What is the importance of shop drawings for manufacturers?

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What is the importance of shop drawings for manufacturers? Shop drawings or fabrication drawings are highly important part of construction projects, as they contain significant amount of authentic details about such building components which are manufactured by manufacturing firms. When it comes to the significance of these drawings for manufacturers it is all about their accuracy, as they are required to refer them for acquiring explicit details about fabrication. Shop drawings are basically developed for MEP and structural components, which require fabrication. When it comes to the development of shop drawings detailers have important role and responsibilities, since they are the one who are hired by general contractors for the production of these highly complex and detailed drawings.

In context of structural design and construction, steel detailing services are hired by general contractors wherein comprehensive structural drawings (shop drawings and erection drawing) are developed by detailers. Structural shop drawings generated during structural detailing include in them highly detailed data about structural components such as joists, columns, beams, trusses and rebar etc. Similarly detailing is also performed for

MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) components and high quality MEP shop drawings are generated. In MEP shop drawings comprehensive information is provided about the components of HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems such as HVAC ducts and plumbing pipes etc. Since high level of accuracy in fabrication drawings is excessively important for fabricators, shop drawings are effectively scrutinized and reviewed by structural engineers and MEP engineers after they are effectively completed by detailers. In other words, prior to the release of MEP and structural shop drawings to manufacturers they are reviewed in details by respective engineers. Every aspect of fabrication drawings is attentively analyzed and reviewed by engineers and identified errors are sent for corrections to detailers. That means if errors are found in large numbers by engineers then these drawings are provided to detailers for corrections. Until and unless all the identified mistakes are effectively rectified by detailers shop drawings cannot be approved by architects and engineers. That means after all the design errors in the shop drawings are successfully resolved and when they get approval from architects and engineers they can be provided to fabricators.

In this way fabricators get correct fabrication details through shop drawings.

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