architecture | landscape | urbanism
Terrarium is a multidisciplinary firm, specialized in Landscape planning & Urbanism, with headquarters in Goa and an office in Lucknow. We are committed to providing equitable, & healthy spaces through our design solutions.
Services Offered
CREATING SPACES FOR HEALING body | mind | environment Goa | Lucknow
Archi t e c erut Land s c ngiseDepa Land s
The Team
Education: Expertise: Contact: Contact:
MLA - National University of Singapore B.Arch - Goa College of Architecture, Goa Urban Agriculture, Integrating Ecosystem Services, Water Sensitive Urban Design, Contemplative Landscapes, Public participatory design. +91 9158962680 +91 9740541312
MLA - National University of Singapore, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
B.Arch - Manipal University, Manipal
Hariyalee Nursery
Terrarium is made up of a dedicated group of professional architects and designers committed to excellence. The passionate people who work at Terrarium come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, with their ideas shaping the direction of the company and ensuring quality and uniqueness.
Design of infrastructure and landscapes for human health and welfare, Sustainable Architecture : Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) AP, Water Sensitive Urban Design.
Mitali Kumar
Manasi Prabhudesai
Terra Hydratech
Architect |
Architect Co-Founder Architect | Landscape Architect Consultant Horticulturist Consultant Water Management
Centaur Pharmaceuticals LemonTree Resort Courtorim Tendoli Farms Oscar’s Residence SJVN Landscape Panaji POROUS+ Oasis Resort The Learning Forest Unichem Lab Garden Retreat COMPLETED ONGOING URBANISM
Courtorim Lakes The Urban Terrarium Re-imagining Tower Road Residue in Retrospect Aasha Community Centre Sponge Living POROUS+
SITE: Tuem Industrial Estate, Goa
Centaur Pharmaceuticals
Sustainable Industrial Landscape
Design Intent
stabilize cleanse
Project Centaur Pharmaceuticals, is a unique Industrial landscape project located in Tuem industrial estate in Goa. This project is a combination of sustainable landscape techniques to maintain a low project cost and planting tiered vegetation to deliver esthetically sound tropical industrial landscape. Bioengineered elements such as the 6 m steep slope stabilized with the help of plant roots and bioswale to carry rain water and tank overflows to the rain water harvesting tank are the highlights of this project.
+ infiltration
Shrub Planting
Stabilization BIOSWALE Techniques for SLOPE retention
Tree Planting pattern
pattern Stone Pitching
Centaur Pharmaceuticals
On site Pictures
Unichem Lab
Sustainable Industrial Landscapes
This project adds value to the industrial campus of Unichem Laboratories through Landscape design. A unique balance of Hardscape and Softscape to create meaningful spaces for the employees to wonder and break during the resting hour. The design aims to be sustainable and functional while adding to the aesthetic values of the surrounding. The plants selected are native and tropical.
SITE: Pilerne, North Goa Design Intent COMPLETED
On site Pictures
Unichem Lab
SITE: Kudal, Maharashtra
sustainable integrative
Tendoli Farms is a 20 Acres property Located in Kudal, Maharashtra. In this project our focus was to design a sustainable agricultural practice along with interconnected water systems to meet the agricultural needs. We used aboriginal planting techniques with the help of the local community. We created an interdependent agricultural program that engaged the local community in seasonal fruit picking and provided them with sufficient livelihood. Parts of the farm were designed as grassland for the local cattle to graze on. Farm house made of locally available laterite stone was designed for the owners to suit the hot and dry climate of the region.
Promoting symbiotic relationship between man and nature
Design Intent COMPLETED
Tendoli Farms
Catchment STORMWATER Retaining Wall Ring Well Stone Pitching Runoff
SITE: Anjuna, Goa Design Intent
Balinese Sensory Garden
balinese tropical sensory
Hugely influenced by contemporary Balinese architecture the design combines traditional Balinese aesthetic principles, the island’s abundance of natural materials and famous artistry and craftsmanship of its people. These Balinese gardens are planned in a natural tropical style filled with tropical decorative plants in harmony with the environment. The elements of smell, taste, hearing, touch and sight are integrated together to create a space which stimulates the senses of the user; offering a rich therapeutic experience.
Garden Retreat
Ground Floor
Garden Retreat First Floor
Garden Retreat Second Floor
The Learning Forest
Rewilding Residential Landscapes
SITE: Loutolim, South Goa Design Intent
The design intends to integrate 4000 Sq. M of Teakwood forest to form a space of education and play for the community of Loutolim while maintaining the local indiginious activities of the nearby communities. The Learning Forest features a series of bioengineered and water retention techniques that allow the visitors to explore habitats ranging from Dry summer Grassland (Plateau vegetation) to Moist mixed deciduous forests. The forest comprises the majority of Teak trees, followed by wild palms and different forest species. Driven by the communities insights and activities the design activates sites ecology and creates interesting new spaces that build social infrastructure and fosters contemplativeness to heal.
