18 minute read
the lovers
from Portfolio TENG Yuxin
by tengyuxin
1. perspective view of ramp


3. bazaar - market

Stone paving
Plastic sandwich panel
Fine aggregate concrete PVC waterproof material
Cement mortar screeding
Waterproof reinforced concrete slab
tectonic model of the roof

Underwater Cemetery
Location: New York, United States Academic Group work Other group member: Chuling Wang, Haitian Xie, Weikang Hu My role: Concept, Analysis, Drawing, Lay out Year 3, February, 2021 Instructor: Jingjun Li Lijingjun@g.ucla.edu Wang Zhang zwscau510@Gmail.com

ter 20 years of unemployment due to an injury he sustained as a dockworker. He had loved the work, especially interacting with customers, and earned good money: By taking as much overtime as he could get, he made about $53,000 a year, along with benefits.
The job evaporated overnight when the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, struggling during the coronavirus pandemic, decided in June to move up its plan to lay off nearly 500 toll workers and replace them with electronic tolling. Dismissals planned for early 2022 instead went into effect immediately, a move that the commission said would help the system financially accommodate weaker traffic during the economic downturn.
The United States may be witnessing the bleeding edge of a labor force shuffle that often occurs during recessions: Employers who have been forced to cut workers turn to existing or new technology to carry on with less labor. But this time the shift could be magnified by a wave of forced layoffs at the start of the pandemic and by the fact that demand in some cases came back before em-
Continued on PageA21
WASHINGTON — The House impeachment managers issued a surprise request on Thursday for Donald J. Trump to testify in his Senate trial next week, making a long-shot attempt to question the former president under oath about his conduct on the day of the Capitol riot. It was quickly rejected by his lawyers.
In a letter to Mr. Trump, Representative Jamie Raskin, the lead House impeachment prosecutor, said the former president’s response this week to the House’s charge that he incited an insurrection on Jan. 6 had disputed crucial facts about his actions, and demanded further explanation.
“Two days ago, you filed an answer in which you denied many factual allegations set forth in the article of impeachment,” wrote Mr. Raskin, Democrat of Maryland. “You have thus attempted to put critical facts at issue notwithstanding the clear and overwhelming evidence of your constitutional offense.”
He proposed interviewing Mr. Trump “at a mutually convenient time and place” between Monday and Thursday. The trial is set to begin on Tuesday.
But Mr. Trump’s lawyers, Bruce L. Castor Jr. and David Schoen,
Warning Others When Police Didn’t
FLO NGALA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES One victim in a string of violent attacks in Brooklyn used social media to sound an alarm. Page A23. U(D54G1D)y+z!]!,!$!#
STEFANI REYNOLDS FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES President Biden shifted course on two thorny issues on Thursday. Vote by House Trump Refuses Ejects Greene A Call to Testify From 2 Panels At Senate Trial By CATIE EDMONDSON This article is by Nicholas FanWASHINGTON — The House on Thursday exiled Representados, Michael S. Schmidt gie Haberman. and Magtive Marjorie Taylor Greene from congressional committees, blacklisting the first-term Georgian for endorsing the executions of Democrats and spreading dangerous and bigoted misinformation even as fellow Republicans rallied around her. The House voted 230 to 199 to remove Ms. Greene from the Education and Budget Committees, with only 11 Republicans joining Democrats to support the move. The action came after Ms. Greene’s past statements and espousing of QAnon and other conspiracy theories had pushed her party to a political crossroads. The vote effectively stripped Ms. Greene of her influence in Congress by banishing her from committees critical to advancing legislation and conducting oversight. Party leaders traditionally control the membership of the panels. While Democrats and Republicans have occasionally moved to punish their own mem-
When Chanel Maronge saw on bers by stripping them of assignFacebook that she was eligible to ments, the majority has never in get a Covid-19 vaccine, she seized modern times moved to do so to a the opportunity. The only catch? lawmaker in the other party. She had to cross the state line to In emotional remarks on the Mississippi last week, driving an House floor, Ms. Greene exhour and a half from her home in pressed regret on Thursday for Baton Rouge, La., to get her first her previous comments and disashot. Continued on PageA18 Continued on PageA17
“The idea of having to wait an unlimited amount of time in Louisiana to get a vaccine just didn’t work for us,” said Ms. Maronge, 37, a school librarian who has hypertension. Her husband, who has diabetes, and both her parents were able to get vaccinated along with her in McComb, Miss.
With overwhelming demand in the early months of the vaccine rollout, thousands of Americans are crossing state lines on quests for doses. The scramble to get inoculated has turned attention to the patchwork of vaccination rules devised by states, given a lack of national, standardized protocols.
‘Vaccine Hunters’ Fan Out for Shots They Can’t Get Near Home
With states varying widely in This article is by Simon Romero, prioritizing who can get shots, Amy Harmon, Lucy Tompkins and “vaccine hunter” groups, which Giulia McDonnell Nieto del Rio. scour the country for places where people qualify for the vaccine, have sprung into action on social media. That has public health officials grappling with how to handle pandemic travelers: Should strict rules be followed, turning away all outsiders, or should as many shots be admin-
