Terberg’s wall of binlifts pictured at IFAT Ensorga 2012
Winter 2013
Special launch issue focussing on our range of low voltage electric bin lifts. Feature interviews with our design experts Case studies from leading waste management service providers Industry professionals feedback
A Real Bright Spark! Terberg R&D Manager, Paul Versteeg talks us through the philosophy, the challenges and the long hours that gave the waste market the largest range of electric bin lifts available today. In these times of ever increasing fuel costs & increased awareness of the damage we are doing to our planet, Local Authorities & Private Sector Organisations alike are looking to improve their environmental impact & drive down costs wherever possible. Not so long ago it would have seemed almost inconceivable that the manufacturer of a bin lift could make little, never mind a significant, difference to the environmental performance of a diesel powered RCV but Terberg Matec with their new range of electric bin lifts have managed to do just that & more thanks to some clever design, lateral thinking & a lot of hard work! HARDWORKING Enter Paul Versteeg, hardworking Dutchman, head of the Terberg Machines R&D department & bin lift expert. To his own admission, Paul had his doubts that a change in binlift design could give the savings required but as he's always up for a challenge, especially an engineering one, Paul and his team gave it a fair crack of the whip. “We'd seen previous attempts at an electric binlift, some successful, others not so successful, which of course gave us a rough idea of what we wanted from the design & more importantly what we didn't want! My team & I developed a design brief back in 2010 & set clear objectives that the solution should meet.” “Our initial brainstorming sessions resulted in fantastic ideas & some pretty crazy ones! But thankfully the process generated an idea that led to the birth of our first electric bin lift.” continued on page 2
Welcome from Will Marzano | Managing Director for Terberg Matec UK We are pleased to share with you the latest instalment of Terberg Times. The success of our range of low voltage electric bin lifts is most encouraging. The level of interest in reducing fuel, reducing carbon footprint and of course reducing noise was perhaps obvious and predictable, however, with such a large investment in new technology it is always satisfying to see positive results. It is always reassuring to read customer testimonials that support technical claims with figures such as an 8% fuel saving being achieved and noise levels that reduce the daily noise exposure for operatives, all with no additional maintenance costs, the new range of Terberg Electric lifts are certainly worth further investigation. We are delighted with the way in which the proven mechanical technology has not been lost or compromised by the addition of the electrical drive. The success of the “Omni” family of lifts has been built on reliability and paramount in the design criteria was not to compromise this. In addition, the use of low voltage has meant existing service engineers have been able to service the lifts without additional specialist training or special safe systems of work. All the lifts are compliant with EN 1501-5:2011 Refuse collection vehicles General requirements and safety requirements - Lifting devices for refuse collection vehicles (which superseded EN15011:98+A2:2009 from February 2012) and all our automatic lifts includes Rear Protection Device to help guard against injury caused by a descending lift chair.
newslet r u o y Enjo
from DESIGN to reality
“Customer feedback suggested that the key design features, safety enhancements and the robust build of our existing binlifts, should be carried through to our final solution”
LISTENING IS KEY ‘Customer is king’ so the old adage goes and with Terberg that’s no exception, the team at the Terberg Machines design facility in IJsselstein record every single piece of information that they receive from the customers operating the thousands of bin lift systems across the globe. This information is key when developing a new product or evolving an existing one as Mr. Versteeg points out; “Customer feedback, and to a lesser extent, our gut feeling, told us that the key design features, safety enhancements, unique geometry and robust build of our existing range of binlifts, in particular our front line 'Omni' range, should be carried through into our final solution. Additionally, this vital ‘first hand’ feedback was to shape some of the evolutionary design changes employed on not only our first electric OmniDELe bin lift but also on the 3rd generation OmniDEL”
RISK FREE SOLUTION Armed with a precise design brief, the intention was clear. Terberg’s team of experienced engineers were to develop the most risk free solution possible. A solution that carried the benefits of an existing, proven bin lift design coupled with more than a handful of improvements and more importantly, a new ‘e-drive’ technology that would have to be developed. As initial design developments continued and the early blueprints of what was to be the finished solution were made visible to various stakeholders it quickly became apparent that the e-drive solution and the modular approach employed meant that the low voltage, electrical power source solution could relatively easily rolled out across all of Terberg’s front line range of bin lifts.
