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November - Liz Simcock (Rescheduled from January 2022)

aro kent folkund Issue 113 October / November 2022

Your FREE Guide to Folk Events in Kent, Surrey, Sussex and beyond


Well that was summer! Do not panic there are still one or two Folk Festivals to go to including, of course, Tenterden Folk Festival from Thursday 29th September to Sunday 2nd October. All our local festivals seem to have come back after the enforced break and been successful. We have reports in this issue about Broadstairs from Pete the Punter and Sue Watson. Most folk clubs have now re-opened and locally we have only lost one or two as a result of the pandemic. It could have been worse. Deal has not yet re-opened but continues online and the Tenterden Folk Session have moved to a new home at This Ancient Boro as Shepheard Neame have sold The William Caxton which is current in the hands of the builders. It is good to see Folk at the Drum starting to advertise in AKF again. The big question now is how the huge rises in the cost of light and heat will affect folk club venues. It is possible we will see pubs and venues reduce their opening hours, or even closing down over the winter to save on overheads as sales fall. Please keep AKF posted about what your local folk club or venue is planning to do. I look forward to seeing you all at Tenterden Folk Festival.

Alan Castle (Editor)

PS: You can make a donation to Tenterden Folk Festival or this magazine via our websites or by post (see payment details on last page). Thank you. www.tenterdenfolkfestival.org.uk www.aroundkentfolk.org.uk

Around Kent Folk, the independent folk magazine for Kent, Surrey, Sussex and beyond, which is now published six times a year by Tenterden Folk Festival, edited by me with the invaluable assistance of Andy Wood from Anmar Printing Services.

Find us online at www.aroundkentfolk.org.uk and on Twitter as @AroundKentFolk, where you can always find a link to the latest and past issues of AKF. Please pass this link on to your mailing lists and place it on your social media so that as many as possible of our regular readers can find AKF online until we are able to get back to a full print run and physical distribution of the printed magazine. Stay well and take care in these difficult times

Front cover: Jack Rutter (credit Kate Griffin)

Scene & Heard

Summer is a-drawing in, lude sing morrisman: we’ve been blessed for the most part with festival weather and the return of crowds to Kent’s flagship seasonal events. Barn dances are picking up and reopening clubs seem to be building audience again. Broadstairs, aah, Broadstairs, so good it deserves its own piece; Pigs’ Ear, Chickenstock, proof that there are active musicians aplenty ready to race out and entertain. The farmer had only just cut the grass in time for PE, and Euan Headley had arranged a multifaceted guest list for the new date and site. On sound was the ever quick and reliable Chris Basford, always a pleasure to see him at the desk- he gets the acoustic straight away

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