Syllabus mgmt 0338 international business

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Westfield State


Professor: Julie T Cecchini Spring Semester 2013 (Sust/ 2010 cohort year) All curriculum material protected by U.S. copyright laws. Unauthorized sale or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Skype: terraame E-Mail Address: Office Hours: Before and after class by appointment


Course Credits: 3 credits Course Prerequisites: None

COURSE DESCRIPTION Provides an opportunity to bring the tools and information gained in previous courses to the task of solving managerial problems in international and foreign environments. Focuses on an analysis of market opportunities, methods of entry in foreign business areas, and related business problems. Prerequisites: MGMT 0221 and MRKT 0231, Junior or senior status is required. TEXTBOOKS

International Management    

Culture, Strategy, and Behavior Eighth Edition: Active, In-Print Fred Luthans, UNIV OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN Jonathan Doh, VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY

Companion Website LEARNING OUTCOMES Cross-Cultural Management

Student Learning Objectives 1. Define the term Cross-Cultural Management 2. Demonstrate understanding of working with and guiding a multicultural team


3. Demonstrate the use of specific problem-solving techniques and their applications to critical functional management issues

4. Demonstrate and practice assessing and resolving critical operational issues

5. Analyze, discuss, write about and make oral presentations on management problems and solutions


COURSE REQUIREMENTS The following are the requirements for this course: 1. Daily Class participation (10%) Students will earn points during each class session by participating in the discussion or class activity. Students who are not present for any reason will earn zero for the day’s participation grade. 2. Homework/Daily written assignments (20%): Each day, there will be a written assignment based on the session’s lecture/class activity. Students will earn points during each class session for the completion of an assignment. Students who are not present for any reason will earn zero for the day’s written assignment grade. There is no possibility for make-up of missed daily assignments. 3. Midterm Exam (20%) 4. Final Exam (20%) 5. Team Project – Development multicultural management strategy (30%): ALL STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE AN INDIVIDUAL GRADE FOR THIS PROJECT.



Class Participation


Homework & Assignments


Midterm Exam


Final Exam


Team Project




*** See “Appendix A” for rubrics indicating how each assignment will be graded.

Outline of the Course All schedules in this syllabus are tentative and subject to change.

Sessions 1 – Course Introduction Overview of course and policies Introductions Course Expectations


Individual assignment: Write a personal introduction of yourself and your interests. Also, answer the following question: If you could manage any type of international business, what would you choose? Why?

Homework for session 2


Learn how to create a website on

2 – Group Projects Assignment to Groups, ALL STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE AN INDIVIDUAL GRADE FOR THIS PROJECT Complete this project with members of your assigned group.

Tasks: Your group is to develop a strategy for functioning as a multicultural management team, create a website for your company which illustrates the operations and management aspects of your company. The website will be supplemented by a brief oral presentation.

3 – Globalization Assignment to Groups, Answer these questions 1.

How has globalization affected different world regions?


What are some of the benefits and costs of globalization in relation to your business?How has NAFTA affected the economies of North America and the EU affected Europe?


What importance do these economic pacts have for international managers in North America, Europe and Asia?


Will your company benefit from any regional treaties?


Why would MNCs be interested in South America, India, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa, the less developed and emerging countries of the world?


How does being from an emerging nation benefit your company?

Homework for session 4 Read - Political, Legal, and Technological


Political, Legal, and Technological Assignment to Groups, 1.

In what ways do different ideologies and political systems influence the business environment?


How is business impacted by the following principles: sovereignty, nationality, territoriality, protective and comity?



How will advances in technology and telecommunications affect developing countries? Give some specific examples.


Could your business function in a politically or technologically restricted environment? *Add a section to your site explaining why you have decided to do business in your chosen country

Homework for session 5 Read - Ethics and Social Responsibility

5 - Ethics and Social Responsibility Assignment to Groups,


What lessons can multi-nationals learn from the political, bribery and offshore employment scandals?


How do ethical practices differ in the United States, and in European countries such as France and Germany? What implications does your answer have for U.S. multinationals operating in Europe?


Why are MNCs getting involved in corporate social responsibility? Are they displaying a sense of social responsibility, or is this merely a matter of good business? Defend your answer.


How will your company be social responsible?

Add a section to your site explaining how you intend to be ethical and socially responsible.