This 'modular' approach and clever design has proven itself in what is the most complete range of electric lifts available today from one single supplier, Terberg Matec.
At first glance, save for green dust curtains, you could be forgiven for thinking that Terberg’s range of electric bin lifts are no different to their hydraulically powered versions! Get a little closer & perhaps operate one of the four low voltage, low noise electric bin lifts & you’ll soon see (and hear) why customers across the globe are so impressed. TIME SERVED MECHANICAL DESIGN Lets be clear from the off, what we have here is a range of exceptional bin lifts whose build quality & operational prowess is customer proven & time served because the foundation for every electric bin lift from the Terberg fold is its hydraulically powered, reliable variant. The transfer of the existing mechanical design & clever features over to the electric versions gives several benefits, not least of which is operator familiarity. The crews operating the lifts will notice no detriment to performance and the same, if not better, efficiency saving features are there, but....there is one key difference......the noise, Terberg’s electric lifts eliminate the need for the RCV to increase engine revs during lift operation, in fact they can even operate while the engine is off. The familiar “whine” that is sometimes associated with electrical drives is also absent. More clever engineering! The result? Operational noise levels below 57dBA, about the same as a normal conversation which means the operators can have just that without the need to SHOUT!! EXCELLENT FUEL SAVINGS So Terberg’s four electric lifts are quiet but what else? Given that Terberg’s line of electric lifts don't require engine revs increase & don't require power from the chassis PTO system, they create the potential for some very significant fuel (and emissions) savings. Actual savings vary from model to model but typically, for example, with the OmniDELe, Terberg’s customers are experiencing savings between 8 to 14% on the overall fuel consumption of an RCV. Good news for the bean counters in accounts & great news for the environment thanks to the reduction in CO2 emissions. So whether you require a low level split automatic like the OmniDELe, a split triple lift such as the OmniDEL Triple e, a high level automatic bin lift like the OmniDEe or a fully featured commercial bin lift in the shape of the OmniTRADEe, Terberg have an electric bin lift just right for your collection rounds. Rather than waxing lyrically over the benefits of each specific bin lift here why not scan the QR code underneath each bin lift model below for further information. Alternatively, visit www.terbergmatec.com click on Products then Bin Lifts to find out more.
Electric container lift sparks CO2 improvements in Haringey
Extensive field testing of the OmniDELe electric container lift was performed in a controlled environment in a London municipal collection and recycling contract under the expert control of Veolia Environmental Services. Gary Clark, Engineering Manager for Veolia Environmental Services in London talks us through the approach, the results and overall reflection on the project. Leading on from an initial discussion and presentation around electric container lifts, Veolia agreed to perform an extensive and structured evaluation process in conjunction with Terberg Matec UK Ltd. The evaluation centred upon Terberg's innovative and efficient OmniDEL~e electric container hoist product. Gary Clark, Engineering Manager for the company in London, provides a post evaluation insight. Gary explains, “We requested an evaluation of the OmniDELe electric container hoist in a specific operating environment in London. in a bid to collate data, assess the advantages and consider the worth of Terberg's electric hoist technology compared to the established hydraulic solutions.”
“Before starting, we identified some key areas of interest that would be accurately measured; these included Fuel Savings, CO2 Reduction & Noise Reduction.” To ensure good communication, Veolia and Terberg each appointed dedicated project management teams to the task which incorporated experts from their relevant fields to work on the trial which was planned to take place over a 12 week period. “The measurement and methodology to be used was carefully designed with an eye to operational practicality. This was signed off by both parties who agreed that the approach would create a well-structured, qualitative and quantitative approach to collating accurate data and essential information. Two identical collection vehicles were chosen and monitored over the evaluation period. One was fitted with the Terberg OmniDELe electric hoist whilst the other had a traditional hydraulic type of the same hoist. Both vehicles were fitted with GPS tracking and monitoring systems, again adding accuracy and integrity to the collated data, a key requirements of the evaluation.”, Gary informs Terberg Times. The system employed by Veolia and Terberg allowed the evaluation team to monitor and view many data parameters including miles covered, fuel consumption and container hoist activity for each vehicle individually. Recognising the incredibly influential effect that our operatives can have on the performance of our fleet, and with an eye to maintaining the integrity of the data set collated, the evaluation vehicles were operated by the same personnel during the evaluation period, this included using the same driver.
