Around Kent Folk issue 95 for October / November 019

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ke nt folk Issue 95 October / November 2019

Your FREE Guide to Folk Events in Kent, Surrey, Sussex and beyond

Published by Tenterden Folk Festival, Charity No 1038663 Promoting folk song, music, dance, crafts and traditions.

Scene & Heard • Well, a busy and bustling Broadstairs, bumping into everyone in Kent somewhere or other- congratulations to the committee and especially Jo and Tess for arranging so much of interest in our local festival despite challenging times. • It was good to see the Nep, Sailing Club, George and Wrotham Arms all thriving with a wide variety of sing/ play-a-long sessions, and to catch the Jack Hamilton Bar tent too. Hobby Horse Club a delight, so many youngsters returning day on day- the future is right there. • Personally I found this year’s concert venues excellent- yes, no marquee but instead reliable conditions, more comfortable seating and more manageable sound. Plenty of choice in the acts, and pleasing to see Granny’s Attic in there performing traditional songs with respect and panache. • The workshop rooms in the Baptist were good too. Nigel Feist’s harmonica session was most helpful, notes to bend and blow I’d never heard of! • Many people commented favourably on the shift back towards the town, which can only be good in terms of traders and local businesses. • As for the weather... there was still something for everyone- indoor pub music lunchtime and evening very well supported. Pip Ives attracted a huge Woodshed crowd who braved the thunder! • Joe Whittaker is resurrecting a Demelza House fundraiser’ Songs of Conscience and Conviction ‘ which orignally started as a Phil Ochs Songnight - songs with some form of edge and protest• Paul Metsers has agreed to come down from his home in Kendal to lead the evening on Saturday 9th November at Ash Village Hall . Contact the hall or Joe for more details… • Broomdasher prompted some splendid singing from residents and visitors alike when they came to Nellies in Hildenborough... traditional songs and plenty to join in with... catch their 6-piece a capella at Tenterden weekend! • The Starks brothers whipped up a frenzy at the Punch & Judy in Tonbridge, inspiring some novel and definitely never-to-be-seen-again dance moves... power fiddle! • Good to see Crisis at the Faversham Hop Festival ploughing their Western furrow... and to catch the Belgian marching band Trommelflut and their electric alter egos, among Dead Horse and the dancing... wound up with Abbey Capers, playing tunes in the gloaming... a pleasant atmosphere this year, the main stage practically acoustic and free and easy movement across the town... well done Graham The Hat and all who sailed with him.... • Faversham Folk Club set enlivened by the Mike Sanders Find The Watch Juggling show.. it was in the soldier’s boot he didn’t put on.. • Looking around at the forthcoming guests in Kent and Sussex makes me realise how fortunate we aretop names up close and at reasonable prices. Not always so around the country, sessions yes, but the traditional guest clubs are harder to find. For us, it’s where to go next! In other news: • Further to last issue’s piece on club summer opening, Faversham was packed for Martin Carthy... and busy for all other guests.. will Lawrence have a plaque made for the guitar he lent to Martin Wyndham-Read? I would. • Nice to see David Pleasants back in action at the Drum ( and even up to Warwick)... • Sadness at the loss of Simon Barlow, Growler to most of us- such a gentle giant who encouraged many into performance at the Good Intent and in the Medway Towns. We owe him a lot. • Preparations for Tenterden Festival are all in hand, see the advert for Alan’s selection of artistes this year. Always friendly and relaxed, well worth checking out if you haven’t already. • Deal are also gaining a name for booking nationally famous acts- here come the Wilsons! Sue Watson was in fine form with Hook Line & Sinker, their exquisite harmonies silencing the towering Morris Men all around! Continued Overleaf...

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Kent Song Collective’s Green Boughs had its full debut, after a shortie at Chippenham- farming traditional and brought up to date. A prize for the most successful rendition of a complicated new round! Sally and Brian supporting the Poozies.. their new song about the Richard Montgomery is a cracker! Apologies to the Hop Hoodeners whose piece didn’t appear in this column last issue, we try to include as much as possible. Sometimes the chain fails, if possible please send direct tobobkenward21c@gmail.comat least a week before AKF copy date and I’ll do my best. If you tell me I might forget so please use email! Next column deals with Dec/Jan (yes, where did the summer go?) so if you have Christmas/New Year news... we would like to include news from all over Kent, so please keep us informed. Here’s to autumn..

