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Director’s Message Our Work Financial Statement Fundraisers Volunteers Community Projects Partners AOP Members Goals for 2009

Andean Outreach Program Annual Report


Director’s Message

Small efforts change lives in Andean Communities. Since 2005, I have been able to see over and over how volunteer work has improved the lives of impoverished people living in Andean communities. In developing countries in Latin America, service work in mountain communities is vital to the future of young people. The needs of Andean people have never been greater than now. We have seen monumental growth in our volunteer efforts in South America over the past 12 months. In 2008 the Andean Outreach program was able to donate bicycles food, medicine, school supplies for 5 different orphanages and a number of schools. We hosted our first annual volunteer Immersion program, created new partnerships, held great fundraisers, and started our largest volunteer effort with our new Volunteer Director. On behalf of the Andean Outreach Program and the communities we serve in the South American Andes, I would like to thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Terry McCormick Andean Outreach Program Director

Our work matters..

Today more than ever, people in the mountains of South America struggle to earn enough money to eat, gain access to healthcare, get a basic education, and face many social challenges. South American governments do very little to help mountains communities as they struggle to develop. The efforts of international volunteers is one the most effective in reaching communities in the Andes. Over the past 4 years, the Andean Outreach Program has improved the lives of over 2,000 children and hundreds of families. We have completed almost 20 community development projects in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. We have brought fresh water to orphanages, constructed sustainable solar ovens, open free schools in rural areas, and have connected over 50 volunteers to our programs throughout the Andes. It is critical for these efforts to continue if we are going to see reductions on poverty, malnutrion, illiteracy, and domestic abuse in poor mountain communities. Through fundraising, advocacy, and hardwork, our team will make progress towards social change in the Andes.

2008 Balance Sheet Financial Statement

Fiscal Year 2008

Assets Current Assets -2007




Total Assets


Equity & Liabilities Expenses




Total Equity & Liabilities


Total Current Assets


All Transactions 1/15/2008







Immersion Donation



Immersion Donation



Immersion Donation



Immersion Donation



Immersion Postage



Immersion Postage



Immersion Donation



Immersion T-shirts



Solar Oven Fix



Billy Luzzi Fundraiser



Popcorn Fundraisor



Popcorn Fundraisor

Solar Oven Project Grant 7



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser





Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser



Christmas Fundraiser







Christmas Distbusement



Christmas Distbusement



Christmas Distbusement



Christmas Distbusement



Christmas Distbusement







Yanapa Donation - Google-AD



Yanapa Donation - Phone



Yanapa Project - Google



Yanapa Project - Phone

88 Bikes Deposite

Fiscal Sponsor Fee PayPal Transfer - Donation

88 Bikes Fundraiser 88 Bikes Project

2008 Fundraisers 1. Billy Luzzi Chili Dog Cookout 2. Summer Immersion Fundraiser 3. Shona Kay Skydiving Fundraiser 4. Jonee Cocogliato Popcorn Fundraiser 5. Terry McCormick California Fundraiser 6. Shona Kay Christmas Fundraiser 7. Terry & Alison McCormick Christmas Fundraiser 8. Terry & Alison McCormick Popcorn Fundraiser 9. 88 Bikes annual endowment fund

2008 Community Development Projects With the completion of many projects in the Andes in 2008, the most notable achievements for new projects were in Bolivia and Ecuador in addition to Peru. They are described below.

Solar Oven Project Chupaca Peru

In the central highlands of Peru, families struggle to earn and income and to provide food to their children. Most cooking is done with fire wood or gas. With a scarcity of wood and the rising price of gas, it is difficult to cook hot meals. The AOP Solar Oven Project utilizes the clean and free energy of the sun to create a heat chamber to cook meals. Using simple materials, the oven rises to 350 degrees farenheight and can cook most types of food. The oven costs about $400 USD to build and is a prototype for future ovens for the communities of the Central Highlands. AOP volunteers designed, funded and constructed the Solar oven with local AOP partner, Peru Luz Esperanza

Summer Immersion Program Huancayo Peru

The summer of 2008 marked the first annual Andean Outreach Program Summer Immersion program in Huancayo Peru. Six volunteers from the United States embarked on a journey to learn about Andean culture, observe how local NGOs work in Peru, conduct a service project, and further the work of the AOP in Huancayo. The volunteers spent 4 weeks in the Mantaro Valley and made many new connections for the AOP. Through daily journals, they were able to record their observations and help to find new project opportunities. These six individuals made life long friends on this trip and had an experience that will change their lives forever. In addition to the work completed in Peru, many of these volunteers continue to work for the AOP and have made progress towards our goals. Many thanks to the volunteers for the first annual Andean Outreach Program Summer Immersion Program

Summer Outreach Project Huancayo Peru

During the summer of 2008, AOP volunteers were able to provide donations of medical supplies, food, clothing, toys, toiletries, and underwear to two orphanages, a school for disabled children, and a home for children with HIV. These donations are listed below: Orpahanage Francisca Mayer: Rice Sugar Fruit Milk Shampoo Toothpaste Soap Detergent Tissue Oats Games Toys

Polivalente School for Disabled: MEDICINE Carbanazephia Fenitoina Sodica Sulfametoxazol Trimetorprima Amoxicilin Balls Hats Food Underwear