Making Trips to States Where Rules Vary
Health Care Workers Burn Out CNN Leader to Leave Transformative Photography
A year in, many on the front lines have Jeffrey A. Zucker played a central role An exhibition at the American Folk Art reached their limit. Above, Dr. Sheetal in the rise of Donald J. Trump, then Museum brings together generations of Khedkar Rao outside Chicago. PAGE A6 sharply reversed course. PAGE B1 self-taught artists. Above, just some of Ichiwo Sugino’s alter egos. PAGE C1
Charged in Capitol Attack
Samuel Fisher left a trail of online posts about his Jan. 6 exploits. “People died,” but it was great, he wrote. PAGE A16
‘I Am Not Afraid’ Super Bowl’s Big Quandary
With Aleksei A. Navalny facing his first With the whole world watching, the long prison term, his wife, Yulia B. N.F.L. and CBS Sports face the chalNavalnaya, has been thrust reluctantly lenge of presenting a uniquely Ameriinto a public spotlight. PAGE A9 can spectacle in a time of widespread unease, unrest and misery. PAGE B8 NATIONAL A14-25 Back to Newark’s Future It used to be the rare and momentous Soccer’s Surprising Exporter Neighborhoods are seeing a flurry of occasion when an American player redevelopment a decade after the city’s would make it overseas. But more and downtown began to rebound. PAGE A14 more, European powers are mining M.L.S. for talent. On Soccer. PAGE B10
F.D.A. Considers 1-Shot Vaccine Election Firm Sues Fox News
Johnson & Johnson asked for urgent Smartmatic, a tech company, sued EDITORIAL, OP-ED A26-27 approval from the F.D.A. and could begin Rupert Murdoch’s network for over $2.7 shipments in March. PAGE A8 billion, charging defamation. PAGE B1 Paul Krugman PAGE A26
An Underwater Cemetery in N.Y.C Designed for Post-Pandemic Era Was Born
I wanted something that people would look back on in 100 years to understand the toll of what we’re living through Number of confirmed cases in US The untreated dead cases from Manhattan will be trans- ported to the harbor by freezer trucks and then to the u- nderwater cemetery by sea. After ships anchor off the top of the building, bodies will be transported into the unit. Each simple unit, which co- ntains many bodies, will be assembled to the core and t- hen sink into the sea. Each unit can be combined mutua-lly. The bodies was freezed at - 18 and then immersed in l- iquid nitrogen at - 196 to make it brittle. After that, the staff put the body into the vibrating instrument and slow- ly shake it to ℃ make it break into granules, and then send the fragments to a vacuum box for treatment. After the w- ater is completely absorbed, the ashes will be returned to relatives or temporarily stored in the building. The epidemic situation in New York harbor has entered a "post-pandemic phase". The resources are provided by Johns Hopkins A large number of people died because of the huge infection base, but the epidemic University's website. According to the figure 1, situation is almost under control and hopeful. Before a corpse rots, it needs to as of January 22nd, 2021, there are 2,122,179 race against time, get stored, wait for the family to moun him, and then it may: confirmed cases all over the world. The United States, the country with the most death cases, 1) It needs a certain space for people to complete a sense of ritual and heal the trauma. is at the top of the list with 999,894 deaths, 2) Become a monument, a new urban space. which reflects a severe pandemic situation. Continued to page 23) We need to deal with the general process after a large number of sudden deaths with high efficiency. The New York Times
Transportation process Units assembly process
The order came on the night of Jan. 12, days after a new outbreak of the coronavirus flared in Hebei, a province bordering Beijing. The Chinese government’s plan was bold and blunt: It needed to erect entire towns of prefabricated housing to quarantine people, a project that would start the next morning. Part of the job fell to Wei Ye, the Ice burial process owner of a construction company, which would build and install 1,300 structures on commandeered farmland.
Everything — the contract, the plans, the orders for materials — was “all fixed in a few hours,” Mr. Wei said, adding that he and his employees worked exhaustively to meet the tight deadline. “There is pressure, for sure,” he said, but he was “very honored” to do his part. In the year since the coronavirus began its march around the world, China has done what many other countries would not or could not do. With equal measures of coercion and persuasion, it has mobilized its vast Communist Party apparatus to reach deep into the private sector and the broader population, in what the country’s leader, Xi Jinping, has called a
