Image Factory Company commercial Portfolio July 2020

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Prepared by

: Terence Pang, Director

Email Phone

: : +852 91730368

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Image Factory


The following is our response to the questions from the technical proposal of the captioned tender.

(1) Company profile Established in 2007, Image Factory is a media production company offering full range of images related creative services from concept, idea, script writing, storyboard, filming, editing and motion graphic and to visual effect. Founded by Mr. Terence Pang, Image Factory has been co-operating with various advertising agencies and production houses in Hong Kong and Asia-Pacific regions to produce a number of quality television commercials, promotional videos, live visual and event/on-location video productions. With our track record of excellence, we are confident to prove ourselves as your creative partner to help you to convert your ideas into motion pictures or in any form of visual presentations.

ABOUT DIRECTOR Terence Pang is founder and director of Image Factory Company. Terence is a HKUST alumnus and He practiced Photography since he was primary 6 students, was graduated in graduated with a BEng(COMP) in 1995 from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and he started his creative business in 2007. Having been a keen photographer since he was a teenage, Terence made a life-changing decision to follow his dream and become a professional photographer, after working in IT for a decade. At the beginning, his studio mainly focused on commercial photography and extended into Video productions. With his strong passion and talent, he has made a name for himself shortly and has since then been receiving a number of local and international awards for his work. (ALUMNI KALEIDOSCOPE terence_pang?prev=keywords-terence ) In December 2017 and November 2018, Terence staged his exhibition "Girl Improvise Series”《當下女孩》, a recollection of his 10-year fruitful journey in photography, at Jao Tsung-I Academy and HKUST respectively. On top of these, he has also taken a step into the film industry as a director when his debut documentary《靠近海海》was released and recorded in the film《長洲誌》, which later became the opening film at the 2013 China Documentary Festival. Since then, Terence has developed his own style of visual design and was moved to be online promotional commercials, corporate events and music videos director in 2014. He is a video director for Corporates including HKUST - Named Professor Video 2020, Cathay Pacific, Swire group, Deloitte, HK Tourism board Wine & Dine event, TV programme -盧覓雪主持《尋。覓。⼈人情味》, HKBU - 「CARE舍堂村計劃」, Standard chartered bank, 英華書院⼆二百周年年許冠傑 - 天地⼈人MV (英華書院⼆二百周年年主題曲) etc.

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DETAILS ABOUT YOU/YOUR TEAM Professional & experience talents for total solution Leading by Terence Pang, we have a full motion pictures & video production team including production crew from producer, director, writer, cinematographer, sound recorder, editor and post-processing technician. 商業宣傳影⽚片│商業廣告│紀實攝影│⼈人像創作│紀錄⽚片創作 Terence Pang 是本港商業、廣告⼈人像、紀實攝影師及影像攝影師,為WPHK, AG|WPJA & WPPI會員,曾在美 國紐約電影學院(New York Film Academy) 進修讀攝影課程,機緣下成為葉葉⻘青霖(今 釋常霖)的攝影徒弟, 現擔任葉葉⻘青霖教學團隊導師(Alain Yip Photography Tutors, AYPT)。Terence 於近年年獲得⼀一些國際攝影獎 項,包括2010年年下半年年WPPI 8x10 “Non-Wedding Photojournalism” 攝影比賽獲得亞軍及2012年年法國PX3國 際攝影比賽銀獎。2011年年⾸首次以製作⼈人⾝身份,監製了了全港第⼀一部以攝影為主題的獨立電影紀錄⽚片《那些在台 北發⽣生的事》。2013年年⾸首次成為紀錄⽚片導演,拍攝獨立紀錄短⽚片《靠近海海》,收錄於《長洲誌》並成為2013 年年香港華語紀錄⽚片節開幕電影。 Terence Pang is local commercial portrait, wedding, photojournalism photographer & documentary director, members of WPHK, AGIWPJA & WPPI. He studied photography course at New York Film Academy(NYFA). He is also disciple of famous Photographer Alain Yip, also known as Venerable Chang Lin and now is a tutor of Alain Yip Photography Tutor (AYPT). His talent and efforts have been recognized by various international awards like WPPI 8x10 “Non-Wedding Photojournalism” Photography competition (silver in 2010 2nd half), PX3 photography award in Paris (silver in 2012). Since 2011, he started work as producer on the first independent documentary movie about photography in HK “Vision Practitioners” & selected by four international film festivals. In 2013, he acted as a director and started his first documentary short movie “Close to sea”. it was being selected in “Cheung Chau Diary” which was screening in Chinese Documentary Festival 2013 as opening movie.


