TesmecNews-2012-09-SE-Bertel Ilight

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Tesmec esmecNews

09#2012 November 13th


Antonio Marchese, Director of New Technologies Division, describes the integrated pla orm for grid management.

INTEGRATED PLATFORM FOR GRID MANAGEMENT Trends of the global energy system show a relevant growth in electricity demand along with a constant need for increasing efficiency and quality of Energy Supply. In response to these demanding constraints, Tesmec is increasing its presence in a new market segment: Grid efficiency, control & management. Through company policies of partnerships and acquisi ons, Tesmec is strengthening its presence by covering the role of system integrator of vital Smart Grid func ons: Communica ons, Measuring and Management. A boos ng in grid performances and energy efficiency is the immediate consequence of proposed integra on. Tesmec mission is to bring smartness into power grids, an exci ng challenge in step with the mes.

Tesmec esmecNews 09#2012 THE SMART GRID INNOVATION Today there are many defini ons of SMART GRID. One of my favorite is the following: “Smart grid generally refers to a class of technology people are using to bring u lity electricity delivery systems into the 21st century, using computer-based remote control and automa on. These systems are made possible by two-way communica on technology and computer processing that has been used for decades in other industries.” The flow of the electricity is the key element genera ng the need of a Smart Grid. Due to renewable energy sources, the flow of electricity is no more unidirec onal from genera on point to u liza on points. Exis ng electrical grid has been designed and built to manage only the unidirec onal flow of electricity. Reverse flows generated by renewable micro distributed energy sources are hindering grid func onali es.

Only a new way to control and manage the grid can address the issue. Tesmec choice is to address the primary aspects that will enable all future developments. Communica on infrastructure for field data collec on and for remote control is our focus. Modularity, Scalability and Standard Protocol Implementa on allow TESMEC solu ons to accommodate backward interoperability requirements, save distributor past investments and allow at the same me future-proof implementa on. A Robust, Fast, Reliable Communica ons Infrastructure is the corner stone of our solu on in order to measure, analyze and control today’s grid by using tomorrow’s solu ons. Tesmec can offer a complete solu on for monitoring and controlling the grid, managing necessary data communica ons through robust and effec ve devices and architectures.


2 Figure 1 SMART GRID Distributed Intelligence in theTrasformer Sta on Figure 2 Open Grid Framework. Integra on of Mul -Media Communica on Services

Tesmec esmecNews 09#2012 Today the Group is involved in a pilot project with A2A u lity concerning the development of a communica ons network between substa ons in Brescia (Northern Italy). The Communica ons Network is based on Broad Band Power Line that provides net data throughput of more than 5 Mb/s between substa ons on-field. Tesmec is also a member of “EnergyLab” founda on, that promotes research and innova on in the field of energy and related environmental issues. Furthermore, Tesmec par cipate to the “EUROPEAN PROJECT INTEGRIS”, a project that proposes the development of a novel and flexible ICT infrastructure based on a hybrid Power Line Communica on-wireless integrated communica ons system able to completely and efficiently fulfill the communica ons requirements foreseen for the Smart Electricity Networks of the future.

HV GRID MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS Disturbances and faults in systems High Voltage Power Lines can result in severe voltage drops and power blackouts, affec ng en re regions or even countries.

Tesmec is deeply involved in HV Management; advanced coopera on with Russian “OAO FSK” is in place on a new High Voltage Temperature Sensor System (AHV-TSS). The AHV-TSS system allows dynamic monitoring of the temperatures along the en re line through the placement of temperature sensors at points considered significant for the following purposes: •

Thermal Image of the line;

Monitoring of cri cal line points. Example: joints, clamps, etc.

The system can be used for maintenance of the power line in order to prevent the possible failure of junc on elements of the line. The system can evolve to a Complete System for the Assessment of the Power Line Capacity.


The typical protec on-system architecture on a high-voltage transmission line consists of three main components: protec on relays, tele-protec on equipment and a reliable telecommunica ons system. Tele-protec on acts as a physical interface between the telecommunica on infrastructure and the protec on relays. It is essen al for the transmission of informa on generated by protec on relays (“commands”), and must sa sfy the most stringent response me and selec vity requirements in case of power system fault condi ons.


Figure 3 Wind Farms & Transmission Grid Figure 4 Dynamic thermal ra ng - Forecas ng of highvoltage line capacity

Tesmec esmecNews 09#2012 NEW MARKET SEGMENTS IN THE STRATEGY OF TESMEC In the High Voltage Segment, Tesmec oers: ENERGY AUTOMATION: Advanced TV/TA measurement systems. COMMUNICATIONS: Advanced Power Line Carrier - BPL 1000. Line Trap and Matching Unit. TELE-PROTECTION: Selec ve Tele-Protec on system with analog and digital carriers.

Bertel S.p.A., based in Piacenza, is a start-up partecipated by Tesmec and ac ve in the field of High Voltage measurements, communica ons and automa on. Bertel S.p.A. oers innova ve technological solu ons for the Power Grids Management and has a very high exper se and know-how in con nuous development thanks to its advanced technological solu ons. BLM-1000 In the Medium & Low Voltage Segment, Tesmec designs and develops Integrated Systems for Communica ons, Monitoring and Managing the Distribu on Grid. Specifically: SENSING, ANALYTICS AND CONTROL: Electrical measurements, Switch status, Local faults detec on, Power Quality Assessment. COMMUNICATIONS: BPL over MV-LV (Broadband over power lines), TCP/IP, Mesh, Rou ng. ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Energy Monitoring, Smart Metering & Automated metering Support, Fault & Alarms Monitoring, Power Quality support.

I-light is the Tesmec Service division that operates as a System Integrator and Value Added Reseller in the Power Grid area. I-light designs and implements Integrated Systems for Monitoring, Managing and Controlling Distribuon Power Grids and specific applica ons on the Medium and Low Voltage Grid. I-light implements pilot projects as well as proven technology deployments for Smart Grid solu ons with the partnership of Domes c and Mul na onal Manufacturing Companies.


TESMEC S.p.A - Headquarters via Zanica, 17/O - 24050 Grassobbio (BG) - Italy Tel. +39.035.423 2911 - Fax +39.035.4522444 Management and Administra on Fax +39.035.4522445 Stringing Equipment Division - Fax +39.035.335664 Trencher Division www.tesmec.com - info@tesmec.it

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