Homework for session 6 Read - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture

6 - The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture Assignment to Groups, 1.

What is meant by culture?


What is meant by value?


What are the dimensions of Hofstede’s model?


Will cultural differences decline or intensify as roadblock to international understanding?


Describe Hofstede’s research on masculinity. How does it apply to your company and the country you will do business with? On your site - What will you do to honor the cultural values of China as well as those of the country you are planning to do business in.

Homework for session 7 Read - Managing Across Cultures

7 - Managing Across Cultures


Assignment to Groups, 1.

Define the four basic predispositions MNCs have toward their international operations.


In what way are parochialism and simplification barriers to effective cross-cultural management? In each case, give an example.


Many MNCs would like to do business overseas in the same way that they do business domestically. Do research findings show that any approaches that work well in the U.S. also work well in other cultures?


What are your barriers for doing business in your chosen country. How do you intend to work within them? Add this information to a page on your site about where you will be doing business.

Homework for session 8 Read -

Organizational Cultures and Diversity

8 - Organizational Cultures and Diversity Assignment to Groups,

1. In which of the four types of organizational cultures – family, Eiffel Tower, guided missile, incubator – would most people in U.S. feel comfortable? 2. Most MNCs need not enter foreign markets to face challenges of dealing with multiculturalism. Do you agree or disagree? 3. What are some problems to be overcome when using multiculturally diverse teams? 4. What are some basic guidelines for helping make diverse teams more effective? How do you plan to make your management organizationally strong. *Put a page on your site to outline your company’s management structure. Homework for session 9 Study for the Midterm Exam - Visit Companion Site for Review Notes

9 – Midterm Exam Homework for session 10 Prepare Materials for your website

10 – Final Project Prep Assignment to Groups, Continue to work on Website and Video Homework for session 11 Read - Strategy Formulation and Implementation

11 -

Strategy Formulationand Implementation


Assignment to Groups, 1.

What are the four imperatives? Explain how they effect your company.


Define global integration as used in the context of international strategic management.


Are globalization and national responsiveness diametrically opposed?


What conditions have allowed some firms to be “born global”? Put a page on your site to outline your company’s marketing strategy.

Homework for session 12 Read - Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures

12 - Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures Assignment to Groups, 1.

What are the various organizational structural designs and how company implement on?


Why have new organizational arrangements emerged?


In what way do formalization, specialization, and centralization have an impact on MNC organization structures?


What are the first three things you will do to enter your market?

Homework for session 13 Read- Managing Political Risk, Government Relations, and Alliances

13 - Managing Political Risk, Government Relations, and Alliances Assignment to Groups,

1. What types of political risk are you taking entering your chosen market? 2. Most firms attempt to quantify their political risk although without specific weights. Why is this approach so popular? Would assignment of weights be useful? 3. How have terrorist attacks affected political relationships between countries such as the U.S. and Pakistan? 4. What are some of the challenges associated with managing alliances? How do host governments affect these?

Homework for session 14 Read- Decision and Control

14 – Decision and Control Assignment to Groups, 1.

Which cultures are more likely to focus on external controls? Which cultures would consider direct controls more important than indirect?



How would you explain a company’s decision to use centralized decision-making processes and decentralized control processes, considering the two are so interconnected?


How will you implement decision and control in your company?

Homework for session 15 Prepare materials for Web Site

15 – Final Project Prep Assignment to Groups, Continue to work on Website and Video

Homework for session 16 Read - Motivation Across Cultures

16 - Motivation Across Cultures Assignment to Groups, 1.

Do people throughout the world have needs similar to those described in Maslow’s need hierarchy?


Is Herzberg’s two-factor theory universally applicable to human resource management, or is its value limited to Anglo countries?


In managing operations in your chosen country, which process theory– equity, goal-setting, or expectancy – would be of most value to you? Why?

Homework for session 17 Read – Leadership Across Cultures

17 - Leadership Across Cultures Assignment to Groups, 1.

What cultures would be the most likely to perceive differences between managerial and leadership duties? What cultures would view them as the same? Use evidence to support your answer.


Is there any relationship between company size and European managers’ attitudes toward participative leadership styles?


What do you need to know about leadership in the international arena? Identify and describe three important guidelines that can be of practical value. Put a page on your site to define your company’s approach to multi cultural management.

