About me I am an Italian Architect, based in Berlin. Graduated in “Architecture and Society” at Politecnico di Milano, I developed a special interest for the imagination and design of the common space, as the space able to generate interaction between people. Through heterogeneous experiences, I explored different possibilities of approaching a project from multiple points of view: Architects, citizens, kids, civic designers… Working with the cultural association Temporiuso.net in Milan, the office Ecosistema Urbano in Madrid and the international community CivicWise I started to perceive architecture and urbanism, as humanistic disciplines with the great potential (and responsibility) to reflect and transform the society and its spaces. During the last years in Berlin, at the Landscape firm Topotek1, I had the opportunity to approach different typologies of public spaces in several international backgrounds (Sweden, Italy, Germany, France, Korea, Saudi Arabia ecc..) and to experiment the playfulness of a project as a powerful instrument to involve people and let them explore the space in their own way. Since 2020 I am working as a Freelancer in the field of Landscape Architecture, collaborating with several Landscape and Architecture firms in single projects, and I am employed in the community area of Fairbnb.coop. An alternative platform for regenerative and sustainable tourism that promotes and funds local initiatives and projects.
Curriculum vitae Personal Info:
Name: Teresa Pontini Born in: Monza (MB), ITALIA Date of birth: 11.04.1990 Nationality: Italian Address: Berlin, Germany Telephone: +49 15253225156 E-mail: teresa.pontini@gmail.com
Education: 2013-2016
Master degree in Architecture Politecnico di Milano. Architecture and Society. Master thesis: “ECOZZ’2047. Strategies for the rebalancing of Taranto’s ecosystem” Grade: 108/110.
Erasmus at UPC/ETSAV Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Barcelona.
Bachelor degree in Environmental Architecture Politecnico di Milano. Architecture and Society. Final thesis: “La Carlota, a collective game. A new park for Caracas” Grade: 107/110.
School certificate Classical studies School: Liceo classico Cesare Beccaria, Milan.
Language skills
ITALIAN: Mother tongue ENGLISH: Full professional proficiency SPANISH: Full professional proficiency GERMAN: Good undestanding and talking (B1 Level) FRENCH: Basic understanding
Software skills
• Adobe Creative Suite (Indesig, Illustrator, Photoshop): High knowledge • Vectorworks 2D: High knowledge • Microsoft Office Package (World, PowerPoint, Excell): Good knowledge • Autocad 2D | 3D: Intermediate knowledge • Sketchup: Intermediate knowledge
Professional History: Sept 2020-present
FREELANCE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Berlin, GERMANY Landscape Architecture and Urban Design freelancer Collaboration with: - Studio Céline Baumann, competition Ausserholligen VI, Bern, Switzerland - In-nova studio and Dodi Moss, competition for the redevelopment of Porta Napoli, Taranto, Italy - Studio Céline Baumann, preliminary project FABRIC AREAL, Lorrach Brombach, Germany - Arch. Luca Imberti, private commission project for a residential complex-open space design Via Missaglia, Milan,Italy
Dec 2020- present
FAIRBNB.COOP Community powered tourism. Cooperative accomodation booking platform that promotes and funds local initiatives and projects. Role: Member of the Community area and Activation Office. Part-time job
Oct 2016- Feb 2020
TOPOTEK 1 Berlin, GERMANY Landscape Architecture and Urban Design office Role: Design Leader in the Design and Competitions department.
May-Aug. 2015
April 2015
April-June 2012
ECOSISTEMA URBANO Madrid, SPAIN Architecture and Urban planning office Role: Internship with focus on the organisation of the participatory activities between citizens and municipality, graphic and Logo design.
TEMPORIUSO.NET MIlan, ITALY Cultural association and Architecture firm. Role: Internship focused on the design and auto-construction of temporary community orchard and public space furniture in temporary use programs.
SRS ARCH Studio Redaelli Speranza Architetti Associati, MIlan, ITALY Role: Internship in the competition team and model maker.
Lectures and Academic experiences: November 2020
Lecture at the course: “Creative Ecologies”. Topic: Strategies for the rebalancing of Taranto’s ecosystem Uni Kassel. FB06 Architektur - Stadtplanung - Landschaftsplanung FG Sustainable Cities and Communities. Prof. Giulia Pozzi, Mirko Andolina, Fabulism Office, Berlin.
Speaker at the Art Talk ‘The Beauty of Decay: In Conversation with Gina Soden’. Participation as a speaker at the talk organized by Artyque Agency at Soho House Berlin, with the artist and photographer Gina Soden.
Civic Design Book https://it.goteo.org/project/civic-design-book Collaboration in the writing and crowdfunding promotion of the Civic Design Book as an output of the Civic Design Course.
