management of IT Telkom HMTI at Work Program Shakti) - , IISF-2012 Indicators for Knowledge Management Performance Measurement from Human Capital Perspective Using Knowledge Management Balance Scorecard (5th ISIEM) 2012

Framework for Measuring Knowledge Management Performance using KM Balance Scorecard - (ISIEM)) (2014) Perancangan Proses Bisnis untuk

Framework for Community of Practice based on SECI Method and KM Cycle - The 10th International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering (2012)



Dr. Memoria Rosi

Memoria, born in Padang, September 9, 1984, she teaches Physics, Engineering Mathematics, Waves and Acoustics, Solar Cell Technology, Seminar and Final Project. Her whole higher education was taken at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). She finished studying Instrumentation Physics (undergraduate, 2006), Electrical Material Physics (Master degree, 2009), and Electrical Material Physics (doctoral degree). in the last five years, she involved in many scientific activities, such as research, community development, publishing and delivering scientific papers. u

Research Field

Material Electronic, Nanoporous Material, Nanoparticle, Membrane. Research Activity Exploring the MoS2 based Photodetector (2106) Fabrication and Characterization Thin layer of Tio2 (2016) Super capacitor-Based Carbon Nanopori for Water Desalination Applications (2014) Germination Improvement Using External Magnetic Field and Magnetic Nanoparticle for Sustainable Agriculture (2013) The Fuel Cell (2010) Carbon-Based Supercapacitor Devices Nanopori (2010) NanoCkarbon (2009)



Publication Hydrogel-Polymer Electrolytes Based on Polyvinyl Alcohol and Hydroxyethylcellulose for Supercapacitor Applications - International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2014 Syntheses and Characterizations of Supercapacitors using Nano-Sized ZnO/Nanoporous Carbon Electrodes and PVA-Based Polymer-Hydrogel Electrolytes - Material Science Forum, 2013 Enhancement Performance of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell from Black Rice as Dye and Black Ink as Counter Electrode with Inserting Copper on the Space Between Tio2 Particles by Using Electroplating Method Material Science Forum, 2013 Sintesis Karbon Nanopori dengan Variasi Jumlah NaOH dan Aplikasinya sebagai Superkapasitor (Synthesis of Carbon Nanopori Varying Number of NaOH and Its Application as a Supercapacitor)Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material, 2013 Enhanced Efficiency of Solar Cell Employing Graphite/Tio2 Composite as Photon Absorbing Material Deposited with Copper - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2013

Superkapasitor Menggunakan Polimer Hidrogel Elektrolit dan Elektroda Karbon Nanopori (Supercapacitor Using Hydrogel Polymer Electrolytes and Electrodes Carbon Nanopori)- Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material , 2012 Enhanced Efficiency of Solar Cell Employing Graphite/Tio2 Composite as Photon Absorbing Material Deposited with Copper - NNS - ITS, 2013 Sintesis Karbon Nanopori dengan Variasi Jumlah NaOH dan Aplikasinya sebagai Superkapasitor (Synthesis of Carbon Nanopori Varying Number of NaOH and Its Application as a Supercapacitor) - Seminar Nasional Material - ITB, 2013 Superkapasitor Menggunakan Polimer Hidrogel Elektrolit dan Elektroda Karbon Nanopori (Supercapacitor Using Hydrogel Polymer Electrolytes and Electrodes Carbon Nanopori - National Seminar Materials) - ITB, 2012 Syntheses and Characterizations of Supercapacitors using Nano-Sized ZnO/Nanoporous Carbon Electrodes and PVA-Based Polymer-Hydrogel

Electrolytes - Nanotechnology Applications in Energy and Environment - ITB, 2012 Enhancement Performance of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell from Black Rice as Dye and Black Ink as Counter Electrode with Inserting Copper on the Space Between Tio2 Particles by Using Electroplating Method - Nanotechnology Applications in Energy and Environment - ITB, 2012 Synthesis and Characterization of Cross-linked Polymer Electrolyte Membranes for Supercapacitor - The 3rd Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Symposium - ITB, 2010 Nanoporous Carbon/Exfoliated Graphite Compositef for Supercapacitor Electrodes - The 4th Asian Physics Symposium - ITB, 2010 Supercapacitors based on Nanoporous Carbon and Alkaline Polymer Electrolyte Membranes AIP Conference Proceedings, 2010 Sintesis Karbon Nanopori dari Tempurung Kelapa sebagai Elektroda pada Superkapasitor (Synthesis of Coconut Shell

Carbon Nanopori as electrodes in supercapacitors) - Jurnal Nanosains dan Nanoteknologi, 2009 Pengolahan Citra SEM dengan Matlab untuk Analisis Pori pada Material Nanopori (SEM Image Processing with Matlab to Pori on Materials Analysis Nanopori)- Jurnal Nanosains dan Nanoteknologi, 2009 Synthesis and Characterization of Cross-linked Polymer Electrolyte Membranes for Supercapacitor The 3rd Asian Physics Symposium - ITB, 2009 Pengaruh Suhu Penumbuhan pada Pembentukan Carbon Nanotubes dengan Metoda Spray Pyrolysis (Effect of Growth Temperature on the Formation of Carbon Nanotubes by Spray Pyrolysis Metho) - Jurnal Sains dan Materi Indonesia, 2008 Structural Characteristics of Carbon Nanotubes Fabricated Using Simple Spray Pyrolysis Method Indonesian Journal of Physics, 2008 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes from a Mixture of Ferrocene and Benzene by Spray Pyrolisis The International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS) - ITB, 2008



Publication Analisis Algoritma Handover untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Adaptasi Mobilitas di LTE pada Kerangka SON (Sell Optimizing Network) (Handover Algorithm Analysis To Improve Mobility Adaptation Capability LTE SON Framework) - Tektrika (Jurnal Nasional) 2016 Capacity , Quality , and Coverage Trade-off in STDMA Based Wireless Mesh Network - Advanced Science Letters, 2015 Exploiting Geometrical Node Location for Improving Spatial Reuse in SINR-Based STDMA Multihop Link Scheduling Algorithm - International Journal of Technology 1, 2015 Modified Greedy Physical Link Scheduling Algorithm for Improving Wireless Mesh Network Performance- TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication, Comput.

Electron. Control) 2015

Collective Collegial Leadership Approach for Increasing Academic and Research Culture Progressively - IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE) Denpasar,

Decision-based Link Scheduling Approximation Algorithm with SINR Relaxation for Wireless Mesh Network - International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics, and Its Applications (IC3INA2015), Bandung, 2015 Performance Analysis of Coordinated Distributed Data Scheduling Schemes in Wireless Mesh Network - International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications (IC3INA2013), Jakarta 2013 Performance Evaluation of Modified Arborical Link Schedule (ALS) Algorithm with Protocol Interference Model for Wireless Mesh Network - IEEE Conference on Control, Systems & Industrial Informatics (ICCSII), Bandung, 2013 Faculty Assessment System with

2013 STDMA Based Link Scheduling Algorithm Evaluation for Wireless Mesh Network - in International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Service, and Applications (TSSA), Denpasar Bali, 2012 Modeling for Joint Routing & Scheduling in WiMAX Wireless Mesh Network. 12th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR) Denpasar-Bali, 2011 Multi Hop Mesh Topology: The Future Topology for Ubiquitous Wireless Network. - IndonesiaMalaysia Microwave Antenna Conference (IMMAC) Depok, 2010

Against the Implementation Study PNBP Telecommunications Numbering Resource - Ditjen Postel 2008 Team Members, “Map of National Telecommunication Network Infrastructure - Ditjen Postel 2008 Team Members, “Strategic Planning Telecommunications Infrastructure West Java ” - Bapeda Provinsi Jawa Barat 2008 Team Members “Blueprint for Communications and Information Infrastructure Riau Islands Province” - Bapeda Pemprov Kep. Riau, 2007

Study Preparation of Master Plan of National Radio Frequency Monitoring System - Ditjen Postel, 2006 Fundamental Technical Plan of Universal Service Obligation (USO) Phase 1 - Ditjen Postel, 2006 Manuscript Preparation Program National Medium Term Development Sub Sector Post and Telecommunications - Ditjen Postel, 2005 Team Members, “Operator Revenues Forecast 2005- 2010 Networks and Services and Revenues Impact to All Aspects”, - Ditjen Postel., 2005

Expertise Experience Structuring Impact Study BTS location on the Quality of Service of Cellular Mobile Network Depkominfo 2009 Expert, “Technical Drafting Frequency Integrated Monitoring System”, Center for Monitoring Frequency Bali - Ditjen Postel, Prov. Bali 2009 Team Member “Prospects of Technology Assessment Broadband in Indonesia”, Depkominfo 2007 Studies Preparation of Medium Term Development Plan of Communication and Informatics Year 2010 – 2014 Depkominfo, 2008



Dr. Nachwan Mufti Adriansyah, ST., MT Research Field

Wireless Multi-Hop Network, Wireless Communication. Research Activity Polar-Raptor-Codes-Structured Super-Dense Wireless Networks for the Internet-of-Things (Pola RaptorIoT) (2016) Doctoral Research: Development Timeslot Allocation Algorithm Based Spatial Position for High Capacity Wireless Networks Matajala Greedy Method Using Weighted With Geometric Partition (2009- 2016) Microstrip Array Antenna for Components of Smart Antenna for Wimax Application (2010) Phase Shifter DG Metode Butler Matriks 4x4 (2010)

Born in Bojonegoro, April 28, 1973, Nachwan teaches at Telkom University with several subjects, namely Antenna and Propagation, Basic Electromagnetics, Telecommunication Electromagnetics, Wireless Communication System, and Transmission Channel. He graduated in Telecommunication Engineering of STT Telkom (undergraduate, 1999), Information Technology at Bandung Institute of Technology (Master, 2005), and Electrical Engineering of University of Indonesia (doctor, 2016). As an academician, frequently he conducted many scientific activities. u

Intellectual Property Book “Elektromagnetika Telekomunikasi - Publisher: Tel-U Press (2009) Book “Antena dan Propagasi” Publisher: Tel-U Press (2008) Book “Sistem Komunikasi Bergerak” - Publisher: Tel-U Press (2006)



Dr. Nanang Suryana, ST, MT

Nanang Suryana, born in Majalengka, December 14, 1973, teaches Introduction to Industrial Engineering (PTI), Concept of Development of Science and Technology (KPST), Financial Management, Tariff, and Cost Accounting. Graduated from industrial engineering of Bandung Institute of Technology (undergraduate, 1999), he continued his studies to the same department and university for his master degree (2005). For his doctoral degree, Nanang studied management economics at Padjadjaran University (2012). u Research Field

Management System



Research Activity Value Chain Analysis and Strategic Business Development Association of Agricultural Products Processing, Bandung district (2014) Influence of External Environment and Internal Company against the Company and Determination of Rates Strategy Implications Corporate Performance in the Telecommunications Industry in Indonesia (2012) Impact Analysis of Debt to Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility in Textile and Garment Manufacturing Company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (2011) Design and Analysis of Mobile Number Portability (MNP) in Indonesia (2011)

Publication Developing Institutional Model for Association of Agricultural SMEs - International Conference on Engineering Management and Industrial Technology / Advanced Science Letters 2015 Dampak Analisis Tingkat Hutang terhadap Pengungkapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Tekstil dan Garmen yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Impact Analysis of Debt to Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility in Textile and Garment Manufacturing Company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange) Scientific journals Universitas Bale Bandung (2011) Desain dan Analisis Bisnis Mobile Number Portability (MNP) di Indonesia (Design and Analysis of Mobile Number Portability (MNP) in Indonesia)- Scientific Journal Universitas Negeri Surakarta (2011)



Publication Solar Flare M-Class Prediction Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques. - Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (2015) Analysis of Radio Astronomy Bands Using CALLISTO Spectrometer at Malaysia-UKM Station. Experimental Astronomy – SPRINGER (2015) Effect of Parasitic Element an 40 & MHz Antenna for Radio Astronomy Application - International Journal of Antennas and Propagation (2014) CALLISTO Radio Spectrometer Construction at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.- IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine (2014) Beamwidth and Gain Analysis on V-shape Dipole-Based Antenna for Radio Astronomy Application 2013 - international Conference on Space Science and Communication (IconSpace 2013) Melaka, Malaysia. Optimization of Dipole-Based Antenna for 21 cm Line Observation. 2013 International Conference on Space Science and



Communication (IconSpace 2013) Melaka, Malaysia. Optimization of Two-Element Antenna Array for Low- Frequency Transient Radio Telescope. - Proceeding of International Conference on Space Science and Communication - IcoriSpace, Malaysia, 2011 Computational Optimization of Multiband Antennas for a LowFrequency Radio Telescope and Their Measurement Verification. - 9th International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and Their Applications, AES-ATEMA Montreal, 2011 Multiband VHF Antenna for Low-Frequency Transient Radio Telescope. Proceedings of the 13th WSEAS International Conference on Communications, Greece, 2009 Compact Multiband VHF Antenna for Transient Radio Telescope - Proceeding of the 2009 International Conference on Space Science and Communication, Malaysia Multiband Antenna for Low-

Frequency Radio Telescope. - WSEAS Transactions on Communications (2009) Development of a Multiband VHF Antenna for Low-Frequency Transient Radio Telescope. Journal of Electromagnetics, Waves and Applications (2009) Low Frequency Radio Astronomy: A Starting Point to Build Awareness about Radio Astronomy. – USM Astronomy Convention and Expo Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia (2008) Simulation on LC Filter for a VHF Radio Telescope._ Usm Astronomy Convention and Expo, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia (2008) Design and Implementation of a Radio Telescope for Astronomical Observation. - Engineering Postgraduate Conference 200N, (EPC08), Malaysia (2008) Development of Antenna for Low-Frequency Radio Telescope. Proceedings of”2008 Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD 2008) Malaysia.

Radial Anwar, Ph.D

Born in Pariaman, West Sumatra, May 24, 1981, Radial Anwar is a lecturer with research interest covering antenna and propagation and radio astronomy instrumentation (engineering), astronomy & astrophysics, observational astronomy, and classical mechanics (applied sciences). He graduated from Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2006. For his master degree, he studied at Department of Electrical, Electronic and System Engineering, National University of Malaysia (UKM) between 2007 and 2011. and his doctoral degree was taken from Space Science Centre, Institute of Climate Change, UKM (2015). His scientific publications was published both in journals and proceedings. His research grants involvement was occurred around 20092015, namely when he studied in Malaysia. u Research Field

Covering Antenna and Propagation and Radio Astronomy Instrumentation (Engineering), Astronomy & Astrophysics, Observational Astronomy, and Classical Mechanics (Applied Sciences). Research Activity Development of Multiband Antenna for Radio Telescope in Radio Astronomy Application (2009-2011) The Study of Solar Activities for Space Weather Application through Radio Astronomi (2011-2013) Development of a Narrow Beamwidth Non- Dish Direction Antenna for Neutral Hydrogen Emission Observation (2012-2013) Development of Dipole Base Antenna Array System for Low Frequency Radio Astronomi (2012-2015) RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Publication Adaptive Control Channel Interval in VANET Based on Mobility Model and Queuing Network Analysis - Journal of Networks 2016 Experiment Evaluation and Analysis of Delay Handover in VoIP on Campus Network - and Track International Journal of Simulation- Systems, Science and Technology 2016 Performance Evaluation of AODV, DSDV, and ZRP Using Vehicular Traffic Load Balancing Scheme on VANETs - International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science and Technology 2016 Implementasi dan Analisa Jaringan Wireless Sensor untuk Monitoring Suhu, Kelembaban dan Kadar CO2 Pada Ruangan (Implementation and Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Temperature, Humidity and CO2 levels in Room) - Seminar National Innovation and Technology Applications in Industry (Seniati) 2016 Analisis Performansi Routing Protocol Olsr dan Aomdv Pada Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) (OLSR Routing Protocol Performance Analysis and Aomdv on Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET)) – National Journal Electrical



Engineering 2016 Analisis Unjuk Kerja Horizontal Handover Mobile Wimax Mendukung Layanan Mobile TV (Horizontal Handover Performance Analysis of Mobile WiMAX Supports Mobile TV services) - INFOTEL 2016 Analisis Keadilan Model Penjadwalan yang Diintegrasikan dengan Harq Pada Sistem Lte (The Justice Analysis Model Integrated Scheduling With HARQ on Lte System) - Journal of Research and Development, Telecommunications, Control, Computer, Electrical, and Electronics (TEKTRIKA) 2016 Message Scheduling on CAN Bus for Ship Engine Systems - Tektrika 2016 Routing VDTN for Delay Enhancement in V2V Clustering Network - CICSyN 2016

Seminar on Intelligent technology and Its Application 2016 Inter-regional Voice Bandwidth Calculation on IMS Network - IEEE ICCEREC 2016 Analysis Secure Socket Layer Protocol with Heartbleed Bug and Distributed Denial-of-Service - ICCEREC 2016 Simulation and Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols Fsr and Zrp in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (Vanet) International Journal of Computers & Technology 2016 A Performance Analysis of Packet Scheduling Algorithms between Homogeneous Algorithm and Hybrid Algorithm in Point to Multipoint WiMAX Networks - International Conference on Information Technology, Information System and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE) 2016

Adaptive Control Channel Interval in VANET Based on Mobility Model and Queuing Network Analysis - Journal of Networks 2016 Performance Evaluation GaussMarkov Mobility Model in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network with Spearman Correlation Coefficient - International

Simulation and Analysis of Energy Consumption for SMAC and TMAC Protocols on Wireless Sensor Networkt - APWIMOB 2015 Coexistence LTE with GSM and UMTS - Performance Analysis using SEAMCAT Simulation - COMNETSAT 2015

Dr. Ir. Rendy Munadi. MT

Research Activity VOIP Development on Campus (VOC) (2013) Development of New Algorithm Variable CCH / Sch Interval Multichannel Mac (VCIMMac) Effect Against Node Mobility in the IEEE Standard 1609.4 (Vanets) (2015)

Born in Cirebon, March 23, 1961, Rendy has research interests are VoIP in the Next Generation Network, Network IP/MPLS, Ad-Hoc Networks, Wireless, VANET and Wireless Sensor Network, Quality of Service in IP Networks, Network and NGN, protocol and Interface Circuit and Packet-based Networks/IP, and Traffic Engineering and modeling of static and dynamic system. He studied electrical engineering at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) both for his undergraduate and master program (1986 and 1997). and for his doctoral degree, Rendy studied Physics Engineering at University of Indonesia (2005). in Telkom Foundation, once he was appointed as the Chairman of BAAK STT Telkom (1997-2000), the Head of Telecommunications Engineering Department (STT Telkom, 2005-2006), Vice Rector 1 of STT Telkom (2006-2010), and the Head of Interested Group of Networks and Multimedia (Tel-U, since 2011). u

Intellectual Property Book “Teknik Switching” - Publisher: Informatika

ACHIEVEMENT BNSP Certification – DIKTI 2010 Lecture Certification – DIKTI 2009

Research Field

VoIP in the Next Generation Network, Network IP/MPLS, Ad-Hoc Networks, Wireless, VANET and Wireless Sensor Network, Quality of Service in IP Networks, Network and NGN, protocol and Interface Circuit and Packet-based Networks/IP, and Traffic Engineering and modeling of Static and Dynamic System. RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Dr. Ir. Rina Pudji Astuti, MT

Rina Pudji Astuti is the Dean of School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University. Born in Ngawi, August 1, 1963, she studied Electrical-Telecommunication Engineering at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya (bachelor, 1987), Electrical Engineering at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB, master, 1999), and Electrical and Informatics Engineering at ITB (doctor, 2009). in Telkom, Rina teaches Terrestrial Radio Planning, Wireless Communication Systems, Advanced Topic in Communication Systems, Pre Thesis, Satellite Communication Systems, Concept for Developing Science and Technology, and Selected Topic in MIMO Systems. Besides, in the last five years, she conducted many activities related to academic activity both done at home and abroad. u Research Field

Wireless Communication, Multicarrier, MIMO, Space Time Code, Satellite Com. Systems.



Research Activity Full Implementation of Such Adaptive Modulation and Coding and Adaptive Resource Block on Broadband Wireless Technology (2016) Design Modeling Space Time Block Code (STBC) and Differential STBC (DSTBC) in the Case of WCDMA Wireless Communications Cooperative with Single Antenna in

Fading Channels Environment (2014)

for WiMAX 802.16e (2012)

Design Modeling WCDMA multiuser with Distributed Space Time Block Code (D-STBC) in the case of Wireless Communications Cooperative in Rayleigh Fading Channel Environment (2013) Design and Implementation of STBC-OFDM Systems Based FPGA

EVDO Signal Performance Analysis in Area Boundary on Frequency 1900 MHz (2010) Performance Analysis in Area Boundary EVDO Signal at a frequency of 1900MHz (2010) Mimo Adaptive Design System on MC-CDMA Users Plural (2010)

Perbandingan Power Spectral Density Sistem Owdm dan Ofdm Pada Kanal Rayleigh (Comparison of Power Spectral Density System Owdm and OFDM on Rayleigh Channel) - Jurnal Elektro dan Telekomunikasi Terapan 2016 A Combined User-Order and ChunkOrder Algorithm to Minimize the Average BER for Chunk Allocation in SC-FDMA Systems - TELKOMNIKA 2016

Finite-Length Analysis for Wireless Super-Dense Networks Exploiting Coded Random Access Over Rayleigh Fading Channels - IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile 2016 (APWiMob) MIMO MC-CDMA with Differential Unitary Space Time Frequency Modulation for Fast Fading Environment - IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile 2016 (APWiMob)

User MIMO (MU-MIMO) Downlink - International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2015 Distributed FFR as the Novelty Solution of the Integration Femtocell and Macrocell in Cellular Network - IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APiWimob 2015)

Diversity Maximal Combining for Transparent Protocol with Cooperative Network Coding (CNC) APWIMOB 2016 Analysis Effect of Discrete Wavelet Transform in Multi Carrier Code Division Multiple Access - 2016 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob)

Scaling Technique of Triple Play Services in Passive Optical Network Using Subcarrier Allocation Algorithm - International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Communications 2016 (ICCEREC) Enhancing Performance of Block Diagonalization Precoding in Multi


Design and Simulation of LTE Radio System for Broadband Wireless Access in Central Phnom Penh 2015 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile Comparison Performance Analysis of OWDM and OFDM System on Multipath Fading Rayleigh Channel - The 9th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications (TSSA 2015)



Publication Analisis Tuntutan Pelanggan, Kinerja Bauran Pemasaran Jasa, Nilai Pelanggan dan Penggunaan Jasa Telekomunikasi (Analysis of the Demands of Customers, Performance of Service Marketing Mix, Customer Value and Use of Telecommunications Services) - Analysis of Telephone Service Marketing Mix & Management Entrepreneurs Magazine Indonesia 2006 Analisis Bauran Pemasaran Jasa Telepon dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Keputusan Pelanggan Residensial Strategic (Analysis of Telephone Service Marketing Mix and its Effect on Residential Customers Strategic Decisions)– Jurnal Pendidikan Manajemen Bisnis (2002)



ACHIEVEMENT The Top-­50 BoD-­2 Talents of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk, and Participated in its International Leadership Program at INSEAD, 2014 3rd Winner for Innovation Entitled “Review Management 247” on the Event of Gelar Inovasi Divisi InfraTEL, 2010 Distinction Acknowledgement from Telkom’s BoD for Being the Best in Kursus Pimpinan (SUSPIM) 135B Angkatan 46, 2007 Recognition for the Contribution and Active Role on Preparation and Assessment Under Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence Framework, 2004 The Best Participant in Individual Contest on The Telkom Way 135 Corporate Culture Actualization, 2003

Dr. Riza Agung Nugraha Rukmana, MM

Riza Agung Nugraha Rukmana is a lecturer at Management Graduate Program, School of Economics and Business, Tel-U, for the subject of Management, Marketing Management, Strategic Management, Research Methodology since 2011. Born in Bandung, January 15, 1973, Riza got Bachelor Degree (S1) in Industrial Engineering, STT Telkom Bandung (1995), Master in Management Science – Marketing Management Specialization, Padjadjaran University (1999), and Doctor in Economics Science-Marketing Management Specialization from the same university (2005). Before lecturing at Tel-U, he had worked PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk from 1996 until 2011. and

now he also works for PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin) as Vice President, Corporate Strategic Planning (since 2013). Fully dedicated works, he was Selected as one of the Top‐50 BoD‐2 talents of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk, and participated in its International Leadership Program at INSEAD, 2014. u

Research Field

Economics Science, Marketing Management Specialization.



Sigit PW Jarot, MSc., Ph.D

Sigit took PhD, MSc and B.Eng in Mobile and Wireless Communications, from Keio University, Japan. His key qualifications are Telecom regulations, spectrum management, broadband deployment, big-data and OTT issues, etc; Research in 5G, 4G/LTE physical layer, wireless security, lawful interception, and visible light communications. Between 2000 and 2008, Sigit worked as a research associate at Keio University Japan –4G Research Project as well as the researcher of Nokia Research Center, Japan –4G/LTE 3GPP Standardization. Then he became Assistant Professor at Islamic University Malaysia, Coordinator of Information Assurance Research Group (20082012), commissioner at Indonesia Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (BRTI, 2012-2015). Since 2014, he worked as a lecturer at Telkom University and since 2015 he also worked as a Technical Expert at DG-SDPPI (Resource and Standards) MCIT –Indonesia as well as the Chairman of Indonesia 5G Forum (i5GF). u Research Field

Telecom Regulations, Spectrum Management, Broadband Deployment, Big-Data and OTT Issues, 4G/LTE Physical Layer, Wireless Security, Lawful Interception, & Visible Light Communications.



Research Activity Honey-Bee Program: An Ensemble Computing Environment for the Economic Transformation Program of NKEA Application Domain: Platform Technology for Ensemble Computing Environment (2014) Deciphering the WikiLeaks Saga: Exploring the Legal, Policy and Information Security Role and Challenges in Protecting and Securing Malaysia’s Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) against Data Leak (2013) Novel Algorithms on Speech and Audio Coding based on Compressive Sensing Principle (2013) Cooperative Interference and Detection for Cognitive Radio Networks (2013) Study on Security Enhancement of IPv6 Address Management in Enterprise WLAN (2012)

Intellectual Property Book “Topics in Coding, Cryptography and Information Security” (2011)

Publication An Efficient Implementation of Sequential Detector in Spectrum Sensing Under Correlated Observations - ICoICT 2015 Over-the-Top (OTT): A Regulator’s Perspective - APEC-TEL 51 (2015) Arah Regulasi Telekomunikasi Nasional di Era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN 2015 (Directions National Telecommunications Regulation in the Age of the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015)- Simposium Telekomunikasi Nasional (2014)

dalam Memajukan Pembangunan Masyarakat Indonesia (Telecommunications Regulatory Role in Promoting Community Development Indonesia)- Seminar IT Festival UAI (2014) A Regulatory Perspective of ICT Developments in Indonesia International Conference on IT for Cyber an IT Service Management (2014) Over-the-Top (OTT): A Regulator’s Perspective - APEC-TEL 47 (2012)

Peran Regulasi Telekomunikasi

Randomness Test of Cryptographic

One-to-Many Reversible Mapping for IPv6 Address Generation - JATIT Journal (2014) Analysis of P2P Communication over Various Mobile Platforms - Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (2013) Data leak, critical information infrastructure and the legal options: what does WikiLeaks teach us? - International Journal of CyberSecurity and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) (2012)

Expertise Experience The Concept of Personal Data Protection Supervisory Authority Public Consultation on Personal Data Protection Bill (2016) Activating 5G Research in Indonesia The 1st Indonesia-Japan Forum on 5G and Connectivity (2015) Strategy Toward 5G in Indonesia Indonesia ICT (2015) Landscape Broadcasting Industry in

Future: A Perspective Academics - FGD Broadcasting Toward Digital Era (2015) Interception in the Bill Setting Procedure Interception - KPK (2015) Interception ISP: Standards and Regulations– KPK (2015) Policy Framework on Social Media Utilization - ITU-ASEAN Forum on Social Media (2014) Monitoring Implementation of

Personal Data Protection in the Telecommunications Sector Workshop on Personal Data Protection Bill (2014) KR-ITRB Role in the Guidance Telekomunikasi Indonesia - Legal Advocacy Workshop DJSPPI (2014) Over-the-Top (OTT) Business: Technology Aspect - International Roundtable Discussion, Mastel (2013)



Sigit Yuwono, ST, MSc, PhD.

