3 minute read
Istarted my adventure in this romantic region called Mulegé. ". Mulegé is derived from the Cochimíes words "Carmaañc galexa", which means large ravine of the white mouth.
I am still trying to decide which route to take for this journey. There are three possible options:
• From Heroica Mulegé to Guerrero Negro is 282 km, about 3.5 hours by car.
• On the other hand, if we decided to do it on foot, it would take about 60 hours.
• There is also the possibility of doing it by mule, which takes an average of 30 km daily.
However, the obvious choice would be The Royal Road and its paths waiting for us. Considering their nomadic or semi-nomadic existence, the ancient settlers walked all these routes.
This region, sandwiched between the Sierra de Guadalupe and Sierra de San Francisco and surrounded by the Pacifc Ocean and the Gulf of California, is ideal for exploring and learning about the South California ranching lifestyle.
Si hablamos de lo insólito, existe una misteriosa playa en el centro de la California Mexicana en Bahía Ojo de Liebre. Playa Malarrimo es un portal que recibe objetos antiguos traídos por la marejada. Desde 1945 se conoce de los artefactos, que han bordeado el continente, arrastrados por las corrientes marinas hasta tierra frme.
¿Qué tan grande es esta tierra que en su interior se encuentra gran parte del desierto peninsular sudcaliforniano?, y lo que Fernando Jordán (1951) llamó “el país de los oasis”.
En esta edición encontrarás motivos para viajar por esta porción de tierra perfumada… no solo son los riscos y barrancos del desierto, la tierra de los oasis, el olor al orégano y la damiana, sino por la esperanza que como dice Don Jesús Castro Agúndez (1945), es tan ancha como el alma.
Desierto magnético…
Flora, fauna, arroyos y oasis… montañas llenas de arte rupestre… islas proveedoras de mariscos y minerales… mares con grandes mamíferos… pueblos con seres humanos sensibles…
Mulegé un paraíso inimaginable y diverso… mountains full of rock art... islands supplying seafood and minerals... seas with large mammals... villages with sensitive human beings... "
If we're discussing the unusual, Bahía Ojo de Liebre is a fascinating beach in the heart of México's California. Malarrimo Beach is a gateway for ancient artifacts carried in by the tides and waves. Since 1945, documentation reveals that relics have been carried up by the tidal currents and washed ashore on the mainland.
How vast is this territory that contains a substantial portion of the peninsular desert of Southern California and what Fernando Jordán (1951) referred to as the land of oases?
In this edition, you will fnd several reasons to travel through this picturesque part of the nation, such as the clifs and ravines of the desert, the land of oases, the smell of oregano and damiana, and as Don Jesús Castro Agúndez (1945) says, "is as vast as the soul."
He also writes, "Magnetic desert...
Flora, fauna, streams, and oasis...
Thus, Mulegé is an improbable and diverse paradise with a magnetic desert, fora, fauna, streams, and oasis; mountains covered in rock art; islands that provide seafood and minerals; oceans with enormous creatures; villages with sensitive people.
Algunos de los atractivos turísticos más emblemáticos y seguros son:
Some of the most emblematic and safe tourist attractions are:
Misiones: Santa Rosalía de Mulegé y San Ignacio.
• The missions of Santa Rosalía de Mulegé and San Ignacio.
Islas: Tortuga, San Marcos y Ana. Islands: Tortuga, San Marcos, and Ana.
Zonas de arte rupestre: San Borjitas, Sierra de San Francisco, Cueva del Ratón, Cueva Boca San Julio, Cueva Boca San Julio 2, Cueva Los Músicos, Cueva La Pintada, Cueva Las Flechas, Cueva Boca Soledad, Cueva Santa Teresa 2 y 3, y Cueva Santa Teresa 1.
• Rock art areas of: San Borjitas, Sierra de San Francisco, Cueva del Ratón, Cueva Boca San Julio, Cueva Boca San Julio 2, Cueva Los Músicos, Cueva La Pintada, Cueva Las Flechas, Cueva Boca Soledad, Cueva Santa Teresa 2 and 3, and Cueva Santa Teresa 1.
Pueblo minero con infuencia francesa: Santa Rosalía.
• A mining town with French infuence called Santa Rosalía.
Desiertos de sal más grandes de México: Guerrero Negro y San Ignacio.
• The two largest salt deserts in México: Guerrero Negro and San Ignacio.
Bahías que reciben a las ballenas en su peregrinar desde Alaska para su apareamiento y gestación: Bahía Concepción, Bahía Ojo de Liebre, Bahía Asunción y Bahía Tortugas, que además comprenden la Reserva de la Biosfera del Vizcaíno.
• Three bays that receive whales on their pilgrimage from Alaska for mating and gestation are Bahía Concepción, Bahía Ojo de Liebre, Bahía Asunción and Bahía Tortugas which also comprise the Vizcaíno Biosphere Reserve.