> litres of fuel used per tonne collected
electric OmniDELe
hydraulic OmniDEL
Gary Clark talks us through the results and feedback from Veolia staff; “The next source of data utilised was that of the weighbridge. This was collected on a weekly basis in order to ascertain how material had been collected by each vehicle during the course of the trial; this in turn allowed us to accurately calculate the litres of fuel used per tonne of material collected. The data gathered showed some very pleasing results for the OmniDELe, showing that the electric hoist on operation with Veolia used on average 0.3 litres less of fuel per tonne of material collected than the traditional hydraulic version over the course of the twelve week trial. Additionally, whilst the main purpose of the evaluation was to monitor the area of fuel consumption and CO2 reduction, the opportunity was taken to utilise the experience of our collection and workshop teams to evaluate the OmniDELe electric hoist directly against the traditional variant for any obvious operational differences and or service and repair requirements. Feedback in all of these areas was without exception, very positive, with the OmniDELe electric hoist being reported as having no operational differences to its traditional, hydraulic sister hoist. Our crews commented specifically on the reduction in noise in operation of the electric variant, so much so that reduced noise levels were initially perceived as the lift being slower, a quick cycle time check immediately resolved these concerns, proving that the operational cycle time was exactly the same, if not a little quicker, than the hydraulic OmniDEL. Good news from our workshop staff too, they found that from a mechanical perspective the Terberg electric hoist is almost identical to the hydraulic variant. From a maintenance point of view one minor point of note was identified , in that the hoist has its own integral pumps, low voltage motors and oil system which operate totally independently of the RCV hydraulic system, taking their safe, low 24v DC voltage from the RCV battery pack. We see this as a benefit, because these components are independent of the RCV body, they only require inspection during the rigours of our standard maintenance schedule.” With the evaluation complete, the results were analysed, verified and subsequently presented by the Terberg Matec project team to senior management at Veolia. The results found and conclusions drawn were corroborated by Veolia and agreed as valid and correct. In summary, the evaluation proved the Fuel, CO2 & Noise savings/benefits associated with the OmniDELe were substantial when compared to the performance of the standard hydraulic OmniDEL hoist. The results highlighted a significant fuel saving of 8% for the whole vehicle when working with Veolia, which contributes directly to a significant CO2 saving. Further evaluations are currently on going using the same methodology but this time based upon the Terberg OmniDEL Triple e container hoist variant.
ENJOY THE SILENCE These days it’s hard to escape anywhere where noise from one source or another isn’t an annoyance or a health hazard. Whether it's the guy sat across from you on the train making his next business deal at a volume that negates the need for him to actually use a phone, the next door neighbours car alarm going off at 3am, and being ignored by everyone, when you’re up at 6 or simply the constant hum of the nearby motorway. In the modern world we just seem to accept noise but it doesn’t have to be that way, which is why Terberg Matec have some great news in the shape of their line of electric bin lifts that include the OmniDELe and OmniDEe. Requiring no additional engine rev’s for operation, the new bin lifts are music to bin lift crew’s ears and more importantly to Local Authorities Health and Safety department looking to reduce noise exposure levels. In every installation across the UK and Europe, the vote is unanimous, the Terberg electric bin lift gives an operational performance equal, or better, to that of its hydraulic predecessor but with the clear benefit of reduced noise levels. Less than 57dBA to be precise, down 8dBA from hydraulic versions. In dB terms that’s a massive difference that’s not gone unnoticed at Ashfield District Council. David White, Transport Manager at Ashfield District Council explains; “Ashfield District Council is a forward thinking Authority and has supported innovation while working alongside a number of partners and suppliers in development of products. As one of the founder members of the Nottinghamshire Consortium Purchasing Group, it is important that we as a group seek out technology that will not only show significant financial benefits to the Councils of the group but also demonstrate our commitment to protecting the environment.
