Tesmec esmecMag
10#2012 10 #2012 November 11th
Mr. Paolo Celeri Business Development Director, describes the creaƟon of the first Tesmec scale-models thanks to the agreement with Hobby & Work.
HOBBY & WORK AND TESMEC “The first Tesmec scale-models in the world” We are pleased to communicate that Hobby & Work, one of the most important Italian publishers specialized in collec bles, has realized 4 pamphlets dedicated to Tesmec, published every 15 days. Hobby & Work shown interest in Tesmec’s products (Trencher and Gallmac) for its project called “Collezionare Macchine Movimento Terra” and has cooperated with our company to realize 4 diecast models in 1:87 scale. Certainly this is a very good opportunity for Tesmec interna onal and na onal visibility! Release dates of the publica ons were on: March 31st - release n°28 - 975 Rocksaw April 14th - release n°29 - 1150 Rock Hawg April 27th - release n°30 - 885 Chainsaw May 11th - release n°31 - RMW115
On 2011 during the exhibi on “Samoter” in Verona, Hobby & Work no ced in Tesmec brand the opportunity to realize an editorial work with scale-models of Tesmec machines, belonging to the earth moving machines field. For the first me our Marke ng Department has collaborated with Hobby & Work to create a collec on dedicated to these beau ful Tesmec diecast models. These scale-models are well-adjustable and have been produced in metal and in plas c to reflect the original machine with absolute loyalty. This publishing venture is a chance to make the machines used in worldwide job-sites the main character through an absolutely unmissable exclusive collec on for all construc on mechanics and collec ng lovers. We waited for it for much me, but it was worth one’s while.
Tesmec esmecMag 10 10#2012 #2012 1
The Tesmec trencher 975 Rocksaw is a specialized machine for underground laying opera ons. This trencher is able to realize any kind of trench rock excava on in perfect autonomy thanks to its back-end and to the efficient engine-hydraulic system.
Powerful and flexible, the Tesmec trencher 1150XHD has been designed for mining applica ons and for drainages of agricultural soil, always guarantying efficiency and reliability.
The Tesmec trencher 885 Chainsaw is a specialized machine to realize rock excava ons for laying pipelines and cables. Equipped to operate on any kind of soil during any weather condi ons, it’s an efficient and safety working machine.
The Tesmec Gallmac RMW 115, designed to operate on every kind of soil everywhere, is able to achieve the same work of a complete range of job-sites machines, exploi ng its main quali es: agility and versa lity.
Tesmec esmecMag 10 10#2012 #2012 Tesmec has granted to Hobby & Work a license for the use of its logo and rela ve graphic representa on, exclusively with the intent to produce in scale-models. Hobby & Work has planned the marke ng, the adver sing and the promo on of our models, not only directly in Italy, but also abroad with the collabora on with foreign publishers. These scale-models has been distributed with the collec on “Collezionare Macchine Movimento Terra”, marketed trough the newspaper kiosk channel, subscrip ons and sale through post. Tesmec is proud to present its own scale-models, especially because our brand appears with the most famous brands of the earth moving field. Our customers and our suppliers have strongly appreciated our new Tesmec scale-models. For the colle bles lovers it’s possible to find them on E-bay too. Thanks to these collabora on with Hobby & Work, Tesmec aims to op mize its brand awareness and its visibility also through different channels. The publishing industry lend oneself especially well to contents diffusion on different media pla orms: in fact Hobby & Work diffuses its magazines also on its own web site.
This project reflects exactly the arrangement of Tesmec to con nuous news, approaching an innova ve and dynamic aspect, one of the first elements that customers could find in all Tesmec’s products.
Photo 5 Pamphlets of trencher 885 and Gallmac RMW115 Photo 6 Gallmac RMW 115, Railways type with reverse bucket
Photo 7 New trencher: 775DT Dirt Series, Chainsaw
Tesmec esmecMag 10 10#2012 #2012
The mul purpose Gallamc machine is more known than trenchers: in fact this collabora on with Hobby & Work is another way to test the pres ge of Tesmec’s products, especially to make more known our trenchers, specialized machines for large trench rock, for laying power cables, fiber op c, pipelines, quarry applica ons, agricultural and sites prepara on.
Tesmec Brand Awarness
Some interesƟng datas Through a careful analisy of datas we received from Hobby & Work, Tesmec could inform you that: •
3000 copies of every scale-model machine have been ditributed to different newspaper kiosks in Italy
500 copies have been delivered for subscrip ons
the newspaper kiosk channel has sold between 2300 and 2500 copies for every scale-models machine
Thanks to these results Tesmec is very sa sfied and could point out with success and pride the increase of its brand awarness.
TESMEC S.p.A - Headquarters via Zanica, 17/O - 24050 Grassobbio (BG) - Italy Tel. +39.035.423 2911 - Fax +39.035.4522444 Management and Administra on Fax +39.035.4522445 Stringing Equipment Division - Fax +39.035.335664 Trencher Division www.tesmec.com - info@tesmec.it