Tesmec esmecNews
03#2012 February 20th
Mr. Alberto Oscar Technical director of Stringing Equipment Division, describes some of the incoming news for Stringing Equipment 2012.
Tesmec Group has always been hallmarked for its considerable commitment given to research and development of leadingedge technological solu ons. Tesmec is focused on market and on specific customers needs.
This machine is a truck-mounted version of the puller model ARS907. It can travel to the job site along public roads at the top speed (80÷100 km/h) and reach very difficult loca ons by the Since the beginning, Tesmec designed high power Volvo Truck model FM 84R and manufactured machines in line with B3CSX. the latest innova on and requirements in The puller can string one rope with high the stringing equipment field. pulling force, so the machine is suitable Tesmec, with con nuous investments for long span and/or heavy bundled in R&D, keeps the worldwide leading conductors. posi on in equipment innova on and Both hydraulic system and Diesel engine are electronically controlled with applica on of new technologies. integrated safety systems. The puller is Tesmec offers the most extended and completed by a built-in self-loaded reel advanced range of stringing machines as winder with an automa c level wind, by Pullers, Tensioners and Puller-Tensioners front plough and rear stabiliser. All this with a complete range of accessories and part are hydraulically controlled. tools.
Tesmec esmecNews 03#2012 The truck-mounted ARS912 is one of the most powerful Tesmec hydraulic puller:
Maximum pulling force: 280 KN Bull-Wheels diamter: 960 mm Max Steel rope diameter: 38 mm Mass: 25400 Kg
Truck DescripƟon Brand Model Drive Weight Kerb weight Payload Performances Payload Top speed Turning radius kerb Engine Model Power Torque Gearbox Model Forward Backward
Volvo FM 84R B3CSX 8x4 10080 kg 14920 kg 14825 kg 80÷100 km/h 19 m D13A400 294 kW 2000 Nm VT2009B 8+1 2
Photo 1 - 2 Truck mounted puller model ARS912 3D Rendering Photo 3 Truck mounted puller model ARS912 2D View
Tesmec esmecNews 03#2012 PULLER-TENSIONER AFB707 Basing on successful experiences of AFB613 and AFB506, Tesmec has produced a new hydraulic puller-tensioner for big conductors, suitable to string one or two ropes or bundled conductors with two pairs of bull-wheels with completely independent controls. This machine is perfect for big span situa ons, especially for river or mountain crossing applica ons.
The machine is equipped with new bogies with suspension system. This system is recommended in the following condi ons: •
Unstable Job Site Soil
Muddy condi ons
The device u lise standard size of tyres.
The max conductor diameter allowed is 46 mm and the max rope diameter is 24 mm. This puller-tensioner has all the preroga ves of the machines of the last genera on, such as pull and speed synchronizing. Transmission Power Lines with high number of conductors per bundle (6/8 or 10) and/or with huge conductor sec ons requires a very high pulling force both at Puller than at Tensioner sta ons. Tesmec proposes the top advanced solu on to use this puller-tensioner in mul ple number, therefore these machine working together can string simultaneously up to 10 bundled conductors wit a total pulling force of 900 kN.
Photo 4 Puller-tensioner model AFB707
Photo 5 Puller-tensioner model AFB707 3D Rendering
Tesmec esmecNews 03#2012 The machine can be equipped with a large number of technologically advanced addi onal devices.
Maximum pulling/tensioning force: 2 x 90 KN or 1 x 180 KN
Photo 6 Puller-tensioner model AFB707 drawings
Bull-wheels diameter: 1800 mm Max Steel rope diameter: 24 mm Max Steel conductor diameter: 46 mm Mass: 13500 Kg
BOF340/BOA350 These reels are the example of high tech product, made of welded steel with protec ve coa ng. Each reel is provided with two cross supports and connec ng bolts in separate package. The model BOF340 is a pilot rope take up reel for 400 m of diameter 6 mm rope, equipped with a winder to easily rewind the rope. It has been designed to couple to the back harness BOA350, that is used to transport a small reel. A reel with reduced dimensions has various advantages: at first it allows the operator to easily bring the rope in areas generally very hard to access with motorised machines. Its layout of a backpack with the rear reel allows easily working with the rope by reducing the hard work. The eďŹƒciency of the working me is another considerable advantage guaranteed by this reel, because it doesn’t require the usage of other tools.
Photo 7 Pilot rope take up reel Model BOF340 Photo 8 Back harness Model BOA350
TESMEC S.p.A - Headquarters via Zanica, 17/O - 24050 Grassobbio (BG) - Italy Tel. +39.035.423 2911 - Fax +39.035.4522444 Management and Administra on Fax +39.035.4522445 Stringing Equipment Division - Fax +39.035.335664 Trencher Division www.tesmec.com - info@tesmec.it