The world in black and white

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The World in Black and White By Terence Julius When the Hell My World became Black and White? Why is it so important? Why do we care so much? Why is Skin Color a big issue? I never knew Black and White until I realized the type of schools and the type of people I would see at times I never knew the world was so tripped out until I realized my dad would put the white man or people with a lighter complexion on a high pedestal or how he would tell me and my sister how we should stay out of the sun or he would say you’re getting dark. A black and white world full of lies and different theories that will confuse the hell out of me a black and white world with no shade of grey or love The world in black and white with a dash of a one track minded man and a yard stick of slavery years of deep seeded rooted self hate in this black and white world I’m black surrounded by people that kiss up to white America for acceptance and praise and to get to the top. The world in black and white I thought as a kid we were all the same but I was wrong and lied to for some reason as I got older I knew what white was and knew what black was and found out how racism was and how it is operated racism was made in the kitchen of one track minds. The black and white world a sin not written in the bible but practiced a sin that is destroying a generation so where and when the hell my world became a big black and white movie??? The black and white I don’t know but it’s all a curse we have to fight sadly until someone wakes up….

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