Homework for session 18 Visit Companion Site for Review Notes


18 – Final Exam Review Review for Final Exam Homework for session 19 Study - Visit Companion Site for Review Notes

19 – Final Exam Exam Homework for sessions 20,21,22 Prepare for Presentations

20, 21, 22- Presentations Visit Companion Site for Schedule

23 - Final Class Semester Wrap Up – Group Videos

Grading Guidelines The chart below depicts how course points will equate to grades. COURSE GRADING POLICY


Percentage Points Achieved














B B-




















Below 60







Outstanding work not completed in 30 days will result in a grade of “F.”

Expectations English Language Skills This course and the Business Management degree program are focused on increasing English proficiency as well as business management skills. Students need to demonstrate strong English language skills to succeed in this course, it is suggested that students read any assigned readings carefully prior to class discussions. Here is one method: 1. First, print out the readings so there is a copy of the reading to work with. 2. Then, using a dictionary, look up and write out (on the copy) the Chinese definitions of key words in the assignment. 3. Work through the assignment before class, so there is a general understanding of what the reading is about. 4. Ask the instructor about phrases or statements in the assignment that still are difficult to understand. 5. Write down what the instructor says about the reading assignment on the sides, bottom, or on the back of the copy of the reading assignment. This will provide a good study guide for any exam on this material. IT IS THE STUDENT’S JOB TO ASK QUESTIONS! The instructor cannot guess what a student does not understand. The instructor expects and appreciates students’ questions. Students who ask the most questions in class often get the highest grades. COURSE ATTENDANCE and PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR Attendance is mandatory. Being on time and prepared to do your job is a key business behavior. This is a business course and so it requires a business-like approach to


attendance, fulfilling assignments, meeting deadlines, conducting respectful and professional conversations, and handing in homework. Use of cell phones and eating during class will not be tolerated. Attendance Students need to be in their seats ready to answer the roll call by the beginning of class. Each class in a business program is like a business meeting. 

Attendance will be taken during each session.

Students who miss 4 hours of instruction in a course may have their grade lowered by one letter grade. For example, an A grade will be lowered to a B.

Students who miss an additional 4 hours of instruction may have their grade lowered another full grade. For example, a B grade will be lowered to a C.

Students who miss 12 or more hours of instruction will fail the course.

No Eating in Class No talking while another student is talking No cellphones Description of Assignments There will be a written, graded assignment due each day of this course. Sometimes, these assignments will be team-based, other times, they will be individual assignments. If you are not in class, you will receive a zero for both the daily assignment and class participation for that day. Make-up work is not permitted. Homework Unless otherwise noted, homework is due at the beginning of class when the instructor calls for it to be turned in. Late homework is not acceptable. The instructor may penalize late homework or may refuse to accept late assignments. Format for assignments All submitted papers should be include in the top left hand corner of the first page:  your name (in Chinese and English)  your Sdust ID number  course title (Cross-Cultural Management) Please Note: Assignments turned in after the last day of class will not be accepted without prior arrangement.


Homework assignments are to be completed in your own words. (See section on “Academic Honesty” below.) Class Participation The instructor expects students to focus on in-class exercises and lectures and make an effort to understand the point of the lecture or exercise. If the instructor finds students sleeping in class, chatting loudly with classmates, reading books from other classes, or spending class time to do something other than participating actively in what is planned for the class that day, the instructor may deduct points from the student’s final grade and/or expel the student from the class. Academic Honesty Academic honesty is very important to Clark University. All written work must meet the standards of work for students at Clark, set by the faculty. Plagiarism (the use of another’s material without citation or reference) will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or copying parts of other’s assignments will result in a ‘0’ grade for that assignment for all parties involved. That means both the person who copies from another student and the person who allows their work to be copied may receive a ‘0’ grade. Cheating on a final exam or final project can result in a student receiving an “F” for the course. The instructor may also officially notify the university that students were caught cheating and identify the names of the cheaters. In Short – All work submitted must be in YOUR OWN WORDS

Examples of cheating are:       

Having a tutor or friend complete all or a portion of an assignment Having any other person make revisions to a student’s final work Copying work submitted by another student Using information from online information services without proper citation Completing a test with answers other than the student’s own Using a cell phone to receive text answers during an exam Using a cell phone to text a friend about the questions on an exam

