TesmecMag-2012-08-TR-Fiber Optic projects

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Tesmec esmecMag

08#2012 July 10th


Mr. Marcello ManenƟ, Sales Manager, describes the latest main worldwide projects of Tesmec in the field of fiber opƟc and cable networks installaƟon.

TESMEC ON THE PROJECT “SOLUTIONS FOR FIBER OPTIC & CABLE NETWORKS” Since 1984, TESMEC has been building hard rock trenchers to operate day in and day out under extreme condi on. The very first model produced was so successful that it became the choice for hard rock cu ng by contractors working for most of the major u lity companies world-wide. With the heavy construc on and the drive train design, these trenchers are the ideal choice for the most difficult condi ons all over the world. Tesmec is specialized in the design, produc on and marke ng of high powered tracked trenchers for linear excava on of underground networks and pipelines or bulk excava on, also in hard rock. A mix of Chainsaw and Rocksaw models are nowadays produced in order to fulfil the different demands of the contractors working for the biggest

telecommunica on and electrical power companies. High produc vity (m/h) and minimal environmental impact are considered key factors when crea ng a network, that’s the reason why Tesmec developed a full range of trenchers for these applica ons. Long-distance and urban-ring machines have been developed since the nine es, and today Tesmec trenchers can be equipped with an integrated laying system for which these machines can in one single pass - dig, clean the ditch, lay the cables and even back-fill the excavated trench. Tradi onal digging methods (bucket excavators) are definitely superseded and all the major telecom companies, as well as the major power companies, are now reques ng their network to be built with this innova ve technology.

Tesmec esmecMag 08#2012 1

TESMEC OFFERS: Complete Range of: • Heavy duty track trenchers • Automa c laying systems • Consumables and spare parts Training and Staff for: • Opera ons • Maintenance • Supervision/Surveys • •


Site Management Project management

Technical support including: • Route Survey • Layout Design • Geological Studies • Evalua on of Produc vity/Costs • Jobsite Op miza on (produc vity; working methods) • Cost Op miza on

Photo 1 Detail of laying system, Chainsaw, France - Model 950SLO Photo 2 Evalua on of geological informa on



CLIENT: Transnet CONTRACTOR: Spie Capag (France) / Group 5 / WK Construc on Joint Venture 24” inches mul purpose pipe (including fiber op c cable for data transfering), 576 km project length TESMEC EQUIPMENT: #4 1475 (90 tons, 630 HP) TESMEC STAFF: #1 Construc on manager; #1 Supervisor; #2 Mechanics; #8 Operators TRENCHING TIMEFRAME: 9 months

Photo 3 New Mul Product Pipeline Project, South Africa Model 1475



MAIN CONTRACTOR: Nour Communica ons ~900 km OSP TESMEC EQUIPMENT: Tesmec Equipment: #2 1275 (70 tons, 525 HP, Rocksaw a achment), #2 1150 (50 tons, 440 HP, Rocksaw a achment), #2 950SL (27 tons, 260 HP, Chainsaw a achment, Self levelling undercarriage), #4 950SLO (27 tons, 260 HP, Chainsaw a achment, Self levelling undercarriage, Digging Offset)

MOBILY ETISALAT, SAUDI ARABIA MAIN CONTRACTOR: Stesa (Thales Group) ~600 km OSP TESMEC EQUIPMENT: #1 1150 (50 tons, 440 HP, Rocksaw a achment), #2 950SLO (27 tons, 260 HP, Chainsaw a achment, Self levelling undercarriage, Digging Offset)

Photo 4 Ministry of Defense and Avia on Project, Saudi Arabia Model 1150


NATIONAL GUARD, SAUDI ARABIA MAIN CONTRACTOR: Nour Communica ons ~1100 km OSP TESMEC EQUIPMENT: #2 1275 (70 tons, 525 HP, Rocksaw a achment), #2 1150 (50 tons, 440 HP, Rocksaw a achment), #2 950SL (27 tons, 260 HP, Chainsaw a achment, Self levelling undercarriage), #4 950SLO (27 tons, 260 HP, Chainsaw a achment, Self levelling undercarriage, Digging Offset)

L.P.T.I.C., LIBYA MAIN CONTRACTORS: Sir CONTRACTOR: Nour Communica ons ~1000 km OSP TESMEC EQUIPMENT: #1 950SL for Nour (27 tons, 260 HP, Chainsaw a achment, Self levelling undercarriage), #2 950SLO for Sir (27 tons, 260 HP, Chainsaw a achment, Self levelling undercarriage, Digging Offset)

Photo 6 Lybian Post Telecommunica ons Informa on Company Project - Trench detail

Photo 5 Na onal Guard Project, Saudi Arabia - Model 1275




TESMEC EQUIPMENT: #3 885SLO (25 tons, 205 HP, Chainsaw a achment, Self levelling undercarriage, Digging Offset, Automa c Laying System), #2 300SLO (9 tons, 101 HP, Rocksaw a achment, Self levelling undercarriage, Digging Offset, Automa c Laying system)

ORANGE AND TUNISIANA FIBER OPTIC NETWORKS, TUNISIA ~150 km OSP - for client Orange ~80 km OSP - for client Tunisiana MAIN CONTRACTOR: ESCOM TESMEC EQUIPMENT: #1 300SLO (9 tons, 101 HP, Rocksaw a achment, Self levelling undercarriage, Digging Offset), #1 950SL (27 tons, 260 HP, Chainsaw a achment, Self levelling undercarriage)


T.I.M. BACKBONE PROJECT, BRASIL CLIENT: Telecom Italia Mobile Brasil MAIN CONTRACTOR: Telecomunicação Lt




SUB CONTRACTOR: Artech Artech Serviços, Consultoria e Projetos Ltda TESMEC EQUIPMENT: #1 775 (220 HP, Chainsaw a achment), #1 750 (205 HP, Chainsaw a achment), #1 950SL (27 tons, 260 HP, Chainsaw a achment, Self levelling undercarriage)


~200 km OSP (ongoing 1st phase of the project)

Photo 7 Model 885 for Telecom Fiber Op c Network Project, Algeria Photo 8 Fiber Op c Networks Project, Tunisia - Model 300 Photo 9 Model 750 for T.I.M. Backbone Project, Brasil

TESMEC S.p.A - Headquarters via Zanica, 17/O - 24050 Grassobbio (BG) - Italy Tel. +39.035.423 2911 - Fax +39.035.4522444 Management and Administra on Fax +39.035.4522445 Stringing Equipment Division - Fax +39.035.335664 Trencher Division www.tesmec.com - info@tesmec.it

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