Temple Street Foundation Temple Street Children’s University Hospital Temple Street, Dublin 1 Tel: + 353 1 878 4344 Fax: +353 1 878 4655 Email: info@templestreet.ie www.templestreet.ie
Temple Street Foundation Temple Street Children’s University Hospital DONOR CHARTER When you consider making a gift of any size to Temple Street Children’s University Hospital, we undertake that: We will treat all donors with respect and confidentiality. You will be informed about the causes of fundraising if donations are being sought. Your gift will be applied to the purpose for which it was originally requested. All communications concerning your gift will be honest, transparent and comply with legal and moral obligations. Your right to privacy will be respected and you will not be subjected to any form of undue pressure. We will use any donation made by you in a manner which preserves the rights and dignity of the children and parents who pass through the doors of Temple Street Children’s University Hospital. We will use your donation responsibly and ensure the best use for the children and their parents. We will be aware of our commitment to equal opportunities and diversity and implement these values and policies in all communications. We will delete your name and information from mailing lists and databases if requested to do so. The Staff in the Temple Street Foundation, Temple Street Children’s University Hospital will: Be transparent, accurate and honest. Respond to email, letters and telephone enquiries, where necessary, within seven working days. Achieve the highest standards of professionalism at all times. Strive to minimise the costs relating to fundraising activities.
In the case of direct recruitment of direct debits, adhere to the Code of Practice developed by the Irish Fundraising Forum for Direct Recruitment (IFFDR). Adhere to the guidelines and requirements contained in the Charities Act 2009 and comply with the Data Protection Act - Temple Street Children’s University Hospital’s Fundraising Database will not be shared with any other organisation. Any comments or complaints should be addressed to: The Chief Executive Officer, Temple Street Foundation, Temple Street Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street, Dublin 1. T: 01 878 4344, E: info@templestreet.ie, W: www.templestreet.ie.