MinBil DinBil - Concept description report

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Delivery 22th of march






Christina Pearl Heldt Hamø

Susanne Birch Munk Hindberg

Mads Donkin

Teodor Christian Voicila

Rasmus Faber

Is Danish and a trained fashion designer. She s tarted her o wn w ebshop w ith danish deisgned i nterior in 2013. Finished MMD i n January 2014. Christiana.hamoe@gmail.com phone: 51 91 26 20

Multimediadeisgner. I w ork in D anChurch Aids’ webgroup. My hobby is creating origami lampshades. susanne.hindberg@gmail.dk phone: 42 25 24 44

Has experience with ideation mangement, concept- and front-end development. Finished MMD at KEA in 2012. Loves music and photography. mads@ideernation.dk phone: 27 89 57 01

Computer Science graduate, looking forward to develop my creative skills. i like blogging and watching good movies. teocris92@gmail.com phone: 71 60 52 49

Multimediadesigner and concept developer at Playground Media. Finished MMD at KEA in 2013. rasfaber@gmail.com phone: 23 70 76 09

GROUP3 Sinthujan Rajakulasingra

Ulla Risager

He loves being in the creative part of the project. He is a great contact creator. He is doing a lot of freelance work in photography, graphic design development. sean@koalition.com phone: 31 38 38 32

Graphic Designer and Co-Owner of Mydestination.com/seoul - an online travel guide in South Korea. i am into online media, fitness and traveling. ulla5595@stud.kea.dk phone: 42 18 82 61




MinBilDinBil (MBDB) approached us in need of a solution on how to get more people to use their car sharing services. They were open minded to whatever initiatives could strengthen their position on the Danish market.

Based on the research conducted in our insight report, we discovered a trend in the desire to share things for profit.3 By analysing our target group, we also found that there is a need for sharing services being, not only highly efficient, but also fast and extremely easy to use at the same time.4 Therefore we have developed a concept that can meet these very requirements.

The problem formulation from our insight report stated; “How can MBDB attract more users and ensure that new and current users stay active on a regular basis?” “What are the needs of potential car owners and renters and how can MBDB adjust their services to meet these needs?”

By combining a street competition with a mobile app, not seen on the Danish market before, offering unique functionality, MBDB will be able to stand out from their competitors by differentiating and positioning their product as the leading peer-to-peer car-sharing service on the market.

To sum up the findings from our insight report, we concluded that several initiatives needed to be carried out in order to answer the above questions. MBDB needs to find a way to ensure that users stay active and actually use the services offered. This should be carried out by differentiation in order to retain and prevent users from switching to competing services. Maintaining a good customer care, interact on social media and consider price scales for car owners is key. MBDB also needs to encourage more sharing by creating strong customer relations and using their agile working ability to create a differentiated and competitive strategy.1

Client Goal; Develop an effective solution for MBDB in order to reach out to more people in Denmark and motivate them to become active, quality users who engage with MBDB on a regular basis.2

1 2 4

Insight Report; 10 Conclusion, page 10 Insight Report; 2 Client Goal, page 2

3 4

Insight Report; 6.2 Sharing Economy and Trends, page 3 Insight Report; 7.2 Target Group, page 8

2.1 CAR HUNT COMPETITION In order to direct people’s attention towards MBDB and create awareness of their services, a car hunt competition is created as part of the marketing campaign. The competition will take place in the streets of Copenhagen, where the largest amount of potential new users are found as stated in our insight report. These findings are based on thorough user research and segmentation.5 The prize of winning the competition is the possibility to choose any car from MBDB’s site and use the car for free for one week, with gas and renting fee being paid by MBDB. This competition is beneficial, not only to car renters, but also to car owners, whose car might be the lucky draw, selected purely by the winner of the Car Hunt competition, making them eligible for earning an extra income during the seven days.

Once the car is unlocked, next step is to get inside the parked car. You take a ‘selfie’ and upload it on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #minbildinbil and make a comment if you wish. Each selfie in the different cars will increase the possibility of winning the competition. This will work as free marketing through the contestants’ online social network, so the awareness of MBDB will spread.

