Problem solving “A problem cannot be solved with the same method which it was created by� (Albert Einstein)
The Apostil Hungarian Kingdom will create the cure for the world’s financial problems by using sacral geometry. It has no boarders because it derives from a real source. Besides all these, the Hungarian properties have enough financial bases to cover all citizens’ expenses that are without loans. THE SOURCE
Energy Hungary Natural gas 600 Mrd Stk
Coal, Uranium, Petroleum 100 Mrd Stk
Geothermal energy 20.000 Mrd Stk
Kuwait Natural gas 400 Mrd Stk
Petroleum 10.000 Mrd Stk
Agricultural properties, water and climate Hungary Size of the agricultural properties Size of the country Water 2 2 93.000 km 60.000 km wealthy rivers and lakes The climate and the soil composition of Hungary is perfect for production
Kuwait Size of the country 18.000 km2
Size of the agricultural properties
180 km2 Extreme climate and deserts
there is no natural source of water
“I will teach my people, not on a secondary level!” Attila Jòzsef
E money- the working of the Holy Crown THE HOLY CROWN FOR HUMANITY God, the Creator dividing his unity, created the material world. In it, he created the most wonderful pearl, planet Earth and its wildlife. The Holy Crown, God’s governor on Earth, is the origin of every possession, as it is placed in the Constitution of the Holy Crown. The Earth, the minerals, the plants and animals were let to people to be taken care of by God, with an exception that we will save it in its original quality for the future generations while we can use all its sources. However, we did not stick to the original plan and now we have caused a catastrophic situation which is threatening not only the Earth but also the cosmic system. Due to the declining human awareness towards our planet, our values have become distorted and as a consequence to this, not only did it put a barrier to normal human life, but is also threatening the whole natural world with extinction. According to the above mentioned, the Holy Crown will bring the change by using the latest technological improvements and creating a new currency, the Holycrown (Stk). This intervention will take place by restoring the value, which will be carried out by the Holy Crown Bank and its representative, the Governing Authority of the Apostil Hungarian Kingdom. I. The base of its mechanism:
The Governer of the Holy Crown Bank releases the Holycrown as currancy. II. The Holycrown is an electronic account money. III.
With the help of the new interest free financial system, it will be possible for the economy to be predictable and planable. By introducing the electronic currancy, corruption will be held back. Both the debts of individuals and communities will disappeare. With this, there will be a reasonable life quality improvement which will be beneficial for the mental and health state of people and on the long run the money spent on health insurance can be reduced.
The steps of reinforcing: 1. Creating the Holy Crown Bank and filling capital into the base. 2. The introduction will take place by inviting procurement and by offering it into the trade flow to the service sector. 3. The usage of the system will be made possible for users by letting them the latest telecommunication devices and safe software installations. 4. The database working in the background will make it possible to close out abuse by shutting down and the data will be left to be analyzed economically. Summary By highlighting the above, we wish to show that a country with half as much debt as Hungary. It could be one of the richest countries in the world, truly deservedly. The question is why Hungary cannot deserve this. Why are we a poor country? This question does not have to be asked from Kuwait since they are not the ones stating this about them but we are stating it about us. The comparing of the two countries has been done without full need. However it shows the usefulness of the new currency and its coverage. We have the proper climate and agricultural properties, and as an additional benefit, we have a thousand-year-old agricultural knowledge and customs with the needed machinery and plant protection systems and the experience of seed production and breeding. In this comparing we did not mention Hungary’s industry, industrial experience, innovation results or the education, which can also open new gates for future generations.