Matchpoint Magazine - Summer 2013

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british columbia

davis cup

8 zones pride

experience the new matchpointa
































F IR S T HI T Dear Friends:


I joined Tennis BC in early May with the intent to be at as many Tournaments as possible, to meet with the Club Boards, Management, and Pros, to talk to parents, players and coaches, and most importantly – to listen. My question is ‘why?’ Why are we doing what we do? Why do we do it this way, at this time with these partners in this venue? For it is when we get to the ‘why’, then the ‘how’ and the ‘what’ we do become natural outcomes.

CONTRIBUTORS Alysha Amarshi Dianne Bankay Pamela Barinoff Anne Bees Sheila Biondo Jennifer Cham Sarah Kadi Lois Ker Brandon Luu Vasek Pospisil Julie Reynolds Erica Ross

My vision – to provide every child in British Columbia with the opportunity of having a ‘fi rst hit’, to experience the joy of being in the game – having fun, playing, participating, competing, making friends and most importantly – understanding how tennis has such an incredibly positive impact in our community; to provide opportunities for adults to play more often in both recreational and competitive play.


This summer has been exceptional in the quality of tournaments around BC. Our thanks goes to Jericho Tennis Club for hosting the 2013 Senior Provincials and Vancouver Lawn Tennis and Badminton Club and Jericho for co-hosting the Junior Provincials. The ITF Futures event in Kelowna was a tremendous success providing corporate sponsorship with an excellent marketing opportunity while supporting a high level of play in the Okanagan.

PHOTOGRAPHY Sheila Biondo Wolfgang Breiting Sarah Dunbar Gerry Kripps Bo Mon Kwan Thanh Nyugen Erica Ross Marianne Van Buskirk

In June we initiated a U10 program for girls, a unique opportunity to learn the game in the company of friends. Providing an opportunity for socializing through the game of tennis is critical for young girls if we are to retain them throughout their teenage years.


Tennis BC has so much to offer. It is our job to understand what our members need and want, to serve and to demonstrate the value and benefi ts that we can bring to you. Through my travels I have heard three common themes – the need for more courts, assistance in fundraising and revenue development, and the desire for more play. My phone number is 604-809-9140. Please don’t hesitate to call me. This is a year of restructuring, and rebuilding based on developing long term strategic partnerships. I look forward to working with you. Cheers,

Sue Griffi n Executive Director

What we do as an organization would not be possible without the generous support of our community partners!



EDITORIAL Lois Ker DESIGN + PRODUCTION See Creative Matchpoint Magazine is published by Matchpoint Publishing Inc. of Tennis BC 204-210 W. Broadway, Vancouver BC, V5Y 3W2 T: 604-737-3086 F: 604-737-3124 ©Copyright 2013 Mathpoint Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Not part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher.


MEMB ER S HIP U P DAT E Earlier this year, Tennis Canada introduced a nation-wide membership system, using software designed in Europe and utilized by the International Tennis Federation, Tennis Europe, England’s Lawn Tennis Association and Tennis Australia. British Columbia is the only province that has both a club and individual membership base and implementation has not been without a few hiccups! However, the short term pain is being washed away, bit by bit, by the long term gain. Membership in Tennis BC is required for all players who compete in sanctioned (i.e. ranking) tournaments and leagues. To create or access your online profi le please visit: Membership cards have not been mailed for several years and old Tennis BC numbers (6 digits) are no longer valid. Players are now required to complete their own personal profi le and when they enter a sanctioned tournament, that profi le will try to match up with Tennis BC’s membership records. The four matching criteria are: First name, last name, gender and birth date. If those are not in Tennis BC’s membership database, the player will not be entered into the tournament without paying for a new membership. If the player believes that their member fees are paid for by their Club, or if they believe they already hold a current membership, they should email This email is being monitored 7 days a week and our staff will either a) validate the membership or b) advise what the membership status is. Members can also call our offi ce at 604-737-3086 for phone support, during normal offi ce hours. More information is on our website under Membership › Individual. Why did we move to a new system? By having each member manage their own profi le, we eliminate spelling errors in names which lead to multiple rankings. Players entering events make their own selection and don’t end up in the Women’s 45’s when they really intended to enter the Men’s 4.5’s. The entry process from registration to event entry is automatic, rather than manual, and allows the tournaments to have closing dates closer to the start of the event. The new tournament software allows the player to enter their own avoidances and is much more user friendly for the tournament committee. It also allows for a wider variety of events – compass draws, round robins feeding into draws, etc. And starting January 2014, a new provincial and national ranking system will be introduced that will derive points from this tournament software. This system will combine the best attributes of the points per round system (which Tennis BC has used over the years) with an age structured point system that will enable players (juniors and seniors) to participate in events outside of their own age category and still produce rankings within those age categories.

TENNIS BC GOES GREEN Combining frugality and environmental concerns, Tennis BC is making a conscious effort to “go green.” We are no longer printing nor mailing paper membership cards. We are introducing tournament tv at events, in place of paper drawsheets, and our Matchpoint Magazine is being delivered digitally.



DAVIS CUP 2013 “I think we’re going to ke ep surp rising p eople.” - M ilos R aonic

We’re not done yet.

A player’s story

VASEK POSPISIL I would like to tell you guys a bit about what goes on during Davis Cup and the preparations beforehand. As you can imagine, we do not just step on court and play our matches when it comes to something as prestigious as Davis Cup. It is a honor to represent your country in any professional sport and I, along with the rest of my team members, take it very seriously.

Before every practice we warmed up with some soccer tennis with a soccer ball. We would make two even teams and battle it out!

It started with about 4-5 days of training in Montreal with Dancevic, Levine, myself and a few others. I split the training about 50/50 between singles and doubles.

Other than practice, the days were generally filled in with physio work, press or media, team dinners (all you can eat on Tennis Canada.. Woohoo!), and shenanigans in the locker room.

Any arguments or tension the team had during the whole week was definitely during soccer tennis! They were heated battles, to say the least!

By Saturday night, everyone, including Nestor and Raonic, had arrived and we were all officially united.

Finally, the day before the match is just the official draw ceremony where the singles and doubles matches are revealed, and an even lighter practice afterwards.

I had a 1h 30mins practice in the morning and then the whole team attended the “official” event dinner. This dinner is a formality in which speeches are made by both Captains and the players of each team exchange gifts.

On Wednesday leading up to the tie we start toning it down with practice and start to rest and gather our strength for the matches.

Friday morning came and I was ready to go. I had a tough 5 set loss to Seppi on Friday but bounced back and won the marathon doubles match with Nestor on Saturday.

