11 minute read
Pierre Diamantopoulos (b.1952): A Stoneware Ceramic Patinated Cockerel, signed PIERRE D + 95 40cm high, on a slate base
A Stoneware Ceramic Horse, signed PIERRE D + 00 33cm high, on a stone base (2) (restored)
Pierre Diamantopoulos is a self-taught sculpture. He lives and works from the South East of England. In 2000 he was elected a member of the Royal Society of British Sculptors. He has exhibited at the Royal West of England Academy, Beaux Arts, Bath, the Tyron Gallery, London amongst others
Pierre Diamantopoulos (b.1952): A Stoneware Ceramic Hare, signed PIERRE D + 00
40cm high, on a stone base
Two Other Stoneware Ceramic Hares, signed PIERRE D + 95 and 99 20cm and 27cm high (3) £200-300

Pierre Diamantopoulos (b.1952): A Stoneware Ceramic Fox, signed PIERRE D + 00 25cm high, on a stone base
Another Stoneware Ceramic Fox, signed PIERRE D + 94 26cm high (2) £150-250

Christine Cummings: A Raku Pottery Berkshire Sow, monogrammed CC and dated Aug 98
42cm long
Raku Pottery Gloucestershire Old Spot Pig, monogrammed CC and dated June 98
15cm long (2)
237 ✓
Dillon Rudge (b.1969): Two Raku Slipcast Rhinos, both monogrammed DR and dated 95 46cm and 38cm long

A Goose, monogrammed DR and dated 95 30cm high (3)
Dillon Rudge is the son of Lawson Ernest Rudge and the brother of Keza Rudge. Raku using sawdust.
Keza Rudge (b.1966): Five Slipcast Raku Sculptures:
Penguin, signed, 24cm high
Tiger, signed, 43cm long

Horse’s Head, signed, 21cm high
Horse, signed, 31cm
Spider, signed, 9cm long body
Keza Rudge is the daughter of Lawson Ernest Rudge. Raku using sawdust.
Lawson Ernest Rudge (b.1936): Two Slipcast Raku Sculptures: Gloucestershire Old Spot Sow, signed, 25cm long

Cockerel, signed, 30cm high
Nick Caiger-Smith (b.1957): A Lustre Earthenware Bowl, gold brushwork, painted monogram and 9/97 10A WA 30.5cm diameter, 11.5cm high
Another Lustre Earthenware Bowl, painted monogram and 10/97 10A- E WA

33cm diameter, 11cm high (2) £200-300
Stephanie Black (b.1954): An Earthenware Vase, volcanic glaze, impressed potters seal Sb and painted 331 17cm diameter 15cm high

Margaret Frith (b.1943): A Porcelain Bottle Vase, tenmoku with white glaze neck
23cm high (2)
William Plumptre (b.1959): A Large Stoneware Dish, inlaid slip with khaki trail on tenmoku, painted monogram 53cm diameter with stand

243 ✓
Mary Wondrausch (1923-2016)
“These are Carolyn’s Dahlias” (2005)

Signed, inscribed to artist’s label verso, gouache, 49.5cm by 39.5cm £150-250
244 ✓
Mary Wondrausch (1923-2016)
Still life with a plate of mushrooms and basket of apples Signed, gouache, 39cm by 49cm £150-250

A Pilkington’s Royal Lancastrian Lustre Vase, decorated by Gladys Rogers, painted with purple leaves, on a silver and green ground, artist’s monogram and X 9cm high £100-150

A William Moorcroft Frilled and Slipper Orchids Pattern Footed Bowl, with everted rim, on a yellow to blue ground, impressed POTTER TO H.M THE QUEEN and facsimile signature, blue painted signature 38cm diameter
Provenance: Lot 157, Christie’s 10 October 2002 (sale code 9473) £500-600

Walter Moorcroft (1917-2002): A Flambé Orchid and Spring Flowers Pattern Lamp, on a cast metal base stamped MSLC 4468 33.5cm high (excluding fitments)

A Clarice Cliff Spring Crocus Pattern Tea and Dessert Service, comprising teapot and cover, eight cups and nine saucers, eight side plates, cake plate, milk jug and sugar bowl, jug, dessert bowl and eight bowls, eight dessert plates, printed factory marks teapot 15.5cm high (46)

Clarice Cliff (1899-1972): A Fantasque Bizarre Secrets 362 Vase, painted with a coastal landscape with trees and cottages, black printed factory marks and moulded 362 20.5cm £200-300
An Art Deco Carlton Ware Chinese Bird and Cloud Pattern Vase, enamelled in colours on a yellow ground, printed factory marks and impressed 226 26.5cm high £100-150

