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Sugar rush
You can enjoy the sweet stuff as part of a balanced diet. Here’s a bit of science to help you understand how it works
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‘Sugar is a soluble carbohydrate that is found in a variety of forms, most commonly glucose and fructose,’ explains Jenna. ‘A diet high in sugar causes blood glucose levels to spike, and your body responds by secreting more insulin to carry this sugar from the blood to your cells. However, the more sugar eaten and the more insulin your body secretes, the greater risk there is of becoming resistant to insulin and developing type 2 diabetes. A high-sugar diet can also contribute to higher levels of “bad” bacteria in your gut, which could lead to an increased risk of poor overall wellbeing, weight gain and cardiovascular disease.’
The guideline daily amount of sugar for adults per day – that’s roughly 7 teaspoons. For children it’s much lower* .
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Smoothies are healthier than whole fruit
When eating fruit whole, its fibre content helps to slow down the speed that fructose is absorbed into the blood. But when blended, its free sugars are released – so smoothies still count towards your 5-a-day, but only once.
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