Intellectual property 214122. Chile. Pedro Villanueva González.
Psychoanalysis (from the Greek ψυχή [psykhe], soul or mind and ἀνάλυσις [analysis], analysis, in the sense of examination or study) is a therapeutic practice founded by the Viennese neurologist Sigmund Freud around 1896. From psychoanalysis have subsequently developed different schools of deep psychology or analytical and dynamic orientation. Also, the theory has influenced many other schools of therapy and psychological not necessarily psychoanalytic. The concept of 'Psychoanalysis' means, on the one hand, that theoretical model descriptive and explanatory mechanisms, processes and phenomena involved in the spiritual life. Psychoanalysis is a theory about the unconscious psychic processes, which presents an expanded conception of sexuality, its relations with the psychic events and its reflection in the socio-cultural. The assumption that there are processes, phenomena and unconscious
psychic mechanisms along with the role of sexuality and the so-called Oedipus complex, resulting in a differentiation between instinct and impulse; as well as the acceptance of the theory of repression and resistance in the analysis paper for Freud constitute the pillars of their theoretical building, Indeed, the psychoanalysts of the generations that followed Freud developed the theory in different directions, partly by reinforcing and complementing their ideas, in part by distancing himself from them or criticizing some more or less central points. These movements of differentiation and integration, have given rise to the existence of several schools with different concepts or orientations. For example, the psychology of self, the theory of objectal relations (of Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott), relational psychoanalysis, psychoanalysis lacaniano, Buenos Aires. Also, early divisions and divergences in key aspects gave rise to independent schools, such as Carl Gustav Jung analytical psychology . Commonly refers to two topical Freudian, the first in which a fundamental distinction between unconscious, preconscious and conscious, and the second that distinguishes three instances: this, the ego, the superego
Consciousness is the momentary quality that characterizes the perceptions of external and internal within the set of psychic phenomena. The term unconscious is used to connote the whole of the content not present in the current field of consciousness. It consists of repressed content seeking return to consciousness either were never aware and its attribute is incompatible with a conscience. The 'preconscious' designates a quality of the psyche that qualifies the contents that are not present in the field of consciousness but may become aware. The repressed States are those that not accessible them without a hypnosis, usually are revelations through images retained during the life of each individual. It is the oldest instance and original personality and based on the other two. Includes all that is inherited or is present at birth, it arises from pure form in our unconscious. It represents our impulses, or more primitive instincts . It is, according to Freud, the engine of thought and human behavior . Operates according to the principle of pleasure and know the demands of reality. The Superego is the part that counteracts the this, represents the moral and ethical thoughts received culture. Consists of two subsystems: the "moral conscience" and the ideal self. The "moral conscience" refers to the capacity for self-evaluation, criticism and reproach. The ideal self is an ideal self-image which consists of approved and rewarded behaviors. The self is a part of the it modified by its proximity to the reality and arises in order to realistically meet the wishes and demands of the it according to the outside world, while it
is reconciled with the demands of the superego. I evolved from it and acts as an intermediary between it and the outside world. I follow the principle of reality, satisfying impulses of the it appropriately in the external world. Use realistic thinking characteristic of secondary processes. As executor of the personality, yo must measure between the three forces that require it: those from the world of reality, those of the and the superego, self has to retain its own autonomy by maintaining its integrated organisation. The specific roles filled institutions ID, ego and superego , not always they are clear, are mixed in too many levels. Personality is composed according to this model of many different conflict inevitable forces. Psychoanalysis uses the term impulse (momentum that tends to achieve a purpose) for the study of human behavior . Is called impulse forces arising from somatic tensions in human beings, and the needs of the it; in this sense drives are placed between the somatic and psychic level. The drive is an impulse that starts with body excitation (State of tension), and whose purpose is precisely the Suppression of this tension. There are two types of drives, the drive of life (Eros) or sexual, and the impulse of death (Thanatos). For psychoanalysis sex drive has a few comments well above what is usually considered as sexuality. The libido is the drives energy, and can present different alternatives as it is directed to objects (objective libido), either direct to the own I ( narcissistic libido).