That doubles match was for sure the most exciting match i’ve played. The crowd was electrifying and the general atmosphere was the best I have ever played in front of. It was an incredible day and amazing moment to win that one.

Proud sponsor of team tennis

DISHWASHERS © 2013 Miele Limited







It’s all about Team In addition to being one of the major sponsors of Tennis Canada’s Davis Cup and Fed Cup Teams, Miele also supports “all things team” in British Columbia.

The 2012/2013 Junior Team Tennis winter season fi nished up at Town and Country Tennis Club, with the top teams from the lower mainland facing off against teams from Vancouver Island and the Okanagan.

In April, Kamloops Tennis Centre hosted the fi rst Under 10 BC versus Alberta Team event, with BC coming out the overall winner.

Heading into the summer, and thanks again to the continued support from Miele, preparations are underway for an expanded 3rd Annual Miele Provincial Team Tennis Championships. During the weekend of August 9-11th teams from around the province will be competing for the top men’s and women’s titles in three categories: 2.5-3.0, 3.0-4.0 and 4.0-4.5. Winners from the North Island and Interior regional playoffs will be eligible to play in the event, along with top teams from the South Island and Lower Mainland Spring Leagues. Good luck to all! For updates on the Championships, please visit our website at




zone 01 A N Y T HIN G I S P O SS IB L E THE MOST WONDERFUL INDOOR COURT ON THE PLANET ! That’s how people are describing Salt Spring’s new covered tennis building. Centre Court, a beautiful indoor facility built by the Salt Spring Tennis Association (SSTA) for all tennis lovers, opened with great fanfare on September 30, 2012.

zone 08 / O K A N A G A N

zone 07B / P E A C E Z O N E

zone 07A / O M I N E C A Z O N E

zone 06 / S K E E N A

zone 05 / C A R I B O O

zone 04 / K O O T E N AY

zone 03 / T H O M P S O N - N I C O L A

zone 02 / L O W E R M A I N L A N D

zone 01 / VA N C O U V E R I S L A N D

“Who would have thought that this little island group could pull this off? It’s not just a court, but a fi rst class facility for the whole community and its visitors” said Bob Moffatt, former President and CEO of Tennis Canada, in attendance with Deborah Orange from Tennis Canada’s Board of Directors. A tiny tots exhibition of ‘Le Petit’ tennis preceded a professional show match between Marjorie Blackwood, Peter Schelling, Kathy Fox, and Ranjan McArthur, before a delighted audience which also included island dignitaries. “What an asset for Salt Spring, and a great group of people. We need more citizens with this kind of ‘get up and go’” said Kees Ruurs, senior CRD manager for Salt Spring Island. Although housing just one tennis court, the steel building includes a heated, glass-fronted lounge and an upper level open viewing area where cheering fans can make themselves heard. The facility has already exceeded all expectations, averaging 300 hours of bookings a month. Centre Court is hopping! Weekly leagues and block bookings vie for time with ‘Le Petit’ and ‘Red Court’ tennis sessions, junior and adult coaching, ‘Try Tennis’ events, and tournament time. And that does not even include regular leisure bookings. The main thing is -- everyone loves it! Indoor tennis has a history on Salt Spring. In 1992, a visionary group from the Association raised the money to buy a gently-used tennis bubble. Local municipal authorities agreed that it be located on public land at Portlock Park, as long as it was removed for the summer months. It took 22 members to raise it every fall and fold it away every spring for 14 years.




The bubble was available to anyone, not just members, but was totally managed and maintained by SSTA volunteers. Court fees covered running and maintenance costs while remaining funds were put into trust for a future replacement. A popular success, it cost taxpayers nothing. By 2000, the bubble began to show signs of wear from its yearly cycles – especially emergency defl ations in heavy snows or big windstorms. It was tenderly coaxed up for its last winter in 2006 by the dedicated maintenance crew.

the entire project took a few months longer to complete, in addition to the creation and customization of the new Irish-based online booking system.

Following the demise of the bubble, seven years of fund raising and bureaucratic ‘hoop jumping’ fi nally led to a creative alliance with the local Salt Spring Island Golf Club to locate a brand new facility on its property. The two clubs share similar values and both welcome the general public in addition to their own members.

What else are SSTA members saying these days? “Hurray….no more bubble-raising work parties!”

By the time the Association was ready to proceed with construction, the well-managed replacement fund amounted to a whopping $190,000 – almost one-third of the total required. It was a good down payment. Generous local donations (encouraged by charitable tax receipt status arranged through Tennis Canada) and other club fundraising efforts added an amazing $42,500 to the coffers. Remaining money required was borrowed at a low interest rate from ten supportive members. Not bad for a small island club with only 130 members – talk about team play! The Permasteel Group, builder of the recent eight-court UBC facilities, did a terrifi c job. The steel framework arrived on two fl atbed trucks one morning and was standing that afternoon! Of course,

WHEN: Open 7am to 11pm daily

“It is a magnifi cent facility, but what really impresses me is the quality of these members -- their willingness to lend a hand in any way they can,” says coach Peter Schelling, amazed by the enthusiastic spirit of volunteerism which led to the creation of Centre Court and now continues to make it such a success.

WHAT: Center Court Indoor Tennis WHERE: 805 Lower Ganges Road, Salt Spring Island (beyond the SSI Golf Club driving range) BOOKING: online at or in person at the Portlock Park offi ce COST: $24 per hour CONTACT: NOTE: The only public covered tennis court on the Gulf Islands

A VOLLEY OF FACTS – gorgeous blue court surface – new ‘daylight spectrum’ T5 fl uorescent lighting – 4” insulation in entire building— more in lounge! – 180 SSTA members today – professional coaching available at all levels – no government funding – no tax increase to the community – visitors welcome




zone 01 2 5 T H Y E A R FO R “ B I O ND O ” JU NI O R G R A SS CO U R T TO U R N A MEN T

For some players it was their fi rst tournament, and for most who had not played on the grass before it was an experience they remember fondly. “Oh those bounces on grass”! Over the years players from all over the world including Germany, Alaska, across Canada and the USA, China, Ireland, Switzerland and all parts of British Columbia have participated. In fact a number of those who participated as Juniors have come back and played in adult events, all relating fond memories of their experience at the junior event.

It took Franco Biondo two years to convince the executive to host a junior tournament!

As the participation & popularity of the tournament grew the Club felt that they would like to host it, dropping the USTA sanctioning and only hosting it as a Challenger Level event with the Biondo’s running the tournament. This continued until 2011, and in 2012 Tennis BC sanctioned it as a Championship event, both Championship & Challenger level players took part and enjoyed the level of competition.