On site Pictures Learning Forest
On site Pictures Learning Forest
Near Varca Beach, Goa
Lemon Tree Premier Resort
Landscapes of transition
placemaking optimizing
Aquamarine resort is located near the coastal belt of Goa. The design focuses on landscapes of transition. The project was inspired by the uniqueness of the site surroundings: the raw lush greenery of the village & fresh water streams crippling around the site to soft coastal landscape. The design curates a landscape that adds to the beauty of the resort, while being sensitive to the local context. Hardscape features; such as the submerged poolside bar, poolside façade, integrated with Mediterranean Landscape Elements aims to create a serene environment to enhance the visitor experience.
Design Intent ONGOING
Lemon Tree Premier Resort
SITE: Shanan, Shimla
SJVN Landscape Beautification
Biophilic Office Landscape
hanging gardens interactive
The project was a collaborative effort with the architects from DCPL Chandigarh for Landscape Beautification of The Hydroelectricity generator SJVN’s office campus in Shimla. The landscape offers a biophilic escapade for the office goes to enhance their wellbeing while minimizing underutilized and concertized surfaces like retaining walls and transport network; creating a cascading Hanging Garden, adorning the hills of Shimla.
Design Intent ONGOING
SJVN Landscape Beautification
Design Idea
Mandopa, Goa
Springfield Mansion
Enhancing Residential Habitats
pollinators biodiverse
Springfield Mansion is a 1200 Sq M residence located in Mandopa- Goa, with the landscape scope of 470 sq.m.; Currently a mundane & unplanned open space. Our aim in this project was to showcase how a residential garden can amplify outdoor experience and foster high intensity habitats. For enhancing the diversity we have carefully crafted a palette of plants and soil to attract a great variety of native birds and pollinators.
Design Intent ONGOING
SITE: Bhopal-Indore Highway
Design Intent
Oasis Resort
The Urban Sanctuary
biophillic selective healing
Designed as a collaboration project with S Lab, the resort is visualized as a place for solace amidst the busy city life in Bhopal. The design was formulated such that Biophillic elements - namely nature in the form of plants and water integrated all through the resort. The landscape palette is carefully formulated based on site specific conditions - with a vast selection of indoor plants - to bring the feel of outdoors indoors, and heat + rain tolerant outdoor plants, to cope with the changing climate of Bhopal.
Indoor Plants Bioswale
Lotus Pond
SITE: Custorim, Goa Design Intent
Curtorim Lake Rejuvination
Proposal for revival of the water ecosystem of Curtorim Village
catch treat utiilize
As a collaborative proposal with Terra Hydraotech Solutions our project aimed to design and build sustainable & resilient water infrastructure for the village of Curtorim. Along with resiliency we planned to generate a comprehensive water management plan combined with landscape plan, low impact development facilities using locally available methods and techniques which preserve the beautiful nature of Curtorim further creating outstanding community spaces for the people of Curtorim.
Immediate Concerns:
Integrated Water Resource Management
Panaji, Goa Design Intent
Panaji Porous+
Water Sensitive Urban Design Solutions curated for Panaji
detention retention recharge
Our team prepared research and WSUD solutions as a proposal to the Mayor for tackling rising issues of urban floods in Panaji City. Proposal introduces integrated grey and blue-green solutions that are cost-efficient, scalable and offer a multitude of ecosystem benefits to manage urban floods; that require urgent transitions to meet current and future urban flooding challenges in Panaji.
Campal Road St. Inez Creek Patto
The Urban Terrarium
House as space for contemplation
*TOP 50- House 2.0 Competition by Archdais*
Design Intent
“The Urban Terrarium” is located amidst courtyard houses of Narahi, in the city of Lucknow. Situated on a 300 sq.m. size plot, the house caters to a middle-income family of 6 people. The project is envisioned as a self-sustaining micro-ecosystem or a ‘patch’ of the larger yet now inaccessible + disconnected urban ecosystem of Lucknow; as a vernacular; yet sustainable space that is Flexible, Transformable and Contemplative.
flexible transformable contemplative
The Urban Terrarium Design Conept
Dharavi, Mumbai
Design Intent
Aasha Community Centre
Let your hopes , shape your future *TOP 50- The Dharavi Project Competition by Archdais*
open green local
The idea is to utilize Dharavi’s resilient social capital in making the place for the people to create a space that is their own. The building becomes a showcase of their work involving the local artisans in the planning process to foster a vibrant community space. The communal space is not just a structure for economic and social activities. It is also a canvas for the community to showcase their skill, be it in Art, Science, or Technology.