An Art Deco Foley E.Brain & Co Ltd Sweet William Bone China Teaset, black painted backstamp, comprising: teapot and cover, six cups and saucers six side plates, two cake plates, milk jug, sugar bowl. octagonal dish (24) £250-350

A Staffordshire Goldscheider Figure of a Boy Golf Caddy, circa 1940s, wearing check trousers, pink sweater and yellow socks, printed green factory mark

21cm high
An Austrian Goldscheider Pottery Figure of a Rearing Stallion, model 5238, turquoise glaze, black base, impressed and painted marks Goldscheider Wien MADE IN AUSTRIA, 5238/1, incised XV.B 49cm high Another, mottled turquoise and black glaze, impressed 5238/32/7, factory marks obliterated 47.5cm high (restored) (2)

René Lalique (French, 1860-1945): A Blue Stained Nemours Glass Bowl, No.404, the underside moulded with concentric rows of stylised flower heads with black centres, moulded R LALIQUE FRANCE

25.5cm diameter
René Lalique (French, 1860-1945): An Opalescent and Frosted Primeveres No.77 Glass Box and Cover, moulded mark R.LALIQUE, wheel cut mark FRANCE, engraved No.77

16cm diameter
Omar Ramsden (1873-1939) & Alwyn Carr (1872-1940): An Arts & Crafts Silver and Enamel Cigarette Box, London 1906, the cover with a panel pierced and engraved with a line of three sailing ships, on a green and red enamel ground, inscribed THE WESTERN WIND BLEW STEADILY AND GAILY FLEW THE SHIPS FOR SIR WALTER BORE TO THE OLD HOMELAND A GIFT FROM A FAIR AND FAR OFF STRAND A GOLDEN GIFT THE PRECIOUS WEED OF OUR LADY NICOTINE, the sides with further ships and a landscape and inscribed HOW SIR WALTER RALEIGH SAILED TO GOVERN THE QUEENS NEW COLONY OF VIGINIA, the corner columns finishing in the stylised feet, the interior cedar lined, hallmarked marker’s mark, London 1906, inscribed to underside of base OMAR RAMSDEN ET ALWYN C.E.CARR ME

15cm wide, 10cm deep, 7cm high (loaded)
No Lot

Marcel-André Bouraine (French, 1886-1948): Penthesilea Queen of Amazons, patinated bronze, signed in cast BOURAINE and foundry mark Susse Frs Edt Paris cire predure 46cm long £2,000-3,000

Marcel-André Bouraine (French, 1886-1948): Le Lanceur de Javelot, modelled for the VIII Paris Olympic games in 1924, signed in the cast A Bouraine and A.G Paris (Auguste Gouge foundry)
41cm high £700-1,000
After Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones (1833-1898) and Jonh Henry Dearle (1895-1932) For Morris & Co.
A Stained, Painted and Leaded Glass Window Saint Margaret of Antioch, standing figure, palm in left hand, eyes lowered, dragon at feet, daisies on dress, blue drapery background, square quarries above, coloured rose and crown borders 68cm wide, 138cm high
This design of Saint Margaret of Antioch trampling the dragon was created by Edward BurneJones in September 1881 for Saint Peter’s Church, Bramley, West Yorkshire. It is referred to in the Morris & Co Catalogue of Designs for Stained Glass dated 8 April 1896 as BJ 418.
Further versions of the window were then also produced for:
Whitelands College, Putney (1887)
All Saints, Dedworth, Berkshire (1888)
All Saints, Putney (1890)
Albion Congregational Church, Ashton-under-Lyne (1893)
Rottingdean (1894)
St Etheldreda, Hatfield (1894)
Holy Trinity, Sloane Street, Chelsea (1894/95)
Tabley (1897)
Whiston (1898)
St Margaret, Hopton-on-Sea (1903)
St James, Staveley (1907)
Southgate (1909)
Liverpool (Ullet Road, reversed) (1914)
Conwy (1915)
Cheviot, New Zealand (1928)
Higher Bedington (1937)
A version of this window is found as a watercolour at The Huntington Library, described as three rectangular lights. Left light shows St.Margaret in yellow over red, holding palm, dragon at her feet. Central light shows St.Hilda in blue over white with yellow pattern, holding crook and reading from book. Right light shows St.Helena in patterned white and yellow over red, holding long wooden cross, wearing crown. Left and right lights have blue drapery backgrounds and central light has red drapery background - square quarries above. Coloured floral and crown borders. Inscribed recto upper left in graphite: “Lady Chapel (centre light completed); recto lower left in black ink: “Scale 3/4” = 1 foot”; recto lower right in graphite by Sanford Berger: “4521931 453-1932”; verso center in graphite; “Chapel/cetre completed”; verso center in graphite by Sanford Berger: “Winnipeg - All Sts.Church/Center Pg.452-1931/Sidelights Pg. 453-1932”
Described in Sewter (A.C) Stained Glass of William Morris and His Circle, Yale University Press,1975, page 217:
WINNIPEG, Manitoba All Saints, Osborne
1931. Single Lt. ST HILDA (Salome, BJ 364).
Doc. The entry in the Catalogue of Designs names the glass-painters as follows: figure by Seeley; curtain and quarry back-grounds, rose and crown border, scroll label and inscription by Chadwick.
Prep. See following window.
1932. 2 side Lts in 3 Lts window.
Doc. The entry in the Catalogue of Designs names the painter of the figures, curtain and quarry backgrounds, rose and crown borders, and scroll labels as Chadwick.
Prep. The sketch-design in Mr S.L.Berger’s collection shows Sts Margaret, Hilda and Helena in a window of 3 rectangular Lts, forming a connected composition.
All Saints Church, Winnipeg has the original 1931/2 St.Hilda window light, which stands centrally to two later window lights, namely St.Mary of Bethany on the left and St.Anne on the right.
Also see Sewter (A.C.) Stained Glass of William Morris and His Circle, Yale University Press, 1975, page 278 Burne-Jones cartoon for St Ursula, ca. 1868 Birmingham City Art Gallery. £15,000-20,000
Nine Rolls of Sanderson Morris & Co Chrysanthemum Wallpaper, unopened in original cellophane, Batch No.BC1, Pattern No. WM7612/6 each 10.05 meters long, 52cm wide £200-300