Psychoanalysis sets a series of stages through which the development of the subject is verified. From the point of view of these phases, psychic conflicts - and the possibility of resolution - will depend on the stagnation phase (fixing) or return to a previous phase (regression). Freud distinguished from 1915 various moments and 'dimensions' of an impulse: 1.The source which has its origin in the somatic and that translates to a tension, a sort of impulse (in German: Drang). 2.The same Drang, i.e. the inner tension that would translate into Trieb (drive). 3.The goal that you can find in a passive or active state. 4.The "object" of the drive, which in reality is a medium, a medium quite fitting since it only serves to temporarily decrease the tension inherent in the drive.
Since shortly after its emergence psychoanalysis was branched off in several alternative theories. On the one hand were the theories of authors who, although on the basis of Freudian psychoanalysis, disagreed with certain key concepts of Freud's theory and formed alternative schools: •Carl Gustav Jung: disagreed about the origin and destination to sexual libido, in the interpretation of dreams, the concept of the unconscious and the way of treating neuroses. His theory stressed the concepts of unconscious collective and archetype. His Division had a traumatic character, both for psychoanalysis as a discipline, to the parties involved personally. The output of Jung of the international Psychoanalytical Association and of the psychoanalytic movement, which was fated to lead after Freud, had connotations of 'schism'. •Alfred Adler: differed with respect to the importance that Freud gave to the sex factor. Adler hypothesized an inferiority complex that would explain the neuroses and created an alternative method to treat them. It was the first dissent in the history of psychoanalysis (1908) by creating a parallel theory that replaced the libido for the power instinct. •Otto Rank: expressed differences with the function of the Oedipus complex . •Karen Horney: disagreed with Freud's ideas about female sexuality (criticized) that Freud considered the envy of the penis as a universal phenomenon, the origin of neuroses (which attributed cultural causes), defense mechanisms and the application of the concepts of ID, ego and superego in other societies other than that analyzed Freud . •Anna Freud: raises an alternative theory about development, functions, and the defense mechanisms of the self.33 It is regarded, together with Heinz Hartmann and others, founder of the "psychology of the self ".
On the other hand, schools which extended the Freudian psychoanalysis were created: •the French school of Jacques Lacan ; •the English School of Melanie Klein: developed concepts such as the early Oedipal complex, superego early position Schizo /-paranoid, depressive position, defense mechanisms and the envy primary; •Harry Stack Sullivan interpersonal psychoanalysis and its subsequent derivatives as relational psychoanalysis ; •Latin American psychoanalysis, whose pioneers include to Enrique Pichon-Rivière in Argentina, Durval Marcondes in Brazil and Ignacio Matte Blanco in Chile .
Although all maintained the basic principles of Freud's theory of the unconscious, other parts of the theories are enlarged and reinterpreted by each school. Apart from the large schools mentioned here, there are countless other orientations, institutes and groups that can be derived from the analytical approach. Current psychoanalytic psychotherapy that uses a conception and a technique different from the of psychoanalysis itself, accepting psychoanalytic budgets, was also created. Ecological psychoanalysis it is a new field of study as the author Pedro Villanueva Gonzรกlez It covers a broad approach related to the 'I' and the 'it' from a dynamic process historical, ecological and interactionism. The "I" is not an isolated factor. Pedro Villanueva called the "self" as "Pluriser" The "Pluriser" is subject to the feel of the body, the phenomenology of lived experiences of the philosophy of Michel Henry is taken into account. The body is a being that it feels and is affected by the environment. The "Pluriser" is subject to the dynamic interactions of individuals is affected and affects their psychological training. The "Pluriser" is subject to a certain reality and a historical process that strengthens their psychological training. The "Pluriser" is subject to a geographic environment, in a given spatial context. The "Pluriser" is subject to the ecology and to food. The climate, the types of feeds influences the psychological training. The 'it' is not an isolated factor. Pedro Villanueva called the "it" as "Bioser" The "Bioser" is subject to the dynamic interactions of individuals is affected and affects their instincts. The "Bioser" is subject to a certain reality and a historical process which also affects their instincts. The "Bioser" is subject to a geographic environment, ecology, food that determine their biological instincts. Human history unfolds from the "Bioser" is built where the culture, depending on the biology of the body, ecology, power, time or process historical, geographic, population and dynamic interactions.
Ecological psychoanalysis focuses on the development of the culture from the "Bioser" and not "I" or the "Super-ego".
Ecological psychoanalysis is a theory (year 2010), which is within the theoretical framework, to be applied as a discipline of research.
More info Website: Centro de Pensamiento Pedro Villanueva.