Being very involved in the tennis scene, especially passionate about the promotion of junior tennis, and as a member of the executive of the South Cowichan Lawn Tennis, Franco Biondo presented a number of proposals asking that the club host a tournament for juniors. They felt it was not an endeavour they wanted to undertake. Continually approaching the executive and using his persuasive way (2 years it took), they agreed, with the following conditions - that Franco & Sheila obtain Tennis BC sanctioning, raise all funds necessary to run the tournament, run the tournament, and pay the club for the use of the courts. That started the ball rolling!

In March 2009, tournament founder Franco Biondo, a long time coach, husband, friend, tennis enthusiast and a promoter of tennis as a sport you can enjoy when very young and continue to play throughout your life, passed away. In his honour, the tournament was renamed the “Biondo” Junior Grass Court Championship and is now in its 25th year. A huge thanks to all those who have continued to give so freely of their time even after Franco’s passing by starting matches, helping with line calls, and being sure that the courts are ready for play because without all of you this event would not be the success it is today.

The South Cowichan Lawn Tennis Club, located in the beautiful Cowichan Valley, hosts many tournaments on its 7 grass courts and 2 hard courts. In 2012 the Club celebrated its 125th year, and 2013 marks the 25th year for the annual Junior Grass Court event.

Various businesses and organizations in the valley were approached to help fund the event, the understanding being that their name would be placed on the entry forms. With the communities’ support, enough funds to buy balls, pay sanctioning fees, print & mail entry forms and purchase trophies was raised. They approached Wilson (the balls were purchased from them) for donations in order to run raffl es and friends donated fresh fi sh for a salmon barbeque with all the trimmings. All participants, coaches, friends and family members were invited. T-shirts were given to each player and those volunteers who gave freely of their time in order to make the fi rst tournament a success. A success it was, each year the numbers increased by leaps and bounds until it was very diffi cult to accommodate all those who wanted to enter. It was one of the only tournaments that you could, and still can play, three events and has consolation play (of course – weather permitting). In fact, if you don’t have a doubles partner you just ask and usually one is found. Some great friendships were made in these partnerships, many became partners in other tournaments, a few even took home


trophies. Both “A” (Challenger Level) and Championship level players could play, and with USTA sanctioning large groups came from Washington, Oregon and a few from California and coaches from the lower mainland brought large groups. When the tournament was at its peak only single matches were played on the grass, while consolation, and doubles events were played on the 2 hard courts at the club, the Biondo’s court and Brentwood College Courts.


Franco Biondo

We encourage all of you to try out the grass “It’s Better on Grass” We hope that many of you will join us this year at the South Cowichan Lawn Tennis Club for the 25th Annual ‘’Biondo” Junior Grass Court Tournament – August 1 to 5, 2013. For more information call Sheila Biondo at 250-721-4355 or e-mail


S ENI O R S IN T HE C I T Y ! What a great year for BC’s healthy, active, and 30+ and over tennis players. Thanks to Jeff Carrie and BMO Nesbitt Burns for the generous support of this Circuit.

Barbara Marrie-Black, Lady Sports’ Phil Moore, Julie Reynolds

zone 02 L A DY S P O R T S ER V E S U P A S U CC E SS F U L W E E K END AT JER I C H O With stormy skies outside at the beginning of March, indoors at Jericho Tennis Club over 120 women enjoyed a great weekend of competition at the BCSWTA LadySport Doubles Championships (March 1 - 3). Once again this sold-out event was a huge success. The round robin format provided doubles teams a fabulous weekend of nonstop tennis. Congratulations to all the category winners! The highlight - as always - was the delicious buffet dinner where players had a lively night of camaraderie off the courts . Since 2005, Title Sponsor LadySport has been an incredible partner of the BCSWTA, this year including in-store gift cards for all players gift bags and two generous draw prizes. Everyone enjoyed wine at dinner courtesy of Susan Clayton-Carroll of Re/max Crest Realty, and over the weekend many took in a complimentary onsite massage or Pilates demonstration from Envision Physiotherapy. Many other sponsors including Amica at Arbutus Manor, All-Court Stringing, Sierra Sil and Acura Richmond contributed to make this event a smashing success, so a big thanks to all! The next tournaments will be Amica at Arbutus Manor Grand Prix at the Arbutus Club in December. Hope to see you there! Celebrating its 25th Birthday this year, the BC Senior Women’s Tennis Association has been instrumental in creating a fabulous camaraderie that encourages participation in tournaments and team events. For more information, check out their website at

Immediately following Canada’s great victory over Spain, The Best in the West, hosted by Richmond Country Club and Richmond Tennis Club, and sanctioned by the ITF, brought in participants from out of town/province. As many local players discovered, getting the required IPIN was not a slam/dunk but the ITF was willing to accommodate last minute wildcards so that no one was excluded from participation.

And right after Canada’s incredible second round victory over Italy, Vancouver Lawn Tennis and Badminton Club served up their 36th Open Masters Championship. Holding the player social on the fi rst Saturday night was a huge success.

Somehow the wet and dreary spring weather let up nicely to enable all BC Senior Provincial matches to play outdoors at Jericho Tennis Club. The event drew 320 players from the lower mainland, Vancouver Island and the Interior, and was a terrifi c warm up for the Steve Stevens Senior Outdoor Nationals which will be hosted by Vancouver Lawn, The Arbutus Club, and Jericho.




zone 03 zone 04 T ENNI S O NE O F 2 5 S P O R T S AT T HE 2 013 B C S ENI O R S G A ME S

An estimated 150 tennis players are expected to compete in the 2013 B.C. Seniors Games in Kamloops from Aug. 20 to 24. Players range from 55 to over 80 years old, competing in men’s, women’s and mixed competition at a 3.0 to 4.0 level.

“Spectators will get to see older players, up to their 80s, playing with enthusiasm, and playing at a fairly high level.” said Graeme Hope, Zone 8 Tennis Co-ordinator. “It’s inspirational.” The Kamloops Tennis Centre is the main tennis venue, which features eight courts on parkland adjacent to the South Thompson River. Two additional tennis venues will be used for a total of 15 courts. All three venues are well-maintained public use courts, surrounded by landscaped parkland. The tennis courts are located downtown, close to shopping, restaurants, accommodation, and within walking distance to a number of other sporting events. “Kamloops is an ideal community for hosting the 2013 B.C. Seniors Games. Our wide range of top-quality facilities, central location and experienced, friendly volunteers are what makes Kamloops Canada’s Tournament Capital,” said Sean Smith, Tournament Capital Co-ordinator. The 2013 B.C. Seniors Games are expecting over 4000 participants to compete in 25 sports. They welcome participants, volunteers, and spectators. For more information visit

T ENNI S IN T HE KO O T EN AY ’ S What a picturesque site for playing Tennis! Nestled amongst the mountain setting, the Kootenay area offers many spectacular places to play. Thanks to Tennis Leaders Charlotte Willis (Fernie), Neil Murphy (Cranbrook), David Bellm and Tanya Pommier (Kimberley) our sport is growing in the region. Programs involving novice players, young and not so young as well as more advanced instruction sessions, play nights and tournaments are all in the works for the 2013 season. Plans for resurfacing aged courts and the development of new ones are ongoing. Encouraged by a successful fundraising effort in Kimberley which allowed the redevelopment of their Indoor Facility in 2005, Fernie is currently exploring options for an indoor facility as well. The community would like to see the sport enjoyed year round. The enthusiasm and hours of work put in by the Community Tennis Leaders have been the key to action given the connections made with local schools, community centres and government offi cials. Kudos to all of you!

