New discovery. Synchronicity is structured as a language. Semiotic sincronistic

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New discovery. Synchronicity is structured as a language. Semiotic sincronistic Intellectual property 214122. Chile Pedro Villanueva González discovered what he calls semiotic sincronistic, that manages to give a strong foundation for the development of the theory of the synchronicity of Carl Jung and W. Pauli. The manifestations sincronistic are structured as language similar to the syntax and the semantics and the rhetorical figures in forms of metaphors and metonymies such as exposed Jacques Lacan. Synchronicity (non - Greek συν - union, and χρόνος, time) is the term chosen by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung to refer to 'the simultaneity of two events, linked by the sense, but in a way not casual». «Thus, will use the general concept of synchronicity in the» special sense of a temporary coincidence of two or more events

interrelated in a manner not causal, also called coincidences, significant, because they carry a meaning when they repeat themselves several times as a message that is manifested through patterns such as personal symbols, dreams, images, places and meetings wearing a psychological sense rather than a simple chance. The synchronicities are they produce more frequently during periods of physical stress, emotions strong, deep feelings or States of human fascination. Jean François Vézina outstanding Canadian psychologist describes it this way: the Synchronicity is a coincidence between a (subjective) inner reality and an external (objective) reality in which events are linked by respects, i.e. in non-casual mode. These coincidences cause the person living it a heavy burden emotional and manifest deep transformations. That coincidence It causes a strong emotional impact on the person living it, suggesting 1

a large number of symbolic images. This impact translates the character numinous (that exerts a fascination about the subject) of the experience, or is, the feeling, of the person to be questioned by the unconscious. When we look for the meaning of a synchronicity, we find no reasons, causes or logic, but a sense, an orientation based mainly in intuition and in the interpretation of symbolic patterns of character personal and what surrounds it. The question which arises as a result of a sense-laden match is then: where take me this?, or, To get what? When perceived the sense, it is in that place intermediate, i.e., halfway between objective reality and the subjectivity. Is perceived in this transitional space that displays the symbols, unifying force of opposites. The perception of the symbols sincronisticos is, therefore, a continuous exercise of life fitness symbolic.

A sincronistic symbol would be rather a signal that helps us to guide us in life. The symbol is seen in the transitional area, a place "interval" between reality and dream. Synchronicity also perceived in that interval, a space for play and creativity which allows us to interpret the world. Archetype refers to a construct proposed by Carl Gustav Jung to explain "archetypal imagesÂť, i.e., all those deep and dreamlike images that correlate with special similarity Universal grounds belonging to religions, myths, legends, etc. Is they will try to cut those constituent autonomous ancestral images basic of the collective unconscious that are rooted in all beings humans from Earth. The wide range of existing archetypes, such as they can be the birth, death, God, Goddess, the wise old man, Cuaternidad, Trickster, father, mother, hero, old age, attraction, procreation, Growth, the evil and the good, etc. Found in all cultures and existence. As well as other images in dreams and myths with a 2

strong emotional meaning: numerical groups, a mountain, a clock, a dominant father, a treacherous friend, etc., five are those who have reached a development than any other: Anima, Animus, Shadow, person, himself. An archetype (from Greek αρχη, Arché, "source", "beginning" or "origin", and τυπος, typos, "printing" or "model") is the pattern copy from which other objects, ideas or concepts are derived. In philosophy Plato expresses the substantial ways (eternal and perfect copies) things that exist eternally in the divine thought. An archetype is a model or example of ideas or knowledge which is they derive many others to shape the thoughts and own attitudes of every individual, every set, every society, even of every System. Jung devoted much study to the topic of archetypes. With the passing of the years modified its concept of them, although he never offered a definition final. In 1946 he advanced the idea of the unconscious "psicoide", which gaveplace

the psicoide archetype. The unconscious psicoide refers to one level morefundamental of the unconscious, which can not be reached by the conscious andto have properties in common with the organic world. Is formed bytwo worlds and a bridge between them. It is, at the same time, psychological andphysiologically, tangible and intangible. Thus, an archetype psicoide expresses aconnection between the psychic and organic: is the psychic in the process of become material. To be the Archetypes of the very nature of inherent ideas and being more than time and space, these training agents they activate certain goals more than the temporo-spatial framework. This is one of the most controversial concepts that work psychology analytical, because, ultimately, your context is openly metaphysical: the psicoide of the archetype, the unconscious, aspect refers to his character also physical, beyond the psychic, and, at the same time, therefore, to its