Sigit Yuwono, born in Palembang, March 22, 1974, has research interests in analog electronics, Designing circuits negative and positive feedback (oscillator), Ultra-wide band impulse radar (UWB-IR), digital electronics, digital frequency synthesizer, and CMOS IC Design. Graduated from Electrical Engineering at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) for undergraduate program (1998), Sigit continued his master program at Delft University of Technology with the same department (2003) and his doctoral program at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) which finished in 2014. With several achievement and fellowships, Sigit served as the Head of Master Degree Studio of Electrical Engineering (STT Telkom, 2005-2007) and the Head of Undergraduate of Electrical Engineering (Telkom University, since 2014. u Research Field

Analog Electronics, Designing Circuits Negative and Positive Feedback (Oscillator), Ultra-Wide Band Impulse Radar (UWB-IR), Digital Electronics, Digital Frequency Synthesizer, and CMOS IC Design.



Research Activity Wireless Charging System untuk Kendaraan Otomatis (Automated Guidance Vehicle) (2015) Analogue multiplier for UWB-IR application 2014 Frequency synthesizer for FPGA 2012

ACHIEVEMENT Doctoral Scholarship IITA - The South Korean Government (2008-2012) Pre-Doctoral Research Scholarship Monbuka gakusho – Japan Goverment (2007-2008) Master Scholarship STUNED – Netherland Goverment (2001-2003)

Publication Development of Low-Complexity All-Digital Frequency Locked Loop as 500 MHz Reference Clock Generator for Field-Programmable Gate Array - IET Circuits, Devices & Systems (2014) Auto Audio Line Multiplexer: From Need to Prototype - Jurnal Telekomunikasi (2005) A Low-Noise Low-Power Second-Order Compen sated CMOS Bandgap Reference – Jurnal Telekomunikasi (2004) A Low-Power UWB Radar Transceiver with Fast Switching Wideband LNA for Short-Range Detection – APMC (2014) A 520 PJ/pulse UWB-IR for Short Range Object Detection - IEEE RFIC (2011) Current-Reused Single-Ended Current-Output Multiplier as a Core Circuit in a UWB Pulse Detector – ICACT (2011) A 900-mV Area Efficient Source-Degenerated CMOS Four-quadrant Multiplier with 10.6-GHz Bandwidth – WICOM (2009) Current-Reused Low-Power Four-Quadrant Multiplier with Single-Ended Current Output - IEEE ISCAS (2009) Highly Linear CMOS Low Noise Amplifier with IIP3 Boosting Technique – ISOCC (2008)



Dr. Sony Sumaryo

Sony Sumaryo, born in Bojonegoro, December 09, 1967, is a lecturer of Telkom Foundation. Graduated from Electrical Engineering at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and continuing post-graduate program at the same college. u Research Field

Electronics, Robotics, Microcontroller.

Research Activity Pembuatan Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Berskala Mikro PLC Berbasis Embedded System (2013) Interfacing a Micro Controller AVR ATMega8535 Using Google Maps with a Mobile GPS Tracker (2009)



Publication Perancangan Perangkat Host USB untuk Menyalin Data Antar Flash Disk dengan Spesifikasi USB 1.0(The Design of the Host Device USB to Copied Between Flash Disk with USB 1.0 Specification) - Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF) 2015 Operating System Design for Micro PLC Based on ARM Cortex 3 2012 Perancangan dan Implementasi Prosesor OFDM Baseband untuk Prototipe Modem PLC pada FPGA (Design and Implementation of OFDM Baseband Processor for review Prototype PLC Modem ON FPGA) - IT Telkom, Bandung 2010 Analisa Performansi Mekanisme Bandwidth Request-grant dalam Jaringan WiMAX (Performance Analysis of Bandwidth Demandgrant MECHANISM hearts WiMAX Networks) - Bandung, Agustus 2009

PID Pada Lengan Robot Dua Derajat Kebebasan (Design and Implementation of Control PID ON Two Degrees of Freedom Robotic Arm) Desain DAM Implementasi Modul Torsimeter dengan Menggunakan Motor AC Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT89S51 (DAM Design Implementation Module Torsimeter Article Search Google using AC Motors Based Microcontroller AT89S51) Rancang Bangun Sistem Transfer Energi Listrik Tanpa Kabel (Design Prototype Wireless Electrical Energy Transfer System) Analisis Modifikasi Algoritma Spin dengan Penambahan VC Table di Tiny OS (Analysis Algorithm Modifications Spin Article Search Google Disposals VC Table at Tiny OS)

Desain dan Implementasi Kontrol

Aplikasi Antarmuka Mikrokontroler

At89s51 Sebagai Pensaklar Jarak Jauh Melalui Teknologi Internet (Internet Application Interface Microcontroller AT89S51 as Switcher Distance Learning through Technology) Perancangan dan Implementasi Electromyograph dengan Menggunakan Mikrokontroller Atmega (Design and Implementation electromyography Article Search Google using Microcontroller Atmega) Pengontrol Winamp Melalui Port Serial (Winamp controller through Serial Port) Perancangan dan Implementasi Kriptografi Skipjack untuk Komunikasi Suara Melalui Saluran Telpon Berbasis Mikrokontroller (Design and Implementation of Cryptographic Skipjack for Channel Voice Communication Through Telephone-Based Microcontroller)



Dr. Sri Martini

Born in Solo, June 20, 1959, Sri Martini graduated from Industrial Engineering Department of Faculty of Engineering, Pasundan University (1987). Her master degree was taken from Transportation Department, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), in 1995. and she gained her doctoral degree at Indonesia University of Education (UPI) Bandung. Since 1985, prior to joining Telkom, Sri once worked as a staff of research and promotion for PT Margahayu Raya Bandung, a engineering coordinator of CV Delti Tangerang (1988), a short term expert for Perkumpulan untuk Peningkatan Usaha Kecil (PUPUK) Bandung (19972010), and a secretary of STISI Bandung’s P3M (1997-2000). Her teaching experiences, among others, included in SMA Lembaga Nasional Bandung (1986), STISI Bandung (1990-2010), STISI Telkom (since 2011), and TCIS (since 2013). u Research Field

Industrial design Intellectual Property Copyright “Analisis Konsep Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Industri Kreatif” Copyright “Seni Motif Batik “Kuas Beken”



Research Activity Feasibility Analysis of Waste Utilization Grass Green and Organic Waste Land Telkom University Using Biogas Processing Facility (2015) Development of Creative Learning Model-Based Innovative Creative Industries (2013) Waste Utilization Model-Based Products Fabrics for Creative Industries in Desa Suka Mulya Soreang Bandung District (2013) Learning Facilities Development Model on. Product Design Study Program STISI Telkom Using

Analytical Hierarchy Process (2012)

of Microfinance Institutions in

Model Strengthening Small Industrial Garment in Effort Supports Creative Industries in Desa Suka Mulya Soreang Bandung District (2012 Study Meaning Kitchen Equipment in Houses Made Room for the Supporters (2008) Multi Criteria Analysis to Determine Performance Education Facilities (2007) Diagnosis Cluster Textiles and Textile Products South Bandung (2005). Potential Study and Capacity

Purwakarta and Bandung (2003) Business Feasibility Study Trucking Sector (2003) Business Feasibility Study Bus Transport Sector (2003) Business Feasibility Study Taxi Transport Sector (2002) Feasibility Study of Public Transport Sector (2002) Performance Ports in Papua for Level Determination Regarding Port Expansion Plan of the Province (2001)

Kampung Legok Kaso, Kecamatan Pacet, Kabupaten Bandung (Meaning Overview Infrastructure and Supplementary Kitchen Science Journal Arts & Culture for Occupants House Stage Cinangela village, Kampung Legok Kaso, Pacet sub district, Bandung district) “Panggung”, STSI, Bandung, 2011 Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Keterampilan untuk Pembuatan Generator Sel Surya Berbasis Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (Application of Learning Model Generator Skills for Producing Solar Cells Based on Community Service) - International Conference

on Physics and 1st Applications (ICPAP) & The 24 National Physics Symposium (Simposium Fisika Nasional XXIV), ITB, Bandung, 2011

Publication Model Penguatan Industri Kecil Dalam Menghadapi Perkembangan Industri Kreatif (Model Strengthening Small Industry Development Facing Creative Industries) - Jurnal “Seni Rupa & Desain”, STISI Telkom, 2012 Manajemen Kantor Sebagai Pendukung Utama Industri Telekomunikasi (Top Management Support Office as the Telecommunications Industry) - Jurnal “Civil Society” STISIP, Sukabumi, 2012 Tinjauan Makna Prasarana dan Pelengkap Dapur Jurnal Ilmiah Seni & Budaya Bagi Penghuni Rumah Panggung Desa Cinangela,

Model Simulasi Pada Manajemen untuk Penentuan Jalur Distribusi Optimal dalam Membantu Penanganan Logistik Komoditi Perkebunan Berdasarkan Kriteria Biaya (Simulation Model Management for Determining Optimal Distribution Line in Plantation Commodities Helps Logistics Management Fees Based Criteria) - Majalah Keilmuan dan Teknologi Terapan “Spectrum”, Uninus, Bandung, 2011



Drs. Tatang Mulyana, MT, Ph.D

Born in Bandung, April 21, 1962, Tatang Mulyana teaches Industrial Automation, Industrial Electronics, Quality Control and Guarantee, Concept for Developing Science and Technology. He studied Physics at Padjadjaran University (bachelor, 1987), Nuclear Science and Engineering at Bandung Institute of Technology (master, 1996), and Kejuruteraan Electrik or Electrical Engineering at UTHM (doctor, 2015). in the last five years, Tatang conducted researches and community development activities, and wrote papers for journals as well as for speeches both at home and abroad. u Research Field




Research Activity Design and Realization of Hybrid Power Systems Empower Low (2016) Design and Realization of Power Filter Based on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (2016) Development of Intelligent Identification Algorithm for Nonlinear Systems (2013)

ACHIEVEMENT Presentation Panel in FKEE Industrial Experience Symposium 2009 (FIES’09) - UTHM - Malaysia Participated in the Research & Innovation Compete 2011 - UTHM Malaysia Anugerah Pengajaran & Pembelajaran Cemerlang 2013 UTHM Malaysia As Session Chair in ICoICT 2015 – the 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology - ICoICT 2015 Universitas Telkom As Keynote Speaker in ICVEE 2015 – 1st International Conference on Vocational Education and Electrical Engineering - ICVEE 2015 Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA)

Publication Data Analysis using System Identification Toolbox of Heat Exchanger Process Control Training System - ICoICT 2016 A Nonparametric System Identification Based on Transient Analysis With Plant Process of Heat Exchanger As Study Case International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering & Advanced Materials (IJIMEAM) 2016 A Maintenance Task Optimization of the BTS using RCM and LCC Methods - Internet working Indonesia Journal 2016 Data Analysis of Li-Ion and Lead Acid Batteries Discharge Parameters with Simulink-MATLAB - IcoICT 2016 Design Selection of in-UVAT Using MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox - The Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining (SCDM-2016)

Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2016) An Automated Guided Vehicle Simulation through Robotino To Help Learning Course Industrial Automation - International Seminar on Industrial Engineering & Management (ISIEM) 2016 Parametric Model of Laboratory Heat Exchanger - International Conference on Vocational Education and Electrical Engineering (ICVEE) 2015 Ems-Scada Design of Ac Usage on A Building - International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management 2015 Monitoring and Controlling of EMSSCADA via SMS Gateway - IcoICT 2015 Website Design of EMS-SCADA for AC Usage on a Building - ICO ICT 2015

Automation System Design of Stopper Valve Chamfering Process on Bench Lathe SD-32A Machine Using User Requirement Specification - International Conference of Logistic and Supply Chain Management System 2016 NNARX Model Structure for the Purposes of Controller Design and Optimization of Heat Exchanger Process Control Training System Operation - 7th International

ARX Model of Four Types Heat Exchanger Identification - Malaysian Technical Universities International Conference (MUICET) , Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia 2011 Identification of Heat Exchanger QAD Model BDT 921 Based on Hammerstein - Wiener Model International Seminar on the Application of Science & Mathematics (ISASM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2011



Publication Sosemanuk Algorithm for Encryption and Decryption Video on Demand (VoD) - APWiMob 2015 Rabbit Algorithm for Video on Demand - APWiMob 2015 A Sliding Window Technique for Covariance Matrix to Detect Anomalies on Stream Traffic ICCEREC 2015 Prosodic Models of Indonesian Language: State of the Art International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science. (2014) A Survey on Network Security Hardening Models, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management. (2013) A Review of Network Security Metrics - International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering. (2013).



A Framework for Analysis A Network Vulnerability – International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science. (2013) A Review on Voter Anonimity Methods - International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering. (2013). Optimal Network Hardening Using Attack Graph: A Survey - The 5th International Workshop on Optimal Network Topology (IWONT) (2012) Mathematical Model for Network Hardening: A Survey - Seminar Nasional Matematika XVI (2012) Survey of Attack Graph-Based Security Metrics - The 5th Asian Physics Symposium (APS) 2012 A New Metrics for Predicting Network Security Level - Journal of Global Research in Computer Science. (2012). New Non Path Metrics for Evaluating

Network Security Based on Vulnerability - International Journal of Computer Science Issues. (2012). A Review of Key Length Selection Formula for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, (2012) Attack Graph Based Security Metrics: State of The Art, International - Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations. (2012) Some Algorithms for Generating Attack Graph, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering. (2012) Developing Computer Program for Computing Eigen Pairs of 2x2 Matrices and 3x3 Upper Triangular Matrices Using The Simple Algorithm - Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) 2011.

Dr. Tito Waluyo Purboyo, ST., S.Si, M.Pmat

Research Activity Management Resources in Cyber ​​ security (2016) Algorithm for Calculating Metaheuristic Security Metrics Network (2015) Development Attack Graph Based Security Metrics untuk Mengevaluasi Security Network (2014) Transaction System through Mobile Web-Commerce with NFC smartcards. (2011) Development of Efficient Algorithms for Elliptic Curve Cryptography. (2012)

Born in Purwokerto, November 7, 1973, Tito is a lecturer of Telkom University since 2014. His research interests are Network Security, Cryptography, Mathematical Modeling, Image Processing, and Simulation. His whole higher education was taken at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) with the different department. For his undergraduate studies he took Physics (1998), then mathematics (master program, 2009), and electrical and informatics engineering (doctoral program). in Telkom, Tito teaches Multimedia System, KPST, Physics I & II, Calculus I & II, Probability & Statistics, and the Proposal for Final Projects. u Research Field

Network Security, Cryptography, Mathematical Modelling, Image Processing, and Simulation RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016



Research Activity Grid-Internet Platform Development Services for Improved Understanding of Islam (2016) Harm Reduction investigation by the Coastal Mangroves through Numerical Modeling (2016) Stain-based Optimal Algorithm for Solving Scheduling Problem f on Structure Any Graf Follicles Automatic Detection Application Development to Support Detection Based PCOS Ultrasound Image Pronunciation Letter Recognition System Hijaiyah Marked Read (2015)

Prediction System Development Based Cropping Period Calendar Android Based Results for Weather Prediction (Case Study: Soreang, Bandung District) Detection of PCOS on Medical Image Ultra Sonography (USG) to Identify Female Fertility (2014) Social Network Analysis for Social Media Marketing in Helping SMEs (Small and Medium) Graf Characterization Results of Operations Based on Index Optimization f- Kromatiknya to Support Time Computing (2014)

Software for Design of System on Chip (SoC) Auto-Based Hardware / Software Codesign Forecasting System Based on Results Calendar Period Planting Weather Forecasting Using Evolutionary Neural Network (2013) Weather Forecasting Application System Based on Open Source (2012) System Application Owners and Detection To Ensure Authenticity of Digital Medical Images Using Multiple Watermarking Techniques (2011)

Markov Model - The 2016 International Conference on Data, Internet & Education Technologies (The DIET 2016) Compound Critiquing for Conversational Recommender System Based on Functional Requirement (2016) An Implementation of Local Regression Smoothing on Evolving Fuzzy Algorithm for Planting Calendar Forecasting based on Rainfall - The 2016 International Conference on Data, Internet & Education Technologies (The DIET 2016)

Embedding on Greyscale Image Colorization - The Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining - The Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining. (2016) Implementation of Moving Average and Soft Computing Algorithm to Support Planting Season Calendar Forecasting System on Mobile Device - ICoICT 2016

Publication Graph Coloring Based on Evolutionary Algorithms to Support Data Hiding Scheme on Medical Images - Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier. (2016) Implementation of Local Regression Smoothing on Fuzzy EAs for Planting Season Calendar Forecasting Based on Rainfall (Case Study Rice Plants) - The 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology. (2016) Planting Calendar of Potato Plants based on Rainfall Forecasting Using Double Moving Average on Fuzzy EAs - The 2016 International Conference on Data , Internet & Education Technologies (The DIET 2016). A Classification of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome based on Ultrasound Images using Supervised Learning and Particle Swarm Optimization The 2016 International Conference on Data, Internet & Education Technologies (The DIET 2016) The Recognition of Hijaiyah Letter Pronunciation using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients and Hidden



Digital Medical Image Compression Algorithm Using Adaptive Huffman Coding and Graph Based (2016) Quantization Based on IWT-SVD The Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining (SCDM-2016) Modified Backpropagation Algorithm for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Detection Based on Ultrasound Images - ICoICT 2016 The Implementation of Neighbor

Handling Imbalanced Data in Churn Prediction Using RUS Boost and Feature Selection (Case Study: PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Regional 7) - The Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining (SCDM-2016) Computing The Metric Dimension of Hypercube Graphs by Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms - The Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining (SCDM2016) Planting Calendar Forecasting System using Evolving Neural Network - Far East Journal of Electronics and

Dr. Adiwijaya Communications. (2015) Comparative Study of Grammatical Evolution and Adaptive NeuroFuzzy Inference System on Rainfall Forecasting in Bandung - ICoICT 2015 Follicle Detection on the USG Images to Support Determination Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - The 3rd International Conference of Information and Communication Technology 2015 Scietech 2015 Recommender System Based on User Functional Requirements Using Euclidean Fuzzy - ICoICT 2015 Feature Extraction Analysis on Indonesian Speech Recognition System - ICoICT 2015 Detection of Ovarian Follicle for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Ultrasound Images of Ovaries - ICoICT 2015 Particle Swarm Optimization on Follicles Segmentation to Support PCOS Detection - ICoICT 2015

Intellectual Property Book “Matrix and Vector Space Application”, IDCert “072560” (2015) Application “Qronis (Iqro Animation)”, IDCert “077869” (2016)

Adiwijaya was born in Majalengka, September 21, 1974. He has expertise in the field of combinatorial optimization on image, data mining, and data science. His undergraduate, graduate, Research Field

Coding Techniques, Graph Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Modeling and Optimization, Information Theory, and Applications of Matrix and Vector Space.

ACHIEVEMENT The most Productive Lecturer in Scopus Indexed Publication (2015) The most Productive Lecturer in Publication (2013) The Best Lecturer (Runner Up) in West Java and Banten (2012)

and postgraduate education was taken from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), respectively in 1999, 2004 and 2012. He studied mathematics with a couple of professional training. in Tel-U, he teaches coding techniques, graph algorithms, discrete mathematics, linear algebra, modeling and optimization, information theory, and applications of matrix and vector space. He has conducted various studies in accordance with his competence. His scientific papers was published in various scientific journals. Therefore, he was appointed as the lecturer with the most publications of Telkom Education Foundation (YPT) in 2013 and the lecturer with the most indexed publications by Scopus (Tel-U, 2015). u RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Ir. Ari Moesriami Barmawi, MSc. Ph.D

Ari Moesriami Barmawi was born in Chicago, March 15, 1960. She teaches Cryptography, Information Hiding, Introduction to Computer Science, Research Methodology, Application of Science and Technology Concepts, Advanced Cryptography and cryptanalysis. Ari graduated from the electrical engineering of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB, 1985). She continued her graduate and postgraduate program at Keio University, Japan (1997 and 2001). The field that she learned in Japan was computer science. Over the past five years, Ari has been done many scientific studies, similarly, the publication of scientific works published in the Jurnal Telekomuniksi and International Journal on Telecommunications and ICT Research and Application. She also often gave papers in scientific seminars at home and abroad. With the full scientific spirit, in 2014, Ari obtaining a patent, entitled “Method for inserting and re-read the electronic data to and from the quick response code with codeword modification� under registration number P0020146257. u



Research Field

Criptography & Steganography.

Research Activity Overcoming weakness Id Authentication Schemes Based on Smart Card (2016) Securing Multimedia Content (2014) Insertion Extraction Feature Fingerprint on QR Code (2013) Study of Information Retrieval to Build Indications Plagiarism Detection System (2013)

Intellectual Property Patent - “The methods for inserting and re-read the electronic data to and from the Quick Response Code by modifying the Code Word”, IDReg “P00201406257”, 2014

Publication Denying Collision in The Second Round of Keccak Hash Function by Camouflaging Free Bits – ICoICT. (2016) Modified Graphstega Based on Chart Scale Modification - European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC) 2016 Linguistic Based Steganography using Lexical Substitution and Syntactical Transformation International Conference on IT Convergence and Security 2016 List Steganography Based on Syllable Patterns - ICEEI 2015: International Conference

on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Strengthening Crypto-1 Cipher against Algebraic Attack - Journal of ICT Research and Applications. (2015) Watermarking QR code International Conference on Information Science and Security. (2015) Improving Bio-Cryptography Authentication Protocol - TSSA 2015 An Automatic Health Surveillance Chart Interpretation System Based on Indonesian Language - ICACSIS 2015

Expertise Experience E-Learning Content Development for Training and Consulting on Indigrow Child Development Centre - Indigrow Child Developmen Center (2016) The Guest Speaker at Genolinguistik for Network Security and Encryption – ITB (2015) Jury for Essay Contest Information Security - Sekolah Tinggi Sandi Negara (2014) Guest speaker at the Indonesian Information Security Forum - DEPKOMINFO (2012)



Dade Nurjanah, Ph.D

Dade was born in Bandung, January 18, 1973, her research interests are adaptive learning, user modeling, computer-supported cooperative work/learning, Collective Intelligence, Socio-informatics. Her research interest are related to her informatics and computer science education. in 1996 and 2002, she graduated from undergraduate and graduate informatics program of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). Then, in 2013, she passed the postgraduate program at the University of Southampton, UK, in the field of computer science. in Tel-U, Dade served as the Director of Postgraduate program since 2014. Previously, among other things, she served as chairman of the committee on the research field of the senate of Faculty of Engineering (2013-2014) and Interest Group Head (KK) of Intelligence, Computing and Multimedia (ICM) ( 2013-2014). Being the Socio-Informatics Coordinator in the Association of Information and Computer College of West Java Province (since 2013), she wrote many papers and being a reviewer in international scientific journals. Not surprisingly, in 2010, Dade won the title as “The excellence award of doctoral mobility program in European Universities (Stellar, Europe) and in 2014 she was awarded the title as the best lecturer of Tel-U. u

Research Activity Expansion Method Performance Factor Analysis (PFA) to Predict the Group’s Knowledge on Collaborative Learning (2016) Computer-Supported Supported Collaborative Work for Authoring Learning Designs (2008-2015) Adaptive Learning Authoring Tools (2007) Liquid Publication (2007) Intelligent Automatic Counsellor (2001-2003)

Achievement Best Lecturer – 2014 – Telkom University The Excellence Award of Doctoral Mobility Program in European Universities- 2010 - STELLAR, Europe

Publication Similar and Good Learners’ Recommendation in Adaptive Learning Systems - International Conference on Computer-Supported Education (CSEDU) 2016 Adaptive Navigation with Knowledge Tracing Method - ICoICT 2016 Combining Learner Preference and Similar Peers Experience in Adaptive Learning - International Conference on Computer Science for Education (2015) Sistem Informasi Posyandu dengan SMS Gateway Menggunakan Metode Ontology dalam Menjawab Pertanyaan (IHC Information Systems with SMS Gateway Method Using Ontology in Answering Questions) –



Logic (2015) Authoring Learning Designs: The Expressiveness of IMS LD and Collaboration Supports - IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2014)

and Challenges - CollaborateCom conference 2011 Extending Authoring for Adaptive Learning to a Collaborative Authoring - Human Computer Interaction International Conference

The Granularity of Collaborative Work for Creating Adaptive Learning Resources - The 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), (2014) Improving the Workspace Awareness of Authors in Asynchronous Collaborative Authoring of Learning Designs - ED MEDIA conference, (2012) Collaborative Authoring of Adaptive Learning Resources: Opportunities

A Framework of Collaborative Adaptation Authoring CollaborateCom Conference (2010) A Computer Support Collaborative Authoring Model for Authoring Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems - Web Science Conference Collaborative Authoring for Adaptive Educational Hypermedia by Enriching Semantic Wiki’s Output- User Modelling and Personalization Conference 2009

Research Field

Adaptive Learning, User Modeling, CSCW, Social Computing.



Dana was born in Wonosobo, February 11th, 1978. His research interest revolve around Software Engineering, Process Aware Information Systems, Strategic Information System Planning, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Software Engineering Project Management, Algorithm, Operating System, Network Programming, Object Oriented Model, and Relational Database Design. His higher education related to Research Activity Proposed Interaction Design Patterns Drawing Tools Drawing on Application for Early Childhood Education in Indonesia (2016) Adoption Requirements Engineering Technique in Optimizing the User Acceptance Test FITNESS based Framework to Improve Precision Software Requirements (2015) Application of Graph DB Database Schema Library Indexing in Tel-U (2014)

ACHIEVEMENT The NICTA Research Project Award (NRPA), 2009-2013 - National ICT Australia (NICTA) Best Paper in National Conference on Information Systems (KNSI) 2007 - National Conference on Information Systems (KNSI)



informatics and computer. He passed both of the undergraduate and graduate program from ITB (1996, 2004). As for his doctoral program, he took Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales, Australia (2013). The winner of NICTA Research Project Award (NRPA), 2009-2013 from National ICT Australia (NICTA), he serves as the head of the Informatics Master (since April 2014).

Previously he had served as the Interest Group Head of Software Information and Data Engineering (SIDE) of IT Telkom (2007-2009). on various occasions, Dana often involved as a speaker of scientific papers both held at home and abroad. and in 2014, he became a reviewer of papers at the IEEE 2014 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology. u

Publication High Quality of Service Video Conferencing over IMS - ICIET 2015: 3rd International Conference on Information and Education Technology (2015) Understanding Differences in Process Perspectives between Developers and Acquires in Offthe-Shelf-Based Custom Software Projects Undertaken in Indonesia - The 19th International Conference

Development of Word Based Text Compression Algorithm for Indonesian Language Document - ICoICT 2015 Framework for Process Interactions between Acquisition and Development of Off-The-Shelf-based Custom Software, - Konferensi Nasional Informatika (2013) Integration of Security Aspects Into Software Engineering - Journal of Computer Science 2008

on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2015) Modularizing RESTful Web Service Management with Aspect Oriented Programming - ICoICT 2015 (EDsHEED) Enhanced Simplified Hybrid, Energy- Efficient, Distributed Clustering for Wireless Sensor Network - ICoICT 2015 Particle Swarm Optimization on Follicles Segmentation to Support PCOS Detection - ICoICT 2015

Analyzing Differences in Risk Perceptions between Developers and Acquires in OTS-based Custom Software Projects Using Stakeholder Analysis - 6th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2012), Risks of Off-The-Shelf-based Software Acquisition and Development: A Systematic Mapping Study and A Survey - ACIS 2011,

Dana Sulistiyo Kusumo, Ph.D

Research Field

Software Engineering, Process Aware Information

Systems, Strategic Information System Planning, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Software Engineering Project Management, Algorithm, Operating System, Network Programming, Object Oriented Model, and Relational Database Design.



