Curved Tension Fabric display is known for easily assembled and disassemble Curved Tension Fabric Displays is a most active one for the trade shows displays. These displays are extremely light in weight and easy to carry. Our Curved Tension fabric display is accompanied with flash light, wide range of view as per size, high solution tension fabric booth, soft and hard carrying case, colored graphic printed as per requirement, magnetic panels and expandable frames. We will make sure your display message will come together to create an impression with customers. Package includes
High Resolution Zippered Tension Fabric Graphic Print Durable Soft Case 1 Year Hardware Warranty Durable Hard Case Converts to Counter Table (Optional) 2 LED Lights (Optional)
Specification Curved Tension Fabric display is made up from strong aluminum material. Visit us on: Call us on: 1-877-409-0265 or Email us on:
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