Orpahanage Aldea Rosario: Shirts Socks Chalk Marbles Jacks Balls Hats Games Underwear Food Meds Toys

San Juan Diego Home for children with HIV: Toothbrushes Soap Toothpaste Detergent Shampoo Rice Fruits Sugar Tissue Toys Meds

88 Bikes Orphanage Donations Mantaro Valley Peru

One of the most exciting projects for both the Andean Outreach Program as well as Huancayo Peru was 88 Bikes. This organization raises funds in the US to purchase bikes for orphans in developing countries. In the winter of 2008, Dan and Jared Austin of 88 bikes traveled to Huancayo Peru to purchase 120 bikes for local orphanages. With the help of AOP Volunteer Director, Jonee Cocoglirto, they were able to purchase all 120 locally in Huancayo. The team was able to donate the bikes at three different orphanages as well as a home for children with HIV. Aldea Rosario Orphanage, Francsica Mayer Orphanage, Aldea Coto Coto Orphanage, and San Juan Diego Home were the local NGOs were the bikes were donated. 120 poor children recieved a free bike, helmet, lock, and lessons on how to make bike repairs. 88 Bikes provided photos of each donor in the US to each child so they had a connection to their donor. Thank you 88 Bikes!

Yanapa Project

Mantaro Valley Peru One of the largest undertakings for the AOP to date, Volunteer Director, Jonee Cocogliato, started the Yanapa Volunteer Project in the Mantaro Valley in the Central Highlands of Peru. Yanapa is the ancient Quecha word for “Support� and that is the main objective of this program. For one year, the AOP will host volunteers in Huancayo Peru who will work with local hospitals, 5 local orphanages, and 3 local schools including one school with children with special needs and one that works with children with HIV. The main obijective is to work towards infrastructure improvement, community development, and capacity building for local families. Volunteers will live in a volunteer residence, recieve three meals a day, and participate not only in a number of AOP funded community development projects, but also engagement locals with excursion trips and other community activities. The AOP Yanapa volunteer project will allow us to have a greater positive social impact in Peru in 2009.

Christmas in the Andes Santa Cruz Bolivia Quito Ecuador Huancayo Peru Lima Peru Chupaca Peru

The AOP annual Christmas in the Andes program for 2008 was a huge success that reached over 700 children in 5 different programs in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. The donations for this year’s program where collected all over the US, Canada, and England and totaled over $20 This year’s endowment program included: - Hot meals to children and families - School Supply Donations - Clothing Donations - Toy Donations - School Uniform Donations - Classes in Self Esteem - Medical Supplies Donation Locations included: -

UBECI - Quito, Equador Luz Del Mundo - Santa Cruz, Bolivia Nino Luz - Lima, Peru Peru Luz Esperanza - Chupaca, Peru Yanapa Project - Huancayo, Peru

Continuing Community Projects 2008 Children’s Library Santa Cruz Bolivia

The Luz Del Mundo Children’s Library was completed in 2008 complete with a new building, donated books, and furniture. It now houses an after school program.

After School Program Quito Ecuador

The AOP continues to support after school programs for the UBECI volunteer program in Quito Ecuador.

Free School of Chupaca Chupaca Peru

The free rural school of Chupaca Peru which was started with AOP funding and volunteers in 2006 continues to thrive as it serves children of agricultural families.

New Partnering Organizations 2008 NGO Nino Luz Lima Peru

We are proud to report the NGO Nino Luz in Lima Peru has signed in on as an AOP local Partnering Organization. Nino Luz has built a number of small schools in the slums outside of Lima where they run free classes.

The Pangaea Partnership Western South America East Africa

At the end of 2008, the Andean Outreach Program teamed up the Global Youth Partnership for Africa to create the Pangaea Partnership. The two organizatios plan to run joint volunteer immersion projects in Peru and Uganda as well as run sports for social change programs on both continents.

Current Partners in South America 1. Peru Luz Esperanza Huancayo - Chupaca Peru Elizabeth Neomi Chinchilla Tinoco Nilton Tarazona Condor 2. Fundación de ayuda al niño adolescente Luz Del Mundo Santa Cruz Bolivia Gabriela Rojas Llave 3. UBECI - Union Benefits Education Collaboration International

2008 AOP Staff Terry McCormick - Exec. Director / Manager Jonee Cocogliato - Volunteer Director Alison Varney - Program Coordinator Shona Kay - Exec Director UK Jeremy Goldberg - Special Advisor Billy Luzzi - Program Director New York Miguel Aruzo - Program Director Boston - ICOSS Liason Lisa Sturm - PDC Liason

Quito Ecuador Byron Salvatierra 4. NGO Centro Niño Luz Lima Peru Hector Gonzalez

2008 Volunteers In 2008, we recieved 4 grant applications and approved all 4 In 2008, we recruited 35 new volunteers We published 4 quaterly newsletters As a group we had 9 total fundraising events. We enjoyed the fiscal sponsorship of New Non-Profit Nexus

Andean Outreach Program 2009 Objectives 1. Raise minimum, $20,000 2. Complete 8 new Community Development Projects 3. Enlist 2 new Partnering Organizations 4. Complete the Yanapa Project in Peru 5. Create an online communication forum to serve all volunteers working in South America 6. Attain independent IRS 501 (c) 3 status 7. Increase volunteer numbers and participants. 8. More TBD

Thank you for your support

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