Number 4
31 May 2012
Purpose: Explain how Information Dominance Portfolio Health Assessments support Navy resourcing and wholeness decisions with a repeatable system-of-systems engineering and capability analysis process
Talking Points What is a PHA?
The Portfolio Health Assessment (PHA) is a tool to evaluate the wholeness of the Navy’s Information Dominance portfolio. It focuses on total capability to support Navy missions rather than on individual program health, and is intended to support resourcing decisions.
Systems engineers and warfare subject matter experts, led by SPAWAR 5.1 (Enterprise Systems Engineering), work with OPNAV N2/N6 to conduct a PHA, using system-of-systems engineering (SoSE) and analysis to form the assessment. They trace the information kill chain of a Navy mission from start to finish through sensors, communications, networks and systems, organizations and personnel to the point where it is used by a decision maker, an analyst or a weapon system.
PHA analysis identifies the essential systems, platforms, sensors, communications, nodes and personnel in the information kill chain supporting a particular mission (i.e., anti-surface warfare, integrated air and missile defense, etc.). It also identifies performance gaps or breaks in the chain, and offers potential solutions to the gaps.
To support resourcing decisions, the PHA documents the as-programmed capabilities funded through the end of the Future Years Defense Planning cycle. This highlights issues that must be addressed in the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution process. To-be PHA excursions can be conducted to compare alternative courses of action to fill gaps or provide new capabilities. How Does the PHA Integrate with the Navy Resourcing Process?
By looking across program boundaries with SoSE, the PHA ensures Navy decision makers understand what must be resourced to support program wholeness. PHA deliverables are formatted to inform a balanced OPNAV N2/N6 Sponsor Program Proposal that addresses the Fleet’s most critical requirements.
The PHA is being aligned with the Navy’s Integration and Interoperability process to address wholeness and completeness with respect to Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel and Facilities. Key Messages
Facts and Figures
The PHA is a repeatable process applying engineering rigor to evaluate Navy Information Dominance capabilities
The PHA informs OPNAV resourcing decisions in the context of Navy missions
It is being aligned with Navy wholeness initiatives
The initial PHA Quick Look identified issues and potential solutions associated with SATCOM, datalinks, electronic warfare and National intelligence support
A subsequent Assured Command & Control (C2) PHA deep-dive evaluated Courses of Action to ensure C2 of naval forces in any operating environment