Bob Kenward Adventures of an Old Folkie To bring regular readers of this feature up to date, I did, indeed, invest in a brand new PA system with which to enhance my Open Mic nights, although, so far, I’ve only used it once and, even then, it wasn’t really needed! Its full title is a “Laney Audiohub” and it’s produced specifically for use in smaller venues like The Dog House at the Evegate centre, near Ashford, where I set it up for my Open Mic night there last month. It worked very well, even though there were only four performers, one being me!. Hopefully, I’ll be able to use it more regularly in future. Thanks to those people who responded positively to my opinions on the definition of “folk music” in the previous issue of AKF; it should encompass all types of music created by the people for the people, ie pop, rock, country, blues, jazz and many others. Although one wag at my local folk club recently dedicated a Tom Paxton song to me, in the light of my comments about what some people see as being “proper” folk music! Thankfully, my local folk club is “Folk-at-The-Drum” in Stanford North, near Hythe, and its organiser, David, although being an afficionado of traditional folk (particularly sea shanties), is also broadminded enough to allow people like me to play many different styles of music. For instance, last week I played a medley of three Kinks songs in the first half. Long may this attitude continue. Some time ago, I used to try to find themes for my sets at the club; for instance, I remember playing “Dreams” by the Everley Brothers, “Daydream Believer” by Neil Diamond and “What a Day For a Daydream” by the Lovin’ Spoonful. I can’t quite remember what my theme was that night; perhaps I should do a theme on “Memories” in the future! Unfortunately, eventually I ran out of themes to exploit and so nowadays my song selections are more random. My songwriting is not as prolific as it was, although recently I was inspired by watching the film “Whistle Down The Wind” on Talking Pictures TV. It’s years since I last watched it and, as before, I was entranced by the main melody of the theme music. With it echoing through my head, I sat down to try to fit it to some chords; it took me some time, but I eventually found some that seemed to match, and added a chorus of my own. While appreciating that it is far from being a ‘meisterwork’, I am quite pleased with it, and it seemed to go down quite well when I performed it at the club a couple of weeks ago. I still have regular guitar sessions with my mate Steve, and recently we’ve both been trying to improve our respective fingerpicking styles. So far in my life, I’ve been able to get away with strumming and using the only fingerpicking method I knew, which I learned from a teacher at college who was offering free guitar lessons, forty four years ago! I’ve recently discovered a couple more open mic venues, one of which I tried last Friday,

when a friend of mine was playing a set at Blakes in Dover. There’s a restaurant on the ground floor, but you go down a set of stairs to a basement which is where the music happens. It’s cosy, friendly, with a nice atmosphere for a music venue. Open Mic night there is every Wednesday; I’ll be trying one soon, and will let you the results in the next issue! Jeff (JR) Hartley

CD Reviews Greg Harper - In It Together 12 tracks Heartfelt songs of experienced life here from Greg, Paul Linale adding guitars, keyboards, percussion and arrangements with Nigel Ratcliffe on occasional piano for variety. Greg writes well for his voice, which here has overtones of ‘60s country, Jim Reeves, Roy Orbison: American vowels to the fore. Unimpeachable sentiments, swirling effects on the guitars of Sweet World; ‘everything’s washed clean and green again After The Rain’. ‘Pear drop drifts of choking cloud’ I liked; on the whole, as the genre demands, there are few surprises in the lyrics. A welcome change of tempo, rattlesnake percussion, illuminates ‘Cynical’; then a realistic Riverman dredges litter as he watches beauty die. Nightingale is a concise summary of a life of duty and Jezebel a cry of betrayal against robust piano. It’s not often a country song uses ‘vilipend’ but it’s appropriate to No Damn Illusion. Feel The Power is a tribute to the coming of the word, a kind of celebration. Nicely produced, Greg’s CD has the air of mantra close by; experiences intense and entwining. There’s not much sense of fun, but maybe that’s been sacrificed for the unity of the CD. Blood On The Tracks wasn’t full of one-liners, after all. ‘When all seems lost, there’s all to gain. Bob Kenward

Acoustic Music Night at “The George”

Stone Street CT4 6DF Every third Wednesday of the month 8pm - 10.30pm If you enjoy playing or listening to unplugged acoustic music of all types (folk, blues, pop, rock, country, jazz, soul, classical etc) you are very welcome to join us at the pub for a free, relaxed and entertaining evening. For more information, contact Jeff on 01303 813188 Doors/bar open 7 for 7.30

The Bell, High Street Kemsing TN15 6NB

2nd Thursday each month from 8:30pm a great programme of events for 2019

October 10th Come All Ye - Welcome all Singers and Musicians night. November 14th Hunt the Wren the welcome return of favorite performers Pam and Jon are organisers of the Harwich Shanty Festival

December 12th Christmas Party

'Resident singers: Alan Austen and Linda Smith' as well as our regular club members.

All musicians, singers and audience very welcome. Contact: 01689 825263/ 0208 857 1024


folk festival




“Tenterden the Jewel of the Weald”

olk festival 2019

:.+ 2'*? 25<+9 '+8562'4+9 :.+ 2'*? 25<+9 '+8562'4+9 Words and Music by Bob Watson Freely with a Flow; Not too fast

:.+ 2'*? 25<+9 '+8562'4+9 :.+ 2'*? 25<+9 '+8562'4+9 Words & Music by Bob Watson


They say the lady loves aeroplanes, such joy for her to see them, Their slipstreams trailing like paper chains, Across the wide open skies; She watches as they take the air, like mighty birds ascending, Or touching down on the runway's face, Another journey's ending. Through summer sunshine and winter rains, The lady's love for those aeroplanes Waxes and never wanes . . . The lady loves aeroplanes.


Don’t doubt the lady loves aeroplanes, just step inside her dwelling; The exhibition that it contains Would surely then put you wise. There's pictures hanging on every wall Of greater planes or lesser; And every shelf tightly crammed with books, And models on each dresser . . . . Some take a fancy to ships and trains, But this one's into those aeroplanes; More than just growing pains . . . The lady loves aeroplanes.


Because the lady loves aeroplanes, You'd think her fond of flying, A frequent traveller on lofty lanes -I found to my great surprise: She's never trodden a gangway plank, Content you’d have to term her To love those great birds all from afar, Her feet on Terra Firma . . . There's nothing said yet that quite explains The lady's love for those aeroplanes; But still the fact remains: The lady loves aeroplanes.

