TesmecMag-2012-06-GE-Technical Training-EN-Rev.01a

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Tesmec esmecMag

06#2012 June 1st


Mr. Paolo Celeri Business Development director describes the technical training service organized by Tesmec

TESMEC TRAINING SERVICE “Benefits of a technical training” Educa on and training are key elements in the development of human resources in a rapidly evolving work environment. Technical training contributes to create skills and know-how that provide value to the company. The ever faster pace of technological progress requires that everyone achieve the level of experience needed to perform the job. Technical trainings add value by maintaining and improving systems, and saving me for deploying technological solu ons. Training is an investment with many short and long-term benefits. Training builds confidence and develops skills in terms of planning, analysis, tes ng and problem solving,

improving efficiency. Time, energy and money invested in technical training can improve produc vity. Tesmec senior engineers train junior engineers making it possible to always offer a high level service and exper se to our customers. Rapid changes in technologies result in a con nuous need of people with knowledge and skills to develop new and evolving solu ons. This is the reason why Tesmec is extremely focused on technical upgrades and can be defined a “training-oriented company”. All customers can benefit from ongoing professional training and can count on a team of experts with a lot of years of experience in worldwide job sites.

Tesmec esmecMag 06#2012 Tesmec has always been hallmarked for its considerable commitment given to research and development of leading-edge technological solu ons. Inexperience, genera onal gap, different methodology, new difficul es in construc on, new technologies and others factors caused a lack of knowledge among the operators, not only about machines and equipment, but in par cular about their working and how to obtain more efficiency, speed and quality on work. Tesmec can rely on a team of experts possessing knowledge at worldwide level that offer their exper se through technical courses to all customers.


These trainings are customized according to different levels of knowledge and to what kind of aim a customer would a ain: from designers to job sites managers, from operators to security supervisors. An introduc on course has been also planned for all customers who bought Tesmec machines, which are 100% tested both on our test field and directly on the customer’s job site. Start-Up of the equipment are carried out directly at end user job site, Tesmec engineer and technicians are always available to provide commissioning ac vi es and support for the first period of the machines opera on.



Photos 1-2 Award for 100° Russian Technician trained by Tesmec

Photo 3 Technical Training on stringing equipment in India

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Photo 4 Gradua on day of the Technical Training on stringing equipment in Malaysia Photo 5 New Tesmec Training Room

Tesmec has trained thousands of people around the world (China, India, South America, Australia and so on) on use and maintenance of its machinery: from stringing to railway equipment, from mul func onal machines to trenchers. In addi on to this, Tesmec is able to provide support with feasibility studies, graphs, calcula ons, work me previsions, equipment, ex ma on, etc. to help the customer in me and costs foresights in order to perform the planned work. Tesmec is not a “simple producer” - is Your partner! Tesmec offers a Local Service too: teams of local technicians trained by Tesmec are available for local assistance.

Photo 6 Technical Training on railway equipment in China Photo 7 First prac cal course to FSK in Russia to simulate main stringing opera ons

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10 At the end of the course all par cipants receive a training cer ficate. Furthermore, all Tesmec qualified operators receive a magne c card for acknowledgement. We believe that the key to our success lies also in making training eec ve.

11 Photo 8 Technical Training on s nging equipment in Australia Photo 9 Rock Hawg Demo Day in UK Photo 10 Technical Report by Tesmec technicians on digging ac vi es for customer support Photo 11 Tesmec Training cer ficates Photo 12 Tesmec magne c cards for qualified operators

12 TESMEC S.p.A - Headquarters via Zanica, 17/O - 24050 Grassobbio (BG) - Italy Tel. +39.035.423 2911 - Fax +39.035.4522444 Management and Administra on Fax +39.035.4522445 Stringing Equipment Division - Fax +39.035.335664 Trencher Division www.tesmec.com - info@tesmec.it

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