Italian Civic Design Course Coordinator of the Italian Online Course of Civic Design. Find common solutions to for the community through collective intelligence’s processes.
Other experiences. Workshops and Civic Design: 2021-in progress
Ecosistema Taranto. Tavoli della cultura. Participation to the citizens roundtbles with a selected proposal for a laboratory for archeology and innovation.
CIVICWISE member https://civicwise.org Open community that promotes civic innovation and citizens empowerment
March 2019
“Patterns for decentralized Organizing” by the Hum International Workshop on decision making strategies in liquid and decentralised organisations. OvestLab, Modena
March 2019
Glocal Camp Modena CivicWise community workshop Global Knowledge for Local Impact. Ovestlab, Modena, Italy.
July 2017
September 2014
May 2014
Glocal Camp Barcelona CivicWise community workshop. L’Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain MIAW/RE-FORMING MILAN International Workshop on rehabilitation of unused areas in Milan. Politecnico di Milano, Milan DYING VILLAGES IN SERBIA International Workshop Terra Panonica, Mokrin, Serbia
Table of content
Community CivicWise and the Civic Design.
p. 10
Centro Histórico Abierto. A community process in Honduras.
p. 12
City - Urban Planning ECOZZ’2047. Strategies for the rebalancing of Taranto’s ecosystem.
p. 18
Riyadh Central Park . Saudi Arabia
p. 22
Landscape Architecture Göteborg Jubileumsparken 2021 Blue Park and Park 113
p. 28
Seoul Ecological and Leisure-cultural Waterfront
p. 34
Kynaststrasse new building open space. A thin double urban front.
p. 38
Ausserholligen VI, Bern
p. 40
Centro Històrico Abierto
Civic Wise and Civic Design
Centro Històrico Abierto
CivicWise and the CDC Civic Design Course Site: Program: Year: Projects:
Global community Civic innovation and citizens empowerment 2016-today Coordinator of the Civic Design Italian Course. Civic Design Book publication.
Since 2016 member of the CivicWise community, an international distributed and open network that promotes citizen engagement, developing concrete actions and projects based on collective intelligence, civic innovation and open design. Among other projects and workshops, I worked as coordinator for the Italian Civic Design Course 2017. A course based on the hybridization of different disciplines and the relation between local territory and collective intelligence. Result of the CDC Course have been the creation of the Italian network of Civic Designers and several projects scattered over the Italian territory and collected in the “Civic design” publication. The Civic Design publication combines, in a printed book, all the projects from the Italian, Spanish and French editions of the CDC and has been realised though a collective effort of all the participants. 10
Kids workshops
Students workshops
Active citizens workshops
Institutions workshops RIO CH OLU
Citizens workshops
Centro Històrico Abierto Site: Tegucigalpa, Honduras Program: Participatory workshops fot citizens and istitutions during the process Distrito central de Honduras, Year: 2015 Context: Internship at Ecosistema Urbano, Madrid. Project developed during the internship at the studio Ecosistema Urbano in Madrid in 2015. The project has been commissioned and organized by BID, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, with the municipality of Distrito Central Honduras, and realized with local citizens and institutions. Centro Histórico Abierto it’s a participatory process for the urban re-activation of the historic centre of the capital Distrito Central. This process has been developed through the organization and realization of different urban laboratories addressed to children, university students, citizens and institutional authorities, and the realisation of a Online platform that helped the coordination of the entire process. The aim has been the promotion of the civic debate and a better link and communication between institutions and citizenry. In particular the laboratories stimulated a reflection on the potentialities of the historic centre and inform on the importance of a lively and creative public space.
City-Urban planning
Ecozz’2047. Strategies for the rebalancing of Taranto’s ecosystem
Ryadh Central Park
Strategies for the rebalancing of Taranto’s ecosystem Site: Program: Year: Context:
Taranto, Italy Urban regeneration strategy 2015-2016 Polimi. Master thesis. Relator Prof. Isabella Inti
The thesis project is focused on the fascinating and controversial city of Taranto, in South Italy. Ancient Greek colony, the city in between two seas and, since the 50’s, city of the European biggest steel industry, Ilva, which completely changed all the economic, social and territorial balances of the city. Through a metabolic analysis, we underlined the most problematic conflicts and potentialities of the city system and we defined a 30 years long program suggesting a long-term vision of the city with the aim of rebalancing the entire territorial ecosystem. The program Ecozz’2047 is developed through a timeline divided per phases and acting on 4 different layers, which work in a synergic way creating new economic cycles a new synergies for a new balanced ecosystem.