To attract people and to provide contestants with information on how to join, the competition will be marketed through an introductory competition video, explained further below in the digital element section. MBDB will select 10 cars from their current super users. The cars will be placed in different parking spots around the city, with a free parking spot next to it. Each car will have a large sign saying: “Lej Mig!” and the cars will be personalized with a profile description of the car owner, explaining the concept of MinBilDinBil.dk. The car also has a description of the on-going competition where the idea is to get people to try out a specially designed app used for the competition only. This app works as the key to unlock the car. Because the app also functions as the car key for unlocking the 10 cars, this provides the users with an unique opportunity to try out the new and very different way of instantly unlocking a car. Over a period of two weeks, the 10 cars will be seen in different parking spots in busy streets of Copenhagen. When people download the app they also gain access to a map with the location of the cars, located in 10 different areas around Copenhagen. It is up to the contestants to use the map to track down the cars and use the app to unlock them. The 10 competition cars cannot be rented, nor used by the owner within this campaign, they function only as an object to unlock and promote the competition. Next to each car is a free parking spot with a sign saying, “Vi har plads til dig - lej din bil ud via MinBilDinBil.dk” (We have got space for you - rent your car out through MinBilDinBil.dk). This will include car owners, and through a sign they will gain information on how to easily rent out their private car and also try out the new unlock function.


Insight Report; 7.1 Segmentation, page 8 5

2.2 THE CAMPAIGN VIDEO To round up the competition, a video of the Car Hunt is made. There has been a camera inside each of the cars, which has allowed the two-week event to be filmed. People’s reactions to the new function and themselves taking a ‘selfie’ will be included in the film, and spread through MBDB’s Facebook page. The possibility for the film to be spread by the participants is high, since they see themselves in a fun situation in the video. This will also give MBDB an easy way of testing and measuring people’s reaction to the new unique way of unlocking a car, and the simplified possibility of renting.



Testing the new app’s car unlocking feature in the Car Hunt competition, introduces a wide range of people to its functions and the usability of a new service. It also provides a strong motivation for people to become and stay active on the site in order to gain the ‘super user’ title and its benefits. MBDB’s Instant Car (MIC) is a native app for smartphones (devices running iOS, Android or Windows Phone). MIC allows you to see cars in your area that are available right here and now, it lets you rent them directly from your mobile phone and last but not least, it allows you to unlock the vehicle. This can be achieved by installing a GPS / GSM module which is connected to the car lock. MBDB needs to assure their user that they can be trusted and that it is an essential part of their values. In order for MBDB to assure their car owners, that car insurance is being taken care of, they need to have a more transparent and visible communication on the site. To establish further trust, a trust rating system will be implemented into the app, this goes for car owners as well as car renters. Every member of the service has a profile on the site where other user can see ratings of the car and the user and specifications for the car. We want to alter the rating of the site – We call it Trust Rating. The trust rating is a combination of a lot of parameters. User ratings, NEMID validation, Facebook validation and response time as well as driver’s license upload will create a personal trust rating for you and the rating will be shown.


The flow is as follows: 1. The car renter needs a car and launches the app to find nearby available cars. 2. Renter finds a car that suits his or her needs and presses ‘book’. »» The owner will be notified (by push notification) to approve the rental (unless the car renter is a super user, who is already approved). »» The owner approves. »» The owner is able to ‘face time’ the renter if he or she find a need to speak directly to the renter. 3. Renter’s credit card is checked and payment is approved. 4. The car owner is told that the car is rented out. 5. Renter can now unlock and drive using a set of keys in the glove compartment. Renter checks if the car’s condition is consistent with the car inspection report. »» The car owner can always check where the car’s location via GPS. 6. The car renter has the car for a predetermined period of time. 7. Renter puts the car back after use. The app checks if the vehicle is within a predetermined distance from the owner’s address, workplace or etc., in which case the renting period is over. »» The car owner get’s a push notification saying that the car is back. 8. Renter can now rate the car and car owner and write a personal thank you note and review.






See all full size mockups in appendix.


3.2 THE PROMOTION VIDEO The promotion video consists of two parts. First part; seeing a person, who is in a need of a lift and what is better than getting a car? This person then takes his phone and opens the app. On the phone screen there is a map that shows where the person can find cars nearby. He then finds his location and presses ‘search’. Zooming out to the street, cars are now falling down from the air to the street with price tags on the roof. The person then picks one and unlocks it through the phone. The car is now unlocked and the person enters the car and drives away.

