Super for women 2016

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Super for Women

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Important notice Any advice in this presentation has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. You should consider whether it is appropriate having regard to your personal circumstances before making any financial decisions. If you are considering acquiring a financial product you should obtain the relevant product disclosure statement before making any decision. Any information about taxation in this presentation is factual information or general advice only and does not consider the application or interpretation of any taxation laws to your personal circumstances. If you require taxation advice you should seek advice from a registered tax agent or a registered tax (financial) adviser.

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Super for Women Kate Misic Head of Alternative Investments Zoe Brinsden Head of Comprehensive Advice for Victoria and South Australia, Telstra Super Financial Planning Renee Rowe Key Employer Partner, Member Education & Partnership Relations

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Agenda • Facts about women in super • Issues typically affecting women • Gender Gap • Key steps • Telstra Super

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Facts about Women and Super 250,000 working Australians miss out on super as they earn less than $450/month

1 in 5 women cite lack of time as the main reason they haven’t sorted their super

Super for Women 90% of women will retire with inadequate savings to fund a ‘comfortable lifestyle’

1 in 3 women will retire with no super at all

Average super balances at retirement is less than half that of men


Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Issues typically affecting Women

Gender pay gap: Women earn a fifth less than men Part-time and casual work Interruptions in working life: Care for children Often finish work earlier in life: Care for elderly parents Live longer than men ďƒ Women live longer with less


Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Gender Gap

Average Super Balances (2013/2014) Average Balances at Retirementâ€

Average Balances*









* Achieved in 2013/2014 for all people 15 years and over †Assumed to be retiring between 60-64 years of age Source:

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Key steps which could improve retirement outcomes

Check your superannuation savings Consolidate multiple super accounts Plan to save more

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Planning for financial independence earlier in life

Super ‘baby debt’ Multiple jobs, potential loss of SG

Impact of compounding

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Government co-contribution

Salary sacrifice


Your Super


earn less than $50,454

post-tax contributions up to $1,000

receive a cocontribution up to $500

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Spouse contribution

Salary sacrifice

Your Spouse

Your super

Tax offset

Contribute up to $3,000

if you earn up to $13,800*

of $540 or 18% of $3,000 contributed

* A partial offset is available if your spouse’s income is over $10,800 but less than $13,800 p.a.

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Contributions splitting Up to 85% of your spouse’s pre-tax contributions to super can be split into your super

$100 Pre-tax contribution

$15 tax

Up to $85 into your super

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Issues typically affecting women later in life • Women are fastest growing single households over the age of 60 (1) - Lifestyle choice - Divorce - Women living longer than men • Women more likely to be full age pensioners (2) • 35% of people over the age of 65 are living in poverty (3)

(1) ABS Household and Family Projections, 2006 to 2031 (2) COTA Australia, Inquiry into Economic Security for Women in Retirement, December 2015 (3) ACOSS, Poverty in Australia 2014

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

How much is enough? Single ASFA Retirement standard income p.a.

(maximum age pension is $22,721 p.a.)




(maximum age pension is $34,252 p.a.)


$640,000 +part Age Pension

$545,000 +part Age Pension

Lump sum required to fund income

$50,000 +Age Pension*



$35,000 +Age Pension* Comfortable



Source: ASFA Retirement Standard December 2015. Capital required assumes a net investment return of 7% p.a. 20 March 2016. Includes the pension supplement and clean energy supplement. All figures in today’s dollars. *assumes maximum Age Pension.

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Retirement Planning later in life

Contribution splitting Contribution splitting

Take Financial Control

Maintaining adequate investment Maintaining choice adequateEducate investment daughters choice

Educate daughters

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

How can Telstra Super help? Member Education: presentations & on-site visits

Telstra Super

Limited Advice Team

Telstra Super Financial Planning

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Simple steps that may improve retirement outcomes

Become confident about super: Take control Be proactive Be informed Call us

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Review your investment strategy

What’s next? 1300 033 166

Access accounts online

Nominate your beneficiary

Discuss your options with Telstra Super

Seek Advice

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

Current as at April 26, 2016. This work is copyright and no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Telstra Super.

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