    

Writing information on a desk to use in an exam Using an electronic translator to store information for an exam Bringing notes of any sort into an exam unless authorized by the instructor Attempting to buy an exam Other efforts to use other people’s work instead of one’s own work


Appendix A Assignment Rubrics Cross Cultural Management - Daily Assignments Grading Rubric Aspects to be assessed

Unsatisfactory 0 – 5 points

Developing 6-10 points

Organization and development of topic

Answers all parts of question(s) asked

Depth of Analysis

General writing – originality of work, clarity of thought

TOTAL (up to 100 points):


Satisfactory 11-15 points

Good 16-20 points

Excellent 21-25 points

Cross-Cultural Management Project ALL STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE AN INDIVIDUAL GRADE FOR THIS PROJECT Complete this project with members of your assigned group. Tasks: Your group is to develop a strategy for functioning as a multicultural management team, create a website for your company which illustrates the operations and management aspects of your company. The website will be supplemented by a brief oral presentation. Products : 1. Oral Presentation – No more than 10 minutes in length – ALL original content 2. Website - Management Plan – ALL original content, this includes descriptions and photos. Additional videos to highlight your plans will be looked on favorably.

ALL group members MUST actively participate in the project. Cross-Cultural Management Final Group Project & Oral presentation Aspects to Poor Fair Good Excellent be assessed Organization Does not have Sections are Organizational Organizational any clear clear pattern (specific pattern (specific (15%) organization. Major sections introduction and introduction and are all presented. conclusion, conclusion, Audience may sequenced sequenced material Earned: not be told what material within within the body, will be covered. the body, and and transitions) is ______ out transitions) is clearly and of 15 points clearly and consistently consistently observable. observable. Organization is Organization is communicated to communicated to audience and audience. includes a recap at the end. Language Presenters read Presenters read Presenters speak Presenters speak (20%) aloud. Audience some of the time. from notes, and with or without has difficulty Audience may most have notes, with good understanding have some generally pronunciation and Earned: due to factors difficulty comprehensible grammatical such as understanding pronunciation, accuracy. Key ______ out pronunciation, some presenters rhythm and points are repeated of 20 points rapid speech, due to factors stress. with emphasis, and choppy rhythm such as Sentences are the audience has no and stress, pronunciation, clear and not trouble hearing or grammatical rapid speech, overly complex. understanding the errors, overly choppy rhythm Key points are speakers. Some 15

complex sentences, or lack of emphasis and repetition of key points.

and stress, grammatical errors, overly complex sentences, or lack of emphasis of key points. Delivery Not all group Each group (20%) members member participate in presents. May presenting. read from notes Earned: Presentation is or refer briefly to not succinct, text. Presenters ______ out clearly look at the of 20 points organized and audience and spoken loudly delivery is loud and clearly. and clear enough Answers to for audience to audience hear. questions do not Professional demonstrate attitudes are knowledge of shown, when topic. answering questions. One presenter may be dominant. Supporting Content is Content is materials lacking. adequate. Insufficient Supporting (10%) supporting materials make materials. appropriate Materials may reference to Earned: be used without information or citing sources. analysis that ______ out Information or supports the of 10 points analysis presentation. minimally Some gaps may supports the remain-not every presentation. section of the presentation has enough support. Sources are cited.

repeated and given emphasis.

speakers may interact with the audience, using humor or verbal other techniques.

Each group member presents. Most are comprehensible, thorough and clear. Most presenters engage the audience and field questions. One presenter may be dominant and demonstrate knowledge of the topic when fielding questions.

Each group member presents with equal professional skill. Presentation is clear, thorough, and well-rehearsed. Presenters engage audience. All are able to demonstrate knowledge of the topic when fielding questions.

Good content. Supporting materials make appropriate reference to information or analysis that generally supports each section of the presentation. Sources are cited.

Creativity (35%)

Most of presentation is creative, imaginative, and interesting.

Content better than expected. A variety of types of supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make appropriate reference to information or analysis that significantly supports the presentation. Presentation is given in a creative, highly energetic, and engaging manner.


Presentation lacks creativity and originality.

Parts of presentation are creative and imaginative.


______ out of 35 points

TOTAL (100%) Adapted from:


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