CUE NV Summer Camp A 21st Century Learning Retreat for Teachers June 11-12, 2013 Damonte Ranch High School Edmodo group code:
Schedule At-a-Glance Tuesday, June 11th Check-in/Opening session: 7:30-8:30 What is 21st Century Learning? (Terra) What is Web 2.0? (Sara) LiveBinder Demo (Tina) Breakout
Terra Graves Room #101
Tina Holland Room #201
Digital Portfolios
Misha Miller Room #208 Google Docs & Presentations
Sara Stewart Room #130 Tech & CCSS ELA
Digital Storytelling
Google Forms & Spreadsheets
Tech & CCSS Math
Lunch 12:30-1:30 1:30-3:30
Social Bookmarking
Closing Session: 3:30-4:00 Beach Ball Reflection
Wednesday, June 12th Check-in/Opening session: 7:30-8:30 Changing Education Paradigms (Misha) Breakout
Terra Graves Room #101
Tina Holland Room #201
Presentation Tools
Finding Multimedia Content
Cloud Storage
Misha Miller Room #208 Photo Sharing, Avatars, Comics
Sara Stewart Room #130
Robert Sidford Room #145
Google Apps
Blogs & Wikis
21st Century Leadership
Games & Simulations
21st Century Leadership (continued)
Lunch 12:30-1:30 1:30-3:30
Digital Portfolios
Closing Session: 3:30-4:00 CUE Bingo Reflection
Session Title and Description Livebinders A Livebinder is a digital 3-ring binder with virtual tabs for collecting and organizing all forms of media into one shareable link. Teachers can use Livebinders for unit resources and students can use them too! This session will explore the creation of livebinders and exploration of shared public binders. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Communication, Collaboration, Productivity Technology and the Common Core—ELA or MATH In both the ELA and Math common core state standards,technology is infused throughout the standards. ELA standards require that students utilize technology to produce and publish writing as well as communicate and collaborate, and the Math standards require students choose appropriate technology tools for performing various tasks. These sessions will help you identify where technology is necessary, where it is a good fit for the curriculum standards, and provide you with ideas for choosing learning tools to meet these needs. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking Digital Storytelling Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories derive their power by weaving images, music, narrative and voice together, thereby giving deep dimension and vivid color to characters, situations, experiences, and insights. Tell your story now digitally. Leslie Rule, Digital Storytelling Association The concept of digital storytelling will be explained and tools which can be used for digital storytelling will be explored in this session. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Communication, Creativity Cloud storage (Dropbox, Google Drive) Learn how to use resources which allow you to store and share files over the internet instead of on a device. We will explore 2 different resources and brainstorm personal, professional, and student uses of these types of tools. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Communication, Collaboration, Productivity Blogs and Wikis Blogs and Wikis are excellent web 2.0 tools that encourage communication & collaboration through digital writing. Students can publish work for authentic audiences and demonstrate creativity and innovation. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity Social Bookmarking (Diigo, Pinterest) Tired of emailing websites to your colleagues to share them? Tired of getting a website link in your email? This session will show you how to share websites and other resources via social bookmarking tools such as Diigo and Pinterest). Caution: One of these tools is highly addictive! 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Communication, Collaboration, Research and Information Fluency Finding Multimedia Content (You Tube, Teacher Tube, iTunes, iTunesU, PBS) So, where can you find some great multimedia content such as video clips, podcasts, interactive simulations, games etc... to enhance your lesson plans? This session will point you in the right direction. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Research and Information Fluency, Creativity Games and Simulations for Critical Thinking (Big Picture Small World, Sometimes it is easier to solve problems when we are put into the situation ourselves. Online games and simulations provide students with a fun (and safe) way to work through personal challenges and global concerns. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Communication Student Presentation Tools (Prezi, Glogster, Haiku Deck) Not another Power Point...please?! Students are ready for a more creative way to show what they know. Explore 3 exciting online tools for projects and presentations. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Digital Citizenship/Media Literacy
Camp Counselor(s) Tina Holland
Sara Stewart
Sara Stewart
Terra Graves
Sara Stewart
Terra Graves
Tina Holland
Sara Stewart
Terra Graves