Rookie Tour 2013



zone 08 K EL O W N A’ S MEN ’ S F U T U R E S E V EN T Following a very successful fi rst year in 2012, the ITF $15,000 Capri-Chubb Kelowna Men’s Futures event experienced blazing sunshine and blistering tennis, with BC’s top ranked Under 18 player Alexander Day earning his fi rst ATP point with a fi rst round win! Having been awarded a wild card into the main draw in honor of his provincial championship, Alex showed true grit in taking 2012 ITF #1 junior, Filip Peliwo, to a fi rst set tie break before succumbing to the more experienced player in the second round of play. Pro tennis isn’t the only game in town, though – the Okanagan Mission Tennis Club will host the Interior Open in August, and in mid-September, just before the grape harvest, charitable giving meets tennis and bocce, at the Twelfth Annual Celebrity Tennis Classic and Bocce Ball Tournament. You haven’t seen tennis until you’ve been courtside where the lawyers, in full courtroom garb, take on the doctors, attired in hospital scrubs and stethoscopes. Way too much fun! This terrifi c event has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Kelowna General Hospital, providing important lifesaving equipment for the cardiac unit.


K EL O W N A G ENER A L HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Presents: The Twelfth Annual Celebrity Tennis Classic and Bocce Ball Tournament WHEN: September 13 – 15, 2013 CONTACT: Walley & Marietta Lightbody 250 762 2783 or All proceeds dedicated to essential, life saving cardiac diagnostic equipment.

Kelowna General Hospital Foundation




a p p s f o r p l ay er s/pa r en t s/c o a c h e s Technology has changed the way that many of us live our lives and tennis is not immune to this advancement. With these changing times, we can use technology, especially on our phones or tablets, with apps such as Tennis Trakker and MyTennisStats, to improve the quality of feedback on performance on the court. Statistics are non-judgemental and remove much of the emotion from discussion on how well or poorly a player competed. Based on various reviews, My Tennis Stats comes out on top with the best user-interface and the fact that it is compatible with ad-scoring system and doubles’ matches. Tennis Trakker Pro is also quite popular for Apple users, however doesn’t have the options for doubles and ad-scoring systems. Both options do have free versions that are limited to a certain number of games/points, so you can try them out to determine which one is the best fi t for you. For Android users, Tennis Math is a basic score tracker that is user friendly and free to use. You can score points on beginner, intermediate or professional levels with this app. The same is also available from Blackberry, but is only compatible on the Playbook. These apps are extremely user-friendly and take about 20 minutes of live-play to get used to. Studies have shown that parental infl uence on junior tennis players can be benefi cial or negative, depending on the stress and intensity level of the parent(s). Here is great way to put that energy into a positive utilization! If interested in coaching apps, Coach’s Clipboard Pro is a multi-sport coaching tool that fi ts to the type of sport you are involved in, and shows court views to describe plays and techniques with ease. iPad/ iPhone

Android/ Blackbery iPad

My Tennis Stats Tennis Trakker Pro Tennis Math Coach’s Clipboard Pro $9.99 $12.99 Free Free Android (Google Player)

Blackbery Playbook

m a k e el e c t r o ly t e s p o r t wat er (contains nothing artifi cial) 1) Make fruit juice cubes by squeezing fresh oranges, lemons, or limes into ice cube trays and freeze. Whole blueberries, raspberries, or slices of citrus may also be frozen and added. 2) Half fi ll your bottle with pure water. 3) Fill the remainder of the bottle with a combination of ice and fruit juice cubes. 4) Add a sprig of mint or rosemary, a pinch of sea salt (crush with mortar and pestle for quicker dissolution), and a tablespoon or two of unpasteurized honey. 5) Shake well, then hydrate! Get some tips on how to stay hydrated in the article ‘Water Works’, page 27



Playing an event? You can get instant updates on draws and schedules from your iPhone or Android. Download the app from Tennis Canada and stay on top of the game, wherever you may be.



Time to update your tennis wear for the hot summer months ahead! Who better to consult than a woman with one of the most enviable closets in Vancouver – Linda Hipp, President & Creative Director, LIJA. Linda says the top trends for women are: // bright and fl uorescent colours // fl owy tops, tanks with multiple straps, and the keyhole detail.

LIJA is sold at: Vancouver Lawn Tennis and Badminton Club Arbutus Club Steve Nash Fitness Centres The Run Inn LadySport

// mixing fabric and mesh for a textured look – very cool and comfortable And what would Linda wear if she was playing a match today? “I love the flowy top and strappy tanks – they are very in. This colour looks great on sun-kissed skin. And the layered skort is very comfortable and very slimming.”


21 35


By Brandon Luu At the All-Court Stringing racquet sports store, our daily routine is to answer some very common questions regarding our clients’ tennis strings. We feel that tennis strings are the most important part of your equipment. Why? Simple, because it is the only part of your racquet that makes contact with the ball. Control, feel, power, spin and arm injuries are directly correlated with choice of string, tension and restringing frequency. Here are a couple of tips to help shed some light on this topic:

mended to be strung between 50-60 lbs, start with 55 lbs. Keep in mind that because there are so many different materials used in today’s strings, string bed stiffness will vary from string to string even when strung at the same tension. This is where we can help you select a suitable tension.

How often should I restring my racquet? The general rule of thumb is to restring your racquet as many times a year as you play in a week. For example, if you play 4 times a week, you should restring 4 times a year. On the extreme end, professional tennis players restring on a daily basis. A great example of this is stringing for Marin Cilic at the 2012 Delray Beach International Tennis Championships. Every morning, he had 4-6 racquets strung by me for his match. This ensures his string tension was consistent during racquet rotation. Fresh strings also prevented him from developing serious arm injuries due to the physical rigors of playing professional tennis.

