 Sacramento State welcomes visitors with lush foliage
co m
c mi e d ca
udent programs t s &
»e xc el
& emic cad ta len
pus environmen m a t» cc i dy am na n y we lco
Summary of Philanthropic Support.................. 38
Community Support....................................... 32
exc elle nt
Dynamic Campus Environment..................... 24
elc us » w oming ca p mp am c us g in m
student p rog r a ms
s pu m ca
Welcoming Campus.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Excellent Academic & Student Programs........ 8
ity support mun om »c
Destination 2010 Overview.................................. 6
g campus » welc min om lco i ng we » ent vironm s en pu am cc
ironment us env »d p m yn a c am c i m i
CONTENTS President’s Letter................................................... 5
a milestone to our future
port » communit p u ys ys up t i po un m
stination 2010 » de 10 20 on 2010 » de s i t i n nat a t i sti o destinatio n n de 0» 2 1 0 1 20 0
10 tination 2 20 s 0 e 1 0 »d 4
des tin a des tin des ati tin a
n o ti
nat ion
»» Students relax between classes in the main campus quad
des tin a des tin des ati tin a
n o ti
stination 2010 » de 10 20 on 2010 » de s i t i n nat a t i sti o destinatio n n de 0» 2 1 0 1 20
nat ion
hen I arrived at Sacramento State in 2003, it had a solid reputation as a large public university that had served the higher education needs of the region for more than 50 years. However, the University needed a to refocus its energy to better respond to emerging challenges in higher education. The goal was to provide the types of facilities, academic programs and amenities that would make Sac State a leader in the community and transform it into a destination campus for students and the public. With the support of students, faculty and staff, we launched Destination 2010, an ambitious initiative designed to help achieve these goals. While the effort to expand, improve and reach out to the region is a continuous one, we can take pride in the achievements we have made at this brief stop along that never-ending journey. Destination 2010 established four strategic tenets for realizing these goals:
» Alexander Gonzalez
President, Sacramento State
These tenets were chosen because they embody what makes a great university. They addressed issues of modernization, technology and new student needs as Sacramento State entered the 21st century. Destination 2010 encouraged the continued development of a more diverse student body, one that reflects the changing demographics of California.
10 tination 2 20 s 0 e 1 0 »d
» Excellent Academic and Student Programs » Welcoming Campus » Dynamic Campus Environment » Community Support
The goal was, and continues to be, development of programs that encourage the intellectual growth of our students and support the academic talents of our faculty. The University also offers many students, including undergraduates, the chance to participate in research projects, further enhancing the learning experience by giving them practical experience in their fields.
These tenets were chosen because they emb
From academic advising and financial aid counseling, student housing on and off campus, and a new bookstore, Sacramento State also provides the support services that allow students and faculty to focus on excelling in the classroom. Students also want a campus they can enjoy away from their studies. We have made the campus even more aesthetically pleasing with beautification projects and made it easier for students and visitors to get around. Students have access to many extracurricular activities, including recreation, concerts, movies and plays to fill their spare time. A new recreation and wellness center, The Well, will offer the campus community a place to stay fit and healthy through state-of-the-art facilities and wellness programs. Sacramento State has reached out to our alumni and the community like never before, creating new partnerships with the city, its lawmakers, non-profits and business leaders. As state funding for higher education continues to decrease, the generosity of our community is ever more important. Strong philanthropic support provides much needed scholarships, maintains current student programs and creates new opportunities to expand the University’s offerings. I hope you will join me in celebrating the many successes of Destination 2010. It truly is “a milestone to our future.”
body what makes a great university.
Sacr amento State has reached out to the community like never before, creating new partnerships with ALUMNI, the city—its lawmakers, non-profits and business leaders.
— President Alexander Gonzalez
excellent academ 8
xcellent academic and student programs are a hallmark of a great university. As a regional university serving the Sacramento metropolitan area, Sac State is the intellectual resource for students, business, government and the community at large.
Already renowned for top academic programs that prepare our graduates for careers in public service such as Criminal Justice, Nursing, Government, and Public Policy and Administration, Sacramento State has expanded undergraduate and graduate offerings since 2004. A new MBA for Executives provides an intense, accelerated advanced degree program for experienced
professionals and managers who aspire to leadership positions. Similarly, the Doctorate in Educational Leadership is designed to produce exemplary educational leaders for schools, community colleges and related areas within the educational system. And a new Film Studies major prepares students with a curriculum that spans film appreciation, history, theory and criticism, and writing — all within the context of a liberal arts tradition. With our ongoing commitment to undergraduate general education and teaching, incoming freshmen now have mandatory orientation and must complete the First Year Experience (FYE) Program. FYE was created to improve
access, success, retention and graduation rates for all first-year students. In addition, the One Book Program, established in 2008, engages freshman students and the campus community in a lively, intellectual conversation based on their shared reading of a selected book. The General Education Honors Program was created in Fall 2006 for highly motivated students attending the University. The Honors Program provides talented firsttime freshmen a challenging and invigorating liberal arts education in small class settings from enthusiastic faculty members. The Honors Program at Sacramento State creates a community of like-minded thinkers and
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pus environmen m a t» cc i dy am na n y we lco
mic & student progr ams
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exc elle nt
Internships and service learning are integral to our students’ academic experience. The top-rated Capital Fellows program offers an opportunity to work in public agencies and prepare for careers in state and federal government. Other internship programs invite students to take theory into practice. The Community Engagement
Center, which administers the Writing Partners and Alternative Break programs, encourages volunteerism — a hallmark of the Millennial Generation. This spirit of service is important to our students and creates engaged citizens who give back to their communities. As we move into the next decade, Sacramento State is truly poised to educate our students for the 21st century. Our role as a university is about creating graduates who are well-rounded, informed, critical-thinking human beings. They are the future, and providing them the very best education is and continues to be the top destination.
s pu m ca
Our faculty are experts in their field, providing valuable knowledge not only to students, but to the community at large. They are called upon as authorities on a multitude of subjects ranging from economics and public policy to media and sociology. In and out of the classroom, our faculty make an impact in the region.
