Estate Master Plan: 328 Cherry Lane A Management Plan in Four Phases This document is a summary of your free consultation, the start of our creative process, in which together we will envision, plan, draw, and build a space for you. At this point we are just trying to understand where we could go with this and decide on a budget. No designing has been done yet. After our initial meeting and discussion of your goals it seems the best course of action is to lay out the big picture, a master plan for the whole property, and !"##$!%$&'()!%'*)+,$-%!.' /0$'1+22+345#'*6#$!'*)$!$5%'6'*)$247456)8'76!%$)'*265'1+)'8+")'30+2$'*)+*$)%89'!"##$!%'!*$-4(-' projects in order of priority and installation time, outline estimated costs, and the review the Roots First fee structure. When you decide to proceed with a piece of this plan, Roots First 3422'1")%0$)'&$:$2+*'%0$'76!%$)'*2659')$(545#'8+")'#+62!'1+)'$6-0'6)$6'65&'&$!4#5!'1+)'!$2$-%$&' projects, streamlining the layout each space. Together, we will continue to work to get all designs just right. Changes and ideas are still welcome at installation. This is your project, we want you to be involved in maximizing your outdoor spaces’ potential to be a beautiful garden & unique play space. Master Plan 1) Entry Area, 2) Forest Play Space, 3) Sunny Garden Area, 4) Kitchen Garden Area.
Master Plan 1) The Entry Area requires improved paths, side garden plantings, and foundation plantings. This !*6-$'768';$'$6!428'<-2$65$&'"*='34%0'!+7$';+2&'*265%45#'*6%%$)5!'65&'!47*24(-6%4+5'+1'06)&!-6*$' 76%$)462!.'>+"'768'62!+'-+5!4&$)'%0$'6&&4%4+5'+1'3622!'%+'0$2*'&$(5$'%0$'!*6-$.' 2) The Forest Play Space. Your home boasts a large, secure play space. There is enough space here for a swing, provided some creative techniques are employed in its installation. Other naturalistic spaces may also be designed here as functional, aesthetically pleasing play areas. 3) The Sunny Garden Area on the corner of the property is your showcase garden. This space needs an inventory of existing vegetation and seasonal maintenance plan, which would be best to complete later in the season when the plants grow in. 4) The Kitchen Garden Area is Adjacent to the kitchen this garden will provide a few rows for easy‐ to‐ grow‐ herbs and vegetable plants.
3 4 1 2
Lets start with a closer look at these two areas and generate some plans here. The sunny garden may be taken care of later in the season when more of the plants grow in. 1) Entry Area: Below is an illustration of a sample solution for your space that incorporates car parking close to both indoor and outdoor living space with walls and clean, rectilinear gardens and walkways. 2) Forest Play Space: Below are two images illustrating the coordination of play & gardens. Your woodland garden play space may be designed around artistic sensibilities while providing special places in which children will play. The ground surfaces under the swing area we will look at will be !65&.'/0$'#)+"5&'*265$'45'%0$'!345#'6)$6'3422'06:$'%+';$'$4%0$)'-"%'+)';"42%'"*'65&'(22$&.'?"%%45#' %0$'!")16-$'4!'6'2$!!'$@*$5!4:$'!+2"%4+5'%065';"42&45#'"*'65&'(2245#.'A$'3422'3+)B'+5'#$5$)6%45#'6' few solutions for the swing area.
The â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Lookâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; /0$'(562'&$!4#5'3422'45-2"&$'*265%'76%$)4629'#)+"5&'-+:$)9'*6%4+'1")54%")$9'*+%%$)89')64!$&' planters, edging, & soil amendments. Below are some images that illustrate the stylistic vision and materials envisioned for your space. Roots First will allow these images to inspire the development of your design.