A small pause and second part begins; a description of the competition - win a weeks free vacation by finding parked campaign cars throughout Copenhagen. Let the car hunt begin. The app is downloaded and a new person opens it, a map of Copenhagen is shown with the cars located. Diving in on the map to parking lots where the cars are parked, with a voiceover saying find the cars and enter them. When entered take a selfie and upload it to Facebook or Instagram.



The promotion video storyboard (see full size in appendix )

The campaign video is a sum up of the car hunt competition visualized as a ‘happy go lucky feeling video’. Firstly a group of happy people is shown. Then how they turn on their phones and navigate through the map of Copenhagen. Two persons are laughing while running around Copenhagen finding the parking lots where the campaign cars is parked. When the cars are found a lot of selfies and happy faces are shown. In the end the one selfie that won the competition is shown with the winner being overly excited and happy.

The campaign video storyboard (see full size in appendix) 8



A launch plan is created to get an overview and control over the different steps in the solution process. Step 1. Apps Development Three months From May 1st and three month forward, the app for the new ‘unlock’ renting system is developed. In the meantime, over a two week period, the campaign app is developed. Step 2. Video Development Two weeks Throughout the two first weeks from May 1st - 15th a campaign video about the upcoming street-event and general information about MBDB is produced. The video will be posted on MBDB’s YouTube account and be shared on their social media accounts, so the already existing users will be informed about the happening and their benefits from joining it. Step 3. Purchasing of the car module Two weeks MBDB will develop the competition app and GPS/GSM module and install them in the cars, which will be used in the upcoming street competition. The app is free to download for the participants. Step 4. Car Hunt competition Two weeks Throughout the next two weeks from May 17 - 31 the street competition will take place in the streets of Copenhagen. Step 5. Filming the street campaign Two weeks During these two weeks a video is recorded by filming the happening and people’s reactions to it. From both inside the cars and the surroundings Step 6. Editing and release of the street campaign film Four days After the two weeks, the recordings are edited from June 1st - 3, so the video is ready to be used in online (viral) marketing on June 4, which will ‘round-up’ the campaign. This will make the unique ‘unlock car experience’ possible to be spread and get MBDB’s name and services out to the public.

Step 7. Module installation and test period One month To measure what effect the new ‘unlock app function’ has on MBDB’s users, they need to test it small. A group of 20 people, both car owners and renters, are selected from MBDB’s super users. The 10 car owners will have the GPS/GMS module installed in their car for free, and all will be given an introduction to the new device. Over a period of four weeks they will test the new app renting system, and MBDB will gain a valid feedback, before offering the free app to all MBDB users. The GPS/GMS module will be possible for every car owner to purchase themselves. Step 8. Measurements and follow-up campaigns Four and a half year After the Car Hunt competition and try out period for the new ‘un-lock app function’, MBDB should continuously create campaigns, which will maintain users’ attention and interaction. These should be measurable to be certain of the company’s development.


4.2 PLATFORM CHOICES Various platform choices are taken in use to get the most out of the campaign. The videos posted on social medias like Facebook, will take advantage of the quick spreading through private users’ network. Also, implementing a smartphone app will easily connect the fun new ‘unlock’ experience with the target group, which already is comfortable with the platform. Further, to reach and interact with the wanted users, an offline platform-choice in form of the street campaign is used. This allows a wide range of people who are unfamiliar and with a network with no connection to MBDB, to be informed about the company.

5.0 PRODUCT BUDGET6 The Apps development represent the most expensive part of our concept followed by the productions of the two videos (promotion and campaign). The videos will be developed by professional skilled people including ourselves. The numbers are based on only one item (one video, one unlocking device, one GPS tracking device, one future rented car). The most accurate approximation7 is the “Parking Space” for one of the two spaces we are going to use to promote MBDB in the streets of Copenhagen. Of course we also take in consideration a “Buffer” of about 20% of the already estimated expenses.