E D Ground Floor: 1. Library 2. Community Plaza 3. Exhibition Space 4. Practice Studios + Performance Stage 5. Amphitheater First Floor: 1. Night School/Children Day Care 2. Group work Zone 3. Individual work Zone Second Floor: 1. Outdoor Workspace +Discussion Area 2. Flexible Meeting Rooms 3. Metal Work + Carpentry Workshop Third Floor: 1. Glass and Pottery Workshop 2. Outdoor Workshop Fourth Floor: 1. Bio-solar Roof F F. BIO-SOLAR GREEN ROOF E. MOVABLE WALLS D. OUTDOOR WORKDESKS B LOUVRE FACADE CORRUGATED SHEET C TERRACOTTA
A. MOVABLE + SCALABLE URBAN FURNITURE C. URBAN AGRICULTURE: GREEN WALL B. STAINED GLASS CANOPY The Grid: 2.5m x 2.5m Green Buffer: Creating a sence of openness Acess Points + Avenues: Volume and Space Optimization: 1 2 3 4
Tower Road, Ithaca, NY
Design Intent
Re-imagining Tower Road
Envisioning roadside greenery for enhanced user experiences
highlight select enhance
Located in the Cornell Campus, Ithaca, New York - the idea behind the design was to enhance the planting plot as a visual backdrop for the adjacent field and to revamp experience of the pedestrians along the sidewalk as a flowing + seamless landscape of small shrubs and grasses ranging in colors white, purple and pink with occasional bursts of yellow and blue. The ground cover serves as defining edge with selected species having a striking green color.
Academic Project, Design by: Mitali Kumar
First plant i n g -
Site: District 4, KHI, JAKARTA
Design Intent
Residue in Retrospect
Waste as a catalyst for a resilient Bekasi
link cleanse
Coastal cities like Bekasi are in constant ecological flux, with global factors like rising sea levels making it essential to integrate vernacular and resilient design strategies in the region. The project looks at residue; namely sediment, and waste, individually considered as issues in the region, as the tools for sustainable development.
Academic Project, Design by: Mitali Kumar
The district that the intervention aims to reform is District 4: being located at low lying areas, would be the first district in KHI to be impacted.
The master plan aims to interlink the green and blue networks to offer a resilient landscape for the future developments. 1st phase of development being the creation of the water network to handle flooding and enhance sediment flow by using a network of canals and flood rooms connected to treatment and collection nodes (No. 5) Residential canals being connected via overflow passages (no 7) to the main canal and river, with the paddy fields being retained in the periphery to serve as collection zones for flood waters.
This will be followed by activating the green nodes: the primary attractions being the wetland park and the landfill parks (no 1 and 3) he site will have several waste collection and compost nodes marked in yellow with 5 min walking distances from the neighborhood. And the residential canals will be lined with urban green making nature readily accessible. Towards the bay (no 5)– the dune landscape will house mangroves and oysters. The blue and green network can then be followed by the urban development for the community to reside in a well-functioning landscape.
0 0.5km
Site: District 2, KHI, JAKARTA
Design Intent
Revival Through Resilience
sponge resilient
“Sponge Living” is a subtle approach to urban development that celebrates social structure, context and relationship of people of Indonesia with nature. This vision cultivates within the context of a developing region, Kota Harapan Indah. The planning examines the relationship between community and infrastructure to develop a new model of water network, interwoven with social network and design need based landscape to tap into existing ecological and infrastructural pattern. Social capital is a key to communitybased hazard response.
Flood basin Terraced Agroscapes
Flood Resilient Green Space
80% Increase in Permeable Surfaces by 2050
Academic Project, Design by: Manasi Prabhudesai
ACADEMIC Sponge Living
1. Community Garden 2. Multi-generational centre 3. Play area for kids 4. Reading and sitting space 5. Amphitheatre 6. Open Gym 7. Gravel beach 8. Bioretention Basin 9. BBQ Pit 10. Sports court 11. Pocket Farm 12. News Zone 13. Open Library 14. Every day market for vegetables + communIty network daIly actIvItIeS : veGetaBle hawkerS, old people are, play School, prayer Space + educate throuGh proceSS: enhance contact wIth water and BuIld SkIllS For Flood reSIlIence + communIty core redeFInInG open SpaceS to Become the Focal poInt 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 0 10 20 40 10 11 12 13 14 Residential Community Centre KHI Central Business District & Context 1. Farm Land 2. Sedimentation Pond 3. Water treatment zone 4. Walking trail 5. Jogging Track 6. Dragon Boat Jetty 7. Basketball Court 8. View Points 9. Main Road 10. Connecting Bridge 11. F & B street 24x7 12. Fishing Point 13. Exercise Park 14. Restaurants for CBD 15. Art Street 16. Hawkers street 17. Performance Area 18. Night Market 19. KHI Performing & Contemporary Arts Centre 20. KHI Arts Institute 21. Offices/ IT/ Business centre/Hotels/Mall/ 22. Super Market + Generate FootFall and revenue local SportS - local artS - InternatIonal BuSIneSS + educate throuGh proceSS: envIronmental and aGrIcultural awareneSS, and reGIonal FocuS oF porouS lIvInG + cultural GatherInG Space puBlIc GatherInG Space, relIGIouS GatherInG Space, work Space 0 0 20 60 100 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 4 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 11 11 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 12 KHI Central Business District & Context KHI- Residential Community Centre + Generate Footfall and revenue + Community Network + Educate through process + Community Core + Cultural Gathering Space + Educate through process