Research Activity Catching Lobster Sustainable Model in the Gulf of Pelabuhan Ratu Sukabumi (2015) Algorithm Implementation of Soft Computing on Mobile Device for Forecasting Planting Calendar Period (Case Study: Bandung Regency) (2016) Prediction System Development Based Cropping Period Calendar Android based results for Weather Prediction (Case Study: Soreang, Bandung District) (2015) Alternative Formulation Problems Opt. for Model Support Vector Machine Classifier (2012) Automatic Detection of Lung Disease based Voice Signal Lungs (2011) The calculation of Dielectric Constant Heterogeneous Systems Approach Two Phase DG Finite Difference Time Domain (2010)



Publication Implementation of Moving Average and Soft Computing Algorithm to Support Planting Season Calendar Forecasting System on Mobile Device - 2016 2nd International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech) Analysis and Implementation of Tracking Efficient Method to LQ45 Stock Index Portfolio Optimization – ICoICT 2015 Comparative Study of Moving Average on Rainfall Time Series Data for Rainfall Forecasting Based on Evolving Neural Network Classifier - 3rd International Symposiums on Computational and Business Intelligence (ISCBI 2015) Klasifikasi Jenis Kelamin Berdasarkan Citra Wajah Menggunakan Algoritma Adaboost -SVM (Classification of Gender Based Facial Image Using Adaboost Algorithm) - National Seminar on Information Technology and Multimedia (2013)

Feature Selection untuk Klasifikasi Teks dengan Mekanisme Within Class Popularity (WCP) (Feature Selection for Text Classification Popularity With Class Within Mechanism (WCP))- SNAKOM 2012 Optical Character Recognition Using Modified Direction Feature and Nested Multi Layer Perceptions Network - The IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Cybernetics (CYBERNETICSCOM) (2012) Combination Rough Set Theory and Genetics Algorithm for Intrusion Detection System – Jurnal telekomunikasi (2011) Oil Production Optimization in a Cluster of Gas Lift Wells System, to appear in Journal of Applied Sciences, Science Allert, 2010 Optimization of Gas Injection Allocation in a Dual Gas Lift Well System, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transaction of the ASME, 2009

Dr. Deni Saepudin, S.Si, M.Si.

Born in Bandung, July 7, 1975, Deni Saepudin is a lecturer computational sciences with research interest in the field of mathematical modeling, optimization, and Mathematical Finance / Computational Finance. His higher education are all derived from the mathematics study at the ITB program with graduation year respectively in 1998, 2003 and 2009. Therefore, the courses whom he teaches related to mathematics. Prior to his appointment as the Head of Computing Science Program of Tel-U since 2014, Deni had served as the Head of the Modeling and Simulation Interest Group of IT Telkom (2010-2014). He has been involved in various research, written scientific papers, become a reviewer of scientific papers, and as a speaker and moderator at conferences or scientific seminars, for example, he was a speaker at the National Conference of Mathematics KNM 17 in ITS (2014). u Research Field

Mathematics Modelling, Computational Finance & Optimization.



Didit Adytia, Ph.D

Born in Tanjung Pandan, Belitung, February 5, 1983, Didit is a lecturer of Computational Science, School of Computing, Telkom University. He graduated his undergraduate program in mathematics from The Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, ITB (2006). His master degree also was taken from the same department and university (2008). For his doctoral degree, he graduated from Universiteit Twente, Netherlands (2008). u Research Field

Fluid Dynamics, Water Waves, Bossiness Equations, Variational Method, Finite Element.

Research Activity Harm Reduction investigation by the Coastal Mangroves through Numerical Modelling (2016)




Simulation of Obliquely Interacting Solitary Waves with a Hard Wall by using HAWASSI-VBM and SWASH Model - Proceedings of The 7th Seams UGM International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications (2016) Numerical Solution for Laplace Equation with Mixed Boundary Condition for Ship Problem in the Sea - The 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (2015) Simulations of Short-Crested Harbour Waves with Variational Bossiness Modelling - The TwentyFourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (2014) Embedded Wave Generation for Dispersive Surface Wave Models - Ocean Engineering 80, 73-83 (2014)

Harbour - Proceedings 6th AsiaPacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics-AP Hydro, 218-223 (2012) Effect of a Possible Anak Krakatau Explosion in the Jakarta Bay Brawijaya University (2012) The Variational 2D Business Model for Wave Propagation Over a Shoal - The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (2011) Variational Bossiness Model for Simulations of Coastal Waves and Tsunamis - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian Pacific Coasts, 122-128 (2011) Tsunami Wave Guiding: Phenomenon and Simulation Above Synthetic Bathymetry and Indonesian Coastal Area - Proceedings of International Conference on Tsunami Warning, 12-14 (2008)

Optimized Variational 1D Business Modelling for Broad-Band Waves Over Flat Bottom - Wave Motion 49 (2), 309-322 (2012) Optimized Variational 1D Bossiness Modelling Of Coastal Waves Propagating Over A Slope -Coastal Engineering 64, 139-150 (2012) Phase Resolved and Averaged Wave Simulations in Jakarta

Tsunami Wave Guiding Simulation Above Synthetic and Realistic Bathymetries - Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 8, 175-185 (2008) Near-Coast Tsunami Wave Guiding: Phenomenon and Simulations Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 8 (2), 175-185 (2008)



Dr. Irfan Darmawan, S.T., M.T.

Irfan Darmawan was born in Tasikmalaya, August 10, 1975 has research interest which covering Computation, Grid Computing, System Optimazation, Embedded System, Scheduling and Balancing, Distributed Information Processing, Computer Science, Computational Complexity, and Artificial Intelligence. He graduated from Electro Engineering – Computer System Technique of Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS) Bandung (undergraduate, 1998), Electrical Engineering & Informatics both of ITB (graduate in 2002 and postgraduate in 2013). Irfan once was appointed as the Head of Computer Centre of Siliwangi University (2002-2006) and Vice Dean I of Technique Faculty of Siliwangi University (2014). Here he teaches, among others, basic electronics, introduction to computer, organization and architecture of computer. u Research Field

Computation, Grid Computing, System Optimazation, Embedded System, Scheduling and Balancing, Distributed Information Processing, Computer Science, Computational Complexity, and Artificial Intelligence. Research Activity Determinants Analysis System Compatibility between Child and Foster Parents To Prevent Violence in Children With Method Classification and Regression Trees (CART). (2016) Integration of Genetic Algorithm and Taboo Search for Load Balancing Process to Source Computing (2015) Increased Performance Computing Grid Through the Arrangement Dynamic Load Balancing and Scheduling Resource Computing Integration Using Genetic Algorithm and Taboo Search (IGTS) (2014)



Publication Perancangan Sistem Manajemen Hubungan Pelanggan untuk CV. Perceka Menggunakan Metode Iterative Incremental (Customer Relationship Management System Design for CV. Perceka Using Incremental Method) - National Seminar on Information Technology (SNATI) (2016) Integration of Self-Adaptation Approach on Requirements Modeling - (SCDM) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (2016) Optimizing Weights in Elman Recurrent Neural Networks with Wolf Search Algorithm - International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining (2016) A New Search Direction for Broyden Family Method in Solving Unconstrained Optimization Problems - International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining (2016) Training ANFIS using Catfish-Particle Swarm Optimization for Classification - International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining (2016) Variety of Approaches in SelfAdaptation Requirements: A Case Study - International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining,

Bandung (2016) Optimalisasi Proses Komputasi Melalui Pengaturan Penyeimbangan Beban Sumber Komputasi dengan Perpaduan Algoritma Genetic dan Tabu Search di Lingkungan Komputasi Grid (Process Optimization Computing Through Load Balancing Settings Source Computing with the Combination Genetic Algorithm and Tabu Search in Grid Computing Environments)Seminar Information Engineering and Information Systems Universitas Kristen Maranatha (2013) Grid Computing Process Improvement through Computing Resource Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithm and Taboo Search Integration - International, Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Application 2012 IEEE (2012) Hibridisasi Genetic-Tabu Search Algorithm untuk Penjadwalan Job Terhadap beberapa Resource di dalam Komputasi Grid (Hybridization Genetic-Tabu Search Algorithm for Job Scheduling Against some of the Resource in Grid Computing) - National Seminar on Information

Technology Application UII (2011) Algoritma Genetic-Tabu Search untuk Menyeimbangkan Beban (Load Balancing) di Lingkungan Komputasi Grid (Genetic-Tabu Search Algorithm for Load Balancing (Load Balancing) in Grid Computing Environments) - National Conference, UNDIP (2012) Integration of Self-Adaptation Approach on Requirements Modeling - International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining Variety of Approaches in SelfAdaptation Requirements: A Case Study - International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining A New Search Direction for Broyden’s Family Method in Solving Unconstrained Optimization Problems - International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining Training ANFIS using Catfish-Particle Swarm Optimization for Classification - International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining Optimizing Weights in Elman Recurrent Neural Networks with Wolf Search Algorithm - International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining

ACHIEVEMENT Best Paper Award First Charter in National Seminar “Aplikasi Komputasi Terdistribusi, Kecerdasan Komputasional dan Bioinformatika - Universitas Gajah Mada (2013)” Charter Award as Trustees of Indonesian Smart Robot Contest - The Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Higher Education (2012) Blood Donors for 25 times- PMI (2012) Charter Award as the Trustees of the Intelligent Robot Contest Indonesia Intelligent Robot Division Wheeled Fire Extinguisher on (KRI-KRCI) Region II in 2011 - The Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Higher Education (2011) Blood Donors for 10 Times - PMI (2008)



Kemas Muslim Lhaksmana, Ph.D

Born in Bandung, November 23, 1982, Kemas got his Bachelor of Engineering from Informatics Engineering department of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2005. and he studied at HAN University, Arnhem, Netherlands, for his Master of Information Systems Development (2009). Since 2005, he worked as a software engineer for PT. Ihsan Solusi Informatika, Bandung. and during his life in the Netherlands, he was participated in an internship of NESS Benelux B. V. (now USoft B. V.), Baarn, a research project of the implementation of decision table for their software development technology. u

Research Activity Grid-Internet Platform Development Services for Improved Understanding of Islam (2016) Algorithms and Parallel Computing using Graphical Processing Unit to Support Cloud Computing (2012) Algorithms and Parallel Computing Using a Graphical Processing Unit to Support Cloud Computing (2012 - 2013) RIFASKES: Geographic Information System for Research and Development of the Ministry of Health (2012 - 2013) Making Geographic Information Systems Facilities / Infrastructure Facility Health Ministry of Health of Indonesia-based Web (2011)

PUBLICATION Analysis of Large-Scale Service Network Tolerance to Cascading Failure - IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (2016) Role-Based Programming for Implementing Adaptive IoT Applications - The 2016 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its Applications (IC3INA 2016) Cascading Failure Tolerance in Large-Scale Service Network - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC( 2015) Cascading Failure Tolerance in Large Scale Service Network - IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC) (2015) Role Modeling for Adaptive Multiagent Systems Engineering - IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT) (2013) Perkembangan dan Peluang Penerapan Multiagent Systems dalam Sistem Terdistribusi (Development and Application of Multiagent Systems Opportunities in Distributed Systems) - National Seminar on Computational(SNAKOM) (2012) Decision Table to Constraints Generation in Rules-Based Application - Konferensi Nasional ICT-M Politeknik Telkom (KNIP) (2011)

Research Field

Information Systems Development



Kiki Maulana Adinugraha, Ph.D

Kiky born in Bandung, January 20, 1980 with subjects teaching are Basic Data Modeling, Basic Data System, and Spatial Basic Data. He studied Computer Science at Parahyangan University (bachelor, 2002), Information System at Bandung Institute of Technology (master, 2005), and Informatics at Monash University, Australia (doctor, 2015). u Research Field

Basic Data Modelling, Basic Data System, Spatial Basic Data Publication RkNN Query with Higher Order Voronoi Diagram- Prosiding Internasional Terindeks Scopus, ICoICT 2016 Group Reverse kNN Query Optimization - Journal of Computer Science (2015)

Range - kNN Queries with Privacy Protection in a Mobile - Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Special Issue on Secure Ubiquitos Computing (2015) Processing Group Reverse kNN in Spatial Databases - Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2015 IEEE 29th International Conference Finding Reverse Nearest Neighbours by Region - Concurrency and Computation (2014) Peer-to-peer bichromatic reverse nearest neighbors in mobile ad-hoc networks - Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (2014) Reverse Nearest Neighbor by Region on Mobile Devices Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2014 IEEE 28th International Conference Bichromatic Reverse Nearest Neighbors in mobile peer-to-peer networks - Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2013 IEEE International Conference RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Dr. Maman Abdurohman

Research Field

Computer System, Computer Network, and Embedded System. Intellectual Property


Maman Abdurohman, was born in Majalengka, March 14, 1975, is interested in Computer System, Computer Network, and Embedded System. His undergraduate degree of Informatics engineering acquired from STT Telkom in 1998. While his master and doctoral degree from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), especially from the School of Electrical engineering and Informatics (STEI) with Special Field of Information Technology (2003) and Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (2010). Maman ever held some positions in the Tel-U, among others, as the Library Manager (2011), the Head of RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016

Telematics Interested Group (since 2011), and the Head of the Laboratory of Unified Communication (since 2013). Besides, now he serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, Tel-U. For supporting the teaching materials, Maman wrote the book entitled Pemrograman Bahasa Assembly (2010), Perancangan Embedded System berbasis FPGA (2012) and Organisasi dan Aristektur Komputer (2013). in addition, he is active in a variety of research, writing and reviewing scientific papers, as well as speaking in various scientific conferences or seminars. u

Patent - Together with UML Design Methodology - S00201604180 (2016) Copyright - Picture Architecture Smart Room - C00201602284 (2016) Copyright - Picture Asynchronous Distance Education - C00201602281 (2016) Copyright - Picture Communication Models of People and Machines C00201602282 (2016) Copyright - Picture Smart Lighting Architecture - C00201602285 (2016) Copyright - Picture Distance Education Sinkronous C00201602283 (2016) Copyright - Picture Silo Application C00201602277 (2016) Copyright - Picture Smart Lighting Application - C00201602286 (2016) Copyright - Picture Communication at All Times and Places C00201602278 (2016) Copyright - Book FPGA-based Embedded System Design - 072561 (2015) Copyright - Book Assembly Language Programming: Basic Concepts and Implementation 072562 (2015)

Research Activity Follicles Automatic Detection Application Development to Support PCOS Detection Based on Ultrasound Image. (2016) Stain-based Optimal Algorithm for Solving Scheduling Problem f at Graf Random Structures. (2016) Software for Design of System on Chip (SoC) Auto-Based Hardware / Software codesign. (2016) Data Center for Monitoring Fleet in PT Charoen Pokphand IndonesiaBased Platform. (2016) Coloring algorithm f At times Cartesian Some results Graf with Graf Tracks. (2016) Event-Driven Design Methodology of Embedded System on Chip-Based Finite State Machine (FSM). (2016)

Band Voice Over Soft Client (2013)

Algorithms and Complexity Stain-F on Wheels and Expansion Graf. (2016) Graf Characterization Results of Operations Based on Index Optimization f- Kromatiknya to Support Time Computing. (2016) MTC Open Development Platform for Smart City Prototype Applied to Smart Building Solution. (2016) Building Smart M2M Platform-based Open MTC (2014) Data Center for Monitoring Fleet at. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Open Platform Based MTC (2013) Software for Design of System on Chip (SoC) Auto-Based Hardware / Software Codesign. (2013 Application Development Broad

Modelling Traffic Backhaul for Cloud Applications (2013) Voice over Broadband Development based on Open IMS (2013) Basic Design Platform Monitoring System for Moving System Based Event Driven Method (2012- 2013) Event-Driven Design Methodology of Embedded System on Chip-Based Finite State Machine (FSM). (20112012) Management Information Systems Stream Video Ads based Distance Wireless Networks (2009) Design and Implementation of Automatic Pulse Stock Transfer System Based on GSM Modem (2008)

Diffie- Hellman Key Exchange 7th International Conferences for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 2012 Automated SoC Framework Generator for Embedded System Design Using Event Driven Method - International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECECE), 2012 Great Circle Distance Method for Improving Operational Control System Based on GPS Tracking System - International - Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), 2012 Model Transformation Method of Embedded System Hardware for Improving Design Process Performance - International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI) ,2011 Automated Navigation System based

on Weapon Target Assignment Jurnal Telkomnika - Univ. Ahmad Dahlan, 2011 Implementasi Penyisipan Pesan pada Citra dengan Metode Steganografi BPCS dan Algoritma Enkripsi AES (Implementation Insertion Messages in Citra with BPCS Steganography Method and AES Encryption Algorithm) - Jurnal Telekomunikasi (Jurtel) ,2011 Analisis Performansi VoIP Quality Adaptation Menggunakan SIP Berdasarkan Voice Quality Prediction Model (Performance Analysis Using the SIP VoIP Quality Adaptation Based Voice Quality Prediction Model) - Jurnal Telekomunikasi (Jurtel) ,2011 The New Embedded System Design Methodology for Improving Design Performance - International Journal of Computer Science & Information Security (IJCIS), 2010

Publication Improvement Text Compression Performance Using Combination of Burrows Wheeler Transform, Move to Front, and Huffman Coding Methods - International Conference on Science & Engineering in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, 2014 Mobile Tracking System Based on Even Driven Method - International journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013 Software for Automated SoC Design Based on Hardware/Software CoDesign Concept - International Conference on Advance in Computing and Information Technology, 2013 Mobile Tracking System Using Open MTC Platform - 1st IEEE International Conference on Machine to Machine Communications Interfaces and Platforms, 2013 Securing Elliptic Curve Based El-Gamal Against Pollard Rho Attack Using Elliptic Curve Based



Moch Arif Bijaksana, Ph. D

Born in Purworejo, September 14, 1965, Moch Arif Bijaksana teaches Text Mining, Semantic Text Relatedness, Web and Text Mining, Informatics Engineering, Concept of Science and Technology. He studied Electrical Engineering at Gajah Mada University (bachelor, 1991), Computer Science at RMIT University (master, 1999), Computer Science at Queensland University of Technology (QUT, doctor, 2015). For the last five years, he conducted several scientific activities such as research, community development, writing and delivering papers. u

Research Field

Text Mining and Analysis. 100


Research Activity Text mining and analysis (20142015)

Publication The 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Cyber and IT Service Man - Analysis of Combined Features at Semantic Argument Classification, Bandung 2016 The 4th International Conference on Information and Technology Semantic Argument Classification Using Word/POS in Constituent and Left Argument Features, Bandung 2016 The 4th International Conference on Information and Technology Comprehensive Comparison of Term Weighting Method for Classification in Indonesian Corpus, Bandung 2016 The 2th International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining - WordNet Gloss for Semantic Concept Relatedness (accepted), Bandung 2016 Relevance Feature Discovery for Text Mining - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2015 Relevance Feature Discovery for Text Mining.- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2015 Scoring - Thresholding Pattern Based Text Classifier - The 5th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS) Kuala Lumpur, 2013 A Pattern Based Two-Stage Text Classifier - The 9th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (MLDM) New York, 2013

Publication Scientific Parallel Computing for 1D Heat Diffusion Problem Based on Open MP - ICoICT 2016 (The 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology) 2016 Simulation of Wave Mitigation by Coastal Vegetation Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method - Journal of Physics: Conference Series/2015 International Conference on Mathematics, its Applications, and Mathematics Education (ICMAME 2015) Simulasi Iringan Kendaraan Seragam dalam Satu Jalur (Simulation accompaniment Uniforms Vehicles in single Line) - IndoSC 2015 Staggered Scheme for the Exner – Shallow Water Equations,Computational Geosciences, Springer, 2015 Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Hazard by Mangrove Forest in North Coast Bali, Indonesia. - Jurnal Matematika UNUD, 2015 Hydrostatic Relaxation Scheme for the 1D Shallow Water – Exner Equations in Bedload Transport, Computers & Fluids, Elsevier, 2015 Aproksimasi Non-Uniform Spasial Persamaan Panas 1D dengan Finite Pointset Method (Non-Uniform approximation Spatial 1D Heat Equation with Finite Method Pointset)Indonesia Symposium on Computing 2015 An Explicit Staggered Finite Volume Scheme for the Shallow Water Equations. in: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VII-Methods and Theoretical Aspects, - Springer, 2014 Numerical Study of Staggered Scheme for Viscous Saint-Venant Equations. - Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2014

Dr. Putu Harry Gunawan, S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc.

Putu Gunawan Harry was born in Singaraja, Bali, June 9, 1986 with research interest in the field of Numerical methods for ordinary and partial differential equations and their applications, Modelling and Simulation in CFD, Parallel Scientific Computing, and Computational Mathematics. Putu graduated from the Mathematics Department of Udayana University (2009). Then, he earned double master degree of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Department, Kanazawa University, Japan (2011) and Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) (2011). Similarly to the doctoral program, Putu earned

two doctorates from Le Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Mathématiques Appliquées (LAMA), Universite ParisEst (UPEM), France, and the ITB in 2015. A medal-winning - Mahar Schutzenberger Prix - Le prix from the Association Franco - Indonésienne pour le Développement des Sciences, France (2014), he has published many scientific papers both in national and international scientific journals. u

Research Field

Fluid Dynamics, Conservation of Laws, Sedimentation, Finite Volume Method.

ACHIEVEMENT A medal - Prix Mahar Schutzenberger – Le prix Mahar Schutzenberger is a Reward for Young Indonesian Researchers Who Prepared Their Thesis in France - Association Franco- Indonésienne pour le Développement des Sciences, FRANCE, 2014





Single Authentication: Exposing Weighted Average Splining Artifacts - SPIE Commercial + Scientific Sensing and Imaging 2016 Digital Image Authentication Based on Second-Order Statistics ICoICT 2016 - The 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology A Photo Composite Detection Based on Eye Specular Highlight Using Pixel-based Approach- The 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2015 An Enhanced Audio Ownership Protection Scheme Based on Visual Cryptography. - EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2014. A Springer Open Journal. License: Springer. 2014

Exploiting Reference Images in Exposing Geometrical Distortions. International Journal of Multimedia and Its Application, AIRCC. 2013 Multimedia Copyright Protection Scheme based on the Direct Featurebased Method. - in: Kazuhiro Kondo (Eds.) Multimedia Information Hiding Technologies and Methodologies for Controlling Data, ch.19, pp.413–440, IGI Global, 2012. Image Splicing Verification based on Pixel-based Alignment Method. - Proceedings of International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW) LNCS 7809 pp. 198-212, Springer, Heidelberg. 2012 An Image Splicing Detection based on Interpolation Analysis. Proceedings of the 13th Pacific-Rim

Exploiting Reference Images for Image Splicing Verification. - The International Journal of Digital Forensics & Incident Response: Digital Investigation, Elsevier. 2013

Conference on Multimedia (PCM), LNCS 7674, pp.390-401, Springer, Heidelberg. 2012 An Efficient Key Generation Method in Zero-Watermarking for Audio. - The


Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2011). Dalian, China 2011 Method Modification of Lempel Ziv Welch (LZW) by Applying Golomb Quotient. - Proceeding of International Conference on Telecommunication (ICTEL). 2010 Study and Implementation of A Blockbased Complexity Data Embedding for Data Hiding in Bitmap Image Files. - Proceeding of International Conference on Telecommunication (ICTEL). 2010 Analysis and Implementation Rainfall Forecasting Using Evolution Strategies. - Proceeding of International Conference on Telecommunication (ICTEL). 2010

Research Activity Single Authentication: Exposing Tampering Artifacts of Splined Image (2016)

Dr. Rimba Whidiana Ciptasari

Rimba Whidiana Ciptasari is a lecturer at the Telkom University since September 1, 2005. Born in Jayapura, December 21, 1974, she is interested in Computer Programming, Algorithm and Data Structure, Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Information Theory, Data hiding and watermarking, and Digital investigation: multimedia forensics. Her education came from the undergraduate program of Computer Science, Padjadjaran University (1998), plus the study of informatics of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) (graduate degree, 2005) and computer science from Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan (2013, doctoral degree). in Tel-U, Rimba has served as the Head of the Master of Informatics (February-April 2014) and now as the Vice Dean II for Financial and Resources Affairs of School of Engineering (since April 2014 ). u

Research Field

Image Processing, Computer Programming, Algorithm and Data Structure, Design & Analysis of Algorithm, Information Theory, Data hiding and watermarking, & Digital investigation: Multimedia Forensics.



Research Activity Reliable Data Transmission of Denoised Wavelet Cardio Data Over Wireless Mesh Network (2016 2018) Development of Accurate Fall Monitoring System for Elderly (2016-2017) Development of Monitoring System Falling in the Elderly (SIMOJALA) High Precision (2016) Secure Single SAM Multiple Cards for Smart Campus (2016) New Authentication Model of Smart Card Reader for Secure Transaction in Smart Campus (2016) Eco Hydro Expert System of Lake Management Using Wireless Sensor of Real Time Monitoring (20152016)

Cloud Based Environment for Interactive English Teaching and Learning (2014-2016) Fundamental Study of Enhancing the Accuracy of Signal Analysis in Electrocardiogram (ECG) (20142016) Real-Time Monitoring Ventricular Arrhythmias Based-on Artificial Intelligence Algorithm in Android Smartphone (2014-2015) A New algorithm of Peer-To-Peer Cooperative Video Streaming To Improve Video Streaming Performance Over Multimedia Social Network (2013-2015) A Novel Algorithm To Reduce Spam in Pocket Switched Networks (20132014)

Algorithm of Dynamic Channel Assignment for Wireless Mesh Networks Environment (2012-2014) New Models for Vulnerability Analysis of Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) Routing Protocol – MOHE (2012) Development of Intelligent Tracking System Based on Wireless LAN for Indoor Environments (2011-2012) Smart Defence-in-Depth on Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Network (20112012) Integration of Quality of Service (QoS) into Routing-Optimization in Mobile IP Network to Improve the Network Performance and to Guarantee QoS Over the Network Routing (2010-2012)

Health, Safety, and Environ (2013) BRAIN-F: Beacon Rate Adaption Based on Fuzzy Logic in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network - International Journal of Fuzzy System, Springer (2016)

Protocols for Pocket Switched Networks - Journal of Network and Computer Applications – Sciencedirect (2016) Trust Management in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network: A Systematic Review - EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015)

Publication Secure Burst Control Packet Scheme for Optical Burst Switching Networks - International Broadband and Photonics Conference (2015) Pre-processing Image Database for Efficient Content Based Image Retrieval – VisionNet (2014) Study on the Performance of Slotted and Non-Slotted Optical Burst Switched Networks - 4th International Conference on Photonics (2013) A survey of E-Learning Security International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (2013) A Review of Blackhole Attack in Mobile Adhoc Network Proc. of 2013 3rd Int. Conf. on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering: Science and Technology. for Improvement of



An UHD Video Handling System Using a Scalable Server Over an IP network - International Journal of Advance Media and Communication (IJAMC) (2016) ECG Parameters for Malignant Ventricular Arrhythmias: A Comprehensive Review - Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering – Springer (2016) ECG Beats Classification Algorithms - PLoS ONE (2016) Review on ECG-derived Predictors for Malignant Ventricular Arrhythmias - PLoS ONE (2016) Towards Next-Generation Routing

Content Based Image Retrieval Using Color Strings Comparison Procedia Computer Science (2015) Review on Cloud Computing Application in P2P Video Streaming - Procedia Computer Science (2015) QoS-Aware Ant-based Route, Wavelength and Time-slot Assignment Algorithm for Optical Burst Switched Networks Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (2015)

Satria Mandala, Ph.D. Investigating Severity of Blackhole Attack and Its Variance in Wireless Mobile Ad hoc Networks - Int. J. Embedded Systems (2015) A Survey of Spray and Wait Routing Protocol in Pocket Switched Network - Advanced Science Letters (2014) A Hierarchical Routing Protocol for Improving the Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Network - Life Science Journal (2013) A Study on OFDM in Mobile Ad Hoc Network - International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) (2012)

Intellectual Property Book “A variant of Merkle Signature Scheme to Protect AODV Routing Protocol” (2014) Book “Performance Comparison of Popular Routing Algorithms in Pocket Switched Networks” (2014) Book “Quantifying the Severity of Blackhole Attack in Wireless Mobile Adhoc Networks” (2014) Secure Online Restaurant Reservation System with SSL (SORRS) - Copy Right (2014) E-Ordering System for Restaurant (EOS) – Copy right (2014)

Born in Tulungagung, September 2, 1973, Satria Mandala has research interest covering Wired and Wireless Network Security, Wireless Sensor Network, Clouds and Grid Computing, Multimedia networks, and Image retrieval and Medical Informatics. Satria studied Electronics/Control System in University of Brawijaya (1997). Furthermore, between 20042011, he completed his graduate and postgraduate programs on Communication & Networking from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Before teaching at Tel-U, Satria has teaches at Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM), State Islamic University (UIN) of Malang, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) from 2006 to July 2016. Since January 2016, he began lecturing for undergraduate and graduate programs in Tel-U. Satria, wrote a book entitled Pemrograman Web (2006), has a lot of experience in the field of research, writing scientific papers, and as a reviewer of scientific journals and conferences both at home and abroad. u Research Field

ACHIEVEMENT Second Place in Second Telemedicine Innovation Challenge Monash University Malaysia (2016)

Computer Network, Wireless Ad Hoc Network, Network Security.