© COPYRIGHT 2000 ROM Watson 9 Compton Close Earley READING RG6 7EA UK E-mail:

CD Reviews Dougie MacKenzie with Brian Miller - Along The Way Greentrax CDTRAX403 Dougie makes his first CD though from his photo, he is no youngster and this does not come as a surprise because you would not expect a younger singer to have the easy mastery of delivery that is shown here; the singing is measured and assured, the voice is sweet and sure, the tone is entirely pleasing. Apart from one composition each from Mike Waterson and Dave Goulder, He has chosen songs and ballads from the Scottish tradition with some sung to tunes that are different the standard ones an it is good to hear “The Rigs o’ Rye” and “The Queen Amang The Heather” sung to different melodies. There is also a slow paced and thoughtful “Wild Rover”. Dougie’s first singing love was the Gaelic songs that he sang in his youth and there are occasional reminders of this in the way that he decorates the tune in the unaccompanied songs which comprise a half of the tracks. On alternate items he is accompanied by one of Scotland’s favourite guitar accompanist, Brian Miller who has been enhancing recordings of Scots singers since the early 1970s. He keeps his contributions here fairly simple and they never intrude on the flow of the song. This gives the album a slightly old-fashioned feel in these days of heavily produced albums, but it sounds much fresher as a result. The fact is that here is a voice that needs little added to it. Vic Smith Music Event entertains in the fight against heart disease A concert to celebrate the life of Martin Salisbury, the founder and proprietor of The Sevenoaks CD Shop, was organised by John Levett of The Listening Room Music Agency and the event took place on 5th July as part of The Sevenoaks Summer Festival. The concert opened with solo guitar from Paul Malsom, continued with solo pianist Neil Angilley and concluded with two of Martin’s favourite singer-songwriters, Charlie Dore and Julian Littman. John Levett said: - “Following Martin’s sudden death from heart disease in 2017, we were very pleased to support the British Heart Foundation and do something special in Martin’s memory”. A cheque for £1580.40 from the event was presented to the British Heart Foundation on Friday 9th August by John and Sarah Salisbury, Martin’s wife, who said; “After my husband’s very sad and unexpected death from cardiac arrest, his family are extremely grateful to the organisers, musicians, friends and customers for giving their support to Martin’s Memorial Charity Concert. This was a very fitting tribute and has enabled us to make a donation to the British Heart Foundation in the name of a much missed and special man.” Kim Brophy, Kent Fundraising Manager for the BHF said: - “We are very grateful to receive such a generous donation in memory of Martin, sadly we all know someone affected by heart and circulatory disease but this donation will allow more vital research to change the future for heart patients and will go towards helping us better understand how to prevent, diagnose and treat heart and circulatory conditions, which currently affects around seven million people in the UK and thank everyone for their support”.

Dartford Folk Club BBC Radio 2 Best Folk Club of the year 2008 01322 222553




To receive regular updates: Email (put ADD on subject line)


Sussex Folk News The folk club that meets at the Toy museum in Brighton does not have a regular meeting day nor does it have a regular pattern of dates so it is best to keep an eye on their website at to keep yourself up to date with their events. Another difference is that they do not have the more usual pattern of floor singers and residents but instead they a concert format with a main guest and a support act. What they do have is an attractive programme of established acts and newer names. Here is what they have on offer for October and November. Oct 4th – The Askew Sisters (support David Gunawardana) Oct 19th – Aidan O’Rourke & Kit Downes (support Tilly Moses) Oct 25th – Sandra Kerr & John Faulkner perform music from Bagpuss (support Thom Ashworth) Nov 9th – Harri Endersby (support Thickets) Nov 22nd – Bird in the Belly (support Bill Jones) Chichester, in the west of the county has three regular folk music ventures. The Chichester Folk Club is one of the longest running clubs in the country and has made its home in quite a number of the city’s pubs during that time. It’s current home is in the Chichester Inn at 38 West Street, PO19 1RP. This club meets in a Monday and is the only one of the three that books guests. Their programme for October and November has not been announced yet but their excellent website at is regularly updated. The Chichester Acoustic Music Club (better known as The Chichester Pickers) is a non-profit enterprise and has no website at present. They also meet at the Chichester Inn in West Street on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month and welcome visitors and local and visiting performers. As their name suggests, this club has a strong emphasis on bluegrass and American Old Time music. The City Folk Club meets on Fridays, 8 - 11pm and has been operating successfully in Chichester for 15 years. as a singaround club. Their home is at the Regnum Guide Hall, 29 Whyke Lane, Chichester, PO19 7US. Here is how they describe themselves:“Our aim is to encourage, share, perform and listen to live music in good company. ‘Folk’ is a loose term: we welcome all varieties of song and acoustic music. Consider it as a gathering of friendly people, (folk!) with a shared interest. We do our best to make everyone feel welcome, so just make contact by email (cityfolkclub@ and come along.” At the other end of the county there is a concert club which regularly promotes a mixture of folk, country and Americana acts. This is Mrs Yarringtons Music Club, whose new home is at Whatlington village hall, Whatlington, Battle. Their programme for the period of this issue is as follows:John Emil 1st Oct The Carrivick Sisters 15th Oct, Tir na nOg 29th Oct Prita 12th Nov The Captain of the Lost Waves 26th Nov,. More details on their website at or phone 07794821454 By the end of this year, the Lewes Saturday Folk Club will have presented 275 of their all-day workshops. They have become enormously popular and people have travelled from all over the country (an even from abroad) to participate. Advance bookings are essential for these events that always seem to run from 10.45 am - 4.45 pm with the tutors usually performing in the evening for their regular club nights in the upstairs room at the Elephant

& Castle in White Hill in Lewes in the evening. The five that take place during this diary period are:•

12th October Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer on “Early Music For Folk Musicians”

13th October (a Sunday event whilst they are still in town). Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer on “Nyckelharpa & Scandinavian Music

9th November, the American musician Riley Baugus on “American Old Time Banjo”

A fortnight later there will be three workshops in two days from those superb musicians Simon Mayor and Hilary James.

