Cookbook Process Book

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process project 3: cookbook name: tesla grobaski class: type 2 section 01 due: 12.18.14 place: fredonia, ny

contents 1: contents


2: ip report 3: brief 4: budget 5: indian cuisine 7: inspiration 9: color palette 11: how-to’s 13: final work 15: evaluation

ip report

typefaces used: bembo (designed by stanley morison) univers (designed by adrian frutiger) photos by: tesla grobaski

brief 3 The objective of this project was to create a cookbook based on an assigned cuisine. We first had to research the culture and recipes of that certain cuisine, gather the recipes, write an introduction for the cookbook, create a howto for a recipe, and design the cookbook.

budget print: 8x10 trade book/soft cover + shipping $33.30 ingredients to photograph: cardamom + saffron $20+

indian cuisine 5

The desserts of Indian appealed to me the most compared to the other food that I researched. I also was seeing a clear color palette for the cookbook with the desserts rather than the other types of food.


inspiration The cookbooks that inspired me in designing the Indian Desserts cookbook were very colorful, easy to navigate and read, and had interesting photos/patterns/graphics. I also enjoyed the larger text and looser leading that some of these books incorporate.


Food Play // Sue Lyn Ting

Ardoise Recipe Book // Jono Rayner

Vegetarian Cooking // Suzannah Olivier & Joanna Farrow

Mustwich // Courtney McNeil

How Not To Starve in College Cookbook // Jamie Piper

CPA Recipe Book // Jason Booth

Seasons of Japanese Cuisine // Michela Monterosso

color palette 9

The color palette that I choose was based on aspects of Indian culture. The Indian flag was my starting point and then I branched off to fashion, food (mangos especially), and nature from there. All of the recipes I choose were desserts so I also kept that in mind while picking the colors. I wanted them to be very vibrant.


h o w - t o ’s Photographic:


Symbols (created in Adobe Illustrator):






final work Front (1) and back (2) covers.










The table of contents (3) is specifically designed to be color coded with each chapter page (6) so it’s easy to navigate. The title page (4) was designed to incorporate the Indian flag, just with different tones of orange and green from the flag to fit with the color palette of the cookbook. The photos that I incorporated are only of ingredients within the recipes (5) such as cardamom, saffron, and mangos. The actual recipe pages (7) are designed to be simple and easy to read, along with the “how-to� graphic page (8). I wanted them to be simple because the color palette was so strong I wanted to contrast it with these pages.

evaluation 15

I think that this project was successful. In the beginning I struggled with the research and figuring out an idea to elaborate on with the Indian cuisine, but once I did the project really went forward. I think picking out a color palette first really helped. What I would do differently is to find the small typos or mistakes before having the project printed. One of the mistakes that bothers me the most is the word “contents� on the table of contents page being squished into the gutter. I would also work on time management by getting the final onto at an earlier time so it wasn’t so stressful at the end of the project. One last thing I would do is add more photographs because I think that is an interesting element that the book could use more of.

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