TERRA Award FIRST INTERNATIONAL PRIZE FOR CONTEMPORARY EARTHEN ARCHITECTURE Exhibition and catalogue – Free access data base President of honour : Wang Shu, 2012 Pritzker Prize laureate
Earth is becoming increasingly popular in contemporary architecture:
hundreds of projects of high aesthetic and technical quality are emerging across five continents. This material, which has low embodied energy, is readily available and adapted to participatory buildings. It could help provide a solution to the needs for ecological and economical housing.
With this Prize under the auspices of the UNESCO Chair “Earthen
architecture”, CRAterre and many international partners want to highlight the audacity of the clients, the creativity of the designers and the skills of the craftsmen who build with clay.
Application before November 26, 2015
www.terra-award.org Itinerant exhibition of the 40 preselected projects and catalogue Virtual library about earthen architecture Awards Ceremony in Lyon (France) on July 14, 2016 at the Terra 2016 World Congress Contact : atelier@terra-award.org