eBooks are gaining popularity! eBooks are the new way people read in the 21st century. Digital books have turned to be the most preferred way of reading books for the tech-savvy generation. Authors weave an enticing story in words and the publishers work hard to make it attractive in more ways than one. But the printed frontier should not be the limit for them. eBooks open up a whole new world of possibilities and reach to the audience like never before. TEQTS offers the best in the class eBook conversion services to transform any of your digital or print content into eBooks.
How can we help to maximize the value of your content
TEQTS is a premier eBook conversion service provider with more than 15 years of experience working on various formats and requirements of the clients. We have worked on converting printed books, magazines, comics, journals, and documents into digital version. Our clientele includes popular distributors, authors and publishers, libraries, colleges, content administration suppliers, engineering organizations and many others from a diverse industrial background. Being associated with all our clients has given us the confidence of taking up any eBook conversion task and delivering it with accuracy. Our team of skilled engineers has the expertise to work on various formats presently in use in the market. If you have your content in the printed form or as a digital format like Word, Wordperfect, Ventura, PDF, Quark, InDesign, XML, HTML or any other, we are here to convert it into top quality eBook. No matter the kind of format your content is in, our engineers handle each of the files carefully and methodically follow the conversion process. You may find a tool or cheap service provider in the market who can just throw your content from one platform to another. But ask yourself; is it worth at the cost of quality? When we present you the final eBook, the quality itself will speak volumes about the professionalism we believe in. Not only text but also graphics are dealt with utmost care, giving the reader an elevated experience of reading. Our eBooks are compatible with the Kindle, iPhone, iPad (iBooks), ADE, Sony Reader, Barnes & Noble Nook and desktops. This precision can be achieved based on the client's requirements. Our eBook conversions services include the following 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Manuscript conversion Graphics conversion eBook proof QC check Free customer service support
Here is why TEQTS is the right choice for eBook conversion services:  Complete proofreading of your eBook file before it’s delivered
The large variety of formats and client requirements give us unmatched experience. We follow international norms to test the compatibility of our eBooks thus eliminating any performance error. Advanced tools and technique to deliver top quality. If you have a source file, we can convert it into an eBook. We accept the widest range of formats and deliver the best eBook conversion services. So if you are waiting to publish an eBook, our eBook conversion specialists are always at your beck and call to provide world class services at competitive pricing. We strive to make reading a much cooler trend with our eBooks.