Clash detection services mitigate potential rework situations!

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Clash detection services mitigate potential rework situations! Building Information Modeling technology has contributed a great amount of benefits for design and construction professionals. Over the last thirty years methods applied in construction process have been greatly transformed and the newly adopted methods are helping in seamless construction. Prior to the availability of BIM technology design and construction professionals used to face huge complications during construction process and one of the most common problems confronted by them used to be the identification of clashes on the construction site. Identification of clashes on the construction location has a lot of negative impacts on the projects as it results in reworks. Rework situations are proactively accountable for budget overruns and involvement of extra time and human efforts. And this clearly indicates a fall in project productivity.

So for achieving desirable outcomes in terms of mitigating rework it is crucial to optimize BIM technology during preconstruction stage. Accomplishment of modeling services must be followed by the execution of clash detection services wherein prospective clashes are identified by design and construction professionals much ahead of actual construction. Application of BIM technology in clash detection process is dominating the landscapes of AEC industry since BIM software such as Navisworks has huge potential when it comes to the identification of clashes.

Its unique and extraordinary tools help design and construction professionals in the identification of various kinds of clashes taking place between interdisciplinary models. That means clashes existing between the model elements of architectural, structural and MEP models can be accurately spotted in Navisworks when clash tests are conducted. Navisworks provides a lot of convenient to users in terms of visualizing the clashes since it highlights all the clashes with the support of colors. Design issues or clashes discovered during clash detection that exist between the model elements of multidiscipline models are instantly rectified by design and construction professionals. The rectification of clashes helps in the mitigation of rework since most of rework situations arise due to design inconsistencies. So it becomes very clear that execution of clash detection services help in the mitigation of rework which ultimately leads to seamless construction.

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