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1987 BY TERENCE JULIUS Baby can we go back to ’87 when it was meant to be and when we made love on the 7 th floor and from the guards when they interrupted our climax of the hour when some of them would try to watch wishing they was in the scene or watching it like it’s a I-movie in 3D so they can run and tell everybody what they saw at work today while they was on a long lunch break when they weren’t supposed to be on break that long because they haven’t reach they peak to take breaks like we did. Lets go back in 1987 when they played my jam and the heavenly skies would open up and the birds would come out and the how the sun would shine on us like we were the kings and queens of “87 let’s go back to “87 so I can show you when and why I disappeared and let my selfish pride get the best of me because I was too focused on my bottom head instead of my top head 1987 was the year for us if we never departed.

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