23rd November Simon Mayor mandolin workshop

23rd November Hilary James voice workshop (this event at the Royal Oak in Station Street)

24th November Simon Mayor fiddle workshop.

More details of all this club’s events from Valmai at (01273) 476757 or email Vic Smith

CD Reviews Silly Wizard TECD420 Silly Wizard is a recording from 1976 at Maritime Studio in Edinburgh but the age of the recording does not in any way detract from its quality or clarity. My only complaint is a lack of any sleeve notes. All you get is a list of the six members of the band, a list of the 11 tracks and the words to Heron Election Ballad No 4 by Roberts Burns printed behind the CD . The tracks range from the songs such as Carlisle Wall, Jenny Gray’s Whiskey and The Shearing, to tunes including The Wind Shakes the Barley and The Fairy Dance. This CD will certainly get a few plays to wake me up. The Fiddlers Dream; Dransfield TECD433 The Fiddlers Dream is The Dransfield’s recorded for Sanctuary Records in March and April 1976 and includes both Barry and Robin on vocals along with Brian Harrison plus numerous instruments including guitars, fiddles, dulcimer, zither, cello, piano, organ, etc. and Charlie Smith on drums. Seven of the 10 tracks were written by Robin, one by Barry, one by Robin and Barry and one, The Blacksmith is based on a “old folk song”. The CD is divided into four parts; Up to Now, Losers and winners, the fool and the beginning of the never ending. Alan Castle (Editor)

Lewes Saturday Folk Club Traditional music every Saturday night Elephant & Castle, White Hill, Lewes BN7 2DJ 8.00 – 11.00 01273 476757 Loyalty card: 6 evening visits = £5 off an evening Oct 5 Oct 12 Oct 19 Oct 26 Nov 2 Nov 9 Nov 16 Nov 23 Nov 30

Songs of the Sea with Don Morgan Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer 2 all-day workshops Cliff James plus Ruth Cooke CD launch Andy Irvine advance tickets from website Jim Bainbridge Riley Baugus Banjo workshop Sunday 10 Nov Iris Bishop, Marilyn Bennett & Sue Gates Simon Mayor & Hilary James 3 all-day workshops Bob Lewis

WORKSHOPS (10.45 am – 4.45 pm) The tutor performs at the club in the evening. Booking forms from club website. Half-price places for 2 under-25 year-olds. 12 Oct 13 Oct 10 Nov 23 Nov 23 Nov 24 Nov 7 Dec


Broadstairs Folk Week Despite the erratic August weather, I managed to get down to Broadstairs Folk Week for a couple of days. After a weekend of wet and windy weather, Monday started dry but while we were sitting in The Neptune where the guest at Pete Collins and Mike Nicholson’s singaround was Derek Gifford, the rain came down. We left the busy, but not full, Neptune, dodged the rain and hurried over to the Baptist Centre to see The Story of Peterloo with Pete Coe, Brian Peters and Laura Smyth. It was very nearly a full house when Strannik (an Anglo Russian group) started the show. Despite what may have been weather related electrical problems, they presented an interesting and enjoyable set. As you might expect the Peterloo show was excellent. From there we went up to the Crampton Tower for a concert with Pete Collins, Mike Nicholson, Loctup, Hook Line and Sinker and Laura Smyth. A good variety and mix of performs and great singing. Nothing took my fancy on the evening bill so it was back to Ashford. Thursday the weather was much better so we started with a stroll along the front to the Bandstand and the craft fair stopping to talking to friends along the way. We eventually made our way up to the Crampton to see Keith Kendrick and Sylvia Needham. The programme indicated that they were doing “Short Sharp Shanties” but in actual fact it was a very interesting and enjoyable show about English poet and songwriter Sidney Carter. After a quick lunch it was back to the Tower to see the Kent song collective’s The Green Boughs, with Bob Kenward, Roger Resch, Sue Watson, John and Di Cullen and Steve Moreham. A good collection of traditional and new songs from Bob well sung by the diverse cast. Again nothing took my attention for the evening so it was a drive home. Alan Castle (Editor)

Music at Rosslyn Court,, Margate Concerts - Advance booking please as it is a small venue It’s easy to arrange! - see below. 7.30-10.00ish, £10 bar and soft drinks available Oct 5 Na--Mara - Worldwide Celtic music and songs from 2 excellent players Oct 26 Rattle on the Stovepipe -a pre-Halloween treat Nov 14 Allison de Groot and Tatiana Hargreavves – Bluegrass/Americana at its best Nov 23 King Size Slim – All acoustic rootsy blues like you want to hear them Dec 7 Matin Young – Faversham’s own, rooted firmly in the English tradition Workshops - Please book in advance - £12 each 2.00 – 4.00 unless otherwise specified Nov 2 + 16 + 30 Fortnightly Fiddle workshop - with Krista Bubble. 2.30 – 4.30 Serious fun. Oct 5, Nov 2, Dec 7 Clog/step dancing – with Lesley Riding and Banjo Dave 10.30-12.00 Clogs not essential; tea and biscuits to keep you going; light hearted and only £10 Oct 5 Songs and tunes from the Celtic world – with NaMara Oct 12 Mandolin Improvers – with Dick Smith Oct 26 Fiddle Workshop – with Pete Cooper from Rattle on the Stovepipe Nov 23 Guitar Techniques – with King Size Slim Other workshops coming soon with John Kirkpatrick, Steve Turner, Tom McConville and others Rosslyn Court is at 62 Sweyn Rd, Cliftonville, Margate CT9 2DD. Your host is Morag Butler. You can check event details at; you can book in advance at Wegottickets For other info contact, or phone 07902140248