Dr. Suyanto, M.Sc

Born in Jombang, December 3, 1974, Suyanto teaches are Machine Intelligence, Evolutionary Computation, and Soft Computing. He studied informatics engineering at STT Telkom between 1993 and 1998. His master degree was taken from Chalmers University of Technology in the field of Complex Adaptive Systems (2006). and for the doctoral degree he studies computer science at Gadjah Mada University between 2012 and 2016. u Research Activity

Research Field

Natural Language Processing (NLP), Artificial Intelligent, Artificial Neural Network



Study Information Retrieval To Build Indications Plagiarism Detection Systems (2013)

Publication Modified Grapheme Encoding and Phonemic Rule to Improve PNNRBased Indonesian G2P - International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) (2016) Automatic Segmentation of Indonesian Speech into Syllables using Fuzzy Smoothed Energy Contour with Local Normalization, Splitting, and Assimilation - ITB journal of ICT Research and Applications (2016) Nearest Neighbor - Based Indonesian G2P Conversion – Telkomnika (2016) Indonesian Syllabification Using Pseudo nearest Neighbor Rule and Phonotactic Knowledge - Speech Communication, Elsevier (2016) Nearest Neighbor-Based Indonesian G2P Conversion - TELKOMNIKA

Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control (2014) Automatic Segmentation of Indonesian Speech into Syllables using Fuzzy Smoothed Energy Contour with Local Normalization, Splitting, and Assimilation - Journal of ICT Research and Applications (2014) Discrete Firefly Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem: A New Movement Scheme (2013) Yooi: An Indonesian Short Message Dictation (2012) Isolated Word Recognition Using Ergodic Hidden Markov Models and Genetic Algorithm (2012)

Globally Evolved Dynamic Bee Colony Optimization (2011) An Informed Genetic Algorithm for University Course and Student Timetabling Problems - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Artifical Intelligence (2010) An Informed Genetic Algorithm for University Course and Student Timetabling Problems (2010) Signal Energy-Based Automatic Speech Splitter: A Tool For Developing Speech Corpus (2007)

Discrete Cuckoo Search for Traveling Salesman Problem (2012) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2011)

Improving the Quality of International Publication (PKPI) / Sandwich-like – Ministry of Research & Technology (2015)




Publication ELP-M2: An Efficient Model for Mining Least Patterns from Data Repository - The Second Soft Computing and Data Mining (2016) The Algorithm Expansion for Starting Point Determination using Clustering Algorithm Method with Fuzzy C-Means - The Second Soft Computing and Data Mining (2016) Instruments Measurement Design of Human Behaviour in Collaborative Software Construction - ICAICTA (2015) The Role of Characteristics Human Behavior in Software Development Team To Improve Source Code Quality - International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) 2015 The Role of Characteristics Behavior in Software Development Team to Improve Source Code Quality – IJAER (2015) Pengelompokan Tim Pengembang Berdasarkan Kriteria Perilaku Manusia dalam Kolaborasi Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak (Grouping Criteria Development Team Based Human Behavior in Software Development Collaboration) - Jurnal Rekayasa



Sistem dan Industri (2015) Collaborative model in construction phase of software - International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation (ICITSI), (2014) Analisis Proses Maintenance Aplikasi, Kasus : Aplikasi Web Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Pada Sektor Industri di Kementerian Perindustrian (Maintenance Process Analysis Application, Case: Web Application Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Industry Sector in the Ministry of Industry) - Jurnal Rekayasa dan Sistem Industri (2014) Human behavior conceptual model in collaborative software development product quality - International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) (2013) Faktor Perilaku Manusia dalam Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak (Factors Human Behavior in Software Development) - National Conference on Information Systems(KNSI) (2013) Pengembangan Prototipe Human Readable Knowledge Based Dengan Menggunakan Wiki (Prototype Development of Knowledge-based

Human readable by Using Wiki) Seminar on Information Technology, Computers, and Applications (SNATIKA) 2011 Collaboration Model of Software Development - International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI) (2011) Pengembangan Aplikasi Inventarisasi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca pada Sektor Industri (Application Development Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Industrial Sector) - Jurnal Informasi STMIK-IM (2011) Perumusan Profil Kompetensi Pekerjaan pada Divisi Teknologi Informasi (Work on the formulation of Competency Profile Information Technology Division) - Jurnal Sains Manajemen & Akuntansi (2011) Pendekatan Empiris Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (Empirical Software Engineering Approach)Jurnal Informasi STMIK-IM (2011) Pedoman Analisis Proses Bisnis di Instansi Pemerintah Kota Bandung (Guidelines for Business Process Analysis in Bandung City Government Agencies) - Jurnal Informasi STMIK-IM (2010)

Dr. Tien Fabrianti Kusumasari

Research Field

Software Engineering, Information Technology Project Management. Research Activity Modelling Reception Level Measurement Instruments Use System Verification Information Industry (2016) Refactoring Databases and Information Systems Maintenance Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Industrial Sector (2015) Grouping Development Team Based Collaboration Criteria Human Behavior in Software Development (2014) Collaboration Model Driven Software Development Perspective Quality of Human Behavior (2013-2014) Development of “Operator Training Simulator (OTS)” for Ammonia Plant, a case study: PT Pupuk Kaltim - (2010)

Born in Wonogiri, February 19, 1979, Tien graduated from the department of chemistry engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2001. Both her master and doctoral degree was taken from the same university and department, namely from the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI). Before joining Telkom University, Tien, among others, once worked as a part timer for PT Air Ganesha Bandung (2000), a staff of PT Mitra Olah Bumi Bandung (2001-2002), a lecturer of Institut Teknologi & Sains Bandung (ITSB) in 20042007). Since 2008, Tien served as a lecturer for STMIK Indonesia Mandiri Bandung in which she once became the head of department of Information System (2009-2012). u

Expertise Experience Draft Governance Policy and Data Management Agency of Drug and Food (BPOM) – BPOM (2016)



Yanti Rusmawati, Ph.D

Yanti, born on 24 January 1971, is a lecturer of Tel-U since 2014, with teaching subjects Introduction to Computer Science, Theory of Computation, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Programming Basics, KPST, Classroom Project, and TA1. While his research interest is Reactive systems, dynamic networks (any unreliable network systems), formal methods (modeling and reasoning), and concurrent systems and network science. Her higher education was obtained from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB, undergraduate degree, 1994), University of Indonesia (graduate degree, 2002), and The University of Manchester, UK (MSc in Advanced Computer Science, 2010, and PhD in Computer Science program, 2014). Before teaching at Tel-U, Yanti has experience teaching at the Polytechnics Ciwaruga ITB, Trisakti University, Bogor Ibn Khaldun University, from 1995 to 2009. and 1996 is the earliest time for Yanti to earn a number of achievement related to her writing scientific papers, especially in writing competition organized by PT Pos Indonesia, Bank Indonesia & Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), and so forth. u



Research Field

Marketing, Quality Management, Service Quality, Small Medium Enterprises (Smes). Research Activity Construction of Trustworthy RealTime Control Systems Project (2000) Using Logical Framework for Evolvable Systems to Specify and Simulate the TCP/IP Network Protocol (2010) Modelling and Reasoning About Dynamic Networks as Concurrent Systems (2014) Towards a Dynamic Modeling System by Analyzing Patterns Railway Noise on Commuterline Systems (2016)

Intellectual Property

Publication Towards the Modeling of Dynamic Train Systems: Disruption Pattern Analysis - (The 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology) ICoICT 2016 Modelling and Reasoning about Dynamic Networks as Concurrent Systems - OASIcs-Open Access Series in Informatics 2013 Models for Dynamic Networks: A Survey Seminar dan Temu Alumni Penerima Beasiswa - Kementerian Kominfo Tahun 2014

Mendorong Kredit Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Melalui Eliminasi Asymmetric Information dengan Teknologi Informasi (Credit Encourage Micro Small and Medium Through Elimination Asymmetric Information with Information Technology) – Indonesian Bank 2007 Open Source: Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang (Open Source: Unknown, Therefore Unloved) – Indonesian Bank & Ministry of Research & Technology 2005

ACHIEVEMENT Doctoral Scholarship - Department of Communication and Informatics / 2009-2013.

Innovation Essay Contest Finalists about Open Source - Bank Indonesia and Kemenristek 2005.

Finalists Student Poster, TNC 2013 conference Terena. 2nd Innovation Bank Indonesia on Knowledge Management - 2007.

Contender II Essay Contest KORPRI / LIPI in 34 KORPRI Anniversary -2005. Contender II Paper Fair - PT. Pos Indonesia 1996.

Book “Bahasa C” - Politeknik Ciwaruga ITB (1995/1996)



Business Management & Communication

Ir. Achmad Manshur Ali Suyanto, M.BA., D.BA

Ir. AMA Suyanto, M.BA., D.BA, is a lecturer and researcher of Telkom University (Tel-U) since 2006. Born in Demak, January 20, 1959, his attention is focused on Marketing Management, Service Marketing on Telecommunication Industry, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Behaviour, Strategic Management, and Logistics Management. First, he took undergraduate program from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya (1984), then continued to Telkom Bandung Institute of Management (1991) and his doctoral studies came from Southern Cross University in Australia (2000). He occupied a number of positions at Tel-U among others the Director of Planning and Academic Development - Telkom Institute of Management (2010 - 2011), Head of Academic Affairs of TELKOM STISI, and is now he is the Vice Rector III (Admission and International Office (since 2013) of Tel-U. in addition to the activities on campus, being a lector, AMA Suyanto is actively conducting various studies that revolve around political marketing, performing community service through training and empowerment. He also becomes scientific speaker both in Indonesia and abroad, and writes both scientific and popular papers. u Research Field

Marketing Management,

Services Marketing on Telecommunication Industry, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Behaviour, Strategic Management & Logistic Management



Research Activity Model Marketing Activities Political Decision Making Voters Starter in Local Elections at Regency/City Year 2015 Based on Government Regulation No. 1 of 2014 (2016) Actualization Social Organization, Community, and the National Education Law, Politics and Development of National Character (2016)

Against Student Intake Influence Quality Process Quality Universities in Indonesia (2016) Strengthening the Largest Citizenship in the Global Era (Case Study on the Business Community of Home (BDR) Bandung) (2015) Analysis of Marketing Activities Political Decision-Making Selector (2014

Competency mapping and Interests Lecturer in Environmental YPT (2013) Integrative Collaborative Active Learning Method (2012-2013). Green Marketing on Property Industry at Bandung Raya (2012). Analysis Feasibility of YPT Business on Retail Sector (2011). Marketing Research on Flexi Business (2011)

Positioning in Legislative Election - Management and Organizational Studies Journal (2015) The Role Actualization of Society and National Organization in Law and Politic Education – UPIICSE (2015) Analysis of Political Marketing on Legislative Election - Actual Problems Economic Journals (2015) Green Marketing Influence to the Company “X” Consumer Behaviour and Branding Image. - Asian Society Management and Marketing Research, Burj Al Arab Dubai (2013).

Personality, and Social. Study at Private University. - Internasional Conference Proceedings ACEI, Okinawa Japan (2013). The Impact of Event Sponsorship and TV ADS Event of Brand Image to Cross Mobile. - GTAR, Bandung (2014). The Impact of External and Internal Factors in the Selection of Banking To The Customer Saving Decisions 2012 Years in Bandung - ACEI, Phuket (2014). Analysis of Political Marketing on Legislative Election - ETAR, Bali. (2015).

Penggunaan Atribut Blog dan Situs Jejaring Sosial Berpengaruh Terhadap Munculnya Wirausaha Online. (Use of Attributes Blog and Social Networking Sites Influential against Entrepreneurial Emergence Online) - APPM, Lombok (2013). Mapping Interest of Lecture in Higher Education. ISSN 2354-6611 - ISCLO, Bandung (2013). Competence Development through Pedagogy, Knowledge

Entrepreneurial Marketing: A Case Study of A Young Entrepreneurs Community of Small To Medium Sized Enterprises - Tropical Tourism Outlook Conference, Lombok (2015). The Role Actualization of Society and National Organization in Law and Politic Education - UPIICSE, Bandung (2015). Political Management Toward Cosmopolitan Democracy - ICoDAInternasional, UNAIR Surabaya (2015).

Publication Analysis Factors of Using Internet Banking in Indonesia - Management and Organizational studies (2016) Political Management toward Cosmopolitan Democracy - The 1st UPI Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (2016) The Influence of Lifestyles and Consumers Attitudes on Product Purchasing Decision Via Online Shopping in Indonesia – EJBM (2015) Aktualisasi Manajemen Organisasi Masyarakat Dalam Meningkatkan Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa - Asosiasi PPKn (Actualization Management Society Organizations in Enhancing National Character Development - association PPKn) (2015) Entrepreneurial Marketing Case Study on Young Entrepreneurs Community of Cimahi Small and Medium Enterprise - Tropical Tourism Outlook Conference (2015) Marketing Analysis of Political



Research Activity Enhancing Enduring Indonesian and Malaysian Smes Performance through a Context-Specific HR Architectures (2016) Research Development of Video Promotion Using QR Code Technology for Interactive Media Promotion of Micro, Small and Medium Bandung (2016) Research Development of Video Promotion Using Technology QR Code for Interactive Media Promotion of Micro, Small and Medium Bandung (2015) Analysis of Organizational Learning implementation Trainees Business Development Management in 2014 at the Central Office PT. Pos Indonesia

Bandung (2015). Effect of Personal Factors, Organization, and Technology in the Knowledge Sharing Using CIM Employees at PT. Jakarta Outer Ring Road (PT. JLJ) (2015). Analysis of Factors Affecting E-Learning (2015). Effect of Enabling Factors to Knowledge Sharing (2015). Analysis of the Readiness of Employees on the Implementation of Knowledge Management in PT. Mineral Indonesia (2015). The Influence of the ESOP Employee Satisfaction and Commitment PT. Telkom (2015). Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

Influence on Performance of Knowledge Sharing Through PT. Indonesia Power (2014). The Effect of Technology, Individual and Organization of the Knowledge Sharing in PT. Krakatau Steel (2014). Health and Safety at Work Influence on the Productivity of Employees (2014). Interaction Analysis College of Business in the Business World with Competence Development of Human Resources Evaluated Using the Concept of Triple Helix (2012). The Motivation to Share Knowledge of the Employees in Telecommunication Service Providers in Indonesia (2011).



Health and Safety Management Influence on the Employees Productivity - Actual Problem of Economics Scopus Indexed (2016). Knowledge Sharing and 2016 It’s Enabling Factors’ Implementation Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities (2016).

Sharing in PT. Jalan Tol Lingkar Luar Jakarta (PT. JLJ) - Advance in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (2016). A Study on the Critical Success Factors in E-Learning - Advance in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (2016).

Influence of Employee Stock Option Program and Job Satisfaction on Employee Commitment - Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities (2016) The analysis of Learning Organization Implementation on the Participants of Business Development Management Training 2014 in Head Office of PT. Pos Indonesia Bandung - Advance in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (2016). The Influence of Personal Factors, Organizational Factors, and Technological Factors in the Use of Cim Toward Employees Knowledge

Measuring Employee Readiness for Knowledge Management in PT. Mineral Indonesia - Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities (2016). A Study on the Critical Success Factors in E-Learning PT. Telkom Indonesia International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization (2015) Influence of Employee Stock Option Program and Job Satisfaction on Employee Commitment (A Case Study of Telephone Company in Indonesia) - International Conference on Organizational Performance Excellence (ICOPE) 2015 Knowledge Sharing and Its Enabling


Factors Implementation - International Conference on Performance Excellent (2015) The Analysis of Learning Organization Implementation on The Participants of Business Development Management Training 2014 in PT. Pos Indonesia Bandung Head Office - International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization (2015) The Influence of Personal Factors, Organizational Factors, and Technological Factors in The Use of Cim Toward Employees Knowledge Sharing in PT. Jalan Tol Lingkar Luar Jakarta (PT. JLJ) - International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization (2015) The Analysis of Learning Organization Implementation on the Participants of Business Development Management Training 2014 - International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization (2015)

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Influence Employee’s Performance through Knowledge Sharing Proceeding Emerging Trends Academics Research (2014). Health and Safety Management Influence on the Employees’ Productivity - Emerging Trend of Academics Research, Bali Indonesia (2014). Analisis Interaksi Perguruan Tinggi dengan Dunia Bisnis Dalam Usaha Pembangunan Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia Ditinjau dengan Menggunakan Konsep Triple Helix (Interaction Analysis College of Business in The Business World With Competence Development of Human Resources Evaluated Using the concept of Triple Helix) - Seminar dan Call for Paper Asosiasi Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Indonesia (AIABI) Analisis Interaksi Perguruan Tinggi dengan Dunia Bisnis Dalam Usaha Pembangunan Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia Ditinjau dengan Menggunakan Konsep Triple Helix (Interaction Analysis College of Business in The Business World With Competence Development of Human Resources Evaluated Using the concept of Triple Helix)- Kongres Nasional AIABI, Bandung The Motivation to Share Knowledge of the Employees in Telecommunication Service Providers in Indonesia International Conference of Economics Development and Research, Singapore (2011).

ACHIEVEMENT The Second Best Article Committee of International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization (2015)

Dr. Ade Irma Susanty

Research Field

Knowledge Management, Human Resource Management.

Ade was born in Bandung, October 28, 1966. She has expertise covering Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Development, and Knowledge Management. At first she studied at Padjadjaran University in Social Welfare program studies (1990). After that, Ade continued her studies at STMB Bandung (management studies, 1999) and her doctoral programs was achieved from Multimedia University Malaysia (2014) in the field of knowledge management studies. in Tel-U, she has been lecturing Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Knowledge Management, and Corporate Development. She also served as the Head of MBTI Study Program (IMT, 2012-2013), the Head of the Department of Communication and Management (Tel-U, 2013), VP Strategic Planning (YPT, 2014), and Vice Dean FKB (Tel-U , 2014). u RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Dr. Ir. H. Agus Achmad Suhendra, MT

Research Field

Strategic Management, Strategic Organizational Change Management, Strategic Marketing and Strategic Human Resource.



Agus was born in Bandung, 6 August 1967. He is a lecturer at Tel-U since 1992 with research interest covering Strategic Management, Strategic Organizational Change Management, Strategic Marketing and Strategic Human Resource. He studied industrial engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB, undergraduate, 1991) and industrial engineering and management from ITB (graduate program, 1995). Meanwhile, his doctoral degree was taken from Padjadjaran University (2014) in the field of business management. Besides, he got a diploma in the field of Telecommunication Management from The Cable & Wireless College, UK (1996). At Tel-U Agus teaches marketing management, strategic management, telecommunication business, and organizational behavior. Along the times, around Telkom Foundation, among others, he was appointed as the Head of Industrial Engineering (IT Telkom, 2006-2008), the Dean of Industrial Engineering Faculty (IT Telkom, 20082010), and as the Dean of Creative Industries Faculty (Tel-U, since 2013). Being worked with full dedication, Agus was awarded as the best lecturer of STT Telkom (1994) and Satya Lencana Wirakarya (2014) from President of the Republic of Indonesia. u

Publication Strategic Solution for Reducing Resistance to Change and Increasing Organizational Commitment of Academicians on Private University Mergers in Indonesia - Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 15, 2014 – 2014 Implication of Resistance to Change on Organizational Commitment Determined by Trust, Perceived Benefit of Change and Organizational Justice –The 1st International Conference for Interdisciplinary Studies, Youngsan University, South Korea, (22-23 September 2014) Identification of Resistance to Change in University Merger Process - GARCOMBS 2012, Universitas Padjadjaran, (22-24 November 2012) Role of Customer Understanding in Technological Innovation of Product Industrial Engineering Conference on Telecommunication (INDECT) 2010, IT Telkom, (3-4 June 2010) Identification of the Key Success Factors of Cooperative Education Program: Based on 15 Year Experiences in Indonesia -

International Engineering Education Conference 2009, Saudi Council of Engineer and Federation of Engineering Institutions of Islamic Countries (FEIIC), Madinah, Saudi Arabia, (16-18 Mei 2009) Identification and Management of Strategic Forces in ICT Manufacturing Technology Change - The Third European Conference on Management of Technology& Innovation (EUROMOT), Ceram Business School, Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, (September 17-19, 2008) Identification of the Strategic Forces Against Change in Manufacturing Technology Development Process The 17th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT), The British University in Dubai, (6-10 April 2008)

ACHIEVEMENT Satya Lencana Wira Karya – President of Republik Indonesia (2014)



Research Activity Effect of Work-Life Balance on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (Organization Citizenship Behaviour) with Variable Mediator Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Employee Hospitality in Singapore (2016) Public Perception Study Program Bandung against the Machine To Machine (2016 Effect of Work Family Conflict (Work and Family Interfere Family Work) and Job Satisfaction Commitment to Employees at Hotel XYZ (2015) Leadership Style, Physical Environment Employment and Employee Performance on the Corporate Media in Singapore (2016) The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment in the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (A Study of Employees in State-Owned Banking) (2016) Work-Life Interface and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in Hotel Industry (2016)

The Analysis of Employees Motivation and Engagement, and Their Impact on Job Performance: A Study of Nurses oat Advent Hospital (2016)

Analysis of “Drama Theory” in the Bankruptcy Scenario of the Biggest Indonesia Cellular Telecommunication Business (2014)

The Effect of the Leadership Towards Employee Performance in the Human Resources Department at the PLN West Java and Banten Distribution Office (2015) The Impact of SNSs Usage on Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Organization (2015) The Effect of the New Logo and Brand Image towards the Customer Loyalty of Starbuck, Jakarta (2015) Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, How to Maintain Organization’s Performance through Human Resources Management (2015) New Value Co-Creation of Zocha SME Using the DART Model (2015) Service Quality of Indonesia’s Cellular Communication Providers and The Impact on Customer Loyalty an Analysis of the College Students Using Prepaid Services in Bandung (2015)

Mapping of Tablet PC Based on Consumer Perception (Case Study of Bandung Electronic Centre Visitors) (2014) The Effect of the Work-Family Conflict and Employee’s Job Satisfaction towards the Organization Commitment (2014) Compensation Effect against Employee Motivation in the Department of Human Resources Office of PLN Distribution West Java and Banten. (2014) The Effect of the Service Quality towards the Student Loyalty at the School of Business and Economic, TELKOM University Bandung. (2014) The Effect of the Service Quality towards The Student Loyalty at the Advent University, Bandung (2014) Positioning and Brand Marketing Strategy by Strengthening the Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University (2014)

Conference. (2016)

Competitiveness. (2016) The effect of the Leadership towards Employee Performance in the Human Resources Department at the PLN West Java and Banten Distribution Office - International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. (2015) The Effect of the New Logo and Brand Image Towards the Customer Loyalty of Starbuck, Jakarta - International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research. (2015) Konflik Kerja Keluarga pada Pengemudi Travel Antar Kota PT. XYZ, Bandung (Work Family Conflict on Motorists Traveling intercity PT. XYZ, Bandung) -


Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior How To Maintain Organizations Performance Through Human Resources Management Jurnal Siasat Bisnis Universitas Islam Indonesia. (2016) Study of Entrepreneurship Programs in Bandung Based on Ridwan Kamil Twitter Account (@ridwankamil) - IOSRJBM. (2016) The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment in the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour - Annual Spain Business Research



The Indirect Effect of Work-Life Balance on Organizational Commitment Through Mediation of Job Satisfaction at A State-Owned Banking in Bandung Area - 3rd International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research. (2016) Gaya Kepemimpinan, Lingkungan Fisik Pekerjaan, dan Kinerja Karyawan pada Perusahaan Media di Bandung (Leadership Style, Physical Environment Employment and Employee Performance on the Corporate Media in Bandung) - Global Networking: Build Up Business

Dr. Arif Partono Prasetio, MM Jurnal Studi Manajemen Bisnis. (2015) Pengaruh Kompensasi Terhadap Motivasi Karyawan di Departemen SDM PLN Kantor Distribusi Jawa Barat dan Banten (Compensation Effect Against Employee Motivation in the Human Resources Department Office PLN Distribution West Java and Banten) - Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia. (2015) Positioning dan Strategi Pemasaran berdasarkan Penguatan Merek Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Telkom, Bandung (Positioning and Marketing Strategy by strengthening brands Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Bandung) - Seminar Nasional APMMI III dan Call for Paper. (2015) The Effect of the Students Perception on Service Quality to Their Loyalty at the Advent University, Bandung – ISCLO. (2015) The Effect of the Service Quality Towards The Student Loyalty at the School of Business & Economic, TELKOM University, Bandung 1st International Conference for Interdisciplinary Studies (ICIS). (2015)

Research Field

Human Resources, Organization, Retail Economic and Business.

