File linking is a prerequisite for developing Revit models When 3D models are generated by the design development team in the building design software Revit, file linking becomes a priority for developing highly functional and constructive models. Successful optimization of digital information is the key to develop effective BIM models. Digital information is collected or gathered by the BIM modelers from various sources such as from 2D CAD files and interdisciplinary Revit files etc. But to optimize the information that is possessed in these sources for the sake of generating effective models, it is required that they are linked in current project by the modelers.
A large number of information that is crucial for BIM modelers for generating multidiscipline 3D models in Revit is generally obtained by them from 2D CAD drawings. CAD files which are created during the drafting phase contain the entire design information about multidiscipline building systems. So depending upon the building
discipline its relevant CAD files are used by modelers for developing its model. For example, if architectural model is getting designed in a service providing company than 2D architectural CAD files are optimized by modelers for getting necessary information. So whenever a 3D model is in progress Revit users are required to link various files for obtaining significant and necessary information. When BIM modelers of the service providing company are exposed to only limited information one must not expect them to generate accurate and informative models. Hence clients who hire Revit modeling services must provide enough specifications and information to the service providing company so that they can be delivered with precise models. Information is accepted in various forms such as CAD drawings and PDF etc. by the modelers. CAD files and other Revit files can be directly linked to the project by modelers of the design team. File linking is also required in context of interference checking in Revit. Hence Revit users or BIM modelers who use Revit for executing modeling services must be familiar with file linking technicalities in Revit so that they can successfully optimize the information stored in linked files.