FOLK-AT-THE-DRUM The Club meets every Thursday at ‘The Drum’ Inn at N. Stanford, Stone Street (Between Cant’ & Hythe)

14 June - Keith Kendrick

31 Octoberand - Graeme & SylviaKnights Needham Heather Chapman. 12 July - Geoff Higginbottom 14 - Border Crossing 23November August - Peter Collins All other evenings Singers Nights Guest Nights 8.00 p.m. Singers Nights 8.00 p.m. Members, Guests & visitors are always welcome to play, sing, listen or do all three! On Club Nights everyone who wishes gets a spot to perform. On Guest Nights there is limited time for ‘floor artists’ but a phone call usually gets you a spot. Tel: 01797 320518 mobile: 07890 292467 or email:

The Queen’s Arms, on the B2026 midway between Edenbridge and the A264, Tunbridge Wells - East Grinstead Road 8 - 11 pm

19th Oct - Dave Webber & Anni Fentiman Great to have them back!

16th Nov - The Twagger Band Brace yourselves, keep those toes tapping!

14th Dec - Christmas Capers Keep on Mumming!

Tonbridge Folk Club (Nellie’s) The Flying Dutchman, 118 Tonbridge Road, Hildenborough, Kent TN11 9EN First and third Mondays of each month, 8 - 11 pm

7th October

Tom Lewis

Renowned for his robust renderings of shanties and other sea songs.

21st October

Geoff Higginbottom

Well known on the folk scene for his renderings of an eclectic mixture of songs.

4th November

Daria Kulesh

Original and melodious songs based on her Russian heritage and experience of life.

18th November Sally Ironmonger with Brian Carter Songs serious and amusing, many of them with a Kent theme.

2nd December Chris N Alan Davis

The Change of Horses Farnborough Village Orpington, Kent, BR6 7BB



Shackleton Trio

10th & 24th

Singers & Musicians Nights


Les Elvin


Hunter Muskett




14th & 28th 21st

Singers & Musicians Nights

Dave Plane (Guitar and vocals) Joe Hymas (Mandolin and vocals)

We are also hoping to get the two other members of the band Monroes Revenge

Tel: 01892 822945

Thursdays @ 8.15pm 01959 532 754 020 8325 6513

Website: E-mail:

CD Reviews Lynne Heraud & Pat Turner - Watching For Winkles 15 tracks Heroines of the Broadstairs Music Hall and Supergirls of stunning harmony, Lynne & Pat present another cornucopia from their impressive repertoire. Don’t be fooled by the titlethere are feats of innuendo, sure, but the first track is Fair Rosamund, in cut-glass harmony, a quality tragedy, and the second Only A Dream, Mary Chapin Carpenter’s poignant drama here brought close by the simple arrangement far from full band complexity. Doesn’t take long for Lynne to pop in a bit of Fried Fish though- these two know a bit about making powerful songs more so by adding some fun in between. You get two originals from Lynne and four from Pat here, a mixture of sauce and a lovely North Wind which brings out the side of their writing I’ve always enjoyed, the clear vision of how things really are, expressed in ways which make you think. Guitar, concertina, whistle and kazoo; 6 traditional songs from The Wrecking Of The Nightingale to When I Was A Young Girl, crisply recorded and full of vim. The title track, by Hilary Bix, brings us back to the good time gals we know and love. Get well soon, Lynne, we need more CDs like this to cheer us up in curious times. Bob Kenward Eclectic; Big Country TECD426 Eclectic is from 1996 and, as you might expect, is more of a rock album but the 13 tracks are quite diverse and include versions of Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi, The Night they Drove Old Dixie Down, Lennon and McCartney’s Eleanor Rigby, Steve Harley’s Sling it and Keith Richards Ruby Tuesday. Some tracks were recorded with a live audience. Definitely not one for the folk purists! Alan Castle (Editor)

Tenterden Folk Festival The next big event on the local folk Festival scene is of course Tenterden Folk Festival from Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th October. The advert elsewhere in AKF lists all the guests and the free programme has been distributed and is available online. Like all festivals Tenterden is very dependent on the weather. We have had years, even in early October, where the dress code has been shorts and shirts and other years with jumpers and raincoats. Whatever the weather there is plenty to do, some great concerts, barn dance, popular song and music sessions in four friendly pubs, workshops, Sea Shanties, Morris, procession, etc. etc. There should be at least 30 Morris sides on Saturday and 12 on Sunday. We have more stalls than ever before in the marquee on the Recreation Ground including PJ Music who is back after a gap of a few years and One Stop Morris Shop making their first visit. We hope to see you all there. Alan Castle (Editor and Festival Director)

WANTED LPs, EPs, 45s, CDs Folk, blues, reggae, jazz and rock

Collec ons or smaller items Best prices paid Ring Collin 07860 354 135

Tenterden Folk Festival 2019 Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th October Free music stage programme SATURDAY From 10.30 11.45 13.00 14.15 15.15 15.45 17.00

To 11.30 12.45 14.00 15.15 15.45 16.45 18.00


Artist/ Group Rattlebag BeBollywood dancers Open Water Approx Ashford Folk Band Interval for procession Broomdasher Approx Stoned Cherries

