Easter Sunday

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Pilate said to them, "Then what shall I do with Him whom you call the King of the Jews?" They shouted back, "Crucify Him!" Mark 15:12-13 It was just a singular death in one little corner of the world. Now the executioners were satisfied, the rock had been set to seal the tomb, the mourners had returned to their homes, and life went on. For Peter, the fulfillment of the Lord's terrible prophecy had unleashed a torrent of guilt - the crowing of the cock ringing relentlessly in his ears, and he must have wondered if the fate Judas had chosen was preferable to the grief he now bore. Yet, he clung to a thread of hope in Jesus' words, "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers." (Luke 22:31-31) The other disciples had also scattered, fearing for their lives, and only Jesus' dearest friend, John, is known to have been at the crucifixion. From their hiding places, as the Sabbath drew near, the murmurings in the streets had reached them: The merciful, wandering carpenter who had brought the unseen Father-God within arms' length, their teacher, confidante and Lord - was dead. Condemned as a blasphemer and a heretic, the man who had been their closest friend and companion for the past three years had been led away to suffer and die, alone, in a cruel and humiliating spectacle of public shame. The voice that had calmed the sea, beckoned Lazarus from the grave and spoken words of grace and hope to multitudes had been silenced. Hands that embraced the unlovable, healed the blind, the lame and leprous, washed the feet of the disciples and broke bread to feed thousands were now pierced and encrusted with the Healer's own innocent blood. But this was not just any man. His promises were not empty. His power, though stayed, had not waned. The Father would not allow His beloved to remain in the grave. And all of heaven held its breath.

Then, at the very apex of history, the Father called His name. Life returned, infused where death had days before claimed victory. Jesus breathed. He rose, healed but for the scars that forever tell of His loving sacrifice and His eternal triumph. The grave had met its match. And all of heaven sang for joy. Praise be to God! For the resurrection is our timeless reminder that when all seems hopeless, when we are hedged in and the darkness is stifling, the Father is waiting for just the right moment. And all of heaven holds its breath. "For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:9-11 Cindy Burrell

Cindy Burrell, a writer, wife, mother and a survivor of emotional abuse is here to tell you that there is hope... After twenty years in an abusive relationship Cindy was left feeling lost, lonely and exhausted. She had learned to compromise her happiness in an unsuccessful attempt to stave off the onslaught of abuse. Her story is one of neglect, fear, lies, and addictions. Finally forced to leave their home with her four children, they escaped the emotional prison in which they had all lived. Although scars remain, Cindy and her children have found healing and restoration. Currently, Cindy works as a professional writer/researcher for a California State Senator. She has served in similar capacities in the Legislature for many years while doing her own writing on the side. "I am an emotional/verbal abuse survivor, and I am - at long last - no longer afraid to share what the Lord has done for me." See her web site at http://www.hurtbylove.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cindy_Burrell

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Real-Life Flying with Accurate WorldWide Scenery Based On Actual Terrain With Over 20,000 of the World's Real Airports & 120+ Different Planes http://www.emmateps.com, http://onlinepaydaysystemreview.blogspot.com, http://catholicyouthdechristianization.blogspot.com, http://emma-paul.blogspot.com/For this experience, just visit: http://d8426erk28kxcmek5dpgq0qp8s.hop.clickbank.net ==== ====

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