So many strings! What are the differences? Nylon synthetic strings, ranging from $15-$25 (labour included), are the most common strings among recreational tennis players because of their price and allaround durability and playability. Ex. Head Syn Gut PPS Polyester strings, ranging from $18-$38 (labour included), provide players with greater durability, control and spin compared to nylon. However, polyester strings are stiffer and therefore transmit more shock to the arm during ball impact. Ex. Luxilon ALU Power

Brandon Luu - All-Court Stringing

Multifi lament strings, ranging from $24$40 (labour included), provide players with added feel, comfort and power. It is softer than nylon and polyester strings and is suitable for players with arm pains. However, multifi liaments are not exceptionally durable. Ex. Wilson NXT

So why is following a basic restringing rule Owner & Founder like this so important? Over time, strings lose tension, fl exibility and their coating, causing a very different ball and string reUSRSA Master Racquet Technician sponse compared to when they are fresh. Natural gut, generally manufactured from ERSA Pro Tour Stringer This will cause you to lose important playcow intestines, is a premium string ranging attributes such as control, feel, power ing from $60-$75 (labour included). It is 2012 Grand Slam Stringer Symposium and spin. In addition, this “dead” feel can the ultimate string providing exceptional Fastest Stringer potentially harm your wrist, elbow and comfort, control, power and tension mainshoulder. Therefore, it is recommended tenance. Natural gut is recommended for to restring (often before a string breaks) players with chronic arm pains or players to maximize court performance and to looking for the ultimate feel. However, it is prevent injuries. Given that the average string job is $25, if you play not as durable as nylon and polyester strings. Ex. Babolat VS Touch 4 times a week while following the restringing rule, the cost per play session is less than 50 cents. String Facts // Lower string tensions provide more power, comfort and string elasticWhat tension should I string at? ity and thus allows you to hit deeper. All racquets have tension ranges for stringing that are recommend// Higher string tensions provide more ball control and less string elased by the manufacturer. Stringing at a lower tension will result in a ticity and thus allows you to hit shorter. trampoline effect giving players more comfort, durability and power. // Thicker strings are more durable and will generate more ball control Stringing at a higher tension gives players the benefi t of having more but can potentially decrease spin potential. control over their shots. When in doubt, use the middle of a racquet’s // Thinner strings are less durable but can potentially generate more tension range as a good start. For example, if your racquet is recompower and spin.




// Strings with more elasticity are able to absorb ball shock more effectively than a stiffer, less elastic string. Wrap-Up We certainly hope after reading this article, you feel more educated about the importance of strings. To help you get a kick start to the tennis season, we are offering you our stringing service for FREE. Make sure you print out and present our ad in this magazine at our store! We provided All-Court Stringing’s story below if you would like learn more about us. All-Court Stringing Origins All-Court Stringing was founded in 2009 as a home-based racquet stringing business. As stringing volumes grew, the All-Court Stringing team envisioned moving into a racquet sports store to better serve its clients. In the summer of 2012, All-Court Stringing launched its fi rst stand alone racquet sports store on Nanaimo St in Vancouver between 1st Ave and Hastings St. Fully stocked with tennis equipment, enthusiasts can now get their racquets restrung and fi nd the lastest racquets, bags, shoes and accessories.

All-Court Stringing Racquet Sports Store 1217 Nanaimo Street, Vancouver, BC





Celebrating Our Local Heroes 2. BTC Tennis Friendly Community

3. TPA Professional of the Year 4. Sport BC Awards

1. Gary Caron TPA Scholarship 6. Queen’s Jubilee Medals

1. Nick Coutts – Grant Connell Tennis Centre This $2000 scholarship recognizes a tennis coach (under 30 years of age) who displays the potential to reach the highest level of coaching and teaching excellence in Canada, with the funds to be used for professional development. Nick is a former #1 player for the University of Utah who has competed professionally, and won multiple BC Open events. In addition to his full time coaching, he is enrolled in Tennis Canada’ Coach 3 Program/Coach Mentoring Program and has recently accepted a position of U12 Provincial Coach.

2. Kiyo Breiting, Coquitlam - Community Champion Of the 43 Tennis Canada funded Building Tennis Communities across the country, Kiyo has been honored with this award recognizing individuals and communities who have gone above and beyond in the growth and promotion of tennis. Kiyo has been a strong advocate at the Coquitlam Tennis Club and within the City of Coquitlam, and is well known for her leadership with junior and wheelchair programs, forming strong partnerships with schools and Parks and Recreation, and the inclusion of seniors in many of these activities. 3. Hassan Askari – Global Tennis Academy Presented to the TPA professional who has displayed the highest standard of conduct and service to tennis, both on and off the court – Hassan is a most worthy recipient! Over the past 14 years, his quiet diplomacy and professional demeanor has allowed him to play a signifi cant role in junior player development. Currently a co-owner of Global Tennis Academy, and their Director of Junior Programs, Hassan is a Tennis Canada Club Pro 1 Coach.



5. Queen’s Jubilee Medals

4. Gordon Verge – President’s Award Each year, Provincial Sport Associations nominate someone who has given selfl essly of their time and energy to expand opportunities within their community. Tennis BC’s 2012 recipient, Gordon Verge of Qualicum Beach, is most deserving of this honor. Since retiring to BC, Gordon has been instrumental in coaching juniors and adults, as well as high school teams, in addition to competing provincially, nationally and internationally for Canada. His level of sportsmanship and integrity, both on and off the court, is an excellent example to all. 5. Doug Rawson – Salmon Arm Doug was one of Tennis Canada’s fi rst Community Champions. For the past ten years, he has been Tennis BC’s “go-to guy” for anything tennis related in the North Okanagan/Shuswap region – playing, promoting and coaching tennis. In clubs, schools and Parks and Recreation departments Doug’s enthusiasm continues to expand beyond Salmon Arm area, and now also covers Clearwater, Revelstoke, and Vernon. His Schools Program reaches more than 350 children and he has proven that sports in communities can be successful under proper leadership and good management.

6. Joanie McMaster Vancouver A most deserving recipient of this award for her contribution to the sport of tennis, Joanie has been involved with tennis in BC and Canada for more than 25 years, starting with the organizing committee of the 1986 Fed Cup Tie held in BC. She has been an integral part of numerous Davis Cup Ties and National Championships, has served on historical committees with Vancouver Lawn Tennis and Badminton Club and the Pacifi c Northwest Section of the USTA, and most recently, has worked extensively with the BC Sports Hall of Fame. Joanie’s passion for tennis is exceeded only by her commitment to volunteerism.