Born in Surakarta, May 19, 1967, Arif teaches strategic management, organizational behavior, telecommunication business, TIK literacy, and entrepreneurship. Between 1986-1991, Arif studied socio-politics at Parahyangan University, Bandung. Then between 19931994, he took managerial master at Padjadjaran University especially in the field of management. and his doctoral degree was taken at Indonesia University of Education (UPI) in the field of management science. in addition to his scientific activities, now he is in the process of finishing his both books, namely Pengantar Manajemen Pengetahuan (2015) and Pengantar Sumberdaya Manusia (2016). u

New Value Co-Creation of Zocha SME Using The DART Model - The 7th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2015) The Impact of SNSs Usage on Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Organization - The 1st UPI International Conference on Sociology Education (UPI ICSE 2015)

Intellectual Property Book “Pengantar Manajemen Pengetahuan” (2015) Book “Pengantar Sumber daya Manusia” (2016)



Dr. Astri Ghina, S.Si., MSM

Astri was born in Bandung, July 24, 1980. She is a lecturer of Business Management of Telecommunications and Informatics (MBTI). She studied chemistry for her undergraduate program at Padjadjaran University between 1998-2002. For her master degree, Astri graduated from Science Management of The School of Business and Management (SBM) of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2011. and started from 2011, she continued her doctoral studies at The School of Business and Management ITB. u Research Field

Economic and Business. Research Activity Identification Implementation of Four Dimensions of Innovation By Joe Tid in Business Go-Jek (2016)



Publication Relevance of Graduates Competencies toward the Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education Within A University Context: Case Study of SBM ITB – Indonesia - Smart Collaboration for Business in Technology and Information Industry (SCBTII) 2016. Strategi Pengembangan untuk Keberlangsungan Usaha dengan Pendekatan Timmons Model (Studi Pada Sentra Industri Rajutan Binong Jati (Development Strategy for Business Sustainability Using Timmons Model’s Approach (Study in Binong Jati KNIT Industry Center) (2015) (Development Strategy for Business Continuity With Timmons Model Approach (Studies in Industrial Knitted Binong Jati) Development Strategy for Business Sustainability Using Timmons Model’s Approach (Study in Binong Jati KNIT Industry Center) (2015)) Building A Systematic Framework for Entrepreneurship Education (2015) A Systematic Framework for Entrepreneurship Education within a University Context (2014) Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education Institutions (2014)

Corporate Entrepreneurship di Sektor Pelayanan Publik (Studi Kasus: Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Kota dan Kabupaten Bandung) (Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Public Service Sector (Case Study: Integrated Licensing Service Agency and the city of Bandung Regency) Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi (2011) Transgenerational Entrepreneurial Attitudes in Bandung Family Business - Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship (2011) Corporate Entrepreneurship at Public Service Sector: Measurement and the Influence toward Government Performance (Case Study of BPPT at Bandung City and Regency) Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship (2011) “Fostering Innovation Within Public Sector: Antecedents and Consequences of Public Sector Innovation” - Jurnal Pembangunan dan Kebijakan Publik (2010) “Building Product Value toward Competitive Advantage (A Case Study of Tasikmalaya Embroidery)” - Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship

(2010) Kajian Karakteristik Kewirausahaan dan Keunggulan Bersaing Studi Kasus Pada Sentra Industri Rajut Binong Jati (Study on Characteristics of Entrepreneurship and Competitive Advantage Case Study in Binong Jati Knit Industry Center) -Telkom University Analisis Penerapan Social Bricolage Di Social Enterprise Analysis of Social Bricolage Implementation At Social Enterprise (Bricolage Social Application Analysis in Social Enterprise Implementation Analysis of Social Bricolage At Social Enterprise) Analisis Model Bisnis Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) Di Bidang Sepatu dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Business Model Canvas Studi Kasus: UMKM “GZL” dan UMKM “ASJ” Di Kota Bandung Pada Tahun 2014 (Business Model Analysis of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Field Shoe With Approach Using Business Model Canvas Case Study: SMEs’ GZL “and SMEs” ASJ “in the city of Bandung in 2014)



Research Activity Upgrades Student Creative Thinking through Competency Based Learning Strategies Classroom Courses Writing Advertising (2016) Impact of Organizational Technological Change on Communication Climate (2015)

Use of New Media in Bandung City Government Performance Improvement; Report Program Impact Study on the Performance of Government of Bandung (2015) Communication Factors Influencing Academicians’ Innovative Working

Intellectual Property

Publication Communication Factors Influencing Academicians’ Innovative Working Behavior and Its Impact on Their Career Advancement – LISKI (2016) Communication Factors Influencing Academicians’ Innovative Working Behavior and Its Impact on Their Career Advancement – ICOTIC, Tel-U Bandung (2015) Strategi Sosialisasi dan Pendekatan Komunikasi Diskominfo dalam Pengelolaan Program Lapor di Kota Bandung (Socialization Strategy and Approach Communications Diskominfo in Program Management



Behavior and Its Impact on Their Career Advancement (2015) Level of Use Media REPORT by the Society in the Public Service in Bandung (2015)

Report on Bandung) - Conference on Communication and New Media Studies (COMNEWS) (2015) Penggunaan New Media dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Pemerintah Kota Bandung; Studi dampak program LAPOR terhadap Kinerja Pemerintah Kota Bandung (Use of New Media in Bandung City Government Performance Improvement; REPORT program impact study on the Performance of Government of Bandung)– COMMNEWS, UMN Tangerang (2015)

Book “Impact of Organizational Technological Change on Communication Climate” - Lambert Academic Publishing (2011)

Dr. Ayub Ilfandy Imran, B.Sc., M.Sc

Ayub, born in Bukittinggi, April 20, 1983, graduated from Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Communication, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 2006. Between 2007 and 2010, he continued his master program at the same department and university. And started from 2011, again Ayub took his doctoral studies from the same department and university. Prior to joining Telkom University, once he worked as an assistant lecturer in IIUM (2008-2010), an English teacher (2009), a research assistant in IIUM (2010-2013), and a temporary lecturer of IIUM since 2010. u

Research Field

Organizational Communication



Dr. Brady Rikumahu

Publication Contagion dan Volatility Spillover di Pasar Valuta Asing Amerika Serikat dan China sebagai akibat Devaluasi Yuan Tahun 2015 (Contagion And Volatility Spillover in the Foreign Exchange Market Health Consulting, Legal And as a result of devaluation of the Chinese Yuan in 2015) (2015) Penerapan Manajemen Risiko terhadap Perwujudan Good Corporate Governance pada Perusahaan Asuransi (Application of Risk Management to the Embodiment of Good Corporate Governance in Insurance Companies) Trikonomika Journal (2015) Pemodelan Distribusi Tingkat Imbal Hasil Indeks Harga di Tujuh Bursa Asia (2012) (Modeling Distribution Yield Level Seven Stock Price Index in Asia (2012)) Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Imbal Hasil Saham Perusahaan Tahun 2003-2007 (2007) (Effect of Financial Performance Against Yield Stocks Companies Years 2003-2007 (2007)) Formulasi Strategi PT Sangihe Natural Ocean Resort dalam Memanfaatkan Potensi Alam Pulau Poa di Kabupaten Sangihe Sulawesi Utara (2006) (Strategy Formulation PT Sangihe Natural Ocean Resort in Harnessing the Potential of Natural Poa Island in North Sulawesi Sangihe (2006)) Analisis Pengaruh Modal Kerja Terhadap Profitabilitas (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung) (2004) (Working Capital Analysis Influence To Profitability (Case Study at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Bandung) (2004)) Pengaruh Fraksi Harga Saham Baru Terhadap Likuiditas (Effect of New Stock Price Faction against Liquidity) Analisis Return Option dengan Menggunakan Bull Call Spread Strategy (Studi Pada PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk Periode 2009-2013) (Analysis Return Option Using Bull Call Spread Strategy (Study on PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk Period 2009-2013)



Born in Cilacap, 15 October 1965, Brady Rikumahu took Bachelor Degree of Management at University of Indonesia. His Master of Business Administration taken at Internasional University of Japan and he was a student of doctoral degree in Management science University of Indonesia. u Research Field

Finance, Derivative Market, Valuation, Investment

Dr. Dadan Rahadian

Dr. Dadan Rahadian has expertise in the field of financial management with an educational background of master and doctoral in finance and banking, supported by professional working experiences in bank and securities company and teaching experience in the same field for 15 years at Tel-U. He graduated from Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering at Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia (1994), Master Degree in Finance and Banking at Faculty of Economics & Business University of Indonesia (1999), and Doctoral Degree in Finance and Banking at Faculty of Economics & Business University of Indonesia (2015). After graduating from Bachelor Degree, once he worked as Site Engineer at PT Wijaya Karya (19941996), Credit Analyst at Danamon Bank (1996-1998), Equity Analyst at Danamon Securities (1998-2000), and Financial and Investment Freelance Advisor at PT Kereta Samudera Pratama (2008-2010). Then he worked as Secretary of Research Department, Master of Management Program and Training Department at Tel-U (2004-2008). Being the Head of Master of Management Program at School of Economics & Business of Telkom University since 2014, Dadan has many professional certifications related to Financial Planner and Investment Market and Banking Analyst both came from Indonesia and abroad. u

Research Field

Finance & Banking.

Research Activity Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku dalam Manajemen Keuangan (Factors Affecting Behavior in Financial Management) (2016)

Publication Analisis Pengukuran Kinerja Investasi PT. Taspen (Persero) dengan Menggunakan Metode Economic Value Added (Investment Performance Measurement Analysis PT. TASPEN (Persero) with Method Using Economic Value Added) – Management Journal (2015) Memanfaatkan Gejolak Kurs Dolar, Analisis Pergerakan Saham

Pencatatan Ganda, Studi Kasus Saham Telkom (2013) (Utilizing the dollar exchange rate volatility, Dual Recording Stocks Movement Analysis, Case Studies Stocks Telkom (2013)) Analisis pergerakan saham pencatatan ganda studi kasus: saham Telkom (Analysis of double counting stock movement case study: telecom stocks)



Publication Sistem Komunikasi Indonesia (Indonesian Communication Systems) – LISKI (2014) Manajemen Media dan Profesionalisme Wartawan (Pengejawantahan Profesionalisme Wartawan Dalam Perspektif Sistem Manajemen Media Komunikasi) (Media Management and Professionalism Journalists (Journalist Professionalism embodiment in the Perspective of Communication Media Management System) Indonesia Media Research Awards & Summit (IMRAS) 1 (2014) Manajemen Krisis Partai Politik Dalam Perspektif Sistem Manajemen Komunikasi- Komunikasi Politik: Menuju Demokrasi Indonesia Lebih Baik (Political Parties in Crisis Management Perspective Management System communicationPolitical Communication: Towards a Better Democracy Indonesia (2014) Manajemen Media dan Profesionalisme Wartawan: Prosiding Indonesia Media Research Awards & Summit (Media Management and Professionalism Reporter: Proceedings of Indonesia Media Research Awards & Summit) 2014 - Serikat Perusahaan Pers (SPS) Pusat (2014) Bagaimana Implementasi UU No. 32 Tahun 2004 Memberdayakan



Masyarakat untuk Mendukung Program–program Pemerintah?: Prosiding Komunikasi untuk Membangun Masyarakat Daerah Desember 2014 (How the implementation of Law No. 32 of 2004 Empowering Communities to Support Government Programs?: Proceedings Communications To Build Local Communities in December 2014) Political Communication Institute dan Pusat Studi Komunikasi dan Bisnis (2014) Manajemen Krisis Partai Politik dalam Perspektif Sistem Manajemen Komunikasi (Political Parties in Crisis Management Perspective Management Communication Systems) – Proceeding ASPIKOM 2014 Komunikasi dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Bagaimana Implementasi UU No.32 Tahun 2004 Memberdayakan Masyarakat untuk Mendukung Program-program Pemerintah (Communication and Community Empowerment (How the Implementation of Law 32 of 2004 Empowers the Community to Support the Government Program) Konferensi nasional komunikasi (2013) Manajemen Krisis Partai Politik dalam Perspektif Sistem Manajemen Komunikasi: (Political Parties in Crisis Management

Perspective Management System Communications) Proceeding ASPIKOM-Universitas Mercu Buana, PR dan Marketing Politik Tahun 2013 Komunikasi Militer dan Ketahanan Nasional (Military Communications and National Security) – ASPIKOM (2012) Pesan Komunikasi Pendidikan di Media Televisi (Message Communication Education in Media Television) - MAKNA Journal (2012) Pengaruh Iklan Modem SMartfren” I Hate Slow” di Media Televisi Terhadap Brand Awareness (Survei Terhadap Pengunjung di Galeri Smartfren BEC, Bandung) (Ad Impact Modem Smartfren “I Hate Slow” in Television Toward Brand Awareness (Against Visitor Survey in Smartfren Gallery BEC, Bandung) Pengaruh Media” Kliping Berita Perkeretaapian” Sebagai Media Internal Terhadap Sikap Karyawan Pada PT Kereta Api Indoneisa (PERSERO) Kantor Pusat Bandung (Effect of Media “Clippings Railways” for Internal Media Attitudes Toward Employees Indoneisa PT Kereta Api (Persero) Bandung Head Office) Pengaruh Event Sponsorship Djarum Badminton Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Rokok Djarum Super di Kecamatan Sukasari Kota Bandung Tahun 2011 (Djarum

Dr. Dewi Kurniasih Soedarsono, MSi

Born in Cimahi, November 24, 1959, Dewi has expertise are Public Relations, Mass Communication/ Broadcast Radio and Communication Management. This is supported by the history of her education, all of from communication science of Padjadjaran University, respectively undergraduate (1985), graduate (1999) and postgraduate (2006). Prior to working at Tel-U, Dewi had lectured in the department of public relations in STIKOM Interstudi (20022004). Since 2010, she began lecturing in science communication at Telkom Foundation, namely at IMT (20102011), and FKB Tel-U since 2012. in addition to being a speaker and author of numerous papers, Dewi once wrote a textbook in the field of communication management entitled Sistem Manajemen Komunikasi (2009). u

Badminton Event Sponsorship Influence Consumer Buying Decision Against Cigarettes Djarum Super in District Sukasari Bandung in 2011) Etika dan Penggunaan Media Baru (Ethics and the Use of New Media) – ASPIKOM (2011) Memahami Kegiatan Manajemen Komunikasi di Perusahaan (Understanding of Management Communication Activities on Organization) – KOMUNIKA Journal (2010) Membangun Komunikasi (Self Building Communication) – Komunika Journal (2008)

Research Activity Utilization of Online Media for Disclosure of Information Education in Bandung (2015) Filming Food Safety Policy Using Visual Problem Appraisal (VPA) A Comparative Study between Indonesia and Netherlands (2015)

Research Field

Public Relations, Mass Communication/Broadcast Radio Communication Management

Intellectual Property Book “Manajemen Komunikasi” (2009)



Ir. Dodie Tricahyono, MM., Ph.D

IR. Dodie Tricahyono, MM., Ph. D is a lecturer and researcher of Telkom University (Tel-U) since 1995 (STMB/ IM Telkom). Born in March 8, 1967, he has the competence in the field of Strategic management, Innovative Corporate Culture, Platform Strategy & Business Model, and Operation & Service Management. After completing his undergraduate program of Planology Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (1992), he had worked as a Junior Consultant at Telkom Project 4 - PT Konetel Sarana Guna, Bandung (1993-1994). and being a lecturer, Dodie took the Master of Management (MM), FEB of Telkom University, Indonesia (1995). Fluent in English, Malay and Sundanese, Dodie had held several structural position in Tel-U including the head of undergraduate program of Business Management of Telecommunications and Information Technology (MBTI), Director Secretary of PPM and Manager of Student Affairs. The dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Telkom University, Bandung, since 2014, Dodie completed his doctoral studies from School of Management, University of Science, Malaysia(2014) and acted as an active reviewer in a number of international journals as well as the active speaker in many conferences. u Research Field

Strategic Management, Innovative Corporate Culture, Platform Strategy & Business Model, and Operation & Service Management 130


Research Activity Toward A Framework for ICT-Based Entrepreneurs Development: Case Study of Business Incubator in Indonesia-Netherland (2015) Business Process Design Supply Chain Management for Small and Medium Business Center Sablon Using Model SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) (2015) Quantitative Method for Business (2014) The Impact of Action-cantered Team Leadership on Project Performance (An Empirical Study in Software Development Teams) (2013) Learning at Work (LaW) as Tool for Implementing Business Strategy (Case study at OS Telkomsel Unit West Java Area PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.) (2013) Measurement of User Satisfaction Trans Metro Bandung Corridor 1 Year 2013 (2013)

Expertise Experience Measurement Public Satisfaction Index for Revenue License Bureau of West Java province, Bandung (2016). Writing cases Telkom USA: International Expansion PT. Telkom Indonesia, Tbk. Telkom Corporate University, Bandung (2016). Preparation of Long-Term Plan 20152020 Health Foundation Telkom, Bandung (2015). Tracer Study alumni of Telkom Institute of Management, Bandung (2013). Filling materials for Telkom Knowledge Management (Champion), Bandung (2006-2007).

Publication Measuring Organizational Performance of Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Printing Industry (Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Bali) using SCOR level 1 Opportunity Gap - seminar ISCLO 2015 Mapping Supply Chain Management Business Process Model at Small Medium Enterprises Printing Industry in Indonesia Using Supply Chain Operation References Variable (Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Bali) - The 6th SCBTII International Seminar and Conference (2015) The Influence of Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality To The Purchase Decision (Case Study in Cipaganti Travel –Bandung) - ETAR 2015 Individual Learning and Creative Performance in Indonesian Radio Broadcasting Industry: the Role of Knowledge Collaboration and Team Member Exchange - The 1st ISCLO International Conference (2013) The Impact of Action-Cantered Team Leadership on Project Performance (An Empirical Study in Software Development Teams) - The 1st ISCLO

International Conference (2013) Learning at Work (LaW) as Tool for Implementing Business Strategy (Case study at OS Telkomsel Unit West Java Area PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.) - The 1st ISCLO International Conference (2013) Individual Learning and Creative Performance in Indonesian Radio Broadcasting Industry: the Role of Knowledge Collaboration and Team Member Exchange - Journal ISCLO (2013) Teknik Penaksiran Proyek untuk Peremajaan Kota: Kasus Kawasan Selatan Stasiun KA Bandung (Assessment Techniques for Urban Revitalization Project: The Case of South Region Bandung railway station). Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Journal (2011). The new economy, manajemen, organisasi dan kepemimpinan (The New Economy, Management, Organization and Leadership)- Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia (2001). Mobile Content Industry Development in Indonesia - Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia, (2009)

ACHIEVEMENT The 1st Best Paper in International Seminar & Conference on Learning Organization (ISCLO) 2013



Dr. Farida Titik Kristanti, SE., Msi

Farida was born in Yogyakarta, January 7, 1968. She graduated from Gajah Mada University in the field of management (1986-1991). Her managerial studies was continued in master degree of Padjadjaran University (2004-2006). From the later university, she also studied management for her doctoral degree. Prior to joining Telkom University, Farida once to be a lecturer for Atma Jaya University, Yogyakarta (1992-1997), Poltek LPKIA Bandung (2001-2011), Poltek Praktisi Bandung (2010-2012), Achmad Yani University, Bandung (2011-2013). Since 2008, she teaches at IM Telkom, Bandung. u Research Field

Economic and Business.



Research Activity


Capital Structure and Performance on Indonesian Small Business Owned By Women and Men (2016) Family Business Survival (2015) Ratio Analysis CAMEL (S) to Predict the Bankruptcy of the Banking Industry Go Public 2008-2012 (2013) The Effect of Profitability and Investment Opportunity Set on Ash Dividend with Liquidities Moderate Variables (Studied at Kompas 100 that Listed on JSX in 2008-2012 period) (2013) Influence of Macroeconomic Variables to the Jakarta Islamic Index (2013) Analysis of Financial Distress Prediction Difference by Using the Model Altman Z-Score and Springate in the Mining Sector Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (2013) Influence Anomaly Accrual Rate of the Abnormal Stock Return (Empirical Studies on Issuers LQ 45 of 2009) (2013)

Does Corporate Governance Affect the Financial Distress of Indonesian Company? A Survival Analysis Using Cox Hazard Model with Time Dependent Covariates. (2016) The Determinant of Financial Distress on Indonesian Family Firm. (2016) The Test of Gender Diversity and Financial Structure To The Cost of Financial Distress: Evidence From Indonesian Family Business - Global Trend in Academic Research. (2015) The Survival Analysis of Financial Distress Company: Empirical Studies in Indonesia - Asia Pacific Conference on Accounting and Finance (APCAF) 2015 Do CEO Quality and Corruption Have Impact on Financial Distress Empirical Study in Property Companies in Indonesia - Global Advance Research Conference on Management and Business Study (GARCOMBS) . (2015)

Do proportion of Women on Board and firm size affect to the firm performance? (2012) The simultaneously influence of the market risk, investment opportunities and institutional ownership on dividend policy in Indonesia (2011)

The Determinant of Financial Distress on Indonesian Family Firm - 3rd Global Conference on Business and Social Science. (2015) The Determinant of Financial Distress on Indonesian Family Firm Elsevier Procedia Journal. (2015)



Dr. Gadang Ramantoko

Dr. Gadang Ramantoko is a lecturer and researcher of Tel-U since 2005. Born in Cimahi, September 9, 1954, his competence is in the field of Telecommunications Convergence. After completing his S1 Physic Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1992, Gadang continued his studies to the University of Franche-Comte, France, in the field of Optoelectronic (1989). in 1992, he succeeded to achieve doctoral degree in optical communications from the same university, with mention “tres honorable�. in educational environments, once he had served as the head of the IM Telkom undergraduate program (2007-2009), Dean of the Faculty of Business and Management, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (IM Telkom), Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business (Tel-U), and since 2014 he has served as Coordinator of Management Transformation of Tel-U. The man with full experiences in education, Gadang often wrote papers in scientific journals published both domestically and abroad. He also acts as a speaker on various occasions as well as being a reviewer for scientific journals. u



Research Field

Telecommunications Convergence Research Activity Information Sharing Model in Supporting Implementation of E-Government Services among Government Agencies in Malaysia and Indonesia (2016) Instant Messaging Application Usage Analysis by Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2) (2014) Adoption of Technology (2012) Telecommunications Industry Structure (2011)

Publication Factors Affecting Purchase Intention of Consumers To Smartphone Samsung Galaxy Post Use of Previous Smartphone - 2nd International Conferences on Transformation in Communication. (2016) Analytics As A Service: Framework To Assess Whether There Is Any Winning Value Proposition – ISCLO. (2015) Early Adoption Characteristic of Consumer Behavior Intention to Use Home Digital Services in Indonesia – ISCLO. (2015) The Journey from Porter, to Brandenburg, to McGrath : (Telecommunication) Business View on Regulation - Forum Konvergen Indonesia (2015) Dynamic Behavior of Business Model – Telkom University (2015) Study on the Reluctance of Organization Toward IPv6 Adoption in Indonesia Using Bajnath’s Model Advanced Science Letters (2014) Adopting Online Course into Higher Education Curriculum - Advanced

Science Letters (2014) Factors Contributing to Project Delay; Case Studies of Wired Broadband Network Development Projects in Telkom, Indonesia - Q Journal, Volume 2013 Issue 1 (2013) Implementations of M-Learning in Higher Education in Indonesia - 3rd ICTOM (2013) Infrastructure Sharing in Indonesia – ITU (2013) Studi Penelitian Nilai Kontribusi Industri Manufaktur Telekomunikasi dalam Perekonomian Indonesia dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Industrial Value Chain (Research Study Manufacturing Industry Value Contributions Telecommunications in Indonesian Economy by Using Industrial Value Chain Approach) – Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia (2012) Studi Partisipasi Mahasiswa IM Telkom dalam Trial Website Idea Sharing Telkom R&D Center (Studies Students IM Telkom Participation in Trial Website Idea Sharing Telkom R & D Center) – Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia (2011)



Research Activity Analysis of Product Knowledge and Blackberry Smartphone Purchase Decision on Student Telkom University (2015) Bandung Electronic Center: Consumer Attitude toward Smartphone and Tablet PC (2015)

Credit Banking contribution to the National Economic Growth Year 2000-2013 (2014) Cultural Transformation Matches for Companies PT. X in Facing Demands Company Business (2013)

Publication Analisis Pengetahuan Produk dan Keputusan Pembelian Smartphone Blackberry pada Mahasiswa Universitas (Analysis of Product Knowledge and Blackberry Smartphone Purchase Decision on University Students) – PROMARK. (2016) Bandung Electronic Center: Consumer Attitude toward Smart-Phone and Tablet PC - Atlantis Press. (2016) Gaya Kepemimpinan, Lingkungan Fisik Pekerjaan, dan Kinerja Karyawan Pada Perusahaan Media di Bandung (Leadership Style, Physical Environment Employment, and Performance Employees Media Company in Bandung) - Global Networking: Build Up Business Competitiveness. (2016) Change and Innovation Effect for Purchasing Decision (Case studies: Eigerindo Multi Product Bandung) - The 2nd International Conference on Business



Management ICBM 2016 Contribution of Credit for Indonesia National Economic Growth from 2000 until 2013 - Global Trend in Academic Research GTAR-2015 (20-21 April,2015) Which is More Important? Halal Label or Product Quality – ISCLO. (2015) Bandung Electronic Center: Consumer Attitude toward Smartphone and Tablet PC - The 3rd International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization. (2015) Strategi Pengembangan Profil Kapabilitas Manajemen Perusahaan dalam Menghadapi Turbulensi Lingkungan Bisnis yang Sedang Berlangsung Saat Ini di Salah Satu Divisi PT. X (Profile Capability Development Strategy Management Companies in Facing Turbulence Business Environment Ongoing Current at a Division PT. X)- Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (2014)

Dr. Ir. Harrie Lutfie., SE., MM

Born in July 17, 1957, Harrie Lutfie teaches Service Marketing Practice, Organizational Behavior, Introduction to Business Management, Consumer Behavior, Operations Management, and Business Management. His undergraduate degree was taken from Pasundan University (1986) and Putra Perdana Indonesia College of Economics (2015). He continued his studies at Bandung School of Management (STMB) for his master degree and at Persada Indonesia University for his doctoral degree (2015). u Research Field

Services marketing Practice, Organizational Behaviour, Consumer Behaviour, Operations Management, Business Management



Prof. Dr. Hiro Tugiman, Ak., QIA., CRMP.



Hiro Tugiman is a professor of the Telkom University, member of Qualified Internal Auditor Certification Board (DS-QIA),and the administrator of Education Foundation of Internal Audit (YPIA). Born in Klaten, January 11, 1943, he passed S1 Accounting from Gadjah Mada University (1970) and S3 from Padjadjaran University (2000). The father of three sons and seven grandchildren, Hiro had worked at the Supreme Audit Agency (BPKP, 1964-1971), PT. Telkom (Accounting, Internal Audit, and Education, 1971-1999), and the Chairman of Telkom Education Foundation (1991-1995). Nominated as one of“2000 Educator of the Year Award” from The lnstitue of lnternal Auditors, Florida, United States, He has written dozens of books, including Pengenalan Internal Auditing, Komite Audit,Pengantar Audit Sistem Informasi, and Prinsip-prinsip Akuntansi Telkom. Now, he still teaches in a number of university including Padjadjaran University, Widyatama University, Gunadharma University, IBII, Sanata Dharma University (Yogyakarta), and Muhammadiyah Universityof North Sumatra (UMSU). u Research Field

Accounting & Finance

Intellectual Property Book “Pengenalan Internal Auditing” Book “ Pandangan Baru Internal Auditing”. Book “ Standar Profesional Audit Internal”. Book “Komite Audit”. Book “Pengantar Audit Sistem Informasi”. Book “ Pengenalan US GAAP” Book “Peranan Usaha Kecil dan Koperasi Dalam Memanfaatkan Laba yang Ditahan BUMN”. Book “Akuntansi untuk Badan Usaha Koperasi”. Book “Prinsip-prinsip Akuntansi Telkom”. Book “101 Pernik Kehidupan”. Book “Budaya Jawa dan Mundurnya Presiden Soeharto”. Book “Etika Rambu-Rambu Kehidupan”. Book “Menyongsong Nafas Terakhir dengah Senyum”.



Research Activity Public Perception Study Bandung Programme for Machine To Machine (2016) Stakeholder Analysis in Case Bushfire Prone in Provincial Forest Fire in Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia (2016) Research Development of Video Promotion Using Technology QR Code for Interactive Media Promotion of Micro, Small and Medium Bandung. (2015)

Intellectual Property Book “Loyalitas Pelanggan Seluler di Indonesia” (2013) Book “Studi Masalah Saham Operator Telekomunikasi di Indonesia” (2010)

ACHIEVEMENT Satyalancana Wira Karya – President of Indonesian Republic (2009) Employees with Outstanding Achievements– Ministry of Tourism, Postal & Telecommunication (1998) National Best Lecturer – Department of Culture & Education (1993) Best Lecturer West Java & Banten (1993)



Publication Actor Identification that Affects Ridwan Kamil’s Work Program for Smart City Using Social Network Analysis - IOSR Journal of Business and Management. (2016) Bandung Electronic Center: Consumer Attitude toward Smart-phone and Tablet PC - Atlantis Press. (2016) Identification of Customer Values in Telecommunication Service Industry a Case of Postpaid Cellular Customers in Indonesia - 2015 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) New Value Co-Creation of Zocha SME Using The DART Model - The 7th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2015) Analysis of Dilemma in A Conflict By Using Drama Theory Approach (Case Study on Conflict of Indosat Frequency Abuse By IM2 Year 2011-2013) - The 6th Seminar & Conference on Business & Technology in ICT Industry (SCBTII 2015) Competitive Strategy of Creative Content Application in the ASEAN Economic Community: Case Study of Software Development in Indonesia - The 2015 International Conference on Organizational Performance Excellence (iCOPE) / International Journal of Business and Society (IJBS) Conflict Resolution Using Graph Model

for Conflict Resolution: Case Study Majalaya Textile Industries Waste Pollution - ISCLO. (2015) Wrong Way, Wrong Decision Making, How Come? - The 3rd International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization. (2015) Bandung Electronic Center: Consumer Attitude toward Smartphone and Tablet PC - The 3rd International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization. (2015) Developing New Market Entry for ABOFARM SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in Indonesia (2014) Quality Improvement of Hair Mask Product Using Quality Method at Home Industry in Bandung (2014) Constructing a Collaborative Active Learning on Integrated Business Experience: Experimental Study of Telkom Economics Business School Program at Telkom University (2014) Karakteristik Individu, Kinerja Bauran Pemasaran dan Kinerja Manajemen Kerelasian Pelanggan Terhadap Nilai Pelanggan Serta Implikasinya Pada Pangsa Pelanggan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan (Individual Characteristics, Performance Marketing Mix and Customer Relationship Management Performance Against Customer Value and Its Implication on Share Customer and Customer Loyalty) (2013)

Dr. Ir. Husni Amani, MM., MSc

Husni Amani was born in 5 March 1956. He has research interest covering service marketing, customer loyalty, customer Relationship Management, strategic management, and logistical management. He graduated from ITB (undergraduate in industrial engineering, 1980), Anglia Polytechnic University, UK (graduate in Telecommunications Systems Management, 1995), Institut Manajemen Prasetya Mulya (graduate in business management, 1991), and Padjadjaran University (postgraduate in economics, especially business management, 2013). Prior to joining Tel-U, Husni was the lecturer at Bandung Institute of Technology-ITB (industrial engineering, 1981-1986). in 1983 he began working for Perumtel/PT Telkom and since 1991 he joined the higher education institution around Telkom Education Foundation. Here, he was appointed, among others, as the Head of STT Telkom (2006-2007), Rector of IT Telkom (2008-2010), Rector of IM Telkom (2010-2013), the Dean of Economics and Business, Tel-U (2013-2014), and now as the Coordinator of Transformational Management of Tel-U (since 2014). u Research Field

Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Loyalty, Strategic Management, Operation Management.