decidedly collective and transpersonal, character beyond of the psyche fractional individual. The archetype not only as an internal phenomenon, acting in their own soul, as content from it, but also extending its phenomenology to the outside world, and rooted in what we perceive in first instance as alien to our own individual entity. That is, the Archetype, the unconscious, as ubiquitous inhabitant of the Micro and the Macrocosms at the same time. It is an intuitive idea that is developed, above all, a starting from empirical observation, especially the phenomenon of the Synchronicity: Jung called the images through which it It manifests the unconscious "archetypal images". He used the word archetypal end of communicating the power that have certain images for contact us with what is shown as the source of our being. The Greek word ArchĂŠ indicates beginning, origin; type is derived from a Greek verb

what it means to "model" and the corresponding noun indicating a image or model. Thus archetype means the model from which is configured the copies, the underlying pattern, the starting point from which something unfolds. Although Jung sometimes mentioned the archetypes as something printed in our psyches, also employs this etymology of more dynamically When defining the archetypal images such as those that can impress: "these associations and archetypal images... we" They impress, influence and fascinate". Jung distinguished between archetypes and conexions images. He recognized that what comes to our consciousness they are always archetypal images, concrete manifestations and individuals who are influenced by social, cultural and individual factors. However, the same archetypes lack form and are unrepresentable; strictly speaking they are more psicoides than psychic: 4

"The archetype as such is a factor psicoide which belongs, so to speak, to the" invisible and ultraviolet end of the spectrum of psychological... We must not forget that what we call "archetype" is itself unrepresentable, but We can view it through their effects, i.e., images archetypal". The same archetypes, says Jung, are empty and devoid of It is, we can never see them except when you become aware, when filled with individual content. The interest of Jung by archetypal images reflected more emphasis in the which forms of unconscious thought in the content. Our capacity to respond to the experience as creative creatures of images is inherited, is it gives us with our humanity. Archetypal images not they are remains of archaic thinking nor a dead reservoir, but part of a living system of interactions between the human psyche and the world exterior. The archetypal images that appear in my dreams or through of

the synchronicities (meaningful coincidences) come from the same human capacity that gave rise to the ancient mythologies of our remote ancestors. Myths are not causes of demonstrations contemporary and individual, but there are at the same level as analogies. Let us focus on the archetypal allows to emphasize the importance that they have our images to make us who we are. Our lives are shaped by our thoughts, acts, and even more mightily by our fantasies and dreams and cargo complexes affective with those who respond to the people and events that daily stumbled. I am not only what you've thought, as Descartes, proposed or what I made, as intended to the existentialists, but also, as Gaston Bachelard demonstrated so powerfully, what I thought and remembered. To express the essential quality of the archetypes, Jung uses the numinosity Word and it refers to its sacred character. 5

Promote the experience of divine them. Approaching the archetypes It means approaching the numinous. They have numinous intervention force in the individual in society manifesting itself through its images, dreams, symbols, synchronicity, culture and mythology. Why are identities psicoides having own power. As writes the psychologist Jean Franรงois Vezina in his book "The necessary coincidences" thus, the Archetypes are the architects of our life. Develop the vision symbolic and archetypal helps us to understand our existence and our objective is vital. It also allows to see life with a degree of clarity spiritual that helps heal accumulated emotional and spiritual wounds. And it makes it possible to feel the divine guidance in our soul. Be sensitive to the synchronicity is to be able to feel that strength of sense, be able to capture the ideal time to act, to capture the carpe diem coming from the global order. The meetings frequently revolve around

This "timing", being the intuition which drives us to action and the adaptation. We are attracted to certain people, certain places and certain situations that we are led by a boost of the unconscious collective, for something that surpasses us. We can not explain some of the choices we make for the strange attraction of sense that arise in our lives. The semiotic sincronistic proposed by Pedro Villanueva Gonzรกlez studies how these messages which are projected are manifested as images in significant matches structured as a form language through play of signs and symbols. Significant and meanings. Diachronic and synchronic processes. Signs with denotative meanings and signs with sense connotation. As work messages to level of syntagms or paradigms shape of communication of synchronicity is manifested through the rhetoric of the message as metonymy, metaphor, Paradox, oxymoron, the 6

similes. Depends on the message sincronistic which can manifest itself as a metaphor, as a paradox, as a metonymy from the structure of the collective unconscious that interacts with the unconscious of the 'I' staff. More info about Pedro Villanueva; Visit Website: Centro de Pensamiento Pedro Villanueva or http://centrodepensamientovillanueva.blo


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