The Guardian Scholars Program provides an integrated system of services for former foster youth attending Sacramento State. The program offers assistance to this special population with year-round housing, academic and psychological counseling, mentorship and other services that aid participants toward the successful completion of a college degree.
student program & s» ic m ex de a c c
emic & student p ro cad g ta ra m len el
citizens, engaged in our global, post-industrial society and culture. The Honors Program will enhance the Sacramento region by creating a pipeline of exceptional, forward-thinking graduates who will be our future leaders in business, education, healthcare and more.
inspiring faculty and strong student support
» excellent academic & student progr ams
ONORS PROGR AM » The General Education Honors Program began in 2006 as an accelerated liberal arts program for talented freshmen entering
Sacramento State. Nicole Anderson, an International Studies major, embodies the spirit of the Honors Program. She has a strong focus on advocacy and leadership, an interest in global cultures and, of course, an avid intellectual curiosity. Anderson has been busy during her time at Sac State. She traveled abroad
136 students » Secured over $500,000 for student scholarships » Provides students with exciting educational and
Advocate of the Year honor in 2008-09 and was recently
cultural opportunities
appointed student trustee of the CSU system. Anderson says
here and abroad
Honors Program gave me the confidence to study abroad, apply to the trustee position and do things I wouldn’t otherwise. It also offered me great professional networking opportunities.” Anderson is planning to attend law school and join the Marines »» Nicole Anderson, Sac State Honors Program student and CSU trustee
» Currently enrolls
to Argentina, won the California State Student Association’s
the Honors Program was integral to her success, citing that “the 10
» Offers small core classes with individualized teacher-student interaction
as a military lawyer after graduation.
The honors progr am gave me the confidence to study abroad, apply to the trustee position and do things i wouldn’t otherwise.
SPRING 2004: President Alexander Gonzalez launches Destination 2010
SPRING 2004: Campus beautification project begins
SPRING 2004: Student referendum passes to allow the building of the Recreation and Wellness Center
Destination 2010
UARDIAN SCHOLARS » When foster children turns 18, they no longer receive state support and are often left without family support or the means to
Facts: » Provides services to 45
pursue a higher education. Enter Sacramento State’s Guardian
students — freshmen
Scholars program, which helps cover fees, living expenses and
to graduate students
other needs, and provides mentors to guide them through life’s rockier waters. “The Guardian Scholars program has given me the ability to focus on my schoolwork,” says Christine Bergholm, a government-journalism major. Her mentor is Sacramento State
»» Guardian Scholar Christine Bergholm and her mentor, Dr. Ann Blanton
a milestone to our future
» Assists with housing, financial aid, counseling, health services, books and academic needs
Professor Ann Blanton, with Speech Pathology and Audiology.
» Donors and partners
Even though Bergholm has a good handle on life and
include Sleep Train,
contact with family in San Jose, it helps to have Blanton as a
Stuart Foundation, John
mentor. “It’s easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out, and it’s
Burton Foundation,
nice to have someone in Sacramento to talk with,” Bergholm
Foster Youth Education
says. Blanton concurs, noting, “I’ve had the chance to get to
Fund, Walter S. Johnson
know a wonderful friend. I count myself very lucky to know her.”
Foundation, Casey Family Programs, Linkages to Education and Meridian Commercial Properties
The guardian scholars progr am has given me the ability to focus on my schoolwork.
FALL 2004: University receives a $10 million commitment from Alex G. and Faye Spanos toward Hornet Stadium
2005: New building signage rollout including logo on the top of Modoc Hall
2005: Writing Partners Program launches
» excellent academic & student progr ams
ORLD - CLASS FACULT Y » Fostering excellent academic and student programs begins with an excellent faculty. Sacramento State has always
named an Emerging
instruction. This tradition continues with a new generation of
Research Institution by the
faculty members as the age demographics of the professoriate
Federal Demonstration
have changed. Destination 2010 has addressed the large
Partnership, a collabora-
turnover in faculty by attracting bright, energetic professors to
tion of federal agencies
and research universities
Provost Joseph Sheley says, “While we continue to rely on the past few years have brought new instructors who are at once strong scholars, current in new approaches to presenting contemporary curricula and excellent role models for our students.” The impact in the classroom has been tremendous. Faculty »» Faculty members, from left, Tom Decker, Patrick Cannon and Susanne Lindgren earned prestigious Fulbright Scholar grants in 2008.
» In 2009, Sac State was
been known for professors dedicated to providing challenging
our more senior faculty members for leadership and experience,
» Faculty research and contracts generated nearly $20 million in sponsorships and grants in 2008-09 » Many University honors and awards for excellent
interaction with students continues to be a hallmark of the
instruction, scholarship
University. Students work side-by-side with professors and
and service recognize
engage in research projects and internships that that help the
specific faculty members
and the entire faculty for inspiring the next generation of leaders
FALL 2005: University begins to offer EMBA program and a Master’s in Chemistry with a focus on biochemistry
OCTOBER 2005: Inaugural Green & Gold Gala
NOVEMBER 2005: Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation provides $2 million gift to the fieldhouse
Destination 2010
APITAL FELLOWS » The nationally recognized Capital Fellows program has launched the careers of hundreds of students and educated the leaders who are
Facts: » More than 1,000
shaping the future of our state. Yang Lee, who earned bachelor’s
students apply each
and master’s degrees from Sacramento State, finished his
year for 64 fellowships
fellowship in the State Assembly in 2006. His work in the office of then-Assemblymember Loni Hancock included analyzing legislation and budget requests and meeting with lobbyists and constituents. Today he works for the state Department of Finance, helping to develop the budget for the Department of Health Care Services. “Besides being the second in my family
»» Capital Fellow and Sacramento State alumnus Yang Lee
a milestone to our future
» Fellows work as fulltime members of a legislative, executive or judicial branch office » Sacramento State’s
to graduate from college, getting accepted to the program
Capital Fellows program
was one of my biggest achievements,” Lee says. The program,
has been named one
administered by Sacramento State’s Center for California Studies,
of the top internship
places 64 fellows each year in the state Senate, Assembly,
programs in the country
executive branch and judicial system. Lee says his fellowship has
by Vault.com, a career
prepared him for a career in public service, and he hopes to run
management research
for office someday.
and information website
Getting accepted to the progr am was one of my biggest achievements.