WASHINGTON — President Biden on Thursday ordered an end to arms sales and other support to Saudi Arabia for a war in Yemen that he called a “humanitarian and strategic catastrophe” and declared that the United States would no longer be “rolling over in the face of Russia’s aggressive actions.” The announcement was the clearest signal Mr. Biden has given of his intention to reverse the way President Donald J. Trump dealt with two of the hardest issues in American foreign policy. Mr. Trump regularly rejected calls to rein in the Saudis for the indiscriminate bombing they carGILLES SABRIE FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES ried out in their intervention in the Ships on the Yangtze River in Wuhan. China’s is the only major economy that has returned to steady growth during the pandemic. civil war in Yemen as well as for the killing of a dissident journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, on the grounds that American sales of arms to RiCoercion, Persuasion and China’s War on Covid Jobs Sidelined yadh “creates hundreds of thousands of jobs” in the United States. This article is by Steven Lee Myers, Keith Bradsher, Sui-Lee Wee and Chris Buckley. Successes in Mobilizing the Private Sector “people’s war” against the pandemic — and won. China is now reaping long-lasting benefits that few expected when the virus first emerged in By Pandemic Are Vanishing And he repeatedly dismissed evidence of interference by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in American elections and Russia’s role in a highly sophisticated Embolden Xi the central Chinese city of Wuhan and the leadership seemed as rat- By JEANNA SMIALEK tled as at any moment since the Tiananmen Square crackdown in 1989. John Mahalis of Philadelphia was two and a half months from qualifying for his full pensionThe success has positioned when he learned that he would be China well, economically and dip- permanently laid off from his joblomatically, to push back against as a toll collector on the Pennsyl-the United States and others wor- vania Turnpike. The news was aried about its seemingly inexorable rise. It has also emboldened Mr. Xi, who has offered China’s experience as a model for others to follow. gut punch; Mr. Mahalis said it would leave him less able to financially weather retirement. “It came out of the blue,” said Mr. Mahalis, 65. He had workedWhile officials in Wuhan ini- for the turnpike for five years af-tially dithered and obfuscated for ter 20 years of unemployment duefear of political reprisals, the authorities now leap into action at to an injury he sustained as a dockworker. He had loved the Continued on PageA10 ℃ work, especially interacting with customers, and earned good money: By taking as much overtime as he could get, he made about $53,000 a year, along with benefits. “It was the best thing I ever did,” he said. “I felt like a man Vote by House Trump Refuses again.” The job evaporated overnight Ejects Greene A Call to Testify when the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, struggling during the coronavirus pandemic, de- From 2 Panels At Senate Trial cided in June to move up its plan to lay off nearly 500 toll workers and replace them with electronic tolling. Dismissals planned for early 2022 instead went into effect WASHINGTON — The House on Thursday exiled RepresentaBy CATIE EDMONDSON This article is by Nicholas Fandos, Michael S. Schmidt and Maggie Haberman. immediately, a move that the com- tive Marjorie Taylor Greene from WASHINGTON — The House mission said would help the sys- congressional committees, black- impeachment managers issued a tem financially accommodate listing the first-term Georgian for surprise request on Thursday for weaker traffic during the eco- endorsing the executions of Dem- Donald J. Trump to testify in his nomic downturn. ocrats and spreading dangerous Senate trial next week, making a The United States may be wit- and bigoted misinformation even long-shot attempt to question the nessing the bleeding edge of a la- as fellow Republicans rallied former president under oath bor force shuffle that often occurs around her. about his conduct on the day of the during recessions: Employers The House voted 230 to 199 to Capitol riot. It was quickly rewho have been forced to cut work- remove Ms. Greene from the Edu- jected by his lawyers. ers turn to existing or new tech- cation and Budget Committees, In a letter to Mr. Trump, Reprenology to carry on with less labor. with only 11 Republicans joining sentative Jamie Raskin, the lead But this time the shift could be Democrats to support the move. House impeachment prosecutor, magnified by a wave of forced lay- The action came after Ms. said the former president’s re-
Late Edition VOL. CLXX . ... No. 58,960 © 2021 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY5, 2021
Biden Cuts Off Support For Saudis’ Yemen War; Has Warning for Russia Hardens Response to Kremlin Aggression — A Reversal of Trump’s Policies By DAVID E. SANGER and ERIC SCHMITT
hacking of the United States government. Saudi leaders knew that the move was coming. Mr. Biden had promised to stop selling arms to them during the presidential campaign, and it follows the new administration’s announcement last month that it was pausing the sale of $478 million in precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia, a transfer the State Department approved in December over strong objections in Congress. The administration has also announced a review of major American arms sales to the United Arab Emirates. But Mr. Biden’s order on Thursday went further, appearing to also end providing the Saudis targeting data and logistical support. It was not only a rejection of Trump administration policy but also a reversal of American support for the Saudi effort that dated to the Obama administration — and that Mr. Biden and his newly appointed secretary of state, Antony J. Blinken, helped formuContinued on PageA12 STEFANI REYNOLDS FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES President Biden shifted course on two thorny issues on Thursday.
Today, mostly cloudy, morning rain, wintry mix, high 42. Tonight, partly cloudy, low 28. Tomorrow, mostly sunny, breezy, seasonable, high 40. Weather map appears on Page A24. $3.00 News from websites