Image Factory

Our References A. 香港法定古蹟-東蓮覺苑歷史建築影⽚片製作 (20min50s video), 2016

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B. HKUST - Named Professor Video - 11 Videos, 2020

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C. Swire Group leadership programme, 2018

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D. Wine & Dine Dinning Room Video - Michelin chef - Andre Chang & pastry chef - Janice Wong at Singapore, 2017

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E. HKUST New Academic Building - Photos Album souvenir production for to Donar - Dr Lee Shau Kee Photo shoot at builders working in a construction site for the new academic building in 2013.


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HKBU - 「CARE舍堂村計劃」promotional videos project 2019

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G. TV programme -《尋。覓。⼈人情味》盧覓雪主持 共6集 for HK Tourism Board (Cinematography), 2018

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H. 獨立紀錄短⽚片《靠近海海》,收錄於《長洲誌》並於香港華語紀錄⽚片節2013成為開幕電影中播放

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許冠傑 - 天地⼈人MV (英華書院⼆二百周年年主題曲), 2018



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Other References: Latest Commercial Video Showreel 2017: Here comes our portfolio for your information: Recent Projects (2018-2019)

A. HKBU - 「CARE舍堂村計劃」,計劃將會為有需要的學⽣生籌集資助,以助他們擴闊視野,追求夢想 1. 張⼩小嫻 你的名字成就無數故事:追夢篇 - 2. 趙國雄 你的名字成就無數故事:機會篇 -

B. Swire leadership programme

C. TV programme -《尋。覓。⼈人情味》盧覓雪主持 共6集 for HK Tourism Board (Cinematography) 電視節⽬目《尋。覓。⼈人情味》 《尋。覓。⼈人情味》Trailer - usp=sharing 《尋。覓。⼈人情味》 第⼀一集 - 深⽔水埗

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D. 英華書院⼆二百周年年

1. 許冠傑 - 天地⼈人MV (英華書院⼆二百周年年主題曲)

2. 英華書院⼆二百周年年宣傳⽚片

E. Deloitte Tax Championship 2018 highlight

Other videos

1. Watch how singer, actor, and culinary aficionado Nicholas Tse celebrated the launch of Cathay Dragon


3. Over 15,000 participants joined the amazing #BODYPUMP100 launch events in China. Watch this video to get a glimpse of the action on Jan 14, 2017.

4a.「Redress X 國泰航空: 重新構造制服挑戰賽」的參參與設計師各⾃自發揮⼩小宇宙將制服升級改造,立即去⽚片

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4b. How do you breathe new life into retired uniforms? Check out the innovative upcycling ideas created for the Redress x Cathay Pacific Uniform Reconstruction Challenge at this year’s EcoChic Design Award.

5. Facebook Live with 3 professional cams - 【財經直播:《2018投資下半場》】

6. Les Mills 2017 Live in Shanghai Before event Social After event Social

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ANY KEY DIFFERENTIATORS ABOUT YOU? Our Key dierentiators We aim to deliver total solution from business consideration to motion pictures productions. We started from one idea to help customers to achieve their objectives by building from the idea. With the use of the latest filming methodology and technique to deliver both visual impact & message delivering to the target audiences.  


CUSTOMERS REFERENCES Name references Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Cathay Pacific / Cathay Dragon Tourism board The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries Etihad Airline LesMills Shanghai Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care Standard Chartered Bank 香港電影⾦金金像獎Hong Kong Film Awards HKUST HKU City University CNBC Singapore Shrewbury International School 澳⾨門新濠天地 -⽔水舞間 & Taboo 香港醫管局 Jaeger Lecoultre Wacom Hongkong H. Brothers 中國華誼兄弟⾳音樂樂樂樂 中國少城時代 香港演藝學院 CHOCHENG High Fashion NTT Telcommunication 東蓮覺苑 Sino Dynamic Red Cross etc


Terence Pang Photography

Photo shoot for Fashion editorial Keypad Magazine ( Sep / Oct )

Photo shoot for Fashion editorial Keypad Magazine ( Sep / Oct )


Les Mills ONE LIVE Shanghai Photography & Video

Les Mills ONE LIVE Shanghai

Taboo 2015

Taboo 2015


Longines Masters HK

AIA Annual Award Event

TEDx Kowloon

Etihad Airline Inaugural Arrival Ceremony Hong Kong

Swire Properties Island East - Theme for Trail Runner


Sino Dynamic

luxury watches - Jaeger Lecoultre Advertorial

Macau City of Dream - Taboo & House of Dancing Water


Photos for Artist Album


Photos for Artist Album




Government / Public - HKMA Portrait Photography Editorial


International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) - SiChuan PSP Beneficiaries Project Non-profitable organization

Commercial - Deloitte

Commercial - NTT Communication

Movie production

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