Research Activity Enhancing Enduring Indonesian and Malaysian SMeS” Performance Through A Context-Specific HR Architectures. (2016) Institutional Empowerment Model UMK in SOEs in West Java: Studies in Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. (2014) Institutional Capacity Building on MSEs – SOEs Partnership Program in Indonesia: A Case Study on Partnership Program at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.


West Java Regional office.(2014)

The Role of Micro and Small Enterprises Institutional on West Java Labor Absorption, Gross Regional Domestic Product, and Economic Growth Rate. (2014) Institutional Empowerment Model Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) at Unit PT. Telekomunikasi CDC Telkom Indonesia, Tbk. (2014) The Effect of Transformational Leadership on The Employee Performance of Telkom Vision at

Creative Generation’s Organization Structure (a General Study for Future Organization Preparation) (2014) How University Actively Involved in Developing Small Business: A Case Study of Collaboration between Institut Manajemen Telkom with PNPM Bandung District. (2012) The Effect of Customer Satisfaction and Brand Image on Customer Loyalty at the Topaz Galeria Hotel in Bandung. (2012)

Research (IJSR) . (2016) Institutional Capacity Building on MSEs -SOEs Partnership Program in Indonesia: A Case Study on Partnership Program at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. International Journal of Science and Research (2014)

Unit Telkom CDC PT.. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. (Institutional Empowerment Model Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) at Unit PT. Telkom CDC. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.) - Sosiohumaniora, LPPM Universitas Padjadjaran (2014) Creative Generation’s Organization Structure (a General Study for Future Organization Preparation). - (SCBTII 2014). The Effect of Transformational Leadership on the Employee Performance of Telkom Vision at West Java regional Office –Emerging Trends in Academics Research (2014)

Publication Analisis Struktur Organisasi Universitas Telkom (Telkom University Organizational Structure Analysis)Jurnal Terapan Manajemen dan Bisnis. (2016) The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on the Lecturers Performance at University: Study at Business Administration Program Telkom University – IJSR. (2016) The Institutional Capacity Building on MSEs - SOEs Partnership Program in Indonesia: A Case Study on Partnership Program at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. - International Journal of Science &



The Role of Micro and Small Enterprises Institutional on West Java Labor Absorption, Gross Regional Domestic Product, and Economic Growth Rate. - E-journal Mimbar: Social & Development Journal (2014) Model Pemberdayaan kelembagaan Usaha Mikro dan Kecil (UMK) pada

Dr. Ida Nurnida, MM

Born in Ciamis, March 27, 1963, Ida Nurnida teaches Organization Theory, Organizational Behavior, Business Philosophy, and Introduction to Business Administration at Telkom University. Finishing her bachelor degree in Administration at Padjadjaran University (1987), Ida continued her studies in management at IM Telkom (master, 2008) and Business Administration at Padjadjaran University (doctor, 2015). Frequently she conducted many scientific researches defrayed by herself. u Research Field

Organizational Behaviour, Business Philosophy, Organizational Theory



Dr. Imanuddin Hasbi, ST., MM.

Imanuddin Hasbi, was born in Bandung, August 29, 1969. The subjects he teaches are consumer behavior, selling management, retail management, marketing management, and competitive intelligence. He studied Industrial and Management Engineering at Pasundan University (Undergraduate, 1995), management at Bandung Management College (master degree, 1998), and Educational Administration/ Management at Indonesia University of Education (doctoral degree, 2016). u Research Field

Consumer Behavior, Selling Management, Retail Management, Marketing Management, and Competitive Intelligence



Research Activity Factors Analysis of the Electoral College (2012)

Intellectual Property Book “Manajemen Pemasaran” (2011) Book “Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia” (2012)

Expertise Experience Initiator Formation of Association of Indonesian Business Administration (AIABI) and the Curriculum department of Business Administration (2008-now)

Publication Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Strategi Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia (Leadership and Strategic Management Universities in Indonesia) - Study Management / Administration / Education(2014) Strategi CRM di Perguruan Tinggi (CRM strategies in Higher Education)- Business Journal (2014) Triple Helix untuk Membangun Bangsa Indonesia (Triple Helix to Build Nation Indonesia)- 3rd AIABI Congress (2012) Marketing Management in Higher Education - ICEMAL ke 6 (2016)



Research Activity Using Social Network Data Analytics for Market Segmentation (2016) Measuring Instant Messenger Application Adoption by Using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2) (A Comparative Study between Indonesia and Malaysia Customers) (2015) Instant Messaging Application Usage Analysis by Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2) (2014)

Publication Predicting Prospective Users Intention Adoption Toward TV Streaming - Journal of Information and Communication Technology (JICT) . (2016) An Instant Messenger Application Adoption Model (An Indonesian Perspective) - Journal of Information and Communication Technology (JICT). (2016) Predicting Smart Metering Acceptance by Residential Consumers: an Indonesian Perspective - The 4th International Conference on Information Communication Technology. (2016) Digital Advertising Media Adoption in Consumer Goods Industry (An Indonesian Perspective) - The 4th International Conference on Information Communication Technology. (2016) Factors Influencing Internet Banking Acceptance (A Case Study of ABC Internet Banking in Bandung Indonesia) - ICTMBE2015. (2016)



Online Collaboration Adoption Measurement : a Case Study in Indonesia ABC Telco Company International Conference on Material Engineering and Application. (2016) Predicting Behavior Intention To Adopt Teleconsultation Technology (A Perspective from The Implementation of UDoctor at Telkom Indonesia) - 8th Widyatama International Seminar on Sustainability (WISS). (2016) External and Internal Factors of Mobile Games Adoption in Indonesia - 8th Widyatama International Seminar on Sustainability (WISS) . (2016) A Modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology for 3G Mobile Multimedia Services in Indonesia - Smart Collaborations for Businesses in Technology and Information Industries (SCBTII) 2016 Examining Factors Influencing Webinar Adoption Using UTAUT Model (Case Study at Distance Learning Program, ABC University Indonesia) - Asia Pacific Wireless and Mobile Conference 2016 Instant Messenger Application Adoption Measurement: a Malaysians Perspective International Conference on Material Engineering and Application. (2016) Predicting Instant Messenger Application Adoption Using A Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computing and Informatics, ICOCI 2015 The Use of Modified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 To Predict Prospective Users

- International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI 2015) Factors Affecting e-Commerce Adoption by Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Indonesia - International Conferences on e-Commerce and Digital Marketing (EC) 2015 The Use of Modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology to Predict the Behavioural Intention toward Website (A Case Study in ABC University in Indonesia) - Applied Mechanics and Materials. (2015) Measurement for Analyzing Instant Messenger Application Adoption Using a Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 - International Business Management. (2015) Factors Influence Internet Banking Acceptance (A Case Study of ABC Internet Banking in Bandung Indonesia) - 4th International Conference on Technology Management Business and Entrepreneur. (2015) A Proposed Model for Measuring Instant Messenger Applications Adoption Among Indonesians and Malaysians - International Conference on Technology Management Business and Entrepreneurship Mediteranian Journal of Social science. (2015) Pro-Social Behavior Analysis through Online Social Marketing with Three-Dimensional Credibility Model - 3rd International Seminar & Conference on Learning Organization. (2015)

Indrawati, MM., Ph.D. Research Field

Technology Adoption, Marketing Management.

Intellectual Property Copyright : Book “Soal Jawab Penelitian Pemasaran” – Indrawati ISBN 978-979-99057-7-2. Bandung: Institut Manajemen Telkom (2008) Copyright : Book “Competitive Intelligence (CI) Pengertian, Konsep, Proses dan Implementasi” - Indrawati & Yudi Pramudiana ISBN 978-979-99057-5-8. Bandung: Institut Manajemen Telkom (2008) Copyright : Book “Profil Operator Jasa Telekomunikasi di Indonesia.2008” - Indrawati & Yudi Pramudiana - ISBN 978-979-990576-5. Bandung : Institut Manajemen Telkom (2008)

ACHIEVEMENT Second Best Paper 1st International Seminar & Conference on Learning Organization (ISCLO) - Telkom Corporate University and Telkom University (2013) The Best Presentation - The International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research (GTAR 2014) Eight Best Speakers on the 4th International Conference on E-Commerce with Focus on Developing Countries (ECDC) 2009.

Indrawati, Ph.D. is a lecturer at Tel-U since 2004. Born in Garut, March 29, 1966, she had studied English at Teachers’ Training College Bandung (IKIP, UPI, 1990), Management at Padjadjaran University (master degree, 2004), and the Graduate School of Management at Multimedia University, Malaysia (doctoral degree, 2013). Since 2004, Indrawati began teaching at the Department of Business Management of Telecommunications and Information Technology Telkom Institute of Management (IM Telkom) and Management Program

at Tel-U. Since 2014, she was appointed as Assistant Director of the Graduate Program at the Tel-U. Her various scientific papers were published in scientific journals. and since 1995, hundreds of her popular writings was published in magazines and newspapers. As the first author, Indrawati, among others, wrote books entitled Bahasa Ilmiah untuk Perguruan Tinggi (2004), Competitive Intelligence (CI) Pengertian, Konsep, Proses, dan Implementasi (2008), andProfil Operator Jasa Telekomunikasi di Indonesia (2008). u RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Dr. Jafar Sembiring, M.Ed.M

Jafar Sembiring is the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Tel-U, since 2014. He was born in Tanah Karo, North Sumatra, January 1953. His education ranged from the Indonesia University of Education (English Department, 1980) Hawthorn Institute of Education, Melbourne, Australia (Diploma of Education, 1986),The Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia (Master of Educational Management, 1990), and the University of Indonesia (Ph.D., 2005). Before actively in Tel-U, Jafar had teaches and managed an English Course (1979), and teaches at the Polytechnic Education Development Centre, Bandung (1983-1995). in 1991, he began teaching at Telkom Institute of Management (IM Telkom). Prior to his appointment as the dean, Jafar, among others, had served as a Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, IM Telkom and the Head of Management Master Program, Tel-U. in addition to teaching activities, Jafar usually provides consulting and training services, and lectures at various institutions and companies. and as a education practitioner, he also conducts research which covering employee satisfaction, corporate culture, leadership, and others. His scientific writings was published in magazines and journals. u Research Field

Employee Satisfaction, Corporate Culture, Leadership



Research Activity Employee Satisfaction: PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Top Management Competency Model for PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Corporate Culture: PT. Telkomsel Corporate Culture: PT. Bank Niaga Employee Satisfaction: Yakes Telkom Kepemimpinan Transformasional: Putri Gunung Organizational Learning: Putri Gunung Communication and Negotiation Officer The Accounts: PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Corporate Culture: PT. Martina Berto Transformational Leadership: East Java Regional Division V PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Organizational Learning: East Java Regional Division V - PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Cultural Student High School Students in Bandung Communication Effectiveness: PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Employee Opinion Survey: PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Employee Engagement: PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Organizational Commitment: PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk

Publication Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Karir Dalam Organisasi (Planning and Career Development in Organizations). - Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia. ISSN 1411-7835. Vol.1. No.2. Mei 2001. Belajar Sebagai Bagian Budaya Kerja (Learning as Part of Work Culture). - Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia. ISSN 1411-7835. Vol.1. No.1. Januari 2001. Budaya Pembelajaran dalam Organisasi (Culture Learning in Organizations). - Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia. ISSN 1411-7835. Vol.1. No.2. Oktober 2001. Paradigma Baru Pemanfaatan Hasil Survei Kepuasan Kerja (New Paradigm Utilization Job Satisfaction Survey Results). - Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia. ISSN 14117835. Vol.2. No.3. Januari 2002. Kemampuan Melakukan Negosiasi (Conducting Negotiations capability). - Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia. ISSN 1411-7835. Vol.3. No.3. Oktober 2003. Manajemen Perubahan: Rangkuman Teori dan Aplikasi (Change Management: Theory and Application Summary). - Inspire Magazine. PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. 2009 Budaya Organisasi (Organizational Culture) - Inspire Magazine. PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. 2009 Budaya Organisasi dan Konflik (Organizational Culture and Conflict): -. Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia. 2009.



Dr. Lucy Pujasari Supratman

Lucy, born in Bandung, November 17, 1984. She studied English literature for her undergraduate program at Pasundan University (2002-2006), and her master and doctoral degree was taken from communication science at Padjadjaran University. Once she teaches English for foreign speaker (BIPA) between 2006 and 2008. Then Lucy served as an English lecturer in Pasundan University (2006-2010) and a TOEFL instructor for Language Canter of Telkom University (2013). Since 2010, she began lecturing at IM-Telkom. u

Research Activity Case Study on Health Communication on Interpersonal Relationship Therapist and Patient in ATFG Arcamanik Alternative Medicine Center, Bandung, Indonesia (2016) The Role of Cyber Public Relations in West Java Provincial Government in Symbolization Image Branding (2016) The role of the Broadcasting Commission of West Java Regional Synergy With Telkom University in Socialization of Media Literacy (2016) Communication patterns Teachers and Student in SLB Cicendo (2016) Catalyst Application Learning Methods Course in Psychology of Communication (2015)

Research Field

Interpersonal Communication, Self Concept, Self Disclosure, Family Communication, Family Managerial Communication Pattern.

Intellectual Property Copyright : Book “Psychology of Communication”, IDReg “C00201603835”, 2016 Book “Psikologi Netizen Dalam Media Pemasaran dan Politik” (2015) Book “Renungan Hidup” (2012)

ACHIEVEMENT The Best Presenter – GTAR (2015) The Best Paper Research – ICOTIC (2015) The Best Paper Research – ETAR (2014) The Best Presenter – ETAR (2014)



Publication Studi Kasus Tentang Komunikasi Kesehatan pada Hubungan Interpersonal Therapist dan Pasien di Pusat Pengobatan Alternatif ATFG Arcamanik, BandungIndonesia (Case Study on Health Communication on Interpersonal Relationship Therapist and Patient in ATFG Arcamanik Alternative Medicine Center, Bandung, Indonesia)- Liski Journal 2016 A Case Study of Classroom Seating Arrangement To Promote Students Communication and Interactivity in Telkom University - International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 2016 A Cyber Politics: The Transformation of Marketing Politics in The Cyber Age - ISCLO 2016 Representasi Kearifan Lokal Sunda pada Program Berita Daerah Kalawarta di Lembaga Penyiaran Publik TVRI Jawa Barat (Representation of Local Wisdom Sunda on Program Regional News bulletin on Public Broadcasting TVRI West Java) – Observasi The Journal of BPPKI Bandung 2016 Kajian Etnografi Komunikasi pada Gaya Berkomunikasi Komunitas Hansamo Modern Dance Boys di Kota Bandung (Ethnographic Study of Communication Communicate in Style Modern Dance Community Hansamo Boys in Bandung) Journal of Communication Studies 2016 A Changing Paradigm of Social

Interaction in Divorce Family To The Interpersonal Communication Between Teenagers and Their Single Parents - International Conference on Communication and Media 2016 I-COME 2016 A Case Study of Classroom Seating Arrangement To Promote Students Communication Interactivity in Telkom University - Global Trends in Academic Research International Seminar 2015 Gaya Komunikasi Antarpribadi Pekerja Sosial di Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak Jawa Barat (Studi Kasus pada Para Korban Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (Interpersonal Communication Style Social Worker in Integrated Services Center for Women and Children in West Java (A Case Study of Victims of Domestic Violence)- Jurnal Vidya Duta IHDN Bali 2015 Konstruksi Makna Penonton Remaja Tentang Penayangan Adegan Kekerasan Fisik pada Sinetron Ganteng-Ganteng Serigala Episode 281 Tahun 2015 (Meaning construction Spectator Serving Teens About Physical Violence Scene in “Ganteng-Ganteng Serigala” TV Series on the 281th episod in Year 2015) – Observation Journal Ministry of Communication & Infoematics 2015 Studi Kasus Tentang Komunikasi Kesehatan pada Hubungan Interpersonal Therapist dan Pasien

di Pusat Pengobatan Alternatif ATFG Arcamanik, BandungIndonesia (Case Study on Health Communication on Interpersonal Relationship Therapist and Patient in ATFG Arcamanik Alternative Medicine Center, Bandung, Indonesia)- Prosiding Simposium Nasional Komunikasi Kesehatan 2015 Fikom Unpad A Descriptive Case Study To The Meaning of Soft News Value in Metro Pagi News Program for Metro TV Jakarta Executive Producer - International Conference of Transformation in Communication (ICoTiC) 2015 A Case Study of Classroom Seating Arrangement To Promote Students Communication Interactivity in Telkom University - International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 2015 Konsep Diri Remaja dari Keluarga Bercerai (Self Concept of Adolescent Divorce Family) - Jurnal Penelitian Komunikasi terakreditas LIPI 2015 Peran Humas Maya Pemprov Jabar dalam Branding Image PON - Peparnas 2016 Melalui Semiotika Komunikasi Pada Situs www.ponpeparnas2016jabar.go.id (The Role of the Provincial Government Cyber Public Relations in Branding Image PON-Peparnas 2016 Through Communication Semiotics on Site www.pon-peparnas2016jabar.go.id) - Jurnal Observasi Kominfo 2015



Dr. Majidah, SE., Msi


Majidah has expertise includes Governance, Research Method, Cost Accounting and Management Accounting. She graduated from the Department of Accounting, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta (1988), Department of Accounting Studies, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung (both master and doctoral degree, 2000, 2004), plus a variety of training and non-formal education. Prior to joining the Telkom University, Majidah served as Assistant Dean 2 (Financial Administration and Personnel), Economics Faculty, RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016

Pekalongan University (1991-1995); Assistant Dean 1 (Academic Affairs), Economics Faculty, Pekalongan University (1996-1997); and the Acting Director of Muhammadiyah Accounting Academy, Pekalongan (19971998). From 2008 to 2013, she served as Chairman of the Accounting Studies Program at the IM Telkom. Additionally, Majidah has experience as assessors of the National Competency Test for Teachers and Students of SMK Accounting Department, External Testers in the Doctoral Program of Governance & CSR field,

and work experience in Ilya Aviantiand Fellow Public Accountants. Since 2014, Majidah who do a lot of research and scientific publications, has been appointed as the Manager of BPP, Tel-U. u Research Field

Governance, Research Method, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting

Research Activity Retention Audited: Factors Auditor and audited - 2016 Quality of earnings: Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital (Studies on Public Companies That Included in the Corporate Governance Perception Index) - 2015 Understanding of Information

Expertise Experience Technology as a moderating Relationship With Time Budget Pressure Behavior Dampaknya

Assessors National Competency Test Teacher and Student SMK Accounting Department (2005-2008)

pada Disfunsional Auditor and Audit Quality, Study on the Public Accountant Auditor in Java are registered at the Financial Services Authority, 2013 (2013)

Publication The Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanism and Audit Quality on Information Asymmetry, Study on Property and Real Estate Industry is Listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2009-2011 - International conference on Governance in Trisakti University (2014) Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Underpriced, Studi Pada Perusahaan Yang Melakukan IPO di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2005-2009 (Factors that Affect underpriced, Study At Company Conducting an IPO on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2005-2009)Siasat Bisnis Journal (2012) Analisis Diterminan Audit Delay (Diterminan Analysis Audit Delay)National Seminar on Accounting & Business (SNAB 2012) Institutional Ownership, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Going Concern: Causality and Discriminant Analysis, A Study on Jakarta Islamic Index Companies At Indonesian Capital Market - 2nd University Business Industry Linkage (2012) Supporting Corporate Governance

Mechanism and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure To Firm Value With Going Concern As Intervening Variable, A Study in Public Companies That Are Included At Jakarta Islamic Index in Indonesia Stock Exchange - International Conference Business & Banking 2012 The Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanism and Audit Quality on Information Asymmetry, Study on Property and Real Estate Industry is Listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2009-2011 - 2nd University Business Industry Linkage (2012) Empirical Study of Factors Affecting The Audit Delay in Telecommunication Companies Listed in Indonesian Capital Market - 23rd Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues (2011) Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Good Corporate Governance dan Corporate Social Responsibility Sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi, Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar di Indeks Kompas-100

dan Corporate Governance Perception Index (Effect of Financial Performance Against Carrying Companies With Good Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility As moderating variables, Empirical Study At Company Listed on the Kompas -100 Index and Corporate Governance Perception Index - National Seminar Universitas Islam IndonesiaYogyakarta (2011) Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Underpriced, Studi Pada Perusahaan yang Melakukan IPO di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2005-2009 (Factors that Affect underpriced, Study At Company Conducting an IPO on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2005-2009) – National Seminar Universitas Islam Indonesia (2011) Peran Etika Bisnis dalam Penegakkan Governance Principles (Role of Business Ethics in Governance Enforcement principles)Tekun The Journal (2010) Pengaruh CSR Disclosure Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Influence of CSR Disclosure on Corporate Value)PROMARK (2010) RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Publication The Influence of Customer Relationship Management, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty Towards Cross-Buying Astinet’s Customer - Proceeding Smart Collaboration for Business in Technology and Information Industry (SCBTII) (2016) The Impact of Brand Equity on Brand Preference and Purchase Intention of Indihome Product - Proceeding Smart Collaboration for Business in Technology and Information Industry (SCBTII) (2016) The Impact of Website Quality on Information Quality, Value and Loyalty Intentions on E-Commerce Website - Proceeding Smart Collaboration for Business in Technology and Information Industry (SCBTII) (2016) Analysis on Voucher Wifi Via SMS Adoption By Mobile Phone Subscriber in Indonesia Utilising Modified Model of Utaut2 International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM). 2015 Analysis of IPTV Adoption in Indonesia Using Modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 Model - The IRES-18th International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM) 2015 Strategi Merebut Pasar Potensial (Strategy Seize Potential Market)Entrepreneur Day 2015 (2015) Business Model for WiFi Infrastructure Provider - Proceeding 3rd International Seminar & Conference on Learning Organization (ISCLO), Atlantis press Early Adoption Characteristic Of



Consumer Behavior Intention to Use Home Digital Services in Indonesia - Proceeding 3rd International Seminar & Conference on Learning Organization (ISCLO), Atlantis Press 2015 Product Differentiation and Marketing Communication’s Impact on Positioning and Customer Equity Enrichment Management Scientific Journal Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran (Marketing Mix) terhadap Brand Positioning Bandoengsche Melk Centrale untuk Produk Susu pasteurisasi serta dampaknya terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen business to business (Influence of Marketing Mix to the Brand Positioning Bandoengsche Melk Centrale for Pasteurized Milk Products and Their Impact on Consumer Purchasing Decisions Business to Business - Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia Factors analysis of eServqual in Internet Banking) - Proceeding pada International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (2013) Perceptual Mapping Atribut Produk dan Harga pada Layanan Data Unlimited Telkomsel Flash, Indosat Internet, Axis Pro, dan Tri (3) di Kota Bandung (Perceptual Mapping Product Attributes and Price on Unlimited Data Services Flash Telkomsel, Indosat Internet, Axis Pro, and Tri (3) in Bandung) - APMMI II Seminar (2012) Analisis Faktor yang mempengaruhi Penerimaan Pelanggan Telkomsel Terhadap Teknologi

Mobile Marketing Menggunakan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi di Kota Bandung Tahun 2011) (Analysis of Factors Affecting Telkomsel Customer Acceptance of Mobile Technology Marketing Approach Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Case Study on College Students in Bandung in 2011) APMMI II Seminar (2012) Peta Perkembangan Tekanan Penduduk Terhadap Areal Sawah di Jawa Barat pada Periode 1980-2010 Sebagai Masukan untuk Kebijakan Pengembangan Wilayah (Map developments Population Pressure on Paddy Fields in West Java in the Period 1980-2010 as an Input to the Policy of regional Development) Proceeding West Java Development Seminar (2012) Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan dan dampaknya terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Kasus Pelanggan Internet di Kota Cimahi tahun 2011) (Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and its Impact on Customer Loyalty (Customer Case Internet in Cimahi in 2011)) – Proceeding West Java Development Seminar (2012) Perception Mapping Magister Management in Bandung Proceeding on International Research Symposium in Service Marketing (2011) The Factor Analysis of Marketing Mix Blackberry Internet Service (BIS) Proceeding International Seminar on Business and Management (2011)

Research Activity

Dr. Maya Ariyanti, SE., MM.

Measuring Instant Messenger Application Adoption by using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2) (A Comparative Study between Indonesia and Malaysia Customers (2016) Using Social Network Data Analytics for Market Segmentation (2016) Measuring Instant Messenger Application Adoption by using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2) (A Comparative Study between Indonesia and Malaysia Customers (2015)

Intellectual Property Copyright: Book “Marketing Plan” (2015)

Achievement Best Lecturer – School of Economic & Business Telkom University (2014)

Research Field

Marketing, Management Information Systems, Telecommunication Business, Business Management, Business Strategy Maya Ariyanti is a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Tel-U. Born in Bandung, April 16th, 1973, Maya graduated from Management Undergraduate program of Parahyangan University, Bandung (1991-1996), the Management Graduate of Padjadjaran University (1997-1999), and Postgraduate Business Management of Padjadjaran University (2004-2009). Her attention was focused on Marketing, Management Information Systems,

Telecommunication Business, Business Management, and Business Strategy. Prior to joining the Tel-U since 2008, Maya had been a lecturer at Widyatama University, Bandung, between 1999-2008. in Tel-U, she has served as a Member of the formation of the International Program of IM Telkom, the Head of Management Graduate Program of IM Telkom, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, and since 2014 she was

appointed as Chairman of Expertise Group of Marketing and Consumer Studies. Her scientific publications widely spread in scientific journals as well as dozens of books and teaching module, which is written either alone or with colleagues. The book of her own, among others, are Pengantar Manajemen Pemasaran untuk Akuntansi Diploma III (2004) dan Sistem Informasi Manajemen pada Perusahaan Digital (2006). u RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Dr. Nina Kurnia Hikmawati, MM

Born in Bandung, March 4, 1969, Nina is Vice Coordinator of Transformational Management of Tel-U. She graduated from Accounting Department of Economics Faculty (undergraduate, Bandung Islamic University, 1992). Then she continued her studies to graduate program of IM Telkom (2011) and graduated doctoral program from Padjadjaran University. Prior to joining Telkom, Nina once had worked, among others, as the Head of Accounting Department of PT Kharisma Printex, Textiles Company (1992-1993), Business

Representative of Business Application Unit of PT. Nusantara Systems International (1993-1999) and PT Asuransi Jiwa Tugu Mandiri (20042007). She worked for Telkom since 2007. At first, Nina served as the Manager of Marketing and Cooperation of Telkom Polytechnic (20072012), then as the Head of SMBB Telkom Foundation (2012-2013), Vice President Business Performance & Evaluation Telkom Foundation (2013-2014), Advisory Board Secretary of Telkom Foundation (20132015), Vice President Endowment of Telkom Foundation (2014-2015), and Vice President Fund Rising & Collaboration Telkom Foundation (2015-2016). u Research Field

Marketing & Management Publication Influence of Marketing Relations and Marketing Mix on Customer Trust on Mobile Service Operators in Indonesia - International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management United Kingdom (2015).