SUNDAY 10.45 12.00 13.15

11.45 13.00 14.30

Stoned Cheries Highworth Folk Band Portsmouth Shantymen, Portside and Malcolm Ward 14.45 15.45 Discovery (Jeff and Elained Gillett) 16.00 17.00 Approx Broomdasher The free music stage is on the Recreation Ground


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O H S K L FO Sunday 9 - 10 pm Presented by Doug Welch mw 96.7 (west) 104.2 (east) Live show featuring guest performers and artists appearing in Kent venues. Send info to: 0345 9811 111 Radio Kent Folk Show The Great Hall Mount Pleasant Road Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1QQ

Shepherd and Crook Inn Burmarsh TN29 0JJ 01303 872336

Open Mic Night 1st & 3rd Tuesdays every month

7.30 – 9.30pm Come and join us, and sing-a-long with a local ukulele band If you play come and entertain us It’s a fun evening

The Prisoner’s Lament John Hills. Oct. 08

The Prisoner’s Lament John Hills. Oct. 08

Is that the sky-lark’s song I hear through these prison bars? Needle sharp and crystal clear like I’ve never known before. I must have heard it a thousand times but gave it little mind. But Oh, how I will miss it when I leave this land behind.

Chorus:The bell will sound our sailing time, the canvas fill with the breeze. Those on shore will grieve for us while the lark still sings in the sky.

Is that my mother’s sad lament for her wayward son? Whose wild and wilful life was spent with no thought for anyone. So many times I made her cry and saw the bitter tears fall. But now I know she’s shedding the bitterest tears of all.

Is that my child at the gate in his mother’s arms? Not old enough to know my fate, he’s safe inside his dreams If only there was time enough to let him know I care. But I must bid a sad Adieu to the life we’ll never share.

I hear my wife’s last pleading prayer ringing in my ears. “If you love us please stay here and drive away my fears”. But like a gambler. One more time, I had to throw the dice. I took the bet, lost the game and now must pay the price.

Is that the gaoler’s step I hear behind this heavy door? He’s come to board me on a ship, bound for some foreign shore. No remission, no release, confined there all my days. While who love me wish me back while the lark still sings in the sky.

CD Reviews Tall Tales and Home Truths; Becky Mills TECD414 Becky is a singer, songwriter and guitarist in the folk style. The 10 songs on this CD were all written by her and are about her ancestors, family and friends. The stories told are personal to her but interesting to us because the stories they tell could relate to many families of the times. Becky’s style is simple and uncluttered despite the fact that guest musicians on the CD include Ashley Hutchings, Blair Dunlop, Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne, Ruth Angell, Jonny Short, Mark Layton-Bennett. The CD is well worth a listen and if Becky comes to a folk club near you go along and hear her. Gone Missing; Ashley Hutchings TECD423 Gone Missing is described as a companion album to “By Gloucester Docks I sat down and wept” and “Paradise and Thorns” including influences, out-takes and rarities. It is mainly Ashley but also includes members of the Albion Dance Band, Rainbow Chasers, Blair Dunlop and others. The 22 tracks start with Seneca Two Step (Albion Dance Band 1987) and include readings, poems, songs, tunes and stories performed or read by Ashley and date from circa 1554 to 2019 and composers or writers range from one W Shakespeare, Sir Philip Sidney, Graham Greene, Bob Dylan and, of course, Ashley himself. Ashley’s simple reading of Brief Encounter backed only by Julie Matthews is followed by Brief Encounters performed by Polly Bolton, Chris Whiles, Pete Zorn and Julie. Blair’s singing of Bob Dylan’s, Girl from the North Country, is well worth a listen. The CD finishes as it started with Albion Dance Band performing Young Love on the Dance Floor from 1987. Another excellent CD from Ashley. Billy Connolly Live; Billy Connolly TECD427 Billy Connolly Live was recorded live in 1972 with an enthusiastic audience. It dates from a time when Billy was still mainly a singer but has plenty of chatter and extended introductions. Most of the songs, while humorous or slightly tongue in cheek, (Song of a Small Man, The Donkey, Good Love and others) are performed seriously and show Billy as a talented singer, songwriter and banjo and guitar player. Some songs, such as A Little of Your Time, are actually even serious songs. To get back to the comedy you can listen to Oh Dear about outside toilets in Glasgow tenements. Alan Castle (Editor)

Chris While & Julie Matthews Tues 15th Oct – St Marys Arts Centre, Sandwich, Online £15, Offline £16, Door £17, U25 £8

The Peatbog Faeries Friday 25th October – Gulbenkian, Canterbury, Full Price £17.50, U25 £10

Skerryvore Sunday 10th November – Gulbenkian, Canterbury, Full Price £18, U25 £10

The Pitmen Poets Saturday 16th November – Gulbenkian, Canterbury, Full Price £20, U25 £10

Gigspanner Big Band Saturday 23rd November – Gulbenkian, Canterbury, Full Price £19, U25 £10

Martyn Joseph Sunday 1st December – Gulbenkian, Canterbury, Full Price £17.50, U25 £10


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17-19 January


The Sarah Thorne Theatre Broadstairs

The BROADSTAIRS FOLK WEEK WINTERFEST is a fundraising event with the aim of financially supporting our summer festival during times of scarce public grants.