2005: Academic Information Resource Center (AIRC) building opens
2006: STEM initiative
SPRING 2006: Implemented mandatory freshman orientation
» excellent academic & student progr ams
ROOPS TO COLLEGE » With a year left on his five-year military commitment, Austin Sihoe began preparing for life after the Navy. The California native
» Troops to College
knew he wanted to attend Sac State, but the problem was, he
began as a statewide
was assigned to an aircraft carrier forward deployed to Japan.
program in 2006
“I began e-mailing and faxing my information to Jeff Weston (Sacramento State Veteran’s Affairs director) while on the ship. I got my transcripts together, and Jeff did all the legwork. “At first, it was a little unsettling trying to do this from so far away, but every step of the way I received feedback on the status of my application and what I needed to supply. “It was a huge relief when I received my acceptance notice 14
» Sacramento State has about 1,300 veterans and family members attending the University » Sac State was one of 20 schools in the
from Sac State, and the timing was perfect. I separated from the
nation selected to
Navy in April 2007 and began my coursework that fall.”
receive a $100,000
Sihoe now helps his fellow veterans attend Sac State, through his job in the Veterans Service Center on campus.
American Council for Education/Wal-Mart Success for Veterans
»» Student-veteran and Troops to College participant Austin Sihoe
Award Grant in 2008
Every step of the way i received feedback on the status
of my application and what i needed to supply.
SPRING 2006: Transfer students admitted this term receive a transfer credit evaluation in their first semester, which helps them select the classes they need to graduate
MAY 2006: Asian American Studies Program releases groundbreaking Asian & Pacific Islander Americans in Sacramento research report
SUMMER 2006: University Union patio and walkway upgrades completed
Destination 2010
MART GRID » Sacramento State has emerged as one of California’s leaders in modernizing the nation’s electrical grid, and students are already seeing the
» Sac State’s Smart Grid partners are the
a partnership that reaches across multiple levels of government
Sacramento Municipal
and education—while leveraging the talents of the University’s
Utility District, the
students and faculty. It seeks to improve energy technology by
state Department of
testing advanced metering systems and proposing practical
General Services and
solutions that can promote efficiency and clean technology on
the Los Rios Community
larger scales. With faculty teaching courses directly related to
College District
generation of workers in the clean technology sector. “Smart Grid technology is the wave of the future,” says Emir Macari, dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science. “Our innovative curricula in both electrical engineering and computer
Smart Grid Center at Sacramento State
benefits. The California Smart Grid Center at Sacramento State is
the center, students have the opportunity to become the next
»» Dean Emir Macari (front center) and principal faculty from the California
a milestone to our future
» The project received $127 million in federal stimulus funds » 30 charging stations for
technology make Sacramento State the logical nexus for this
electric vehicles will be
kind of exciting innovation.”
installed in the University’s three parking structures
Smart grid technology is the wave of the future...
sacr amento state is the logical nexus for this exciting innovation.
AUGUST 2006: Broad Fieldhouse groundbreaking
FALL 2006: First cohort admitted into the General Education Honors Program
FALL 2006: Guardian Scholars established
» excellent academic & student progr ams
DUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP DOCTOR ATE For some, education is the path to success; for others, success is a path to education. In May 2010, the first
» This is the first doctoral
cohort of students graduated from Sacramento State’s new
program of its kind at
Education Leadership doctorate program.
Sacramento State
Many in the cohort were already working in education as school principals and college administrators. They sought out the doctoral program to learn how to better manage the complexities of educational organizations. “We are building the next cadre of executive educational leaders charged with transforming schools and colleges,” says Carlos Nevarez, director of the program. “They will be in a position to affect school-change processes and shape
educational policies for many years to come.”
» During the first two years of the program, students typically take classes on Friday evenings and all day Saturday, every other week » During the third year, students work independently on their doctoral dissertation
»» Dr. Carlos Nevarez, Director of the Educational Leadership Doctorate Program at Sacramento State
We are building the next cadre of executive educational
leaders charged with tr ansforming schools and colleges.
FALL 2006: President Alexander Gonzalez establishes University Budget Advisory Committee, creating unprecedented transparency for the campus budget process
2007: Brokers of Expertise project commences
2007: Sac State achieves a 83.7% recycling and reuse rate, with nearly 10,000 tons of material diverted from landfills
Destination 2010
URSING PROGR AM » While Sacramento State’s Division of Nursing prepares future nurses to address the state-wide shortage, it’s also preparing for a critical
For years, Nursing operated in outdated and overcrowded facilities in El Dorado Hall, where faculty and staff had to move simulation mannequins in and out of rooms to properly conduct labs. With the acquisition of the 188,000 square-foot Folsom Hall, the division is poised to move into the much-needed larger space for academic programs. The move eventually also will
» Sac State’s Nursing program has more than 5,000 alumni » Over half of these alumni work in the Sacramento region » Applicants to the Nursing program have an
serve the community.
average GPA of 3.83
80 students, we’re having to shuffle labs for 12 hours a day to get all the students through the labs. It’s important that we’re able to provide more experience for our new students so we can turn
SPRING 2007: Sac State launches leadership initiative program to foster leadership development among students
allow the division to expand enrollment and open new clinics to Ann Stoltz, former chair of the Division of Nursing, says, “With
»» Faculty instructing a student in a nursing simulation lab
a milestone to our future
out the best professional nurses we can.”
JANUARY 2007: Parking Structure III opens
» The two most recent graduating classes in Nursing had 100 percent passage rates on their state board exams
APRIL 2007: Broadway and film star Carol Channing gives a special performance and master class on campus while promoting arts education
welcom 18
hile maintaining academic excellence is Sacramento State’s number one priority, there’s no doubt that students want an environment where they can relax and enjoy themselves when they close their textbooks and turn off the laptop. Destination 2010 has strengthened the University’s attractions and offerings not only for students, faculty and staff, but also for members of the community at large. Sacramento State has complemented the natural beauty of its park-like setting beside the American River with more landscaping and flowers, added artwork that adorns the grounds and interiors of many
buildings, and provided more directional signs that make it easier for visitors to find their way around.
and mayoral candidate debates, and the Sacramento mayor’s State of the City address.
Sacramento State now has a new 3,100-space parking structure that provides spaces during the busiest times of the day and school year, making it easier to attend classes and enjoy the University’s wealth of events and attractions.
The arts and science programs continue to grow at Sacramento State and contribute to the University’s high community profile.
Sacramento State’s role as a regional event destination continues to expand. The campus has hosted several civic gatherings in the University Union, such as the gubernatorial
The Music Department’s Jazz Program has won awards for its vocal groups, Latin band and individual students from Downbeat magazine. The Theatre and Dance Department has been recognized with invitations to the prestigious Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival and the American College Dance Festival.
ity support mun om »c
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port » communit p u ys ys up t i po un m
pus environmen m a t» cc i dy am na n y we lco
ing ca mpus
campus » w ming elc lco o m we in » vironment s en pu am cc
ironment us env »d p m yn a c am c i m i
us » welcoming c p am am c pu g in s m
exc elle nt
To better promote its events as well as the University’s numerous awards, achievements and programs,
There are more reasons than ever to consider Sacramento State when looking for something to do, or a place to shop or eat. And those offerings will continue to expand as the University grows along with the Sacramento region, making the University a destination campus.
us mp ca
The University’s Police Department makes sure the campus is a safe place. An Emergency Notification System (ENS) was initiated in 2008 to deliver information about emergencies or critical incidents to all members of the campus community, and many officers now patrol the grounds on bicycles to make themselves more visible, accessible and community-oriented.
Sacramento State joined with Clear Channel Outdoor advertising in 2008 to construct the Sacramento State Digital Sign next to Highway 50. The sign not only informs the community about University topics, but also provides Amber Alerts about abducted children and serves as a campus landmark.
issues from the latest developments in medical research to a philosophical exploration of quantum mechanics.
»e xc el
student p rog r a ms
Guest lecturers provide informative looks into the world of science and technology through Sacramento State’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) lecture series. Topics are far-ranging and explore
c mi e d ca
udent programs t s &
& emic cad ta len
The Design Department holds guest lectures by leaders in their fields, and its students repeatedly garner awards at major shows. Fine arts are represented in galleries scattered around the campus, offering exhibits such as the works of modern artist and Sac State alumnus Wayne Thiebaud; art from Romania, Thailand, Korea and many other nations; and displays from faculty who have exhibited their work around the world.
world class events, exhibits and recreation
» w elcoming c a mpus
ORLD CLASS EVENTS » Dance, theatre,
music, art and design — Sacramento State
» Students participate in
students and faculty contribute outstanding and
award-winning performances and works of art that enrich the
festivals and competitions
throughout the year,
That commitment was confirmed in April 2007, when actress
including the American
and singer Carol Channing and her husband, Harry Kullijian,
College Dance Festival
came to the campus on behalf of the arts in a visit that featured a
and the Kennedy Center
special live performance by the Broadway legend.
American College
Sac State Theatre and Dance Professor Ed Brazo staged the
Theatre Festival
production, which included many student performances.
» The Music Department
“Carol and Harry mesmerized everyone,” Brazo said.
has won several awards,
“Students and I still discuss the comments and advice Carol gave
including best college
to them during an informal gathering.”
jazz groups from
The couple also donated $10,000 to establish a scholarship so
Downbeat magazine
Sacramento State’s already successful arts programs will continue »» Broadway legend Carol Channing with Sac State Theatre and Dance students
» Art and Design professors
to thrive.
have had their work displayed at prestigious galleries around the world
Students and i still discuss the comments and advice
carol gave to them during an informal gathering.
JUNE 2007: New N. Matthew Mahan Theatre Lobby opens in Shasta Hall
JUNE 2007: The Sokiku Nakatani Japanese Tea Garden opens at the University Library
SUMMER 2007: University Enterprises, Inc. acquires the CalSTRS building
Destination 2010
IRECTIONAL SIGNS » The directional and
a milestone to our future
building signs that make it easy for students,
» Phase I — 58 building
faculty, staff and visitors to find their way around
the Sacramento State campus first appeared in Fall 2006. The
identification signs, two
signs were created by Graphic Design students and are now an
auto directories high,
integral part of the University landscape.
five auto directories low,
The signs were the class project for the Spring 2005
12 parking lot signs and
“Corporate ID Systems” graphic design course. Professor John
26 pedestrian directories
Forrest led eight student teams through a design process that
installed in the first phase
accounted for the goals of Destination 2010, a wayfinding system
» Phase II — eight large
and practical considerations. The factors for the signs ranged
directories with maps
from appearance, to maintenance, to expense, to location.
and six small directories
“The wayfinding sign project was a unique opportunity for
the students to solve a real-world problem,” says Forrest. “The signs had real concerns, a real client, real implications and, in the end, a positive impact on the campus.” »» Professor John Forrest next to student-designed campus signage
The wayfinding sign project was a unique opportunity for the students to solve a real-world problem.
FALL 2007: Wells Fargo and the Wells Fargo Foundation become partners of Sacramento State with a $500,000 commitment over five years for scholarships and support
FALL 2007: First cohort of the new Doctorate in Educational Leadership admitted
FALL 2007: Upper Eastside Lofts open to students
» w elcoming c a mpus
TAFF AWARDS » Each year Sacramento State staff who have reached milestones in their service are honored for their commitment. The number of
Facts: » Total number of staff
employees who have been here 20 years or more is impressive. One of those is Barbara Sloan, associate director of outreach, admissions and records, a Sac State employee for 30 years. She
employees: 1,390 » The awards celebrate staff who have worked
understands why University employees stay devoted to their
for the University for more
work. “They really like what they do. They know they’re making a
than 10, 20 or 30 years
contribution to the University and the state of California.” Sloan likes the mix of office duties and working in the community to get young people into a four-year university. She’s covered a lot of territory during her tenure here. “At one time I had visited every high school and community college from
Bakersfield to the Oregon border,” Sloan says. She’s rewarded for her work every commencement. “There’s something nice about knowing they’re walking across that stage »» Barbara Sloan, with her award for 30 years of service at Sac State
with a diploma in their hand and I had some small part in that,” Sloan says.
At one time i had visited every high school and community
FALL 2007: Hornet Bookstore opens
college from bakersfield to the oregon border.
SPRING 2008: Academic Advising Center’s new service program is fully implemented, with 20,000 students advised each academic year
SPRING 2008: Financial Aid Awareness Campaign increases number of aid applications by more than 36 percent
Destination 2010
EBATES » Sacramento State’s location in the one of the nation’s most influential state capitals has long benefited our students and provided unmatched
» The gubernatorial debates were broadcast
reinforced during recent groundbreaking election years, when
live statewide
including the 2003 gubernatorial recall, the 2006 governor’s race and the 2008 Sacramento mayoral race. During the mayoral debate, candidates Heather Fargo and Kevin Johnson engaged directly with the primarily student audience. “The students asked tough questions that are
educational and internship opportunities. This strength was the campus was selected as the host of high-profile debates,
»» 2006 gubernatorial candidates Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Phil
a milestone to our future
» During the mayoral debate, students asked questions live and via recorded video » The mayor debate was
important to their futures, as well as to the future of our city,”
broadcast live from the
says University President Alexander Gonzalez. “We brought
University Union Ballroom
this debate to campus to give Sacramento State’s students the
on KCRA Channel 3 and
opportunity to ask the questions that they want answered,” says
KXJZ Capital Public Radio
Angelides debate at Sacramento State
The students asked tough questions that are important to their futures, as well as to the future of our city.
MARCH 2008: Emergency Notification System (ENS) has its first test run
SUMMER 2008: Broad Fieldhouse opens
SUMMER 2008: Sacramento State Digital Sign off Highway 50 begins generating revenue for faculty development
dynamic cam 24
he campus environment, both learning and leisure, has changed dramatically. Books are giving way to laptops, computer screens have replaced chalkboards, and technology brings students more entertainment and recreational choices than ever before.
Students are looking for stimulating offerings that keep them intellectually engaged, physically and mentally fit, and provide a wide range of activities for their lifestyles. Destination 2010 has expanded and enhanced these options. The Academic Information Resource Center (AIRC) is a haven for students seeking a unique study area, offering
wireless service, computer labs, group and individual study stations, and plenty of comfortable seating, 24 hours a day. To expand on the AIRC’s offerings, spaces across the campus are being transformed into smart classrooms where computers, interface applications for video projectors and other high-tech features create a more challenging learning experience. The Broad Fieldhouse, opened in 2008, provides state-ofthe-art training facilities for student-athletes, strengthening Sac State’s sports programs and increasing the public interest in them.
The Hornet Bookstore is about more than just textbooks these days. Opened in fall of 2007, the facility also provides students with the latest in classroom and lab supplies. There’s also Sacramento State merchandise and clothing, and a coffee bar creates yet another place on campus where students can gather and take a break from their studies. The University’s new housing options reflect students’ needs and demands. For example, the American River Courtyard, opened in August 2009, caters to sophomores and up who want a more independent living situation from traditional residence halls. Suites have private bedrooms, plus a common living
pus environme m a nt ic c »d m a y yn we lco
g campus » welc min om lco i ng we vironment us en » mp ca ic
mpus environment
s environmen u p t» am c dy ic na m na
ity support mun om »c
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elc us » w oming ca p mp am c us g in m
students a choice of recreational activities that run from badminton and bass fishing to skiing and yoga.
The Upper Eastside Lofts apartment complex is designed for students and located within walking distance of the campus, light rail service and several shops and restaurants.
Students looking for something to do in between or after classes head to the University Union.
UNIQUE brings movies and lectures to the campus, holds Wednesday “Nooner” concerts, and stages live entertainment from cutting-edge comics and musicians. Challenging physical activities can be found through Peak Adventures. A ropes course, clinics about outdoor subjects and a bike shop are available on campus. Or head off campus for organized
backpacking, snow-shoeing or rafting trips.
Sacramento State’s newest addition, The Well, is a singular melding of health and wellness into one facility and program. The Well houses Sacramento State’s primary care clinic, pharmacy, nutrition center, counseling and other services. Students also enjoy staying healthy with the basketball and racquetball courts, cardio and weight training room, or the 56-foot rock climbing wall.
student p rog r a ms
Getting together with students who share similar interests is easy through Student Organizations and Leadership. There are almost 120 academic organizations alone to choose from, covering interests such as business and marketing to how to build a concrete canoe. A wide range of ethnic and cultural interests are offered by other clubs, while still others give
exc elle nt
area and kitchen. Other amenities include Wi-Fi service and a courtyard for outdoor gatherings.
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a student-focused learning and living experience
Services for college students will continue to change over the decades, and Sacramento State is committed to keep pace with those changes.
» dyna mic c a mpus en v ironment
ORNET BOOKSTORE » The new Hornet Bookstore has been meeting students’ academic needs and bringing the University community
» The three-story building
together since its opening in 2007. With a Bookstore Cafe, plenty
also houses the campus
of tables for reading and studying and all of the textbooks and
business auxiliary,
supplies required for class, the Hornet Bookstore is a one-stop
University Enterprises,
shop for students, faculty and staff. “What sets the Hornet
Inc., and Subway
Bookstore apart is its focus on students. We are here to serve their needs,” says Jim Reinhart, executive director of University Enterprises, Inc., the campus auxiliary that runs the bookstore. He also credits an innovative public-private partnership with helping to provide the amenities that students want most. “Our bookstore vendor’s nationwide presence allows us to offer
initiatives like our Rent-a-Text program, which saves our students money on their books,” Reinhart says.
» The 58,000 square foot bookstore replaced a much smaller facility that had been in use for decades » Subway opened a franchise at the south side of the bookstore in 2009
»» UEI Executive Director Jim Reinhart inside the new Hornet Bookstore
» The Follett Higher Education Group provided $1.3 million for interior and other work on the
What sets the hornet bookstore apart is its focus
AUGUST 2008: Sacramento State and the City of Sacramento establish a formal MOU
new Hornet Bookstore
on students. We are here to serve their needs.
SEPTEMBER 2008: Recreation and Wellness Center groundbreaking
OCTOBER 2008: Student Technology Center opens
Destination 2010
ROAD FIELDHOUSE » A new fieldhouse for the football and track programs was a longstanding dream that became a reality under Destination 2010. The Eli
a milestone to our future
Facts: » The Broad Foundation
and Edythe L. Broad Fieldhouse offers a modern facility with
provided a $2 million
locker rooms, a large weight room with new training equipment,
gift to the facility
sports medicine rooms, coaches’ offices and a beautiful terrace for viewing games. The Broad Fieldhouse will impact the football and track programs for years to come, assisting with recruitment and providing a great space for visiting teams and the community. Head football coach Marshall Sperbeck says, “This puts us at the top, [with] probably one of the top facilities
» The new complex doubled the size of space for our student-athletes » Promotes strength and conditioning training
in the Big Sky Conference. It just gives us a sense of confidence in where we’re going.”
»» The state-of-the-art Broad Fieldhouse sits next to Hornet Stadium
FALL 2008: One Book Program commences
FALL 2008: Troops to College campaign begins to support returning veteran students
SPRING 2009: Provost Joseph Sheley holds campus summit to showcase the University’s accomplishments with assessment
» dyna mic c a mpus en v ironment
Sacramento State officials decided to build a new
» ARC opened August 2009
residence hall, it quickly became apparent it would
have to be something different from the shared bedrooms and
» Units: 150
bath facilities of standard campus housing.
» Student residents: 420
“Students were interested in a complex that fostered a more independent style of living, and President Alexander Gonzalez
» Total number of students
was right on board with them,” says Vice President for Student
living on campus:
Affairs Lori Varlotta.
more than 1,400
Opened in August 2009, the American River Courtyard has
» ARC was certified
suite-style rooms that feature a kitchen equipped with a sink,
refrigerator, microwave and cupboards. Each suite has its own
as LEED Gold for its
bathroom, and other facility amenities include wireless Internet
energy efficiency and
service, a retail food store and a courtyard for other outdoor
green features
gatherings. “The building is a great example of how Sacramento State »» Students move into their new homes in American River Courtyard.
listens to students and addresses their needs,” Varlotta says.
The building is a great example of how sacr amento state
SPRING 2009: Veterans Service Center moves to larger, centrally located office to better serve student-veterans on campus
listens to students and addresses their needs.
MARCH 2009: College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics receives a grant for stem cell research
SUMMER 2009: Alumni Association launches Student Alumni Association
Destination 2010
MART CLASSROOMS » If you follow the evolution of classrooms over the years it probably goes something like this — ink wells, chalkboards, overhead projectors,
white boards.
a milestone to our future
Facts: » All smart classrooms and technology-assisted
Sacramento State’s Information Resources and Technology
classrooms have closed
Division is taking the classroom to the next level by developing
captioning capabilities
smart and technology-assisted classrooms. Smart classrooms have equipment that allows an instructor to easily connect a laptop to a video projector or play a DVD. Technology assisted classrooms take it up a notch by including a “technological podium” that houses a Windows platform
» There are dozens of smart classrooms and 24 technology-assisted classrooms on campus
computer, control/interface panels and a high-resolution document camera.
“Did you know that the backside of a penny has a statue of Lincoln between the columns of the Lincoln Monument? It’s not »» Associate Vice President Doug Jackson demonstrates new technology in one of the campus’s smart classrooms
JUNE 2009: Professors Dana Kivel and Timothy Fong receive the first Crandell Faculty Advancement grants to support fundraising for academic programs
visible to the naked eye, but it shows up clearly with a document camera,” says Doug Jackson, IRT’s associate vice president for Academic Computing.
JULY 2009: The Western Association of Schools and Colleges notes a “remarkable cultural shift” at Sac State in reaffirming the University accreditation
AUGUST 2009: Vice President for Student Affairs Lori Varlotta joins the Sac State community at the opening of the American River Courtyard residential hall
» dyna mic c a mpus en v ironment
HE WELL » The exciting new Recreation and Wellness Center, “The Well,” scheduled to open in Fall 2010, is a capstone in the Destination 2010 initiative. The Well
» The Well is a student-
offers a vast array of fitness and health options for the campus
focused and student-
supported center
The center was approved by a vote of the student body, and the students agreed to pay a fee to fund the project so no state money was used. The Well pushes Sacramento State toward the future with a state-of-the-art facility that combines gym amenities with nutrition, a student health clinic and sports medicine facilities. “The Well’s opening is a transformational moment for Sacramento State that will enhance the vibrancy of campus life
for years to come,” says President Alexander Gonzalez.
» The center incorporates sustainable materials and technology such as recycled content finishes, self shading skylights, and site cast exterior panels » Includes a rock climbing wall and indoor running track
»» Shown under construction, The Well will offer a vast array of fitness options to the campus community
The well’s opening is a tr ansformational moment… that will
AUGUST 2009: Alumni Center Patio opens
enhance the vibr ancy of campus life for years to come.
FALL 2009: Film Studies major offered for the first time
FALL 2009: Sac State’s Department of Public Safety increases bike patrols to enhance service, safety and accessibility
Destination 2010
LUMNI CENTER PATIO » Sacramento State dedicated a new patio at the Alumni Center on Aug. 20, 2009, giving alumni and friends an outdoor space
a milestone to our future
Facts: » More than 1,000 event
to gather and enjoy for decades to come. The project was part of
guests have used the
the University’s ongoing effort to make the campus and Alumni
patio in its first year
Center more accessible to the community. “Over the last 10 years, the Alumni Center has become not only a place for alumni to congregate, but also a gateway for Sacramento State with the community,” says Jennifer Barber, Alumni Association executive director. “The addition of a patio has amplified the welcoming nature of our facility and increased the flexibility of the space.” Generous donations of time and resources made the project
» Events held on the patio include wedding receptions, tailgate festivities, fundraising auctions, corporate functions and student BBQs 31
possible. John Barney, then president of the Alumni Association Board, took the lead in securing volunteers that could get the »» Alumni and President Alexander Gonzalez celebrate the opening of the Alumni Center Patio
OCTOBER 2009: The California Smart Grid Center at Sacramento State receives $127.5 million in federal stimulus funds
project completed. Two key volunteers were Scott Maxwell and Larry Cook, who stepped forward to coordinate donated services and materials to minimize the project’s cost.
DECEMBER 2009: University unveils its Thiebaud Collection
DECEMBER 2009: The Frank M. and Gertrude R. Doyle Foundation awards a $500,000 grant to Sac State to equip a Nursing lab in Folsom Hall
communi 32
acramento State has taken great strides to engage the community. Our alumni are involved like never before. Philanthropic giving is at record highs. And dynamic partnerships with the City of Sacramento and non-profits such as SMUD have created new opportunities for collaboration. We are proud of these achievements which have strengthened Sacramento State’s presence in the community. Since 2004, when the Destination 2010 initiative began, our alumni have stepped up and not only
contributed financially through the Annual Fund, but also with numerous volunteer hours. We have made new friends in the community who see the importance of supporting higher education. The abundance of support for Sacramento State from the community over the last six years has been astounding. Alumni have come out to support the University as donors and volunteers. The current economy poses a challenge, but we know that the philanthropic spirit exists in the Sacramento region. We see it with the
outpouring of support from friends of Sacramento State who have made the University a better place through generous donations of their time and money. Whether they are involved in the many advisory bodies such as the Alumni Association board, Community Council or University Foundation board, their voices and support are integral to our continued success. They understand that sustaining a community asset such as Sac State demands advocates who can spread the message in the region and beyond.
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nity support
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The Stuart Foundation provided the University with a three-year, $525,000 grant to support the Sacramento Guardian Scholars Consortium, a partnership between Sacramento State, UC Davis and Cosumnes River College which directly addresses former foster youth
student success at institutions of higher education. These projects are just a few exciting reasons that philanthropic support is so important to our campus. Let’s look to the future. The campus is entering a new phase of growth and change. Join us in realizing our vision.
s pu m ca
faculty from the Departments of Ethnic Studies and Psychology, which promotes student leadership, college-going and cultural understanding for low-income, disadvantaged students from Hiram Johnson high and Will C. Wood middle schools.
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student p rog r a ms
Grants and contracts help support faculty research and community projects. For example, the Sacramento Region Community Foundation funded the 65th Street Corridor project, a collaborative effort of
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Sacramento State has raised millions in scholarships that assist a host of different student populations, from returning students to veterans to former foster youth. These gifts create opportunities that did not exist before and help students achieve their dreams of a college education.
innovative partnerships, philanthropy and goodwill
» com munit y support
ELLS FARGO ONE BOOK PROGR AM Since January 2008, the One Book Program has promoted cultural literacy and community
» A $10,000 Verizon Literacy
involvement by selecting a text for all freshmen to read, and
Grant went to purchase
building activities around the subject matter. “The books are
books for the program’s
interdisciplinary, and speak powerfully to everyone,” says Sheree
high school partners
Meyer, English department chair. Wells Fargo has been an ardent supporter of Sacramento State and Destination 2010, including One Book, and $500,000 over five years to the University for scholarships and academic programs. “At Wells Fargo, we believe supporting education is essential to the future of our community’s success, and we 34
» 2010-11 One Book selection is Devil’s Highway, by Luis Alberto Urrea » “Pay it Forward”
have a long history of supporting Sacramento State education
cooperation with Mira
programs,” says Felix Fernandez, Wells Fargo’s Northern California
Loma High School,
Regional president.
donating used One Books to students
»» Support from Wells Fargo and other donors has helped Honors Program
» One Book authors Julie
students at Sacramento State
Otsuka (When the Emperor Was Divine) and Firoozeh Dumas (Funny in Farsi) answered student questions during visits to campus
2009: 24 classrooms renovated and upgraded with the latest teaching technologies
JANUARY 2010: Capital Fellows program named a top internship in the nation
JANUARY 2010: SMUD presents Sac State with a $74,331 award for energy efficiency in the American River Courtyard
Destination 2010
LUMNI ASSOCIATION » Sacramento State is blessed with alumni who haven’t forgotten their experiences — and who do whatever they can to help
current students realize their educational dreams. Chris Higdon, (’85 Business) is president and CEO of California Moving Systems, Inc. and president-elect of the Alumni Association. “We’re involved in a lot of activities,” Higdon says. His firm provides moving, storage and transportation services to various departments on campus. Personally, he helps raise funds for various campus causes and is involved in the President’s Circle. He also notes that the association’s various special-interest
a milestone to our future
Facts: » Sacramento State’s Alumni Association has approximately 5,300 members » Alumni can network and catch up with friends in any of the association’s 20 chapters » Alumni Association
chapters provide mentoring programs for students and
scholarships are awarded
networking events to provide them with better employment
annually to students
opportunities. »» Outstanding alumni are honored at the annual Distinguished Service Awards
“I’m proud to see the campus grow and continue to thrive,” Higdon says. “I’m blown away by Destination 2010 and what it’s accomplished over a short period.”
I’m blown away by destination 2010 and what it’s accomplished over a short period.
