I did this short image book to show by journey in image making showcasing the different works done during the course. I wanted it to show that I had a lot of fun while creating these images. On the 1st spread, I had done different images of myself with my girlfriend as a couple and added the wording “You lookin’ at me” like in De Niro’s Taxi Driver Scene. I have a dark humour. Then for the second spread, I use images from my mood board. Then, the last spread, I had fun with the last work doing an invasion of lizards and a tiny army of officers looking to use giant telephones. For my front cover, I did 3 vertical stripes of my first work on representation showing the contrasts in styles with my title linking the 3 stripes. On my back cover, I featured the tail of the lizard to show it is going away and thus it is the end.