Filip Peliwo By Dianne Bankay

To say that 2012 was a big year for Vancouver’s Filip Peliwo is like saying the Sedins look alike – it doesn’t get more obvious. First came Peliwo’s run to the fi nals of the Australian Open Juniors in January. Although he lost, there would be much more to come from him. Peliwo went on to make the Finals of the French Open and then, proving he’s a threat on any surface, won Wimbledon over arch-rival Luke Saville. To top it off, Peliwo completed his junior career in the same fashion as Sampras – going out at a champion at the U.S. Open. Tossing Sampras’ name into the mix isn’t meant to heap expectations on Peliwo, but when you emerge as the dominant junior player in the world, people will talk, and with good reason. I caught up with Peliwo at the UBC Thunderbird Arena, a few days before Canada’s historic Davis Cup triumph over Italy. Just 19, Peliwo was already attending his 2nd Davis Cup as a hitting partner for Raonic and the rest of Team Canada. Peliwo answers questions thoughtfully, carefully, very much like Raonic. He is polite and soft-spoken. But his drive and passion to succeed is evident. On suddenly being thrust into the spotlight: “It was a bit hard at fi rst, but I’ve gotten used to the attention...right after I won Wimbledon I had a lot of interview requests.” On how his game is progressing in recent months: “I have a lot of room for improvement. A lot of people I’ve been playing are doing pretty well in the pros and I feel they’re sort of catching up a bit and I feel like I’m not playing my best tennis yet. I’m still doing well but not playing as well as I can.” On the transition to the ATP tour: “The main thing is to be able to be a solid, all around player. When you look at the top guys they’re all consistent from every part of the court and they don’t usually give you anything to work with. You see a guy like Djokovic or Murray and you really have to play your best tennis to beat them and they’re not going to give you any free points. If you hit a weaker shot they’re going to put it away, they’re going to run you to death. That’s sort of what I’m looking for from my game. To be able to be solid. From my forehand, my backhand, my movement, my serve - everything.”

Sport BC Awards Filip Peliwo – Junior Athlete of the Year Filip won both Junior Boys singles titles at Wimbledon and the US Open in 2012, and was a fi nalist at the Australian Open and French Open. He fi nished 2012 as the top ranked junior male player in the world – both achievements a fi rst for a Canadian player.

Peliwo’s maturity can’t mask his pleasure at being touted as the next one in Canadian tennis, perhaps even a rival for Milos. A smile lights up his face and he says, somewhat sheepishly, “That’s really nice to hear.” And when asked about the support he receives on court, the smile broadens:

“One of the best feelings in the world is to have that many people behind you and cheering and chanting your name. Honestly I feed off of that. The energy from the crowd makes me play so much better. Even when I’m down a few breaks or a set and a break and I’m not playing my best a crowd like that is really one of the main things that can get me into the match again... it definitely makes it a lot easier when there’s a few hundred, a few thousand people cheering for you.” The feeling in most tennis circles is that a few thousand will be more the rule than the exception. And while the burning and ultimate question for Peliwo – whether the pro career will mirror the junior – won’t be answered for many years, it seems to propel him ever forward. With his commitment, intelligence, and talent, there’s every chance it will. MATCHPOINT | SUMMER 2013



C ANADIAN SPORT FO R L IF E – Long Term Athlete Development The Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) is a systematic approach being adopted by Tennis BC to maximize potential and increase the enjoyment of participants and athletes in our sport. It provides a framework for developing physical literacy, physical fitness, technical and tactical skills and competitive ability, using a stage by stage approach. The Tennis Canada LTAD model outlines an optimal development plan based on growth, development and maturation for all individuals to participate in tennis. Tennis BC offers programs and events that correspond to each stage of development. The first three stages of the pathway utilize “progressive tennis” which is now being called “Kids Tennis.” This development program allows young children to learn the basics strokes and footwork in a scaled down version with modified tennis balls, racquets, nets and courts, building their skills as they mature and grow, and thus enabling an easier transition to the regular court/balls.


Active for Life

Competitive Train for life to Compete


Learn to Train FUNdamentals Infants

Active Start



Physical Literacy

Train to Train

Remedial Physical Literacy

Train to Win

First Contact


Fit for Life

Health of the Nation

All Canadians

Stages 1 to 3 – “Kids Tennis” Tennis BC offers an In-School Program based on a national program created by Tennis Canada in collaboration with Physical and Health Education Canada (PHE Canada), that supports the development of fundamental movement skills related to the sport of tennis, whilst encouraging children to lead healthy, active lives. This program, which uses Kids tennis principles, provides affordable, quality programming that supports the development of fundamental handeye coordination and motor skills that teachers are required to deliver as part of the PE curriculum. The In-School Program is offered in a 4 or 6 lesson format and is designed to be delivered in the gym during already scheduled PE classes. Tennis BC works with each school to accommodate dates that fit within their schedule. If you’d like to find out how you can get Tennis in your school please contact



The Little Aces Community Tennis Program is an exciting localized initiative aimed at increasing participation for children under 12. Developed by Tennis Canada and implemented by Tennis BC, Little Aces encourages youth to learn to play quickly and successfully, demonstrating that tennis is not only a great and fun game to play but a sport of a lifetime. This program is designed to introduce affordable and accessible tennis programs for children (able bodied and wheelchair) at community centres, parks, clubs and schools. Surrey LITTLE ACES was first launched in June 2011, in partnership with the City of Surrey and Surrey School district. Five community centres, four community clubs, and fifteen schools have received progressive tennis equipment packages, and comprehensive training to enable teachers and coaches to deliver the fundamentals of the sport quickly and successfully. Surrey LITTLE ACES has also partnered with JumpStart Academy to engage youth during the vulnerable hours of 3 – 6 pm. The City of Surrey is also running popular all year round tennis programming ranging from Le Petit Tennis for preschoolers to Youth Fundamentals for children up to age 13 at several community centres. LITTLE ACES came to Kelowna this summer, launched during the $15,000 Men’s ITF Capri-Chubb Kelowna Futures event, as more than 160 kids were introduced to tennis during a fun filled sunny day at the Parkinson Recreation Centre.

Miele Junior Team Tennis has enjoyed 7 successful seasons, providing regular match play for developing juniors during low court usage time at our very supportive member clubs. This team environment is less stressful and offers more fun than most tournaments, and helps to build confidence and camaraderie. Challenger and Champ Tournaments run during both the indoor and outdoor season. The Rogers National Ranking System is based upon these tournament results, and is the primary source of information for selection and seeding at provincial and national level events.