Acts confirmed so far:

CHRIS DIFFORD THE LITTLE UNSAID EDGELARKS THE LOWLY STRUNG LUNCH SPECIAL DAVE ELLIS & BOO HOWARD PHIL HENRY solo ARCELIA HOBO & THE HIPPIES SALLY IRONMONGER SAM BROTHERS RICHIE TRIANGLE More artists will be announced on our website as they are confirmed. In 2020 the event will be over 3 days, the Friday evening being a dance, the Saturday and Sundays being afternoons and evenings of concerts. There will be food and a licensed bar available, mostly with donated items from local businesses. Fund-raising Quiz - 26 October 7.30pm - the Memorial Hall, Broadstairs Kent CT10 2TR - with host Doug Hudson. Tickets £5 available on 01843 604080 Broadstairs Folk Week 2020 7th to 14th August Make a date for your diary and meet up with your folkie friends in those bleak winter months.



Every Wednesday 8.00pm Doors open 7.30

Folk Club

The Limes

Oct - Nov

April - May

Preston Steet, Faversham ME13 8PG 2nd October - Steve Ashley - £8/9 A return of a favourite songsmith with a fine voice and an eye for the original. 16th October - Jack Rutter - £8/9 Truly captivating singer of traditional songs with beautiful accompaniments on guitar, bouzouki and concertina. 30th October - Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne & Rosie Hood - £8/9 Cohen is a fine musician (melodeon & concertina) and singer and Rosie is a very special singer. 6th November - Hunter Musket - £8/9 Still going strong after 40 years! 20th November - The Mile Roses - £9/10 Kate, Simon & Karl - all singer songwriters with diverse roots.

Unless otherwise stated, admission to guest nights is £6 members, £7 non-members Other Wednesdays are Singers ‘ Nights, £2 for an eclectic mix... All singers nights now £2. Under 18 always free Chairman/ Bookings: Pat on 01795 423674 or rjpmailbox Press/ Radio Publicity:Bob on 07885 642763 /

CD Reviews Granny’s Attic - Wheels Of The World 10 tracks - available from the band Quite simply the best cd of arranged traditional song for years. Granny’s Attic are well-known now for tight musicianship and here take 7 from established sources along with 2 tune sets and an original by fiddler Lewis Wood. Splitting the vocals within songs works well, Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne with the more folktrad delivery against George Sansome’s clarity and strength. The title track demonstrates how folk song remains relevant, bang up to date in fact, before a celebration of potential cannibalism in Ye Seamen Bold. Interesting to hear long fiddle notes against a punchy squeeze- the weave of top musicians in fine form runs throughout. Unlike many, though, Granny’s Attic really respect the lyrics, placing them firmly to the fore. Lovely to hear. As I Slept In My Chair has an additional verse worth checking out, again with a modern resonance. This is followed by a ballad where a woman is pitched overboard ( she will have a gold coffin) - interesting programming. This is where the reviewer runs out of superlatives. The last four tracks are stunning. George’s Gilderoy is as good as I’ve ever heard, Cohen’s Highwayman has a bold swagger and Lewis’s own Fenland is a waltz of subtle weather. As for Our Captain Cried All Hands, so much emotion, strength through direct, clear vocal. If anyone’s still wondering whether folk music will survive, yes, the future is right here. Granny’s Attic play the tradition with skill, care and respect. Highly recommended. Jerry Jordan - The Leaves Of Life (16 tracks) Rosey Morn (17 tracks) Jerry Jordan has long been one of the finest singers in Sussex, his repertoire of traditional ballads and unaccompanied contemporary songs part of the scene since 1965. He has finally been persuaded to release a couple of CDs which show that even approaching his 80th year he is a force to be reckoned with. The Leaves Of Life features many songs which will be familiar, The Gresford Disaster, 30’ Trailer, The Farmer’s Anthem, and all are given a new lease of life by Jerry’s sheer involvement with the lyric. Dirty Old Town becomes real again. Following hard on the heels, Rosey Morn has four poems to which Jerry has put tunes and four of his own songs. It’s hardly surprising that Georgia Lewis found something to like here. Jerry cites the Watersons, Louis Killeen and Tony Rose as sources- he has carried the flame for many years himself and all with modesty that belies his influence and recognition. Catch these two before they run out, listen to the way each song is brought to life and imagine the chat between which is the unaccompanied singer’s repartee. This is Jerry, and thank goodness he was persuaded! Bob Kenward

Deal Friday Folk Club meets 8pm every Friday at RMA Club (upstairs) 37 The Strand, Walmer CT14 7DX October 26th - Granny's Attic - 3 incredibly talented young men who have taken the folk world by storm in October recent11th years - Cathryn Craig & Brian Willoughby

Wonderful singer from America + guitar wizard ex-Strawbs.

November 9th - Singer's Night with Remembrance November 8th - Said the Maiden theme (Armistice Day Centenary)

Trio of girls with beautiful voices & lovely harmonies.

November 16th Quicksilver Grant Baynham & Coming soon on- 6th December-Bob Kenward. Hilary Spencer entertain and delight with virtuoso guitar and amazing voice Guest nights - £5. Singers Nights - £1.50 Singers, £2 Non-singers or ring Sue on 01-304-360877

Moore OR Less Folk Club Oast Community Centre, Granary Close, Rainham, Kent, ME8 7SG (next to Rainham railway station)

Second Friday of each month The club always welcomes new performers, of any ability, and audience who just wish to listen.