An Arts & Crafts Copper Rectangular Wall Mirror, riveted and circular embossed decoration, plate glass, unmarked 56cm wide, 70cm high £200-300

Arthur Simpson (1857-1922) and Hubert Simpson (1889-1975): An Oak Rocker Coal Box, with carved flower head and leaf decoration, labelled ARTHUR W SIMPSON HANDICRAFTS KENDAL, stamped 9143
44cm wide, 30cm deep, 29.5cm high £150-250

41.5cm by 28cm, 43cm high £60-90
An Arts & Crafts Oak Lochleven Sideboard, retailed by Liberty & Co, the shelf back with a green bulls eye glazed cabinet with turned side supports, the base with two cupboard doors enclosing two drawers over an open compartment, patinated handles and hinges, on four block supports, unmarked 183cm wide, 55.5cm wide, 189cm high

Bennett (Daryl) Liberty’s Furniture 1875-1915, page 107 and page 117.

Attributed to Sir Robert Lorimer (1864-1929): A Pair of Carved Oak Church Rood Beams, of curved form, each carved with fruiting vines and scrolls each beam 280cm by 60cm, 7cm thick
Architectural drawings sold at Lyon and Turnbull 01/04/2020 with similar designs. £2,000-3,000

A 1970s Skovmand & Andersen Rosewood Veneered Extending Dining Table, labelled SKOVMAND & ANDERSEN MADE IN DENMARK DANISH FURNITURE MAKERS CONTROL, stamped Made in Denmark 144cm wide, 288cm wide extended, 95cm deep, 73cm high

With CITES A10 (non-transferable) licence no.627406/01
Purchased from Table Decor Ltd., 24 North Parade, Bradford, BD1 3HT, 1978. With copy of original receipt. £300-500
A Set of Eight Danish Uldum Mobelfabrik Mahogany Dining Chairs, upholstered seat and back, some labelled Uldum Mobelfabrik 7171 Uldum MADE IN DENMARK DANISH FURNITURE MAKERS CONTROL 79cm high
Purchased from Table Decor Ltd., 24 North Parade, Bradford, BD1 3HT, 1978. With copy of original receipt. £200-300

Karin Johansson (Swedish, b.1921): Red Embroidered Abstract Tapestry, wool, on two wooden hanging battens, signed Ka-J 98cm wide 106cm high

Johansson was born in Stockholm, she started as a nurse at the Royal Serafimer Hospital in Stockholm, in the 1950s became a full time artist. From the 1970s making painted and embroidered tapestries on linen fabric. She exhibited in Stockholm and provincial Swedish towns. She was a great friend of the artist Raymond Duncan, the brother of Isadora Duncan who gave her inspiration.
Karin Jonsson (Swedish, b.1931): Large Poppy Wall Tapestry, 2000, double sided, woven pure new wool, made in Giza, signed K Jonsson 150cm by 205cm

Jonsson was born in Sweden and at the age of 21 moved to Vancouver, British Columbia. Moving back to Lapland, Sweden in 2017. Originally a watercolour by Jonsson of flowers in her garden on Vancouver Island. Her nephew took the watercolour in 1995 after a visit and commissioned two tapestries from Cairo in 2000.
Alvar Aalto (1898-1976): A Modernist Birchwood 100/900 Tea Trolley, designed for Artek, the rectangular galleried top with white ceramic tiles, above a rattan basket with continuous bentwood support, the painted white wheels with rubber rims, unmarked 90cm by 62cm, 58cm high