Dr. Norita, SE., M.Si., Ak

Research Field

Accounting & Financial Management

Norita is a lecturer at Telkom University (since September 2012). The woman born in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, May 22, 1961, has expertise in accounting and financial management. Education that pertaining to her expertise is accounting. At first Norita studied at the Department of Accounting, Andalas University (1986). After gaining her undergraduate education, she continued her graduate and postgraduate studies at Padjadjaran University, in 1993 and 2003,respectively. u

Research Activity Analysis Garment Company Delisting Seen From Aspects of Bankruptcy Prediction, Conformity With Categorization Income Statement and Auditor Opinion (2016) Analysis of Potential Bankruptcy Vendor Telecommunications Company Financial Ratios Based Troubled With Altman method, Springate dan Zmijewski (2016) Effect of Bankruptcy Prediction by Using a Model Against Ohlson Score Stock Return (Study on Textile and Garment Company Listed in

Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2014) (2015) Identify the Factors That Contribute To Year 2009-2012 Capital Structure (Case Study on Foreign Exchange Banks in Indonesia) (2014) Analysis and Prediction of Potential Bankruptcy By Using Multiple Discriminant Analysis and Double Moving Average At PT. Bakrie Telecom, Tbk Year 2013 (2014) Comparative Analysis of the Intrinsic Value of shares with Estimated Price Stocks and Stock Market Prices for

Decision “Sell, Buy and Hold” on Telecommunications Sector First Quarter Year 2013 (2013) Comparative Analysis Company Conditions Using Value Z “Score on Determination of the Telecommunications Sector and Trends” Gray Zone “for the Year 2013 (2013) Intellectual Capital: Concepts, Models and Applications (Studies in Banking Sector Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2007-2010) (2012)

Based on The Problematic Financial Ratio With Altman, Springate and Zmijewski Methods - International Conference in Organizational Innovation 2015 The Effect of Bankruptcy Prediction Using Ohlson Score Model Towards Stock Returns (Study in Textile and Garment Company in IDX for Year 2010 – 2014 – IJSR (2015) Identification of Factors That Contribute To Capital Structure Year 2009-2012 (Case Study in Foreign Exchange Banks in Indonesia) – GTAR (2014) Analysis and Forecasting of

Bankruptcy Potential Using Multiple Discriminant Analysis and Double Moving Average on PT. Bakrie Telecom, Tbk Year 2013 – ICOI (2014) Comparative Analysis on Stock Intrinsic Value with Estimation of Stock Value and Stock Market Value for Decision Making “Buy, Sell, or Hold” in Telecommunication Sector at Quarter I of 2013 – ISCLO (2013) Comparative Analysis on Corporate Condition Using Z”-Score Value on Telecommunication Sector and “Gray” Zone Trend Determination for The Year 2013 – ICOI (2013)

Publication An Analysis of Telecommunication Vendor Company Bankruptcy Potency Based on The Problematic Financial Ratio With Altman, Springate and Zmijewski Methods - International Journal of Organization Innovation 2016 The Analysis of Delisting Decision of Garment Companies Observed From The Aspect of Bankruptcy Prediction, Compatibility With Income Statement and Auditor Opinion - International Journal of Organizational Innovation 2016 An Analysis of Telecommunication Vendor Company Bankruptcy Potency



Dr. Palti MT Sitorus, MM.

Palti Marulitua Sitorus was born in Sidikalang, North Sumatra, June 27, 1970. He is a employee of Telkom Education Foundation (YPT) with interest research on Operation on Telecommunications, Financial on Telecommunication, Corporate Governance, and Financial Modelling. His undergraduate education came from Padjdjaran University (Statistics, 1995). Then he continued his graduate program to the same university (management studies, 1998). and in 2014, he graduated doctoral program from Bogor Agricultural University in business management. Being a lecturer at STMB Telkom since 1999, he has served as Director of Academic Planner of STMB Telkom, Dean of the Graduate School of IM Telkom, Responsible Akreditasi entire study program of IM Telkom. Since 2013, Palti believed served as Director LPPM, Telkom University. Palti, a member of Association of Investment Market and Banking Analyst since 2014 and several other professional associations, is used to conduct research and publish the study results in many scientific journals. u Research Field

Operation on Telecommunications, Financial on Telecommunication, Corporate Governance, and Financial Modelling 158


Research Activity Capital Structure Analysis on Telecommunications Company to Use Big Data in Indonesia (2016) Determining Risk Factors in Supply Chain for UMKM Business Center in Bandung 2016) Capacity Planning and Site Selection Cell tower in CAPEX Efficiency by Using Optimization Methods (Studies in Telecommunications Operator Indonesia West Java) (2016) Capital Structure and Corporate Investment Decision on Telekomunikasi Indonesia (2014) Optimal Capital Structure at Company Telekomunikasi Indonesia (2013) Pattern Sharing Facility on Asset Utilization of Telecommunications in Indonesia (2011) Optimization of Capital on the establishment of BTS Telekomunikasi Indonesia (2010) Quality measurement approach Willingness to Pay in PT. Telkom (2007)


Struktur Modal dan Keputusan Investasi pada Perusahaan Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Capital Structure and Corporate Investment Decision on Telekomunikasi Indonesia) - Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 2014 Analysis of Capital Structure in Corporate Telecommunications Operators in Indonesia - International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 2014 Struktur Modal Optimal Pada Perusahaan Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Optimal Capital Structure at Company Telekomunikasi Indonesia) - Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 2013 Telco’s Roadmap in Indonesia (Quality and SCM) - Institut Manajemen Telkom, 2010 Pengukuran Kualitas dengan Pendekatan Willingness to Pay di PT. Telkom (Quality measurement approach Willingness to Pay in PT.

Telkom) - Institut Manajemen Telkom, 2009 Identifikasi Kepuasan Pelanggan terhadap Kinerja Manajemen proyek berdasarkan 9 Knowledge Area di PT. INTI (Persero) Bandung (Identification of Customer Satisfaction on the Performance Management project based on the 9 Knowledge Areas of PT. INTI (Persero) Bandung) - Institut Manajemen Telkom, 2008 Analisis Perilaku Penerapan Kualitas Layanan Perusahaan Telekomunikasi (Behavioral analysis of the Implementation of Quality of Service Telecommunications Company) Institut Manajemen Telkom, 2007 Studying the Dynamics of Gender in ICT Sector in The ASEAN Countries Mastel Indonesia, 2006 Corporate Governance Sebagai Bagian dari Bangsa dan Perusahaan (Corporate Governance as Part of the Nation and Company)– Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia, STMB, 2003



Dr. Posma, ST., SE., M.Si., MSEE.

Born in Jakarta, January 30, 1974, Posma teaches Telecommunications Regulation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Project Management, Introduction to Economics, and Development Concept of Science and Technology (KPST). He studied civil engineering (project management) at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) for his undergraduate program (1997). Both his master and doctoral degree was taken from University of Indonesia, from the different department, namely management science (2003) and economics (2012). u Publication

Research Field

Telecommunication Regulation, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Project Management



The Relations of Defense Budget with Investment in Indonesia Case Advances in Economics and Business Issues Research International Conference (AEBIRIC 2016) The Traditional Threat and Its Impact to National Consumption in Indonesia - International Journal of Advance and Applied Science (IJAAS) (2016) The Relations of Defence Budget with Investment : Evidence from Indonesia - International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues (2016) Tingkat Militerisasi Negara-Negara ASEAN Berdasarkan Natural Balance of Power Militarization Level of ASEAN (The level of militarization of ASEAN Countries Based on the Natural Balance of Power Militarization Level of ASEAN) Business and Technology Seminar (SEMBISTEK) 2014 Indonesian Traditional Threat Level of Its Influence on the National Defense Budget Policy - The 3rd ASEAN Consortium on Department of Economics Conference (ACDEC) 2014 Indonesian Traditional Threat Level of Its Strategic Environment - 1st

PIKSI International Conference on Knowledge and Sciences 2014 Telaah Normatif Terhadap TindakanTindakan yang Perlu Diambil Indonesia dalam Pasar Bebas/ Tunggal MEA. Dengan Pendekatan Ekonomi Normatif Menggunakan Asean Community Blueprint/ Deklarasi MEA (Normative study on Measures to be Taken Indonesia in Free Market / Single MEA. With Normative Approach using the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint / Declaration MEA) - Journal of Economic, Scientific Analysis of Economics, Management, Finance and Accounting (2013) Guns vs Butter: Pertahanan Nasional atau Kesejahteraan Sosial (Guns vs. Butter: National Defence or Social Welfare) - Universitas Kristen Indonesia 59th Anniversay (2012)

Expertise Experience Resource Maritime Working Group - Working Group Transition Home (2015)

Dr. Putu Nina Madiawati, ST., MT., MM

Putu was born in Tanjung Piang, February 9, 1980. She teaches business statistics, management operations, supply chain management, quantitative method, and business mathematics. Putu studied industrial engineering and management at Jenderal Achmad Yani University (UNJANI) for her undergraduate program (2003), industrial engineering and management at Pasundan University (master degree, 2005), management at STIE Pasundan (master degree, 2014), and management at Pasundan University (doctoral degree, 2016). u

Research Activity Celebrity and Halal Certificates Factors Influence on Customers’ Buying Interest (2016) Quality Service Satisfaction X University New Student Business Administration Forces 2012 (2015) Effect of Competence and Motivation Nurses on Job Satisfaction and Performance Nurses Its Implication in Preparing Asean Economic Community (AEC) 2015 (2015) Effect of Service Quality Education and Risk Perception Student Satisfaction and Its Implication in Dealing AEC Citra University (2015) Effect of Training on Employee Performance at Electrical State Owned Company in Bandung (2014) Effect of Service Quality Customer Satisfaction Impact on Consumer Loyalty in Mc DONALD’S Branch Cibubur, Jakarta (2014) Analysis of Consumer Preferences for the Product Snacks Micro in Bandung Year 2013 (2013) Implementation of E-Commerce for SMEs Bandung and Surrounding Facing the Asean Economic Community 2015 (2013) Supply Chain Approach at Rumah Makan Simpang Raya in Bandung (2012) Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and Their Attention on Business Among High School Students: A Study at Bale Endah Senior High School (2012)

Research Field

Statistic, Management, Marketing.

Publication Celebrity and Halal Certificates Factors Influence on Customers Buying Interest Actual Problems of Economics 2016 Pengaruh Kompetensi dan Motivasi Perawat Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Serta Implikasinya Terhadap Kinerja Perawat dalam Mempersiapkan Asean Economic Community (AEC) 2015 (Effect of Competence and Motivation Nurses on Job Satisfaction and Performance Nurses its Implication in Preparing ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015) - Proceeding National Seminar & Call for Paper, Management Forum Indonesia (FMI) (2015) Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Jasa Pendidikan dan Persepsi Resiko Terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa Serta Implikasinya Terhadap Citra Universitas Dalam Menghadapi AEC (Effect of Service Quality and Perceived Risk Education Student Satisfaction and Its Implication Imagery University in Facing AEC) - Proceeding National Seminar & Call for Paper, Management Forum Indonesia (FMI) (2015) Effect of Training on Employee Performance at Electrical State Owned Company in Bandung - International Conference on ETAR (2014) Analisis Preferensi Konsumen Terhadap Produk Makanan Ringan Usaha Mikro di Bandung Tahun 2013 (Analysis of Consumer Preferences for the Micro Product Snacks in Bandung in 2013) - Proceeding Seminar Nasional & Call for Paper, Forum Manajemen Indonesia (FMI) (2013)



Research Activity Family Business: An Entrepreneurial Longer-Term Perspective (2016) Building an Entrepreneurial Thinking of Women Graduate Students: What Else Beyond Learning and Dreaming?(2016) From Work-Integrated Learning to Students’ Ecopreneurial Activity: How Far Will Students Go?( 2015) A Puzzling Picture of WorkIntegrated Learning to Students’ Entrepreneurial Skill (2015) The Triple Drivers of Ecopreneurial Action for Taking The Recycling Habits To The Next Level: A Case of Bandung City, Indonesia (2015) The “Triple-I” Learning Model of Entrepreneurship Education in Indonesia: Where Do We Go From Here? (2015) Public Engagement through Ecopreneurship: Moving from

‘Recyclable to Marketable’ (2015) Students’ Entrepreneurial Strategy: Connecting Minds? (2014) Green “ E-Project “ : The 4-R Survey of Students’ Ecopreneurship (2013) A Comparative Study of Snack Products for Potential Development of Culinary Tourism in the City (2012) Analysis of Business Startups Students of Fashion-based Social Media (2012) Analysis of Business Development of Community-based Bookstore in Bandung (2012) Supply and Demand of Education (2011) Cultural Development Strategy Research in Higher Education (2011) Work Integrated Learning (WIL): A Promising Experiment in Students’ Entrepreneurial Activity (2011) Online Social Networks and

Entrepreneurship: Use of Social Networking Sites Facebookbased Dimensional Marketing in Solving Task Group on Course “Entrepreneurship” on the Telkom Institute of Management Academic Year 2009/2010 (2011) Online Social Networks and Entrepreneurship: Use of Social Media in the Promotion Activities Implementation Task “E Project” at the Institute Telkom management (Case study: classes C, D, F, Academic Year 2010/2011) (2011) Online Social Networks and Entrepreneurship: The Effect of Social Media on Learning Course “Entrepreneurship” Against the Interests of Entrepreneurship Students at Telkom Institute of Management (2011)

Publication The Role of Quadruple Helix in Creative Tourism around Cihampelas Shopping Street Bandung City, Indonesia: Work in progress or status quo - Arte Polis 6 International Conference Imagining Experiences: Creative Tourism and the Making of Place (2016) Graduate Students, Age and Money: Yet another Ecopreneurial Challenges - IJAS International Academic Conference for Education (2016) Building An Entrepreneurial Thinking of Women Graduate Students: What Else Beyond Learning and Dreaming? - Asian – American Conference for Academic Disciplines (2016) Family Business: An Entrepreneurial Longer-Term Perspective - Binus Business Review (2016) Building n Entrepreneurial Thinking



of Women Graduate Students: What Else Beyond Learning and Dreaming? - Journal of Teaching and Education (2016) The Triple Drivers of Ecopreneurial Action for Taking The Recycling Habits To The Next Level: A Case of Bandung City, Indonesia - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought (2015) The “Triple-I” Learning Model of Entrepreneurship Education in Indonesia: Where Do We Go From Here? - International Journal of Arts and Sciences (2015) Ten Years Later: A Puzzling Picture of Work-Integrated Learning To Students’ Entrepreneurial Skills - 19th World Conference on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education (2015)

From Work-Integrated Learning to Students’ Ecopreneurial Activity: How Far Will Students Go? - 19th World Conference on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education (2015) The Triple Drivers of Ecopreneurial Action for Taking The Recycling Habits To The Next Level: A Case of Bandung City, Indonesia - Euro – American Conference for Academic Disciplines Conference (2015) The “Triple-I” Learning Model of Entrepreneurship Education in Indonesia: Where Do We Go From Here? - Asian – American Conference for Academic Disciplines (2015) Public Engagement through Ecopreneurship: Moving From ‘Recyclable To Marketable’ - ArtePolis 5 International Conference Reflections on Creativity: Public

Engagement and the Making of Place (2014) Students’ Entrepreneurial Strategy: Connecting Minds? - Euro – American Conference for Academic Disciplines Conference (2014) Public Engagement through Ecopreneurship: Moving from ‘Recyclable to Marketable’ - Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (2015) Students’ Entrepreneurial Strategy:

ACHIEVEMENT Best Lecturer Teaching Field – Telkom University (2016)

Expertise Experience Editorial Board for International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) - International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) (2016) Moderator International Conference School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development Bandung Institute of Technology (SAPPK-ITB) (2016) Conference Chair - International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) (2016) Conference Chair - International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) (2015) Moderator International Conference - Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Kebijakan Institut Teknologi Bandung (SAPPKITB) (2014) Conference Chair - International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) (2014) Conference Chair - International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) (2013) International Review Committee for World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE) - University of Massachusetts Lowell (2011-2013)

Dr. Ir. Ratna L. Nugroho, MM

Ratna is a lecturer of Tel-U. Her domain of expertise is management and educational administration. She graduated in Architect Engineering program at Bandung Institute of Technology (1992). She continued her graduate education at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Manila, Philippines (2000), and postgraduate in Administration of Education for Higher Education at Indonesia University of Education, Bandung (2012). u Research Field

Management and Educational Administration



Research Activity Implementation of Talent Management Effectiveness Analysis of Telkom University (2016) Design of Intellectual Capital Measurement Model for Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs in Indonesia (Case Study 7 Bandung Industrial Center) (2016) How To Improve Creative Thought and Innovative Action for Organizational Transformation? (2015) The Readiness of Organization to

Adapt the Future (2015) What Is a Learning Organization University (Learning Organization)?: Case Studies at the University of Telkom-Bandung (2014) Influence of Role Manager in Managing Change on Employee Satisfaction in PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. (2013) An Integrated Talent Management System : Challenges for Competitive Advantage (2013) Analysis of Managerial Skill for

Application Forms Organizational Culture Theory According to Cameron and Quinn in Company X (2012) Analysis of Implementation of Quality Education According to Telkom Management Institute Student Perception Year 2012 (2012) Intelligence Analysis of Leader in Telecommunication Industry in Indonesia (2012) Analysis of Student Readiness Level 1 in Bandung in Determining Career Options (- 2010)


How To Improve Creative Thought and Innovative Action for Organizational Transformation? - The 7th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2015)

Employee Turnover Intentions in Hotel : How To Reduce It? Advanced Science Letters 2015 An Integrated Talent Management System: Challenges for Competitive

The Readiness of Organization To Adapt The Future - The Global Advanced Research Conference on Management and Business Studies (GARCOMBS) 2015

Intellectual Property Model Employee Turnover Intentions Talented - 2016 Book “Potensi Daya Saing Wilayah Jawa Barat Selatan” 2015 Book “Manajemen Talenta Terintegrasi” - Andi Publishing, 2016


Advantage - International Business Management 2015

Managerial Roles in a Dynamic Environment - Advanced Research on Business, Management and Humanities 2016 An Integrated Talent Management System : Challenges for Competitive Advantage International Business Management 2015


Analisis Peran Departemen Sumber Daya Manusia Pada Perusahaan X di Bandung (Analysis of Role of Human Resources Department at Company X in Bandung)- Jurnal Bisnis dan Ekonomi Unisban 2013 Analisis Kesiapan Mahasiswa Strata 1 di Kota Bandung dalam Menentukan Pilihan Karir (Analysis of Student Readiness Level 1 in Bandung in Determining Career Options) - Journal of Management Indonesia, 2010

Dr. Ratri Wahyuningtyas, MM

Achievement Research Grant from Ministry of Research & Technology Directorate Higher Education “Intellectual Capital Measurement Model Design and Formulation Strategies for Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs in Indonesia: Case Study 7 Sentra Industrial Bandung” 2016 Best Paper on the 7th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2015) Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2015 Best Paper on International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research 2014 (GTAR2014) - Global Illuminator, 2014 The Best Participant on Certified Talent Management Professional GML Performance Consulting, Lutan Edukasi, 2013 The Best Paper on Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Workshop Program Management Science Universitas Padjajaran, 2013

Ratri was born in Semarang, November 19, 1981. he teaches talent management, human resources management, and organizational behavior. Ratri graduated from Chemistry Engineering at Diponegoro University (bachelor, 2004), management at Business Management College (master, 2007), and management at Padjadjaran University (doctoral degree, 2015). Besides involving in many scientific activities, such as research, community development, publishing and delivering scientific papers, Ratri wrote two books namely Potensi Daya Saing Wilayah Jawa Barat Selatan (2015) and Manajemen Talenta Terintegrasi (2016) and she got a copy right entitled “Model Turnover Intentions Karyawan Bertalenta” (registered number 78312, 2016). u

Research Field

Human Resources Management.



Dr. Riko Hendrawan., ACP.,CFC., CSCP., QIA

Publication Test of Speed of Adjustment Towards The Capital Structure in Indonesia Telecommunication Industry - Jurkubank 2016 Efficiency of Indonesia’s Mutual Funds during 2007-2011 by Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) - Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, Universitas Merdeka Malang 2013 Effect of Capital structure on Banks Performance : A Profit Efficiency Approach Islamic and Conventional Banks Case in Indonesia - International Research Journal of Finance and Economics Issue , Euro Journals Publishing 2012 Application and Comparison between Merton and GARCH Option Model for Barrier Option in Indonesia Stock Exchange - International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies 2011. Analisis Kointegrasi BursaBursa Asia (Cointegration Analysis of Stock-Exchange Asia) - Journal of Finance and Banking, Universitas Merdeka Malang. 2011 Measuring efficiency as Intermediation Approach Between Conventional and Shari’a Bank in Indonesia, Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, Universitas Merdeka Malang 2010 Aplikasi Barrier Option di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Application



Barrier Option in the Indonesia Stock Exchange) - Journal of Management Indonesia, Institut Manajemen TELKOM. 2010 Perbandingan Model Opsi Black-Scholes dan Model Opsi GARCH di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Comparison of the Black-Scholes Option Model and Model GARCH option in the Indonesia Stock Exchange) - Journal of Finance and Banking. Penerbit: Universitas Merdeka Malang, 2010 Aplikasi GARCH untuk Penentuan Premi Harga Kontrak Opsi Saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Application GARCH for Determining Stock Option premium price in the Indonesia Stock Exchange) - Journal of Finance and Banking, PERBANAS, 2009 Pengujian GARCH Option Model untuk Barrier Option di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Testing GARCH Option Barrier Option Model for the Indonesia Stock Exchange)- Journal of Technology Management ITB, 2009 Test Keakuratan Model Opsi Black-Scholes untuk Penentuan Harga Premi Kontrak Opsi Saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Accuracy Test Model BlackScholes Option Pricing for Premium Stock Option in the Indonesia Stock Exchange) - Journal of Business and Management EKSEKUTIF, 2009

Riko born in Tangerang, April 26, 1975, He achieved doctoral degree in finance from Padjadjaran University (2008). in Tel-U, he lectured Derivative Securities, Valuation and Security Analysis, International Finance, Corporate Finance, Risk Management and Strategic Management. Prior to joining Tel-U since January 2009, once Riko had worked, among others, in PT. Globalindo Nusantara Mandiri and PT. Adityadasa Cipta Manunggal (Aditya Group). TELKOM Foundation appointed him as Vice President of Portfolio Management since April 2014. and since September 2014 he also worked for PT. Sandhy Putra Makmur, as Chief Executive Officer. in Tel-U itself, Riko was appointed as the Head of Business Services and Consultancy and the Head of Institute of Research and Community Services. His current position is a member of Faculty of Graduate School of Business (since January 2009). Holding several professional certificates, Riko also becomes a visiting lecturer for several universities and a facilitator for some companies related to Business Plan, Financial Statement Analysis, Investment, Budget and Control, etc. Besides, he is a speaker for a couple of national and international conferences. u Research Field


Dr. Rina Djunita Pasaribu Born in Bandung, June 14, 1965, Rina Djunita teaches strategic management and Economics Engineering. Rina graduated from Telecommunication Engineering of Bandung Institute of Technology (Bachelor, 1988), Telecommunication Engineering of University of Bradford, United Kingdom (1994), and Business ManagementStrategic Management of Padjadjaran University (doctor, 2016). u

Research Field

Strategic Management, Economics Engineering Research Activity Strategic Supply Chain Model Broadband and Troubleshooting Integrated Scheme for Fixed Broadband Industry (2015-2016)

Publication The Effect of Customer Demand and Supplier Performance in Competitive Strategy and Business Performance (Case of Fixed Broadband in Indonesia) - International Journal of Science & Technology Research (2016) The Model of Customer Demand and Supplier Performance in Competitive Strategy and Business Performance (Case of Fixed Broadband in Indonesia) - 2nd International Conference for Interdisciplinary Studies (ICIS). Korea, 2015 The Effect of Customer Demand and Supplier Performance in Competitive Strategy and Business Performance (Case of Fixed Broadband in Indonesia) - The Global Advanced Research Conference on Management and Business Studies (GARCOMBS). Bali, 2015 CSR for HR Developing of Telco Ecosystem - 1st International Conference for Interdisiplinary Studies (ICIS). Korea, 2014 Effects of Classes Participants Satisfaction on Certification Pass Rate (Case: TELKOM Certification Program, Implementation Part of ‘Invest in People’, Corporate’s Prime Strategic Initiatives) - The 1st International Seminar & Conference on Learning Organization (ISCLO). Bandung, 2013

ACHIEVEMENT Achievement 1000 Certification by Telkom Professional Certification Center - National Professional Certification Board(BNSP) 2014 RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Dr. Ir. Syarifuddin, MM

Born in Tanjungkarang, April 3, 1960, Syarifuddin teaches Human Resources Management, Organizational Behavior, and Human Resources Development. Syarifuddin studied Industrial engineering and management at Pasundan University for the undergraduate program (1987), management at North Sumatera University (master degree, 2001), and educational administration at Indonesia University of Education (UPI) Bandung (doctoral degree, 2016). u



Research Field

Human Capital Management, Organizational Behaviour, Entrepreneurship. Publication Communication Strategy as the Tool to Increase Employee Motivation in Creating Innovation - International Conference of Transformation in Communication 2015

Dr. Teguh Widodo, SE, ST, MM.

Teguh Widodo is the Dean for School of Applied Science at Tel-U. His academic assignments are Project Management, Business Process Engineering, Managerial Economic at Graduate Program, and Management and Organization. Born in Kebumen, 6 July 1958, Teguh which fully working for PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. succeeded on finishing his education

from Undergraduate on Economic and Development Study, Open University (UT, 1992), Undergraduate on School of Telecommunication Technology (STT Telkom, 1993), Magister Management, concentrated on Management, Universitas Negeri Jember (UNEJ, 2006), and Doctor of Economy concentrated on Management at Diponegoro University (UNDIP, 2012). His career was begun 1978 when he had worked in the field of Satellite Communication System, Operation and Maintenance Supervisory of Ground Station management. Lapse of times, he reached the Deputy General Manager Telkom of East Java in 2011. Meanwhile, in telecommunication education, once he was appointed as Vice Rector-3 for Partnership, Training, Language and Institution Development Institute of Telkom Technology (IT Telkom) and Vice Dean-2 for Resources of Telkom Engineering School, Tel-U. u

Research Field

Project Management, Business Process Engineering, Managerial Economic Research Activity Model Development Strategy for Quality Improvement Managing Private Higher Education Diploma Program Through Implementation of Good University Governance (2015) Effect of Customer Perceived Quality and Customer Trust to the Customer Switching Cost GSM Service Provider Bandung (2015) The Antecedent of Proactive Organizational Inventiveness and its Consequences Toward Sustainable Competitive Advantage. The Effect of the Customer’s Perceived Quality into Customer Loyalty of Telkom Flexi. The Role of Transformative IT Capability on Sustainability Creating Competitive Advantage. The Effect of Transformative IT Capability on Organizational Activeness.

Publication The Effect of Transformative IT Capability on Sustainable Competitive Advantage - ICoICT 2015 The Role of Transformative It Capability on Increasing Organizational Innovativeness To Sustain Competitive Advantage International Journal of Research in Commerce, It & Management 2015



Dr. Ir. Yati Rohayati, MT., CPMA

Research Activity Born in Tasikmalaya, December 27, 1966, Yati Rohayati is a lecturer at Telkom University since 1992. With research interest covering Marketing Research, Service Quality, Quality Management, ISO 9000, Service Development/Improvement, and Small and Medium Industries, among others, she has been lecturing Marketing Research, Integrated Marketing Communication, Marketing Management and Customer Relationship Management. She studied industrial engineering in ITB (undergraduate, 1992), engineering and industrial management in ITB (graduate, 2001), and management science (marketing) from Indonesia University (postgraduate, 2002). Yati was appointed, among others, as the Head of Research and Community Empowerment (IT Telkom, 2007-2008), the Chairman of Money PHKI Team (IT Telkom, 2009-2010), the Head of Interested Group of E-Engineering Management (Tel-U, 20102014), and VP Foundation Affairs (Telkom Foundation, since 2014). u Research Field

Marketing, Quality Management, Service Quality, Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs).