ECOZZ 30 years timeline
Ecozz’2047: The 4 strategic synergic layers
1. ILVA 2.0
3. Reuse and new centralities
4. New infrastructure: two seas
2. Environmental remediation
“Two seas” infrastructure
Environmental remediation
ILVA 2.0
Soil Phitoremediation plants
2017-2019 intervention on mineral parks
Postproduction of Mussels Nets
X 100 ha
1 populus
2 cannabis
X 100 ha
X 100 ha
2017-2020 project of the new electric production system
3 helianthus
4 Zea mays
X 100 ha
5 artemisia
6 cyperus
Soil progressive decontamination and Masserie reactivation
2021-2034 construction of the new structure and demolition of the old ones
7 Chrysopogon
8 medicago
Reuse and New Centralities
Riyadh Central Park
A new Green Core for Riyadh Site: Program: Year: Context:
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia New Park and Neighborhood in the center or RIyah 2018 Topotek 1 Competition
The KSP Master Plan, with its 14 km2 of flat surface, is a major urban intervention for the transformation of Riyadh’s former military airport base into a new green park and neighbourhood in the heart of the city. Adapting to the regular grid of the surrounding, the new Master Plan, is a geometric organisation of the space that allows a high level of adaptation and flexibility of the plan. A dense urban building development forms the site’s outer ring, which merges with the surrounding city reflecting the traditional Arabic compacted urban fabric. Moving to the centre, KSP’s design becomes a green and blue a system of islands within a water landscape referring to the dreamy imaginary of the Riyadh oasis and the tradition of Islamic gardens as a sequence of closed rooms. The Garden Islands also function like a myriad of individual rooms and patios, each devoted to a primary character and program. 20
Masterplan Birdview from Red Vertex company
1. The external ring as the buffer connection with the city
2. The archipelago garden. Water slow connections
3. KSP landsmarks and the Arabic urban fabric 21
Building typologies Upper Mid-End Apartments
Upper Mid-End Apartments
Boutique Apartments
Islands typologies
Sports Island
Children Island
King’s Island
Nursery Island
Islamic Garden
Hanging Gardens
Maze Island
Farms Island
Horse Racetrack
Canyon Island
Indoor Tropical Island
Western Park
Natural Monument Garden
Carpet Island
Royal Golf Course
Pixel Park
Gardens of the Worlds
Future Garden
Buildings footprint
Water footprint
Green footprint
Art footprint
KSP Masterplan 23
Landscape architecture
Seoul Waterfront
Joteborg Jubileumsparken 2021 Park 113 and Blue Park
Kynaststrasse new building open space
Entwicklung Ausserholligen VI, Bern
Joteborg Jubileumsparken 2021 Park 113 and Blue Park Site: Program: Year: Context:
Göteborg. Sweden Park 113. Jubileumsparken 2021 2017-2018 Topotek 1 Preliminary project
Gothenburg 2021_Sweden’s second largest city is celebrating its 400th anniversary. The two complementary projects of Park 113 and Blue Park are part of the big project of Gothenburg Jubileumsparken 2021 in the neighbourhood of Frihamnen. Park 113 is located in front of the Magasin 113 building and it is designed as an extension of the playful multifunctional inner space. The concept of the flexible “follies” interacts with the surrounding and the temporary character of the Jubileumsparken event. These follies act as garden highlights, attractions and distinct icons in the landscape. Composed of 13 possible elements, “The Collectables” are a range of objects that skew the concepts of scale, context and place to offer program unique to Jubileumsparken, together with the beloved sauna and the swimming pool. Which is considered a “collectable” itself, even though it has been developed as an independent project. 26
Park 113 program. Relation with Magasin 113
1. “The imprint” transparent option
2. “The imprint” pool filtration garden
3. Inside-out sauna
4. “The playground” option
5.“The playground” program
“The collectables” folies as playfull elements to connect inside and outside 27
Park 113. The carpet In looking to define the boundaries and area of activity for Park 113, we were drawn to the concept of an urban “carpet” as a reflextion of the building facade. The carpet is seen as a tool to define the space while suggesting an area of programmatic activity
Magasin 113
Staircases Pic nic area
The dune The cake Flexible zone Rotating seats
Bike racks Boxing ring
Bird house boom box Muscle beach
Wood beach
Park 113_Plan
Wood beach
The landscape folly collection
The igloo sauna
The cake
Light posts
Rotating swings
Bird house boom box
Pic nic tables
Light posts
Muscle beach
Bike racks
Parasol forest
Boxing ring
Fire pit and pizza kiln
Boxing ring
The Dune: bike parking
Section AA’ 29
The Blue Park The Blue Park is a floating pool located in the site of the former industrial harbour in Göteborg. Envisioned as a collection of “ships” with individualized identity and program, the proposal is thus conceived as an island shipyard - with a pop industrial twist. Referencing ships, shipyards and the industrial Göteborg harbour front, each ship island is proposed to be of a unique colour materiality and function.