Arne Jacobsen (1902-1971) for Fritz Hansen: A Set of Four Drop Chair, ABS red plastic, on four red legs, moulded REPUBLIC OF Fritz Hansen DESIGN: ARNE JACOBSEN FRITZ

HANSEN A/S, labelled and dated 2014
88.5cm high
A Swedese Lounge Chair and Footstool, designed by Yngve Ekstrom, grey sheep wool and black stained ash, labelled SWEDESE MOBLER AB Made in Sweden AUG13 chair 70cm wide, 70cm deep, 102cm high, seat height 41cm footstool 60cm wide, 47cm deep, 48cm high (2)
A Swedese Lounge Chair and Footstool, designed by Yngve Ekstrom, grey sheep wool and black stained ash, labelled SWEDESE MOBLER AB Made in Sweden AUG13 chair 70cm wide, 70cm deep, 102cm high, seat height 41cm footstool 60cm wide, 47cm deep, 48cm high (2)

A 1960s French Long Hair Sheep or Mountain Goat Ottoman, covered in long hair, with natural horns and hide covered face, unmarked 70cm long 56cm high £300-500

A Set of Six Italian Chairs, circa 1970s, gilded metal square section frame, upholstered in flecked golden velvet, padded seat and backs, unmarked 100cm high, seat height 45.5cm £100-150

71cm wide, 50cm deep, 120cm high, height of seat 49cm
Two Similar Chairs (3)

A 1970s/80s Lounge Chair, upholstered in pink weave, on flat chrome legs, unmarked 82cm high, seat height 42cm £70-100

Charles and Ray Eames for Vitra: A RAR Rocking Chair, with a white moulded polypropylene seat, on a chrome plated frame and maple runners, moulded and labelled 68cm high £100-150

A Platner Side Table, in black, with a clear glass top, unmarked 50cm diameter, 55cm high £70-100

A Modern Walnut Side Table, on four supports, unmarked 75cm diameter, 73cm high
Purchased from Heals, 196 Tottenham Court Road, London. £70-100

After Grayson Perry RA x Glyndebourne: A Director’s Chair, canvas printed, folding, hardwood frame 89cm high
Grayson Perry’s ‘Opera Seasons’ was created for the Glyndebourne Festival 2011 Programme Book Cover. This design was then used during Festival 2017 on the Director’s Chair. £150-250
After Grayson Perry RA x Glyndebourne: A Director’s Chair, canvas printed, folding, hardwood frame 89cm high

Grayson Perry’s ‘Opera Seasons’ was created for the Glyndebourne Festival 2011 Programme Book Cover. This design was then used during Festival 2017 on the Director’s Chair.
Art Deco Adjustable Chrome Bankers Desk Lamp, on a circular base, unmarked high £70-100

Date: 14G53 high £200-300
A Cassina La Corte Glass Top Dining Table, designed by Mario Bellini, 1970/80s, square

165.5cm square, 70cm high
By repute only fourteen of these tables were made with the square top.

132cm high £200-300

Carlo Colombo for Poliform: A Strip Swivel Chair, white moulded seat, with weave green/blue/grey/white cushion, on a white lacquered steel four prong base, moulded Poliform STRIP design Carlo Colombo 72.5cm high, height of seat 44.5cm £150-200

A Pair of Three Element White Injection Moulded Plastic Kartell Componibili Round Modulars Storage Units, designed by Anna Castelli, with sliding door, moulded mark Kartell Binasco Milano Designer Anna Castelli made in Italy each 41.5cm diameter, 111.5cm high

A Muller Mobelfabrikation Mobile Line R 109N Sideboard, blue painted metal, with two open compartments, flap door enclosing two sections, on wheels, labelled muller mobelfabrikation
119.5cm wide, 40cm deep, 45cm high (3) £150-250
A Modern Bespoke Oak Display Cabinet, made by MJ Cabinetmakers (Keswick) the top section with glass top and sides with a sliding base, the base section with three cupboard doors enclosing adjustable shelves, on four block feet, unmarked 150cm wide, 44.5cm deep, 95.5cm high
Giancarlo Piretti for Castelli: A Set of Twelve DSC Axis 106 Desk Chairs, beech ply seat and back, aluminium die-cast frame, round section legs, stamped J C C CASTELLI ITALY 76.5cm high

A Modern Bespoke Oak Display Cabinet, made by MJ Cabinetmakers (Keswick) the top section with glass top and sides with a sliding base, the base section with four square section legs and undertier, unmarked 150cm wide, 44.5cm deep, 95.5cm high