T R A IN IN G TO CO MP E T E Tennis BC and Tennis Canada have combined resources to create a weekly high performance program, as a way to enrich the current training and competitive environment for top performing BC players between the ages of 7 to 18. Under the leadership of Oded Jacob, this program engages local professionals to work with the players’ regular club coaches to achieve their goals at the provincial and national level.


Ideal for the young player just starting to explore competition, the Rogers Rookie Tour offers non-elimination round robin play. There are approximately 50 events throughout the year, in most communities across BC. Through generous sponsorship from Rogers, participants receive an exciting player package, including t-shirt, cap, water bottle and much more. For more information please check our website under Rogers Rookie Tour.

This summer a group of hardworking Tennis BC juniors re gripped around 300 racquets in one evening. These recycled racquets will be donated to schools and kids across the province who cannot afford to play our sport. We would like to express our thanks to All Court Stringing Racquet Sports Store who very kindly donated all the grips for this worthwhile project. Look out for racquet recycling boxes coming soon to a club near you - let’s see if we can beat 300 next year!

More seasoned Kids’ Tennis players may find the Future Stars circuit provides excellent year round competition, where players earn participation points on a leader board, towards year end totals. Funded by Tennis Canada, this level of play is provided for players in the U9 and U10 age category. MATCHPOINT | SUMMER 2013



Every player, from Djokovic and Williams to the recreational novice, can improve certain aspects of their game. In fact, heroes such as Tiger Woods and Sidney Crosby have been known to be the fi rst at practice and the last to leave, all the while pursuing perfection in every detail of their game. There is another interesting aspect of an elite athlete’s work ethic. In order to excel, one does not merely practice what one does best. One identifi es his or her weaknesses, and then proceeds to attack them relentlessly. Physical Preparation Identify physical weaknesses. Cross training is one of the best ways to prepare under- utilized muscles for the varying physical demands of tennis, a game requiring power, speed, agility, and accuracy. A well- e xecuted forehand stroke relies on muscles throughout the body to generate power and accuracy. This starts with strength in the quads, hamstrings, calves, gluteals, and hip fl exors. The upper body follows, utilizing the pectorals, deltoids, biceps, brachialis, and smaller muscles in the hands and wrists as the stroke is completed. Backhand strokes involve more smaller extensor muscles, which tend to be more prone to injury – think tennis elbow as one example. Prepare these muscles by targeting them in your training. This can be done with the assistance of a personal trainer, or simply by integrating appropriate exercises into your routine. Weight training can increase your power and strength. Swimming, running, or cycling can provide effective cardio workouts. Yoga has assisted many a “stiff guy” to avoid injury while making spectacular moves – whether for the pro cameras, or for the courtside companion with a smart phone ready to capture the action. Remember to start low and go slow in progression, giving muscles, tendons and ligaments time to adjust to higher demands. The greater your overall fi tness, the tougher you will be to beat. Nutrition Optimize your nutrition. In a recent interview, Kyle Turris of the Ottawa Senators expressed his surprise at what he learned about nutrition upon stepping up to the NHL. Yes, a take- out pizza technically can contain components of every food group. However, the high fat content alone makes it a poor pre- g ame choice, let alone the micronutrient defi ciency and calorie density. It’s really not about food groups at all, but about the quality of foods we use as fuel. Should athletes choose a high- c arb or low- c arb diet? Rather than going high or low, focus on selecting carbs intelligently. They are not the enemy per se, but some are much better as athletic energy sources than others. One of the culprits contributing to weight gain and fatigue is the high glycemic index



of many common foods, particularly those which are highly processed. Glycemic index (GI) compares the blood sugar rise caused by individual foods to that of glucose, which is assigned a value of 100. High blood sugar leads to release of insulin, which causes the sugar to be stored – often as fat. Therefore, lower numbers refl ect healthier, and more sustained blood sugar ratings. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, white wheat bread has a GI rating of 71. Think whole wheat bread is better? Think again, it’s exactly the same. The leavening of bread is partly responsible for giving these favorites their negative numbers. Flat breads, like tortillas, have a GI from 30 for wheat to 52 for corn, making these far better options. Therefore, a wrap fi lled with nutritious ingredients can be a healthier option than its sandwich equivalent. Have you ever wondered about the high carbohydrate levels in the pasta eaten by many athletes? Spaghetti has a GI of 46. Brown rice scores a 50, and quinoa 53. Again, caution is required regarding the marketing of “healthy” processed foods, as rice cakes score a surprising 82. Also look for less processed oats. Oatmeal’s GI is 55, but the processed, instant types shoot their ratings as high as 83. Got veggies? An athletic meal contains plenty of natural, colorful components. Carotenoids are different forms of vitamin A found in red, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables. They act as free radical scavengers in the body, involved in protection from oxidative damage and boosting immune function. Retinol and retinal, the other types of vitamin A, contribute to maintenance of visual acuity. Dark green vegetables are good sources of vitamins A, C, K, and folate, as well as calcium and fi ber. Spinach is also a good source of iron. Many vitamins, particularly B complex, act as cofactors. These are vital parts of the enzymes that catalyze metabolism. These enzymes are involved in production of ATP, the molecule muscles require as their energy source. B vitamins are found in meat, eggs, dairy products, and dark green vegetables. Select a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables to benefi t from the myriad of health and performance boosting micronutrients they pack. Protein shakes are a common choice of athletes wanting to gain strength and/or improve body composition. This is because they contain proteins that are easily digested, complete, and quick to prepare. In addition, by adding fruits and vegetables, you can create a fabulous snack before or after workouts, or breakfast-on-the-go. Whey is the most widely available protein for shakes, but choose a different type if you are sensitive or allergic to dairy. A variety of vegetarian and vegan forms are available; tofu, eggs and yogurt are other optional protein sources for nutritious shakes.



Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy, but for athletes and the casual tennis player it can mean feeling comfortable, performing well and staying alert on and off the court. Every chemical and metabolic reaction in the body needs the support of adequate amounts of clean, healthy water. In recent years, science has determined that not all water is the same. Bottled or tap water is not necessary the healthiest due to its tendency to causes oxidative stress or free radicals in the body. By treating water with the addition of anti-oxidants, the impact of free radical damage can be eliminated. Research is showing that antioxidant, alkaline water with a certain spectrum of ionic minerals will have the most profound positive effect on your health. A two percent drop in your inner water from sweat loss and breathing can cause slower brain function, slower refl exes, fatigue, a drop in coordination, muscle cramping, less stamina, more free radical damage and advances in aging. Our bottled and tap water comes in large clusters of 30- 60 H0 molecules of water/ cluster. This is so big that your gut just can’t absorb them. One cup in and one cup out is common for most people. You still end up dehydrated even if you drink lots of water.