Cold Dip Ship
Reception Raft
The Ship Deck Sailing School
Existing Sauna
The Ship Deck
Existing Sauna
The Ship Deck
Cold Dip Ship
metal grate
Reception Raft
Reception Raft and kids pool
Seoul Ecological and Leisure-cultural Waterfront Site: Program: Year: Context:
Seoul, Korea Ecological and leisure-cultural waterfront 2019 Topotek 1 Competition
Drawing from the current and historical island landscape our proposal envisions an extension of the restoration area merged with an urban translated archipelago system. Through translation this urban archipelago is envisioned both physical and metaphorical. Physical in the sense that we propose the introduction of water channel habitat islands; metaphorical in the creation of inland “islands” delineated and distinct in vegetation and programmatic use. Landscape islands host wetlands, ponds, meadows or forests while programmatic islands consist of playgrounds, sport courts, fitness areas, skate parks, tribunes, stages, amphitheaters and cafe seating.
Current situation_waterfront disconnection
Green Blue Connection with the Natural area
Current condition_Wier
Wier substitution
Island metamorphosis
Contextual programmatic connection
Terraced riverbank
Excavation and local material reuse
Islands collection Defined by elevation and flood probability within delineated zones of low, middle and high terrace, further exemplified by differentiated landscape typologies, within this system individual islands will have a unique and discernible character. The islands can thus be seen as a vision of cosmos where the individual island microcosm reflects the larger macrocosm - each being a world within a world. Collectively as a mosaic archipelago, this myriad composition will offer manifold vegetative expressions, varied habitat opportunities and an endless array of visitor experiences.
Outdoor cinema
Acer hill
Wooden Amphitheater
Green Stepped Parkland
Wetland Step Stone Garden
Climbing wall
Pear Tree Parkland
Meadowland rock garden
Meadowland Boardwalk
Basketball court
Water play fountain
Two sides identities
1 5
Kinaststrasse front square
Betula Pendula trees
Orange Maiolica benches
Painted asphalt
Grundstücksg renze
Gingk Biloba trees
Concrete benches
Concrete pavement
Kynaststrasse new building open space A thin double urban front Site: Program: Year: Context:
Berlin. Germany Front entrance and private terrace 2018-under construction Topotek 1 Project. Under construction
The project is the design for the public space of the new office building in Kynaststrasse, a thin plot between the railways and the Rummelsburg waterfront. The new office building is a long, thin and irregular building with a double front: a public front on the side of Kinaststrasse and a private elevated terrace on the opposite side. The design for the landscape reflects this double program and it is based on two independent strategies, while maintaining a common recognizable language. The urban front is characterized by a rough dark asphalt pavement, painted with a white pattern that emphasizes the entrances and reflects the “zigzag” shape of the building. The furniture are benches made by orange ceramic in contrast with the asphalt rough character. The terrace is a green garden. With green soft topography that protects from the surrounding space and generate a more intimate space. 36
5 benches Orange Maiolica
Betula Pendula trees
1 5
Building entrance
Grundstücksg renze
Concrete benches
Gingk Biloba trees
Entwicklung Ausserholligen VI, Bern Site: Program: Year: Context:
Bern, Switzerland Offices complex Open space 2020 1st phase competition, with Studio Céline Baumann
östliche Pro
Park 113 program. Relation with Magasin 113
omenade Biodiversität
Baumkonzept (Leitarten)
Gartenachse Parkrasen: 650 m2 Wiese und Ruderalfläche: 1'315 m2 Chaussierung: 408 m2
Gartenachse: 67 Bäume Ahorn Buche Hainbuche div. Obstgehölze
Biodiversity concept
Promenade Gräser: 1'911 m2 Sträucher und Hecke: 1'656 m2 Chaussierung: 1'934 m2 kultiviertes Grün (Familiengärten): 16'000 m2
Trees concept
Fuss- und Veloverkehr Fussgängerströme Veloweg Mobilitätshub: 600 Vélos private Veloabstellplätze: 1'500 Vélos
Pedestrian and bicycle circulation area
Bearbeite Umgebungsfläche: 22'625 m2 davon, unversiegelter Flächen: 7'874 m2 (35%) davon, Asphalt: 14'751 m2 (65%)
Promenade: 62 Bäume Föhre Esche Birke
davon, naturnah Gestaltung (Wiese-,Rudera-und Sträucherfläche): 4'882 m2 (21%) Summe: 132 Bäume Bestehende Bäume Familiengarten