David White is Transport Manager at Ashfield District Council in Nottinghamshire. A champion for sustainability and reducing environmental pollution. David has over 25 years experience under his belt with several successful projects in place for accident reduction, fuel savings and noise exposure reduction.
continued from page 6
Ashfield District Council and the purchasing group is fully supportive of Terberg Matec UK Ltd's latest innovation in the form of their electric bin hoist technology.” “The benefits are clear for all to see and hear. By this I mean that there are financial benefits to Ashfield District Council by way of fuel savings as well environmental benefits including Co2 and noise savings. The electric product is quiet in operation. The reduction in noise levels are easy to pick up. From an operational perspective this offers huge benefits both to our residents and to our crew members and was one of the defining features behind our decision to support electric technology offered by Terberg. The Terberg electric hoists have a noise rating of less than 57dB(A). This makes the operation practically silent and because the hoist is electrically powered, it can be operated with the vehicles engine switched off allowing the lighter sleepers within the district to remain undisturbed! To conclude the operational benefits of the Terberg electric bin hoist have been a distinct advantage for Ashfield District Council and I would have no hesitation in recommending this product to other Councils and colleagues.”
RIVERSIDE TRUCK RENTAL Established in 1996, Riverside Truck Rental are industry specialists in the provision of commercial & municipal hire. RTR have a history of providing bespoke innovative hire solutions and tailored packages to provide a quality service, supported by their extensive hire fleet. RTR operate a hire fleet of almost 1500 vehicles that now includes Terberg OmniDELe electric bin hoists. Chris Snelson recalls; “RTR are a supporter of innovation & development of technology, especially that which will help us to move forward and offer our clients the very latest solutions. Our thought process behind choosing to use the Terberg electric bin hoist technology had this ethos at the heart of the decision. I believe that RTR were one of the very first to invest in this latest expertise offered by Terberg. Having done my homework and taken time to fully understand the concept we believed there was no significant risk in taking the electric bin hoist into our fleet given that almost 100% of the moving components are exactly the same as the already proven hydraulic OmniDEL bin hoist. The benefits to RTR and our clients are very clear to see. The functionality and flexibility of the product are impressive but more importantly, the equipments whole life costs are very low. It's not just the fuel savings that interest us, it's the minimal maintenance required on these hoists. The little tweaks here and there that Terberg have made have really paid dividends. We have been operating our fleet of hydraulic OmniDEL bin hoists now for some considerable time and have experienced little or no operational issues whatsoever. The OmniDELe electric hoist is no different and the reliability is as assured as it is with the hydraulic version. That's not to say that we expected issues or problems however; the thought process is that sometimes with a new products and innovations there can be 'teething problems', the Terberg electric bin lift equipment has given us nothing to worry about. The new electric lifts complement the rest of our Terberg equipped fleet equipment to help provide us with a very reliable offering with minimal downtime. This sort of performance is critical to our business reputation and success.”
Chris Snelson, Operations Director for Riverside Truck Rental, has a wealth of experience within the transport industry. Chris is a long standing member of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers and is a CPC holder. Chris joined Riverside in 1998 following six years as a Technician with Volvo Truck & Bus. Initially joining RTR as Fleet Manager, Chris progressed quickly and joined the Riverside Board in July 2001.
................and Finally A chemist, a biologist and an electrical engineer were on death row waiting to go in the electric chair. The chemist was brought forward first. 'Do you have anything you want to say?' asked the executioner, strapping him in. 'No,' replied the chemist. The executioner flicked the switch and nothing happened. Under this particular State's law, if an execution attempt fails, the prisoner is to be released, so the chemist was released. Then the biologist was brought forward. 'Do you have anything you want to say?' 'No, just get on with it.' The executioner flicked the switch, and again nothing happened, so the biologist was released. Then the electrical engineer was brought forward. 'Do you have anything you want to say?' asked the executioner. ‘Yes,' replied the engineer. 'If you swap the red and the blue wires over, you might make this thing work.'
WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK We hope you found our little publication interesting? If you have any comments, questions or even ideas for future features please contact; Terberg Matec UK Ltd, Leacroft Rd, Birchwood, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 6PJ. Tel: +44 (0)1925 283 905 Fax: +44 (0)1925 283 910 Email: sales@terberg.co.uk www.terbergmatec.com
Designed and produced by Terberg Matec UK Ltd. © Printed in England TT/JAN13R1