Tina Holland Digital Portfolios (Livebinder, Google Sites) Collect documents, photos, projects, websites, and other resources to show the “big picture” of your professional career (teachers) or to showcase student work. You will explore a few tools and resources here to get started. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Digital Citizenship/Media Literacy Terra Graves WebQuests Discover a world of collaborative content related projects! Use webquests to Engage students with the content through inquiry and problem solving. You will leave this session with resources you can use with your students the next day. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Self-Directed Learning, Productivity, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Communication, Collaboration Misha Miller Podcasting/RSS/Readers A podcast is a program (as of music or talk) made available in digital format for automatic download over the Internet. This session will explore how to find and subscribe to podcasts using RSS feeds and readers. You will also explore tools and resources for creating your own podcasts. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Communication Misha Miller Google Documents and Presentations Need a place to store all those files so that you can stop carrying around a flash drive? Want a tool that can allow you to collaborate on a presentation with other people from different locations at different times? Want to write a story as a group or develop a rubric as a department? Google Docs are a wonderful tool for you to go paperless and stop emailing docs back and forth. Stop wondering which version has all of the latest changes and whether you have everyone’s contributions. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Communication, Collaboration, Productivity Misha Miller Google Forms and Spreadsheets It seems like the 21st Century is all about data. Come and learn how you can use Google Forms to collect survey data. Forms are easy to create and all the responses are collected in a Google Spreadsheet. Google Spreadsheet allows you to manipulate the data by sorting it and creating graphical representations for easy analysis. 21st Century skills supported by these tools: Communication and Critical Thinking Google Apps Oh my, there are so many Google Apps to choose from. Come find out about three that you can put to good use in the educational environment? Google Earth, Google Calendar and Google Search have great classroom applications. 21st Century skills supported by these tools: Communication, Collaboration and Research and Information Fluency
Misha Miller
Infographics Want to learn about a fun way to use and analyze data? Infographics are an amazing tool for visualizing data. There are hundreds created on a variety of subjects from The Global Appeal of Angry Birds to The State of the Global Economy. These are a great resource for the visual learner! Great for student projects as well! 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Research and Information Fluency, Media Literacy Photo Sharing, Comics, Avatars (PicLits, Picasa, Instagram, Voki, ) A picture is worth a thousand words! So, several pictures are worth...? This session explores a variety of tools for sharing photos, and creating comics and avatars for many purposes. Bring a flash drive with at least 20 photos for this session. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Creativity, Communication Edmodo Known as “Facebook for Schools”, Edmodo is a wonderful academic social network that is being used by teachers and students worldwide. This session explores the basic features and gets you started creating your own groups and searching the communities. 21st Century skills supported by this tool: Communication, Collaboration, Digital Citizenship
Terra Graves
Misha Miller
Tina Holland
TPACK* Learn about this model of the different areas of knowledge that are required for successful technology integration in the classroom. See it explained in meaningful ways. Play a game which helps illustrate the 3 areas (technology, content, pedagogy), explore the activity types, and discuss various scenarios to increase your understanding of the model.
Sara Stewart Terra Graves
*Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching, while addressing the complex, multifaceted and situated nature of teacher knowledge. The TPACK framework extends Shulman’s idea of Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Effective technology integration for pedagogy around specific subject matter requires developing sensitivity to the dynamic, transactional relationship between these components of knowledge situated in unique contexts. Individual teachers, grade-level, school-specific factors, demographics, culture, and other factors ensure that every situation is unique, and no single combination of content, technology, and pedagogy will apply for every teacher, every course, or every view of teaching. -- Pedagogy 21st Century Leadership Learn how to support teachers as they make changes to their practice for teaching the 21st Century student. Participants will analyze the 21st Century paradigm, explore resources from educational leaders, and discuss strategies for guiding the process.
Robert Sidford
Pedagogy/Adult Learning
Raffle Prizes on Wednesday during closing session (must be present to win): • 3 iPad Minis • 4 $15 iTunes cards • 2 $25 iTunes cards • Summer Toys grab bag Each attendee will receive a raffle ticket EACH morning. To earn extra tickets, attendees can: • Be on time after lunch each day • Follow us on Twitter: @WCSD21, @WCSDstrivreader, @CUENV • Like CUE NV on Facebook • In the CUE NV Summer Camp Edmodo group: Share how you might use one of the tools in your classroom (posted no later than 8:00PM on Tuesday).
This event is the result of collaboration, communication, and creativity with these partners: