12 minute read
Patience Always Wins
Monica Hawthorne
Patience Always Wins

By Tonya Dixon Photos by Santana B Photography
At one point, Monica Hawthorne thought things couldn’t be any better in her life. She was happily married. Had a thriving hair salon in Charlotte, North Carolina, and her family were safe and healthy. But in one instant, it all changed. She found herself single, dealing with an undiagnosed illness and a declining business and bank account. Before she knew it, she found herself back in Greensboro, living with her mother and making countless trips to the doctor. But as she looks back on it, it was nothing short of God’s divine hand upon her life. She gained more than she ever had before, physically, spiritually and emotionally. However, it didn’t seem divine at the time.
“God directed me to come back home to Greensboro. I thought I was hearing things because I thought there was no way HFe was telling me to leave. I was doing well in Charlotte. My business was thriving and I was successful,” said . “But I did what I heard God say. I packed up and moved.”

“I stayed on my mom’s couch for nearly three years because I had serious health problems and God wouldn’t allow me to do anything else,” she said. “I prayed and had many conversations with Him. I was going through a lot mentally and physically and I was practically broke because I was supporting my daughter in college.” “I left my source of income in Charlotte. I virtually started over. I had to come back to Greensboro and rebuild my business and myself.
A licensed minister, Hawthorne admits she “ran” from God and her calling for more than 15 years. She had a people problem. “I was concerned about what people would say. What would they think of me?” she said.
But it was in her weakest moment when she heard God as clear as she heard him say move back to Greensboro. She received the instruction and strength she needed to begin her journey of restoration and wholeness for herself and for other women.
“God told me the I didn’t need to be concerned about the opinions or actions of anyone else. He said I was already qualified, verified and approved by Him, so I didn’t need to seek approval or validation from man because He had already given me that,” said Hawthorne.
It was at that moment that she spiritually and physically birthed her ministry, a new business and strength to regain her footing as a hair stylist. But she says founding “GOoD GIRL” (intentionally spelled with mixed case) has been the most profound and rewarding because it impacts everything else in her life.
“I thought I would call it ‘GOod GIRL,’ because it symbolizes being a light, knowing your worth and getting approval only from God,” said Hawthorne. “But then one day God said, ‘you’re a good girl, but I want you to make one of those “Os” very small so that you can see me in it.’ And that’s how it became what it is today.”
After developing a logo, Hawthorne designed a few shirts and the rest is more than just history. It’s a situation she believes only God could have orchestrated and ordained.
“I hadn’t even planned to launch it until May 2020, but COVID hit and everything changed. As soon as they were released, women from all over were buying the shirt,” she said. “So that’s how it started. But there’s more. There’s a community component for all kinds of women. Young, old, every race and every background.” Ultimately, she says the mission of GOoD GIRL is to teach women that they are enough and only need God’s approval. Plain and simple. “I want girls and women to know you don’t need that [blue] check on Facebook. You don’t need that [blue] check on Instagram. You are already verified. It’s about women learning who they are in God,” she said.
It’s important to note that Hawthorne continued to suffer from a mysterious illness for many years. She was in and out of hospitals and doctor’s offices, without receiving a definitive diagnosis. It took a serious toll on her life, to the point where she couldn’t fulfill the requests of her salon clientele. Yet and still, there was still a blessing amid her illness. “I had issues for 10 years and didn’t even know what it was until I moved back to Greensboro and I think that was a blessing within itself because God knew and he told me to come home. As soon as I went home, I got extremely sick. I needed to be home because if I had been in Charlotte, I would not have had any one to help me care for myself,” she said. “I needed to be at home with my mom who was helping me. She understood that God brought me back home for a reason even though at the time I wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but I was trusting him.” “It turned out to be my gallbladder, but it was affecting my whole body. It would take me down for 2-4 weeks at a time. Imagine having no income and being so sick you can’t get up. But it’s important to remember, even when things look bad in the natural, there’s always a blessing though God.” As much as she struggled, she was able to resurrect her salon – Hawthorne Hair Studio. Not only did she rebuild her clientele, she realized it was another part of her ministry. God strategically sent clients that needed spiritual, emotional and mental restoration. She admits, it had nothing to do with her. It was all a GOoD GIRL thing.
“I’m really ready to retire from that,” she jokes. “But God hasn’t released me from it yet. For some reason this salon has been a place for people to get renewed and repaired. People come and they get what they need from God when they are here. If they need it, I pray with and for them. It goes down in here some days, but it’s part of my Ministry. I used to say I have a ministry behind the chair. I asked God to meet people here when I first opened the salon and that’s what he’s been doing.” While Hawthorne is passionate about hair and is known for her precision cuts and styles, she’s looking to expand in a different way – one that she says doesn’t necessarily require her to stand on her feet behind the chair as much. She’s looking into her own hair product line, including everything from washing supplies to equipment. “I already have my own hair oil, but I’m working on my own hair shampoo and other products and styling tools – blow dryers, curling irons, flat irons,” she said. Just like GOoD GIRL empowers women, she plans to use her styling expertise to help others as well. “I’ve taught before and I want to continue, but not in a traditional setting with multiple students. I prefer individual classes so that I can give one-on-one attention.” As Hawthorne expands her product line, she isn’t leaving GOoD GIRL behind. There’s much more to come and there are many more lives to impact. “GOoD GIRL is much more than a t-shirt. It might be how I got my foot in the door with some people, but it’s ministry. It’s more motivational speaking. It’s expanding on the books and series’ I’ve already written.” But most important, Hawthorne says it’s about lifting someone else up along the way.

To learn more about GOoD GIRL Apparel, please visit their website at www.goodgirlgoodguy.shop 336-740-4090

By Jalessa Rogers Photos by Lora McClain-Muhammad
Growing up as a black child in America, there is and will always be a need for positive black representation. Author Lora McClain-Muhammad has found the perfect way to show that. She has created coloring books that are the perfect representation for young African American boys and girls to learn and become comfortable in their own skin.
Born and raised in Gary, IN, this former Fortune 500 sales and marketing manager did not dream of becoming an author. Her journey is what she describes in her own words as something that “God kept nudging her to do.”
It all began shortly after graduating from high school. The path she chose was one similar to as one that a lot of members of her family took, entering the corporate world. Instead of attending college, she decided to take an opportunity presented to her. First she took a test, gained a company’s interest with her gift of gab, and would eventually become a sales and marketing manager, enjoying a career that would span for almost 30 years.
Although she was very occupied with corporate America, she was still able to further her education and attend Park College while in her thirties. These were modest steps that would soon connect the dots of her career as an author.
“Becoming an author was a surprise journey for me and nothing that I even envisioned. However, when my granddaughter was born, I was given a vision to write a coloring book. Representation matters and I wanted my granddaughter to see a book that looks like her,” stated McClain-Muhammad. After

being given this vision, she went on to create the “I Need You to Know” series with the first coloring book being titled “I Need You to Know the ABCs of Black Girl Magic” with her granddaughter as the cover image. Her second coloring book is titled I Need “You to Know the ABCs of a Young Kings Greatness” with another one that followed titled, “I Need You to Know #You Matter”. Despite the naysayers that tried to discourage her from this journey she was able to sell over 30,000 books and depicted members of her family as the images throughout her collection. For Lora, it was all about finding her purpose in life. “I found my purpose and my calling doing these books. I’m happier and I feel freer than I’ve ever been. Nothing is better than seeing the smile on the little children’s faces during book signings or hearing them say ‘hey that looks like me” because they genuinely love the book,” she expressed.
Since the world changed because of COVID-19, she has not been able to do in person book signings. However, she found a safe way to continue to tour and reach a broader audience. “I came up with a virtual book tour, along with five other African American women authors. We were able to reach children a lot further, virtually than in person. During these times of social injustice and unrest, I think that it’s a timely piece to show that representation does matter to our kids. Even more, they need to see themselves depicted beautifully. We address these issues with the release of “I Need You to Know...#You Matter,” explained McClain- Muhammad.
Lora is an indie author, and will be celebrating her two year book anniversary this May. Her books are currently available on Amazon, Walmart, Barnes and Noble, and BAM.

V. Marie and Company, LLC

By Terry L. Watson Photos by Arria Moore Photography
Victoria M. Sparks is the founder and CEO of V. Marie and Company, LLC. She has a passion to help others level up and upgrade their brands, and bank accounts. She is a social entrepreneur and focuses on helping students, parents, and business owners reap prosperity all over the world.
Though based primarily in Greensboro, N.C., her services are accessible around the globe. She has been featured in multiple media platforms such as Fox 8 Good 4 Her, Tap-IN Magazine, Authority Magazine, Lotus Riche’ Ingnites Show, and Huami Magazine.
With V. Marie and Company, LLC, she offers Website and Landing Page Design, Website Redesign, Logo and Business Card Design, Banner and Billboard Design, Promotional Videos, Social Media Content Creation, Newsletters, Press and Media Kit Creation, Branding Packages, Business and Scholarship Coaching as well as Physical and Digital Resources. “My business took off full force throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. I primarily help business owners establish a strong brand, all within an affordable budget. From a young age, I have assisted marketing specialist in my parents business. I then became a Microsoft Office Specialist while in undergrad. Last year, I saw a great need for my services so I officially opened up shop,” she says. “Many of my clients are well on their way to six figures and beyond, and she shares many have been featured across the nation on daytime tv shows.”
Victoria says she has served nearly 75 VIP clients, and her staff and coaches have developed a plan to help her scale her business, allowing her to help as many businesses as possible. While looking forwards, Victoria plans to continue her education and attend graduate school to further explore Marketing. “I definitely see my business reaching across the nation to help students, parents, and business owners in multiple states and countries. I also foresee a small vacation and new products coming soon. Entrepreneurship is in my bloodline and I look forward to making my family and friends proud, and more importantly continuing to walk in my purpose,” she says. To learn more about Victoria M. Sparks and her company, please visit her website or contact her directly.
V. Marie and Company, LLC