FEBRUARY 2010: Nursing classes begin in Folsom Hall, the former CalSTRS building
MARCH 2010: Sac State announces partnership to bring UFL’s Sacramento Mountain Lions to Hornet Stadium
MARCH 2010: American River Courtyard wins New Public Project Award for 2009 from Sacramento Business Journal
» com munit y support
NIVERSIT Y FOUNDATION » The University Foundation at Sacramento State is the main charitable organization that manages all private gifts to the
more than $150,000
Foundation’s work to support scholarships, faculty development
to support the Troops
and academic and student program, and to help with the
to College initiative
This funding helps Sacramento State pursue the level of excellence that creates a richer and more dynamic university. The Planned Giving Program at the University has grown tremendously over the last six years — close to 500 percent. Numerous donors have named the University as the beneficiary
brought in more than $3 million in new contributions and gifts » Has a strong board of directors that
benefit students and faculty well into the future.
includes community
2009, left the University $2.5 million to support the Department with students his donations helped to support.
» Last year, the Foundation
in their wills and trusts. These testamentary commitments will For example, donor David Steinberg, who passed away in »» Before he passed away in 2009, David Steinberg visited campus and met
» The Foundation raised
University. As state support continues to decrease, the University
construction of new facilities, becomes increasingly important.
members, alumni, faculty and students
of Mathematics and Statistics. Steinberg said, “I can’t imagine a better way of honoring [my wife] Voula than to help encourage students in mathematics and create more math teachers.”
I can’t imagine a better way of honoring [my wife] Voula than to help encour age students in mathematics and create more math teachers.
MARCH 2010: Sac State hosts inaugural Sacramento Med Tech Showcase
APRIL 2010: Sac State launches redesigned homepage
APRIL 2010: Phase II of President Alexander Gonzalez’ Community Council concludes
Destination 2010
IT Y MOU » On Aug. 28, 2008, University President Alexander Gonzalez, then-Mayor Heather Fargo and then-City Manager Ray Kerridge signed a Memorandum
of Understanding agreement between the City of Sacramento and the University. Under the MOU, both entities seek to find opportunities to realize their complementary visions. The partnership has led to a Mayoral Fellows Program, in which Sacramento State students work in Mayor Kevin Johnson’s office. Charles Gossett, dean of Sac State’s College of Social Sciences
a milestone to our future
Facts: Other community partners include: » Sacramento County, to support Guardian Scholars » SACOG and the Power Inn Alliance, to reduce traffic and greenhouse gas
and Interdisciplinary Studies, which is helping to administer the
emissions by providing
program, notes that faculty serve as mentors to each fellow.
bicycles to students living
“The internships are what Sac State is all about — providing opportunities to students and service to our community,” Gossett says.
in the Upper Eastside Lofts » Sacramento City Unified School District, to aid a diverse neighborhood
»» MOU signing ceremony with then-Mayor Heather Fargo and President
near campus with the 65th
Alexander Gonzalez
Street Corridor Community Collaborative Project
The internships are what sac state is all about — providing opportunities to students and service to our community.
MAY 2010: University signs MOU with Sacramento County to support young adults leaving foster care
MAY 2010: First doctorates in Educational Leadership conferred
MAY 2010: First class graduates from Honors Program
o supplement the support provided by the State of California General Fund, each campus in the California State University system is expected to raise private support and to meet an established philanthropic productivity goal. This goal is based on the campus’s annual state appropriation and represents a percentage of its general operating budget.
Annual Fundr aising Totals 2005 – 09 *
of philanthropic support for 2005–09
At Sacramento State, philanthropic activity includes gifts (both cash and in-kind), pledges, grants from private foundations and testamentary commitments through estate plans. Philanthropic support is received through the University and its primary philanthropic partner, The University Foundation at Sacramento State, as well as other auxiliaries such as University Enterprises, Inc., which manages grants for the University; Associated Students, Inc.; and Capital Public Radio, which is licensed through Sacramento State. During the Destination 2010 intiative, Sacramento State met and surpassed its CSU philanthropic productivity goals four years in a row, raising close to $75 million.
Sources of Support 2005 – 09 * Other Individuals Alumni
Other Organizations Corporations Foundations
*Dates indicate totals reported each fiscal year. Totals include pledges, commitments, gifts and private grants reported to the California State University Chancellor’s Office.
co m
David Wagner Vice President for Human Resources
Associate Vice President Gloria Moraga, Public Affairs Executive Editor Alex Gonzalez, Jr., Development
Cert no. SW-COC-001745
Kim Nava Robert J. Neep Christopher Neuschafer Sam Parsons Kassandra Perlongo
Micaela Pierre Dalila Sanchez Mora Michael A. Ward Mary Weikert
»e xc el
student p rog r a ms
Contributors Diane Bagaoisan Karen Booth Ryan Chin John Kepley Craig Koscho
Graphic Designer Terry Veiga, Public Affairs
c mi e d ca
udent programs t s &
& emic cad ta len
Larry Gilbert CIO and Vice President for Information Resources and Technology
pus environmen m a t» cc i dy am na n y we lco
Lori Varlotta Vice President for Student Affairs
exc elle nt
Steven Garcia CFO and Vice President for Administration and Business Affairs
Jim Reinhart Executive Director of University Enterprises, Inc.
elc us » w oming ca p mp am c us g in m
s pu m ca
Philip Garcia Executive Director of Governmental and Civic Affairs
Carole Hayashino Vice President for University Advancement
Carol Ensley Executive Assistant to the President
ity support mun om »c
President Alexander Gonzalez, California State University, Sacramento
g campus » welc min om lco i ng we » ent vironm s en pu am cc
ironment us env »d p m yn a c am c i m i
Published by University Advancement for the Office of the President at California State University, Sacramento. 6000 J Street • Sacramento, CA • 95819-6072 916-278-6156 • 916-278-5290 Fax
President’s Cabinet Joseph Sheley Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
a milestone to our future
port » communit p u ys ys up t i po un m
 President Alexander Gonzalez and
the Sacramento State community at the annual Swarm Photo
Destination 2010 has established a new benchmark for our camp journey to make Sacramento State a premier university that is ready
pus, but it is just one milestone, one measurement and one step along our y for the challenges to come in the 21st century. — President Alexander Gonzalez
Sacramento State would like to greatly acknowledge the generous support of the Wells Fargo Foundation.