In nature, when the water bashes into and around rocks it breaks up into smaller micro-clusters which fi ts like a hexagonal key into a lock. The body prefers this type of microclustered water, it is more readily absorbed. Once you start drinking this type of water, your urine output is much less for the fi rst few days because your cells are sucking up the water, relieving themselves of their dehydrated state. Adding antioxidant action to the mix, encourages cell stability and effi ciency, making you feel better and better. It is actually amazing how

good you can feel. Once the cells are hydrated there is a natural and effortless infl ow of nutrients and an outfl ow of toxins and metabolic byproducts.

Since water is a solvent and has very loose bonds, ionic minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium in proportions that mimic healthy body fl uids can be delivered through specially treated water. By drinking alkaline water your stamina will improve as the minerals in the water will buffer the lactic acid build-up in the muscles. Acid is for running batteries not bodies! Our contaminated air, water and most foods along with our dally stress push us to an acidic state which is the basis of most diseases. Infl ammation, pain, fatigue and too much fat is the body’s telling us that we are too acid. Get rid of the excess acid and most health problems will gradually subside. The fastest way to bring your body into an alkaline balance is to drink alkaline water that is readily absorbed at the cellar level.

By being properly hydrated you will recover faster from any kind of exercise because the minerals, the antioxidants and the micro-clustering can fl ow instantly and effortlessly into the cells and all the junk instantly fl ows out. Nature creates water that is perfect for us - full of anti-oxidants, alkaline and readily absorbed by each cell in your body. If you would like a pristine high mountain stream right in your kitchen or on the tennis court, check out Cerra Water. It is a specialty fi lter that fi ts into a in a water pitcher that creates water as nature intended us to drink. By changing your water to a natural mineralized water, anti-oxidant you can not only change your game but your life. Check out




U N D E R S TA ND IN G T HE TO U R N A MEN T EN V IRO NMEN T Role of the Officials All sanctioned tournaments require a tournament referee, who is the fi nal authority on all questions of tennis law. The Referee is in charge of other offi cials and works in collaboration with the Tournament Director on draw- making, and match scheduling. Roving Umpires are responsible for monitoring on court play and make judgments on questions of fact…was a ball in or out, did a foot fault occur, etc. Chair Umpires are responsible for the management of a particular match. Overall, the Offi cials’ mandate is to ensure fair play, resolve disputes, and supervise all aspects of play (i.e., time warm-ups and change-overs).

Punctuality Rule Players are responsible for being dressed and ready to play when their match is called. If players are not ready to play when their match is called the following penalties may be assessed: Late 5:00 or less: loss of toss plus 1 game Late 5:01 – 10:00 minutes: loss of toss plus 2 games Late 10:01 – 15:00 minutes: loss of toss plus 3 games More than 15:00 minutes late: default The lateness penalty clock will be started by the Referee after the match is called and a court is available and it is judged that one or both of the players is not present or available to start the match. The Referee is not required to keep a court open while awaiting a player. Proper Tennis Attire Players are to wear clean, good quality, commonly acceptable tennis attire. This includes tennis specifi c shorts/skirts, and tops but not jean or nontennis shorts/skirts, bike shorts, and non tennis related cotton t-shirts. The Referee and Tournament Director, in collaboration, will rule on any questions concerning proper tennis attire. Warm-up clothing may be authorized at the discretion of the Referee because of climatic conditions or due to other (e.g., religious or cultural) factors. Players are also required to wear non-marking shoes. Foot Faults Foot faults will be called by Offi cials when they are present on court. A foot fault occurs when a player’s foot touches the baseline or the imaginary extension of the center line, or outside the sidelines before the racquet hits the ball during a serve. They are called immediately and the player loses that serve.



Calling Lines/Keeping Score Players must call their own lines clearly and immediately. Offi cials standing on the court or in direct observation of a line from off-court may overrule a line call. It is the server’s responsibility to call the score before each point. If there is disagreement about the score, then this is the appropriate time to resolve it. Players may request the help of an Offi cial in a scoring dispute; however, they must accept the offi cial’s resolution. Ball marks on clay courts may be checked by either an Offi cial or a player, however, permission must be granted to inspect a mark on the opponent’s side of the court. Point ending ball marks on clay courts may be checked.


Point Penalty System Offi cials enforce the Code of Conduct as well as Time Violations. Specifi c violations can be seen in the Rules of the Court book. The fi rst offence for Code Violations is a warning. Second offence is a point. After the second offence games are awarded to the opponent. It is up to the Offi cial to decide if defaulting the player is necessary at any point in this process. Time Violations occur when a player takes too long between points or during a changeover. The fi rst offense is a warning. Points are awarded after the fi rst infraction.

Coaching Players shall not receive coaching during a match. Communication of any kind, audible or visible, between a player and a coach/parent shall be construed as coaching and be penalized. Receiver to follow pace of Server The server has 25 seconds from the time the ball goes out of play until he strikes the ball. The receiver must play to the “reasonable pace” of the server (generally considered to be a maximum of 15 seconds after the ball has gone out of play on the last point). Unreasonable delays in either serving or receiving will result in Time Violations being issued. Leaving the Court Players must ask permission from an Offi cial before leaving the courts. Women/girls are permitted two bathroom breaks during a match, and men/ boys one. In doubles, each team is allowed two bathroom breaks. Toilet breaks should be taken at a set break. If a player needs an emergency toilet break during a set, it must be taken before their own serve. Players are not to talk to anyone including parents, friends or coaches during these breaks. Doing so could result in a Coaching violation. Schedule of Play Sometimes it is not feasible or possible to post the full schedule of play at the start of the event. Players are required to confi rm their match times, and they should make a habit of doing so on a daily basis in the event changes to draw times are made. The new Tennis Canada tournament software app is a handy feature to have. Harassment/Electronic Communication In the tournament environment, no form of harassment – physical, verbal, gestural or electronic – will be tolerated, either between players or by family members, coaches or other spectators. Any individual found to have harassed another person will be immediately required to leave the tournament and will be subject to the sanctions of the Code of Conduct as well as those of Tennis Canada’s Harassment Policy. Note that players will be held directly responsible for any inappropriate communications sent from their mobile phones, blackberries, computers, or other communications devices.

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On Rogers LTE*

*Based on tests comparing download speeds on the Rogers LTE network vs. Bell and Telus’ LTE networks within Rogers LTE coverage area. LTE device, LTE SIM and plan required. Actual experienced speeds may vary based on device, topography and environmental conditions, network congestion and other factors. Rogers LTE network available in select Canadian cities. Visit for coverage. TMTrademarks of Rogers Communications Inc. used under license. Š2013

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