Map of transportation analysis Map of transportation process


It needs a certain space for people to complete a sense of ritual and heal the trauma. Become a monument, a new urban space. We need to deal with the general process after a large number of sudden deaths with high efficiency.

Basic typology Ventilation system

Ice Burial Treatment Unit Transportation Core

Interior View
Two different functional blocks are connected by pipes. In addition to the important function ues of handling corpses, they are also responsible for the transmission of electric energy and the living materials needed by the staff. At the same time, such isolation measures are conducive to the elimination and investigation of the virus.
There are two sources of building energy, one is solar energy above the sea, the other is geothermal energy at the bottom of thr sea. Through these two kinds of energy to generate electricity, the electric energy continues to the center position and becomes lager and larger.
Energy Loopbast
Conversion of tidal energy into electricity The circular tube uses the electricity converted from geothermal energy to generate liquid nitrogen

Electricity transmission through geothermal heat The cold sea water effectively reduces energy consumption for corpse preservation
Stage 1
Main Building
The open caisson method is used to make the foundation into the seabed rock layer to build the core. Then the main building (interior underwater and the part above water) built.
Stage 2
Adding Piplines
After that, Piplines for transmitting corpses can be attached to the main building.
Stage 3
Adding Ice Burial Units
Next, the ice burial treatment units can be added against the piplines so that corpses could be treated after transmitted easily.
Stage 4
Adding Freezer Units
Then, by connecting the support framework, the freezer units can be attached to the main building. At this stage, a set of funeral processing line is formed.
Stage 5
Finally, this building can grow continuously for the pandemic outbreak because of rapid assembly and rapid processing strategy. Each units can be connected mutually which is easy to grow underwater.

Typology Combination

One of the aim of this project is to "dispersal", which means dispersing the people from old town to new town. Using this graphic can figure the locations of each scenic spots and the distances between the site and each scenic spots. Coinsidently, the site is on the green ring which surrounds old town. Jogging and taking a walk in the early morning and evening are part of their lives of Suzhou residents live here. Green ring also block the old town. Open and extend it could be possible.
Baihua Park Suzhou stele Museum
Confucious'Temple Pavilion of Surging Waves

Guihua Park
Panmen Gate
Place to Heal, Place for Real, Wellness center for young adults
Location: Suzhou, China Academic Individual work Year3, September - December, 2020 Instructor: Runze Zhang zerunzhang@gmail.com

Model Photo
Explosion Drawing - Function Unit's Lay out
Core 5F

Double Room Loft
3F Single Room Bar
0 1 2 5m
2F Double Room Bar
0 1 Yoga Room 2 5m 0 1 2 5m Consulting Room Meditation Room
0 1 2 5m 0 1 Restaurant 2 5m
0 1 2 5m Consulting Room
Double Room
Single Room