11th October - Singers Night 8th November - Singers Night Both dates: Entrance £3 (including raffle) All singers nights are £2.00 members and £3.00 non-members Guest nights as advised but generally £4.00 / £5.00

All Club Nights 8.30 - 11.00pm Doors/bar open 7 for 7.30

Doors/bar open 7 for 7.30 Enquiries Chris Wilkin 01634 366155

Skinners Rats As last issue

EGERTON FOLK AND BLUES CLUB Meets every last Tuesday of the month, at The Barrow House, Egerton, TN27 9DJ, from 8pm. Folk, Blues and beyond. No guests, just residents and itinerants. All welcome. Hat collection. Contact Jerry Hatrick

(01233) 756357.

Foots Cray Social Club Waring Road Entrance, DA14 5BY

Open Music and Song Session in the Bar every Monday 8.00 11.00 p.m. www.crayside-folk-club for more information All genres- – Mainly Acoustic, but quiet electric guitars with battery amp allowed- must be compatible sound level. Beginners Encouraged. Experience is gained through jamming along. Occasional Open Mic Evenings and Guest Nights. Players, poets, storytellers, and listeners welcome. Free Entry – Please support our raffle, which pays our running costs.

CD Reviews Ben Paley - Homunculus Mellitus - Own Label - HECD08 Ben has been involved in a great number of recordings over the years with a wide variety of musicians but it is doubtful that any of them has demonstrated his unique talent as clearly as this, his first solo album - and it really is a solo effort. He is the only person playing fiddle and singing and adding little touches of guitar and mandolin; and to cap it all, he designed recorded it all himself in his kitchen on a hill above Brighton. Over the years he has been something of a reluctant singer but here he is in great voice singing three songs that he learned from his famous father, Tom, and one from his mother Claudia. They sound like a tribute to each of them as those familiar with their voices will soon recognise, both fine singers in their different ways. In the main, though, this a fiddle record by a master of the instrument. He plays tunes from the traditions that he has been immersed in; from Sweden, the USA and Ireland and a more recent love, those from English sources, as he says “with its subtle, loping rhythms: angular and captivating.” His interpretation of “The Black Joak” and “The Radstock Jig” demonstrate exactly what he means by these words. The album has been played many times since it dropped through the letterbox and it reveals different aspects of its beauty at each playing. It is exquisite. Flook - Ancora - Flatfish Records - Flatfish006CD Can it really be so long? They inform us that it is fourteen years since the last album by Flook was released. It is the same quartet with the flutes and whistles of Sarah Allen and Brian Finnegan taking prominence on most of the twelve tracks with the solid accompaniments coming from the guitar of Ed Boyd and the always impeccable bodhan playing of John Joe Kelly. All the tunes are modern compositions with most of them coming from Brian and Sarah with some fine tuneful pieces amongst them. The reels that open the album and hornpipe and reel that close it are outstanding. Elsewhere it the slower items that really hit the mark particularly Brian’s “Ellie Goes West” with the flute that opens the track joined by some very beautiful cello playing by Patsy Reid. She is one of thirteen guest musicians on the album; most only appear on one or two tracks - even Phil Cunningham’s accordion only makes a fleeting appearance. The exception is Amadou Diagne. This Sengalese jali is best known for his superb kora playing but here contributes percussion; well, it is more than that actually because he brings a distinctive Manding vibe to all the tracks that he is on and that contrasts neatly with the Celtic tinges of the four band members. Generally the production, recording quality an musicianship are all of the first order, though there are a few places where too much is added and things become a little messy otherwise excellent. Vic Smith

This issue of Around Kent Folk was produced by Alan Castle and Andy Wood on behalf of Tenterden Folk Festival. Promoting folk song, music, dance, crafts and traditions. Registered Charity No 1038663 Issue No. 96 December/January COPY DATE: 18th October Then … 18th October - December / January 18th April 2020 – June / July 18th December – February / March 18th June 2020 – August / September 18th February 2020 – April / May 18th August 2020 – October / November

ADVERTISING RATES: With both printing and postage costs continuing to rise we have reluctantly decided to increase some of our advertising rates with effect from issue 91. The new rates are as follows: Full colour: Back cover: £75 Inside front or back cover: £65 Full page run of issue: £60

Grayscale: Back cover (if available): £50 Inside front or back cover (if available): £50 Full page: £35 / Half page: £25 Quarter page: £16

Series discount: 10% if you pay in advance for a series of six adverts. You can still submit new artwork for each issue. Artwork: Copy for new advertisements should be supplied as camera ready artwork by email as a high-resolution PDF, JPEG, or TIFF. Existing, regular advertisers need only send in new copy to update existing adverts. A minimum extra charge of £10 will be made if you cannot submit your artwork in the correct format or sizes. Adverts and listings should be sent to with a copy to Payment: Cheques payable to Tenterden Folk Day Trust (not Tenterden Folk Festival or Around Kent Folk). Send cheque and hard copy of adverts to: Alan Castle, 15 Repton Manor Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 3HA You can also pay by BACS or internet banking. Ask for details. REVIEWS AND NEWS ITEMS: AKF also includes CD and book reviews. Please send items for review to the address above. AKF also welcomes reviews of live gigs and festivals that you have attended and other folk news which you can email to us at WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA: ● Around Kent Folk Subscription Form Name ....................................................................................................................................... Address .................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. Telephone: ............................................................................................................................... Email:....................................................................................................................................... SUBSCRIPTION £8 for 1 year (6 issues) Cheques payable to “Tenterden Folk Day Trust” Send to: Alan Castle, 15 Repton Manor Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 3HA

Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th October

Four days of folk song, music, dance, crafts and traditions


olk festival 2019

folk festival



“Tenterden the Jewel of the Weald”

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