Needs Assessment Guidance Program Upgrades SME Marketing Products for SME Business Development in Agricultural Products Processing Association of Horticultural Kab. Bandung (2014) Training Needs Analysis Marketing for SME members APHP (2014) Assistance Product Development and Design Packaging SME member APHP (2014) Preparation of Case Studies Mobile Services for Youth (2014) Community Asset Mapping for ICT Empowerment in Bandung Regency (2013-2014) Bandung District Community Asset Mapping for ICT Empowerment (2013) Speedy Online Customer Satisfaction Survey (2011) Online Market Survey Service Groovia (IPTV) (2011)

Publication Identify Critical Attributes of Product Quality in SME using IPA-Kano Integration Model - Advanced Research in Engineering and Information Technology International Conference / ADVANCED SCIENCE LETTERS (2016) Development of the Marketing Training Model for SMEs - Sixth International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning in Sales Information System of SME Abo Farm Indonesia - ITB– IEEE International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (2014) Perumusan Rancangan Komunikasi Pemasaran Usaha Kecil Menengah di Sukamenak. - BKSTI kerja sama dengan Universitas Andalas (Formulation Design Marketing Communications Small and Medium Enterprises in Sukamenak. - BKSTI Cooperation with the University of Andalas)- Padang (2014)

Analisis Prediksi Churn dan Segmentasi Pelanggan Speedy Retail Daerah Operasional Bandung Menggunakan Algoritma Decision Tree dan K-Means (Analysis Churn Prediction and Customer Segmentation Retail Speedy Bandung Regional Operations Using Decision Tree algorithm and K-Means) - UII – Yogyakarta Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi (2013) Mapping Community’s Asset to Enhance Effectiveness of ICT Program Undip - Semarang (2013) Pemetaan Aset Komunitas Kabupaten Bandung untuk Pemberdayaan TIK: Model Konseptual (Community Asset Mapping Bandung Regency for ICT Empowerment: A Conceptual Model)- IT Telkom - Bandung (2013) Pemilihan Sasaran Cross Selling

Perumusan dan Pemetaan Aset Komunitas Kecamatan untuk Pemilihan Daerah - Layanan Program Bantuan TIK di Kabupaten Bandung (Formulation and the District Community Asset Mapping for Local Elections - Service Assistance Program ICT in Bandung). - Kongres dan Seminar BKSTI - Padang (2014)

Mapping of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Dayeuh Kolot and Sukapura Kab. Bandung (2015) Instructor Training Digital Marketing for SMEs APHP Members Kab. Bandung, Cooperation with Dinas Agriculture Forestry Plantation Bandung District Campus Tel-U (2014) Instructor Training Marketing for Telkom Property (Batch 3) Telkom

Layanan Internet Speedy pada Pelanggan Telepon Rumah Menggunakan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor (Selection of Target Cross Selling Speedy Internet Service At Home Phone Customers Using K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm)- UII – Yogyakarta Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi (2012) Analisis Peningkatan Intensi Kontinuitas Penggunaan E-Learning Di PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Continuity Intention Analysis Increased Use of E-Learning in PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk) Itenas - Bandung (2010) Perbaikan Kualitas Layanan Klik BCA Berdasarkan Kriteria E-Banking SQ (Quality Repair Service KlikBCA Based Criterion E-Banking SQ)- IT Telkom Bandung (2010)

Expertise Experience Corpu (2014) Case Study Constituent Material for Telkom Corpu (2 CASE STUDY) Telkom Corpu (2013) Instructor Training ISO 9001 for Telkom PCC (2013) Instructor Training ISO 9001 for Telkom PDC (2012) Instructor Training ISO 9001 to the Telkom Polytechnic (2011)



Art Design & Socio Humaniora

Dr. Didit Widiatmoko, M.Ds

Born in Malang, January 2, 1957, Didiet has research interest covering advertising communication, media, and identity and branding. His whole higher education related to design. This can be seen from his undergraduate degree (1983), graduate (2002) and postgraduate (2012) which came from Bandung

Institute of Technology (ITB), coupled with a variety of professional training. Prior to joining the Tel-U, Didit has served as Head of Promotion, Marketing Division (1989) and Manager of Marketing Communication (2000-2003) in PT Dirgantara Indonesia. IN Tel-U, he has served as Chairman of the Program Graphic Design (2013-2014). Various research results have been presented at various scientific and seminar proceedings and published in various scientific journals. While his design was used as a venue for professional activities and community service and some of them received an award, such as Indonesia Logo Design Airshow 1998 (1997). u

Research Field

Visual Communications Design, Graphic Design. Research Activity Packaging of Tahu Production from Small and Medium Enterprises (2016) Packaging Dairy Milk Products (2016) Picture Warnings on Cigarette Packaging (2015) Characters Visual Advertising Print 1970 in Indonesia (2012)

Intellectual Property Book “Visualisasi Iklan Indonesia Era 1950-1957” 2nd Edition (2015) Book “Metodologi Penelitian Visual, dari Seminar ke Tugas Akhir” (2012) Book “Metode Penelitian” - Cetak (2012/2013)

ACHIEVEMENT Charter Award as the jury Poster Contest - Dean of Creative Industries Faculty Telkom University (2015) Charter Award As the organizers of Indonesia Air show - Minister of Research & Technology, Prof. Dr. Ing. B.J. Habibie (1996)



Publication Komik Edukasi Jajanan Sehat (Comics Education Healthy Snacks) - Demandia Journal (2016) Wajah Indo Dalam Iklan Tahun 1950an (The Indo Face in Advertisement Year 1950) – Panggung (2016) Digital Imaging in Product Packaging - ICCI 2015 Bali Indonesia Body and Lifestyle as an Advertising Strategy - Bandung Creative Movement 2015 2nd International Conference on Creative Industries Diseminasi Ancaman Tsunami Melalui Sign System untuk Kawasan Pantai Carita (Sign Tsunami Threat Through Dissemination System for Coastal Region Carita)– IPTEKKOM, Research Information and Communication Technology Journal - LIPI (2015) Digital Imaging in Product Packaging Proceeding International Conference on Creative Industry (ICCI); Opportunity and Challenge on Creative Industries in the Era of Global Free Trade 2015 Department of Industrial Design Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya (2015) Body and Lifestyle as an Advertising Strategy Proceeding Bandung Creative Movement 2nd International Conference on Creative Industry 2015 - School of Creative Industries Telkom University (2015) Generating Spontaneous Purchase through Packaging and Display Proceeding Bandung Creative Movement 1st International Conference on Creative Industry

2014 - School of Creative Industries Telkom University (2014) Visual Persuasion on Credit Card Advertisements Proceeding Bandung Creative Movement 1st International Conference on Creative Industry (2014) Visual Character of Indonesian Printed Advertisement 19701976 Proceeding International Conference, Asia Creative Writing (2014) Brand Identity Design of the Bay Bali - Wimba, Journal of Visual Communication and Multimedia (2014) Visual Identity and Promotion Media for Integrated Tourism of North Jakarta - Wimba, Journal of Visual Communication and Multimedia (2014) Model Anak-Anak dalam Iklan Produk untuk Dewasa (Model Children in Product Ads for Adults - Fiber Arts)- Serat Rupa, FSRD Journal Universitas Maranatha (2013) Identity of Ketawai Island and Implementation Into Visual Communication Media - Jurnal Demandia, DKV Institut Manajemen Telkom. (2013) Promosi Telkom Speedy Menggunakan Visualisasi Unsur Budaya Lokal di Propinsi Sumatera Utara (Promotion Telkom Speedy Using Visualization Elements of Local Culture in North Sumatra Province) - Proceeding National Conference on Information Systems (KNSI) Indonesian Visual Character in 1950’s Print Advertisements - Proceeding International

Conference, Urban Mobility: Textual and Spatial Urban Dynamics in Health, Culture, and Society 2012 Sistem Penilaian Program Televisi Berbasis Pendekatan Produksi Audio Visual (Television Program Assessment Systems Based Approach Audio Visual Production) Proceeding National Conference on Information Systems (2011) Television Program Evaluating System Base on its Visualization - Proceeding Sustainable Design in Creative Industry towards Better Human Life International Conference on Creative Industry Visualization of the Indonesian Women in Adult Men MagazineWimba, Journal of Visual Communication and Multimedia (2010) Sensualitas Iklan the Axe Effect (Sensuality Adds The Axe Effect) - Wimba, Journal of Visual Communication and Multimedia (2010) Persuasi Melalui Ilustrasi dalam Iklan Cetak (Persuasion Through illustrations in Print Ads) - ITB Journals (2009) Mengukur Nasionalisme dalam Iklan (Measuring Nationalism in Advertising) - Wimba, Journal of Visual Communication and Multimedia (2009) The Indonesian Visual Characters on Print Advertisements - Proceeding International Conference on Fine Art and Design (2009) Karakter Visual Keindonesiaan dalam Iklan Cetak di Indonesia (Characters Visual Indonesian-ness in Print Ads in Indonesia) - ITB Journals (2008)



Research Activity Students’ Perception on Learning Difficulties and Strategies (Case Study at International ICT Business Class, Telkom University) (2015) Brand Influence of Foreign Language (English) of the Purchase Decision Making Process Cosmetic Products Made in Indonesia (2015) The Influence of Co-creation Experience on Customers’ Satisfaction (Case Study of Sunsilk Co-creation) (2014) Influence of E-SERVQUAL on Customer Satisfaction (2014) Performance Studies Lecturer Cluster Management in Private

Higher Education (Leadership Influence Analysis Head of Department / Program, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Motivation on Performance Cluster Management Lecturer at the College of Bandung) (2014) Improving Students’ English Competence through Extensive Reading (2014) Teaching Critical Listening to Young Learners (2014) Case Study in MBTI International Class of Telkom Economics and Business School) (2013)

Leadership Style in Improving Lecturer’s English Competence at Telkom Economics and Business School (2013) The Relationship between Motivation and Achievement in Learning English (2013) Influence of Organizational Commitment To Organization Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) on Employees Telkom Bandung Institute of Management (2013) Analysis of Effect of Commitment and Competence Lecturer Student Satisfaction in Prodi MBTI Telkom Institute of Management (2013)

Publication Teaching Critical Listening to Young Learners in EFL Context - Indonesian EFL Journal. (2015) A Study on The Performance of Permanent Lecturers of Management Department in Private Higher Education in Bandung Indonesia - 2nd International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research. (2015) Students’ Perception of English Learning Difficulties and Strategies Indonesian EFL Journal. (2015) Influence of the Use of Brand with Foreign Language (English) on Purchase Decision Process of Cosmetic Products Made in Indonesia - The 2015 ICOPE in Journal Advanced Science Letters ISSN: 1936-6612 (Print) EISSN: 1936-7317 (Online) (2015) A Study on the Performance of Permanent Lecturers of Management



Department in Private Higher Education in Bandung Indonesia - 2nd GTAR Indonesia (2015) Improving Students’ English Competence through Extensive Reading in Telkom University Bandung) - 1st Siliwangi International English Conference (SIEC) (2014) The Influence of Co-creation Experience on Customers’ Satisfaction (Case Study of Sunsilk Co-creation) - 2nd International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization (2014) Analisis Pengaruh Komitmen dan Kompetensi Dosen Terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa di Prodi MBTI Institut Manajemen Telkom (Analysis of Effect of Commitment and Competence Lecturer Student Satisfaction in Prodi MBTI Telkom Institute of Management) - Banking

and Management Review (2013) A Portrait of Teaching English as A Foreign Language for Young Learners - English Review (2013) Keterampilan Membaca Sebagai Alat Komunikasi: Faktor Penyebab Yang Mempengaruhi Kemampuan Membaca Teks Berbahasa Inggris Pada Mahasiswa Institut Manajemen Telkom (Reading Skills As A Means of Communication: Contributing Factors Affecting Reading Ability Text in English at Student Management Institute Telkom) - Creative Communication (2011) Hubungan Antara Motivasi dan Kecemasan Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Institut Manajemen Telkom (Relationship Between Motivation and Anxiety Learning English student of the Institute of Management Telkom) Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia (2010)

Born in Bandung, January 20, 1978, Dr. Fetty Poerwita Sary, SS., M.Pd. works as a lecturer in Telkom University (Tel-U) since 2008. She teaches English for Business and Research Methodology. Between 1996-2001, Fetty took an undergraduate program in languages ​​at the University of Padjadjaran. She continued her postgraduate program at Indonesia University of Education (UPI), Bandung (master degree in 2006 and doctoral degree in 2014), each in the field of English Language Education and Educational Administration. Before being an Tel-U lecturer, she had worked as an instructor and lecturer at several universities, among others, Harvard Cinderella English Course, UNIKOM (Indonesia Computer University), Al Ghifari University, Akpar ENHAI, and Post Polytechnic of Indonesia. As an educational practitioner and the head of the MBTI Program, Tel-U, Fetty is actively conducting various studies, community services, becomes speaker in various scientific seminars at Indonesia and abroad, as well as actively writing for scientific journals. u

Dr. Fetty Poerwita Sary, SS., MPd.

Research Field

English Education



PUBLICATION Analytics as a Service: Framework to Assess Whether There Is Any Winning Value Proposition – ISCLO 2015 Early Adoption Characteristic of Consumer Behavior Intention to Use Home Digital Services in Indonesia – ISCLO (2015) Model Lembaga Pendaftaran Nama Domain Dikaitkan dengan UndangUndang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik Menuju Kepastian Hukum (Model Institution Associated with Domain Names Registration Act No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions towards Legal Certainty) – Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia (2014) Pengguna Nama Domain Menuju Kepastian Hukum (User Domain Name into Legal Certainty) – Jurnal Mimbar Unisba (2014) Pengamanan dan Legalitas Dokumen Elektronik Sebagai Dokumen Perusahaan Dalam Upaya Perlindungan Data Perusahaan (Security and Legality Electronic Document as Document Company in Corporate Data Protection Efforts) Jurnal Asosiasi ilmu Bisnis Indonesia (2012) Analisis Yuridis Perjanjian Kerja sama (PKS) antara PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (PT. Telkom ) dengan Institut Manajemen Telkom Tentang Penyediaan Layanan Informasi berbasis SMS FLEXI (Analysis of the Juridical Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (PT. Telkom) with Telkom Institute of Management on Provision of Information Services SMS based FLEXI) – Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia (2011) Fungsi Pengatur, Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Badan Regulasi



Telekomunikasi (BRTI) dalam Struktur Bisnis Telekomunikasi di Indonesia (Manajemen Regulasi telekomunikasi) (Regulatory Functions, Monitoring and Control of Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (BRTI) in Business Structure Telecommunications in Indonesia (Telecommunications Regulatory Management)) - Jurnal Forum Manajemen Indonesia (2011) Paradigma Konvergensi (Convergence paradigm)(Koran PR) Harmonisasi Peraturan yang terkait dengan Kawasan Batam Sebagai Kawasan Bebas dan Pelabuhan Bebas (Harmonization of regulations related to Batam Area for Free Port and Free Zone) - Setneg, 2013 Analisis Yuridis Bentuk Perjanjian Jual Kembali (reseller) dalam Penyelenggaraan Jasa Telekomunikasi Dikaitkan dengan Sistem Hukum Indonesia (Analysis of the Juridical Forms Resale Agreements (resellers) in the Provision of Telecommunications Services Associated with the Legal System of Indonesia) (Kominfo - Perpustakaan) Empowerment in ICT, RI- Swiss 2013 Konsep Payung Hokum dalam Implementasi Roadmap Jasa Telekomunikasi (The Concept of a Legal Shelter in Implementasi Roadmap Telecommunications Services) - (Kominfo - Perpustakaan) Kedudukan Naskah Akademik dalam Pembentukan UndangUndang Dikaitkan dengan Perspektif Pembangunan Hukum Nasional (Top Notch Academic Paper in the Formation of Legislation Linked to the Perspective Development of National Laws) (Kominfo - Perpustakaan) Perancangan Kerangka Regulasi Kualitas Layanan di Indonesia pada Era Konvergensi (Jurnal)

Pengamanan dan Legalitas Dokumen Elektronik Sebagai Dokumen Perusahaan dalam Upaya Perlindungan Data Perusahaan (The Design of the Regulatory Framework of Service Quality in Indonesia in the Era of Convergence (Journal) Security and Legality of Electronic Documents as Corporate Documents in the Protection of Corporate Data) (jurnal) Berkaca dari Carut Marut IM2 (Reflecting the tangled IM2) (Koran Detik.com) Fungsi Pengatur, Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi (BRTI) dalam Struktur Bisnis Telekomunikasi di Indonesia (Manajemen Regulasi Telekomunikasi) (Regulatory Function, the Control and Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (BRTI) in the Structure of the Telecommunications Business in Indonesia (Management of Telecommunications Regulation) (Jurnal JMI) Pembentukan Lembaga Domain dalam Sistem Hukum Dikaitkan dengan UU No. 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang ITE (Establishment Domains Associated with the Legal System in Law 11 of 2008 on ITE) Management Regulatory in Indonesia, OECD, Paris 2012 Paradigma Regulasi Pada Telekomunikasi yang Konvergensi di Indonesia (Paradigm Regulation on Telecommunications Convergence in Indonesia), 2012 Urgensi Pembentukan Lembaga Domain Name dalam Sistem Hukum Indonesia (Urgency Establishment of Legal System Domain Name in Indonesia), Unpad 2012 Fungsi Pengawasan Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Oversight

Dr. Helni Mutiarsih Jumhur SH., MH Indonesian Telecommunications Regulatory Body), IM Telkom, 2011 Analisis Yuridis Kedudukan Dokumen Perusahaan dalam Bentuk Elektronik (study kasus PT. Telkom) (Juridical Analysis of the Company in a Position of Electronic Document (PT. Telkom case study), IM Telkom 2011

Being an Telkom University lecturer as well as a consultant, Dr. Helni Mutiarsih Jumhur SH, MH had studied cyber ​​law in Bandung Islamic University (UNISBA) which was completed in 1992. Then, she continued her legal education at Padjadjaran University (master degree, 2002). Lapse of ten years, she went on her doctoral degree in the legal field from the same university and graduated in 2014. Before becoming a lecturer at the Faculty of Economic and the Business School, Tel-U, Helni worked as LAWENCON Consultant between 1998-2000. Once being a lecturer, she still could devote her skill as an expert of Ministry of Communication and Information (Depkominfo, since 2010) and the State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia (Setneg, since 2012). With her cyber law expertise, Helni wrote many scientific papers and published several books. As the coordinator of Law and Regulation Courses, she published Buku Ajar Aspek Hukum dalam Bisnis, Himpunan Regulasi Telekomunikasi, Himpunan Peraturan dan Regulasi ICT- Bandung (2013), and Cyber Law-Ecommerce (2013).u Research Field Bussines


Intellectual Property Book “Aspek Hukum dalam Bisnis” Book “Himpunan Regulasi Telekomunikasi ISBN” Book “Himpunan Peraturan dan Regulasi ICT” Book “Cyber Law-Ecommerce” RESEARCHER DIRECTORY 2016


Dr. Ira Wirasari, S.Sos, M.Ds.

Born in Bandung, 19 April 1981, Ira Wirasari teaches Introduction to Fine Arts and Design, Research Method, Communication Process, Perception Psychology, General Branding, and Branding Activation. Supporting her teaching career, Ira studied Communication Science at Bandung Islamic University (Bachelor, 2003), Fine Arts and Design at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) both for her master and doctoral degree which finished in 2008 and 2016 respectively. in the last five years, there are several works related to her scientific activities including research, community development, publication on journals as well as delivering oral speeches. u Research Activity Myth Death Photos Oscar Matuloh Work With Perspective Roland Barthes (2016) Multicultural Work in Comics Sangkuriang RA Kosasih (2015)

Research Field

Visual Communication Design, Advertisement, Cultural Studies. Intellectual Property

Students Creativity in The Books and Media Promotion through Project Based Writing Activity (2014) Beauty Women’s Discourse in the Context of Visual Advertising (2013)

Copyright “Lukisan Love” (2012) Copyright “Lukisan Manja” (2009) Copyright “Lukisan Kasih Sayang” (2005)

Bandung, 2013 Women in Design Magazine Ads Seminar Disc, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, 2013 The Political Advertising of Women’s Skin Colours in Indonesia - Journal Arts & Design, IISTE (10/ 224-6061/2013) The Image of Woman in the Context of Visual Advertising on Women Magazine - Jurnal Seni Rupa dan Desain STISI Telkom (2/2012)

Beauty Appearance of Indonesian Women in Social Media as the National Heritage - Seminar Internasional Warisan Nusantara, Universitas Negeri Semarang, 2012

Publication Photography Ethic of Amateur Photographer - Bandung Creative Movement 2015, Universitas Telkom Discourse Beauty of Women in Advertising Television - Bandung Creative Movement 2014. Universitas Telkom Indonesian Women Visualization in Media - The 5th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation Entrepreneurship & Small Business, Institut Teknologi



Discourse Beauty of Women in Society - Seminar Disc, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, 2012 Typical Java Beauty Women in Media As Indonesian Cultural Artifacts - The Gathering of History, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2012

Dr. Moh. Isa Praman S.Sn., M.Sn

Mohammad Isa Pramana Koesoemadinata, born in Bandung, January 5, 1977. Here, he delivers subjects teaching covering Introduction to Fine Arts and Design, Nusantara Culture, and Aesthetics. Her whole higher education was taken at Bandung Institute of Technology. He studied Visual Communication Design (bachelor, 1999), Fine Arts (master, 2007), and Fine Arts and Design (doctor, 2013). u Research Field

Fine Art & Design, Aesthetics

Research Activity Design of Digital Visual Dictionary Cirebon Puppet (2012) Cultural Values ​​Relief Temple as Learning Material Culture Collection for Higher Education (2016)

Research Activity Socio-Historical and Cultural Influences on Visual Differentiation of Wayang Kulit of Cirebon, West Java: A Case Study on The Attributes Differentiation of Priest Drona Puppets - TAWARIKH: International Journal for Historical Studies , 2013 Kompleksitas Tokoh Pandita Drona dalam Artefak Wayang Kulit Cirebon (Figures complexity Pandita Drona in Cirebon Wayang Kulit Artifacts) - Panggung: Jurnal Ilmiah Seni & Budaya , 2012 Kompleksitas Konten dalam Perancangan Informasi Budaya Nusantara: Studi Kasus Perancangan Kamus Visual Wayang (Complexity of Designing Information Content in National Culture: A Case Study Design Puppet Visual Dictionary) Seminar Nasional FESEMA (Festival Seni Maranatha) 2011



Publication The Role Actualization of Society and National Organization in Law and Politic Education - UPI ICSE (2016) Political Management toward Cosmopolitan Democracy - UPIGCBME (2016) The Influence off Good Corporate Governance to Corporate Values (Empirical Studies on the Company Telecommunication Indonesia in the period 2007-2013) - The International Conference Innovative Trends in Multidisciplinary Academic Research (ITMAR) (2014) Marketing Analysis of Political Positioning in Legislatif Election Jurnal Internasional Management and Organizational Studis – 2015 Information Communication Technology sebagai Basis Pembumian PKn di PT - Jurnal PPKN Vol 2 No 1 (2014) Kurikulum 2013 Sebagai Wahana Eksistensi PKn High Status Object (Curriculum 2013 As Existence Forum of Civics High Status Object)- National Seminar Values ​​ Revitalization of Pancasila and Curriculum 2013 Bhineka Tunggal Ika as Adhesives Integration- National Seminar “Transformasi Empat Pilar Kebangsaan dalam Mengatasi



Fenomena Konflik dan Kekerasan: Peran PKn Membangun Karakter Bangsa Melalui Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan” – PKn BOOK (2011) Pentingnya Manajemen Tepat Guna dalam Proses Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Berbasis Multikultural terhadap Sikap Nasionalisme (The Importance of Appropriate Management in the Educational Process Multicultural Citizenship Based on the Attitudes of Nationalism) - Promark the Journal (2011) Marketing Perspective and in Term of legality in its Distribution and its Impact on Economic Development and labor Absorption – Kompas Online (2011) Deponir Kasus Bibit-Chandra (Tinjauan Praktis YuridisKepentingan Umum-Etika) (Deponir case of Bibit-Chandra (Practical Overview Juridical-Public InterestEthics)) - International Journal Education(2010) Pelayanan Publik Antara Kewajiban dan Karakter (Between Public Service Obligations and Characters)- Seminar “Aktualisasi Pendidikan Karakter Bangsa” (2010) The Smart and Good Citizen Development - UPI Bandung-

Universitas Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia (2010) Refleksi Kebangsaan menuju Visi Indonesia 2025 (Reflection Nationality Indonesia towards Vision 2025)- Seminar “Internasional Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan” (2009) Analysis of Political Marketing on Legislative Election - “Actual Problem of Economics” Journal Peran Status Sosial Ekonomi dan Kualitas Partai Politik dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Politik dalam PILKADA (Socio-Economic Status and Role of Political Parties in Improving the Quality of Political Participation in Election) – MIMBAR the Journa (2012) Pentingnya Manajemen Tepat Guna dalam Proses Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Berbasis Multikultural Terhadap Sikap Nasionalisme (The Importance of Appropriate Management in the Educational Process Multicultural Citizenship Based on the Attitudes of Nationalism) – PROMARK (2011) Marketing Perspective and in Term of Legality in its Distribution and its Impact on Economic Development and Labor Absorption - International Journal Education (2010)

Dr. M. Yahya Arwiyah, SH., M.Hum.

Research Field

Civic Education, Jurisprudence. Research Activity The influence of IT and Communications Development in the Interaction between International Cultures in Indonesia and Malaysia (2016-2017) Cognitive Electronic Democracy (2015-2016) Strengthening Citizenship Sites in the Global Era (2015-2016) ORMAS Role in Legal Education, Character and Politics (2015-2016) Implementation of E Learning in Training Courses to Improve Civics Nationalism (2014-2015) Analysis of Political Marketing Activities on Election 2014 (2014) The Level of Service Satisfaction Kostan Students Telkom University (2014)

Born in Medan, 24 April 1957, Yahya was a lecturer Telkom University since 2007. His undergraduate study was taken from Samudra University, Langsa (1986) and his graduate was from business law program of North Sumatra University (2001). and since 2009 he studied at Indonesia University of Education (UPI) for his doctoral degree. First he worked as a staff of the Regional Office of Field Operations Telegraph and Telephone (Langsa, 1977-1982). Then, among others, he had become the Head of Legal Unit and Regional Division office Commitments, Sumatra (19952000). Since 2008, Yahya was appointed as the the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Finance (FABK) of Telkom Management Institute (IM Telkom). Being the member of the Board Member of Telkom Education Foundation (YPT) since 2006, once he had become a freelance writer both the daily Waspada and the weekly post in Medan, as well as the journal filler at IM Telkom. u

The Level of Service Satisfaction Hostel in Telkom University (2014) The Role of SES Elections in Bandung in 2010 (2011)

Expertise Experience Drafting Local Regulation in Kabupaten Bandung (2016)



Dr. Soni Sadono, S.Sos., MT

Born in Boyolali, December 12, 1966, Soni Sadono is a lecturer of Telkom University. He studied at Akademi Keuangan Perbankan (AUB) Solo (1989), Lembaga Administrasi Negara (LAN) Bandung (1995) and his master degree was taken from the Department of Transportation, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). Prior to joining Telkom University, Soni worked, among others, as a financial staff for Hutama Karya Cabang Lampung (19901992), field inspector of PT Abdi Karya Amdal Bandung (1993-1994), secretary of BAAK of STSI Bandung (1995-1999), and the head of academics bureau of STSI Bandung (2008). u

Research Field

Transportation, Socio Cultural Research Activity As the People’s Art Media Communication Development and Cultural Inheritance (Phenomenology Study the Use of Art Puppet Show in the Dissemination of Information by the Department of Communications and Information Technology West Java province) (2016) Influence Development of Information Technology and Communication Interaction Intercultural International Students in Indonesia and Malaysia (2016)

Publication LIBIDONOMIC MEDIA Critique on Conglomeration and Mass Media Racism - SOSEIC 2015



Telkom University Unite for Change Telkom University was formed out of a merger of four higher education institutions under Telkom Education Foundation. Telkom University was officially founded on July 17th, 2013 based on the Minister of Education and Culture Decree no 270/E/O/2013 concerning the consent of merger of three institutions, namely Telkom Institute of Technology (IT Telkom), Telkom Institute of Management (IM Telkom), and Telkom Polytechnic. But then the decree was renewed with Decree no 309/E/O/2013 declaring that Telkom School of Art and Design (STISI Telkom) joined to become part of Telkom University. Grand Launching of Telkom University was held on August 31st, 2013 by Minister of Education and Culture, Prof. Dr.Ir. Mohammad Nuh, DEA and was testified by Bandung Regent, Dadang Naser, Chairman of Telkom Education Foundation, Ir. Johni Girsang, M.Sc., and Director of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk, Ir. Arief Yahya, M.Sc. Toward World Class University in 2017, Telkom University is striving to reach it by having cooperation with universities abroad, recruiting international students, supporting the publish of ISBN material books, and improving human resource capacity and quality in terms of the number of lecturers to improve academic functional position. Telkom University campus is located in southern part of Bandung which is about 12 km from central Bandung (Gedung Sate) and it is a strategic location that can be reached by public transportation. The campus site established on 48 hectare ground used to be a historical place where the proclamation of Indonesian Independence was spread throughout Indonesia and the world through 13 broadcasting stations located here. Currently, there are only two broadcasting stations remains that become the historical monument and they are used as antenna laboratory. u

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