DKK 481,800

Apps development

DKK 219,000

Video production

DKK 67,460

Parking space

DKK 65,900


DKK 166,832


DKK 1,000,992

TOTAL - Solution

ROI (Return of investment) DKK 300 Average price for car rental DKK 60 MBDB’s profit from rent (20%) 4 Number of rentals per month / user 60 Number of rentals over 5 years DKK 14,400 Total profit from rentals / 1 super user 70 Number of active super users DKK Total 1,008,000 DKK 7,008 ROI +

6 7 10

Detailed budget in the Appendix http://www.parkeringsinfo.dk/parkering-kobenhavn/priser-for-parkering.asp


Spring 2016 Measure goal and plan follow up campaign focus Autumn 2016 Execute follow up campaign Schedule rd Spring 2017 Measure goal and plan follow up campaign Project due time; 3 ½ week (Incl. Easter holiday in 3 week) focus Campaign run time; 5 years Autumn 2017 Execute follow up campaign Date of final client goal; April 31st 2019 Spring 2018 Measure goal and plan follow up campaign focus The Approach Execute follow up campaign Approaching this project we initiated an open talk of what each of our forces and Autumn 2018 st April 31 2019 Client goal reached weaknesses were. We also discussed in what way each of us worked, as we knew that groups was put together of people with similar working patterns. And we discussed ambition levels and expectations with each other.

Role allocation

First thing we all agreed on was to use a shared calendar where everybody would For this project we decided to allocate only a few roles in the team. The specific write that ever fixed plans they already had, like going to work, family visits from tasks were allocated whenever in the process they appeared on the scrum board. abroad and so on. Project manager: Mads Donkin Proof reader: Ulla Risager We also decided to work with a project manager and the scrum method using post-its to track tasks and progress.

Reflections on the group

Delivery Milestones March 31st 2014 at 9pm April 8th 2014 at 9pm April 22nd 2014 at 9pm April 23rd 2014 at 9pm April 24th 2014 at 9am April/May

Group Contract upload Insight Report upload Concept Description upload Presentation upload Final presentation Feedback from teachers

Our common ambition levels, time availability and way of working, made this particular group work very comfortable. Mads as the project manager took care of the ‘big picture’ but all group members were good at initiating and contributing to the entire project. Also having people in the group that are good at analysing with different perspectives, was beneficial. To conclude, we all think that we had a very good working process within the group. As we all had very alike backgrounds and working patterns, there is of course a risk that we completely missed out on important things and that we did not have the right personas to challenge each others ideas, concepts and thoughts thoroughly.

Handover Phase April 24 2014 Presentation for client May 1st - August 1st 2014 Development of the apps May 1st - May 15 2014 Purchasing of GPS/GSM module for the cars May 1st - May 15 2014 Development of campaign video May 17 - May 31 2014 Car Hunt competition roll out May 17 - May 31 2014 Recording and editing second video Aug. 1st - Sep. 1st 2014 GPS/GSM module installation and test period Spring 2015 Measure goal and plan follow up campaign focus Autumn 2015 Execute follow up campaign


7. Appendix 7.1 LITERATURE Insight Report; 2 Client Goal, page 2, group 3 Insight Report; 6.2 Sharing Economy and Trends, page 3, group 3 Insight Report; 7.2 Target Group, page 8, group 3 Insight Report; 7.1 Segmentation, page 8, group 3 Insight Report; Crossing the Chasm; 7.1 Segmentation, page 8, group 3 http://www.parkeringsinfo.dk/parkering-kobenhavn/priser-for-parkering.asp

7.2 BUDGET Apps development

(3 months)


Unit (Hr)

Unit Cost (DKK/Hr)

Cost (DKK)

2 (people)

1.Car key app for unlocking car

Research existing website




GUI Design











Fix bugs




Final Testing




Development (5 dev. x 12 weeks)

2.More complex app



Video Production (x2)


Unit (Hr)

Unit Cost (DKK/Hr)

Cost (DKK)

Video Producer












Lightning Engineer




Sound Engineer







18,000 DKK


Parking space (20 spots) Red Zone/Week 2036 DKK

Green Zone/Week

Time (Weeks)

1337 DKK


4072 / 2674 (1 parking spot) DKK 67,460



Cost (DKK)

Unlocking system (x10)

19000 DKK

GPS Tracking 10 cars

2000 DKK

Car rental 10 cars (2 weeks)

42000 DKK

Car won in the competition (1 week)

2100 DKK








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